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  • Welcome to the TransPulse Forums!

    We offer a safe, inclusive community for transgender and gender non-conforming folks, as well as their loved ones, to find support and information.  Join today!


    Note, Admirers are not welcomed here.


This event began 11/12/2017 and repeats every week on Saturday forever

This support group meeting is held online in the TransPulse live chat rooms.  It is scheduled from 9:00 to 10:00 PM Eastern time every Saturday.  MtF members are invited to join to discuss topics related to transitioning and other challenges facing the MtF community.
Location: MtF Room
Moderator: Ashley40


This event began 08/15/2016 and repeats every week on Sunday forever

This support group meeting is held online in the in the TransPulse live chat rooms.  It is scheduled from 9:00 to 10:00 PM Eastern time every Sunday.  Members who are in recovery or currently struggling with addiction are welcome to join for an AA/NA-style discussion.
Location: Substance Abuse Room
Moderators: Charlize and VickySGV


This event began 08/30/2016 and repeats every week on Monday forever

This support group meeting is held online in the TransPulse live chat rooms.  It is scheduled from 9:00 to 10:00 PM Eastern time every Monday.  MtF members are invited to join to discuss topics related to transitioning and other challenges facing the MtF community.
Location: MtF Room
Moderator: Ashley40


This event began 08/12/2016 and repeats every week on Thursday forever

This support group meeting is held online in the TransPulse live chat rooms.  It is scheduled from 8:00 to 10:00 PM Eastern time every Thursday.
Location: Meeting Room
Moderator: Monica Jennifer


This event began 08/12/2016 and repeats every week on Thursday forever

This support group meeting is held online in the TransPulse live chat rooms.  It is scheduled from 8:00 to 10:00 PM Eastern time every Thursday.  Both pre- and post-op MtF members are invited to join to discuss topics related to SRS.
Location: MtF Room
Moderator: Ashley40 

Contact TransPulse

TransPulse can be contacted in the following ways:

Email: Click Here.

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