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I'm Out

Guest jazz92

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Guest jazz92

right as you know now i'm out but i'm not happy about it as i forgot to delete my browsing history so my mum and sister found out about this website and all the g,i,d websites i was looking but overall my mum doesn't seem to care much :blush: and my sister has been taking the **** about it :angry: i just hope now things will get easier

well now i'm off to hide in cave for a few days for it sink in :P


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Guest Donna Jean

well now i'm off to hide in cave for a few days for it sink in :P


Well, take a plastic to lay on...it's damp in there!

Well, you're out now...you just have to ride it out....good luck, Hon...

Remember...90% of the things that we worry about never happens..


Donna Jean

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Guest ~Lily~

I just came out recently and I stayed in my room all day yesterday, scared to come out and face anyone X3 so I know how you're feeling honey. >_< I'm planning on facing my dad today since he replied to my email and he took things well.

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Guest i is Sam :-)

your sister taking the mick probably means she's accepting too, or maybe she feels a little unsure / uncomfortable and so is making jokes. But I think it's good to be good humoured about it, so try to smile and joke along with her, be sure to give as good as you get.

Anyway consider yourself lucky, that's done now, you didn't have to difficult conversation, you were just kinda forced into getting it over with and it turned out ok.

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Guest jazz92

ha thanks guys, vyxie i done that when my mum found my girls clothes, sam yeah it is good to joke about it as i do it when i'm scared and my sister is slightly coming around to it, yeah i was forced but my fault for being an idiot, anyways my mum said she always wanted more girls.

btw donna jean i didn't need the plastic i just went for a long drive and ended up at brighton beach

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Guest ~Brenda~

Dearest Jazz,

My love, coming out is both the most terrifying and exhilarating experience one can have. Please do not feel that you must hide in a cave. You have nothing to be ashamed of my lamb :) You are exploring transgendered sites for a very serious reason... you sense/know that you are transgendered. This is very serious and demands understanding.

I am sorry that you were "discovered" instead of being able to come out in your own time. Hon, I have been there... I know how that feels. I was in a restaurant having lunch with some family members when one of them shoved a piece of paper under my nose that was a printout of a post that I had made. I was confronted right then and there, in public, in the restaurant.

Since, I was absolutely sure of who I was and what I was all about, and that being transgendered was core and fundamental to who I am. I was able to explain myself with honesty and sincerity.

When you are sure of who you are, coming out either by your choice or by confrontation is of no consequence. You are who you are and others can see without question you are who you are.

I know you are scared hon. Fear not my love, explain to them that you have questions and you need answers.

Ask them to help you and to see a gender therapist.

With total Love


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Guest jazz92

it was pretty Gosh darned terrifying,and at least now i don't have to hide myself much now but it was really annoying as i wanted to start some sort of therapy before i said anything.

wow, how insensitive could have they been, if it was me they would need a bodybag.

yeah i know that i am sure of who i am and i know i'm still young will a possibility of my mind changing but over the past 16 months there is 100% chance of it not happening and since i've felt like this, when i found out transsexualism it was just like thats me. it felt weird at first because there was a name for it, and then finding out about being able to have srt was just marvellous i would be able to be me and then it was a case getting the courage to tell my doctor.

i just now really want to tell the rest of my friends so i can stop alienating them. and if anybody can't accept me they know where the door is

i've already been to the doctors about it and i'm just waiting on the referral to come through

hugs & kisses

(btw the sorry the rant it's just that i organised my mind and things are just coming out in the masses, it's probably caused a headache for whoever reads this so if i could i would pass around headache tablets)

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