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My E3000 Journey

Guest LizMarie

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Guest LizMarie

I am going to use this thread to document my sessions and progress (or lack thereof if that is what happens) with E3000, the transgender specialist hair removers located in Dallas, Texas.

Today I am home from my session with E3000 yesterday, on December 18th. They managed a full facial clear with two technicians in just over 10 hours total (5 hours per tech). Originally they expected a lot more hours so I got off easy. This was because neither my cheeks nor throat were as densely bearded as they initially feared based on the facial photos I'd submitted.

Their current rates are $110 per hour. My bill for this session was $1100, of which they already had part paid for by my deposit.

They use a sheathed needle so that the electrical and heat effects are only applied at the base of the hair follicle and not the length of the entire shaft which can cause more scarring and also damages collagen structures within the skin.

My face was very swollen and also very red in the immediate aftermath of those 10 hours. This is normal and their aftercare handout explains how to treat these conditions - ibuprofen, ice on the affected areas (20 minutes on/20 minutes off) and zinc oxide cream to promote healing.

The swelling goes down on its own over the first few weeks time.

I do plan to do some photos. I have a pre-session photo and an post-session photo today showing the swelling. I'm going to add a third photo in about a week's time once swelling has subsided. I have not yet uploaded these photos but I will and will link them here when I do.

Thus far I am very pleased at what I see aside from the serious swelling. My next appointment is February 13th. Appointments should be made every 6-8 weeks according to them in order to properly address all the remaining facial hair growth cycles. I was informed that my time in the chair will likely begin to drop as we proceed. We'll see how that works out.

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  • Forum Moderator

Thank you for posting dear. I'm certainly glad it took a bit less time than expected. Still sounds like a difficult day but progress!!!! Rest and relax as you can so you'll heal faster.



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  • Forum Moderator

Congrats Liz, now cool those pores and enjoy the smoothness.


Cyndi -

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Guest LizMarie

Here is a before/after photo from the first session. The tiny hairs left in the after photo are not normal stubble but are dead hair fragments that are being pushed out by the skin as the swelling drops and the skin heals. Even with those though, it is very apparent that the first session removed massive amounts of facial hair. The picture doesn't show it but the neck hair was as dense as the chin and about the same grey coloration.

I was informed that in 2-3 weeks I should begin really seeing the second growth wave begin. We'll see how dense that is. The second session will likely be nearly as long as the first, but after that sessions should begin to be seriously fewer charge hours (probably switching to just one tech from session 3 forward).

You can also see some of the residual swelling (it was way worse three days ago!) and some of the residual redness as the skin heals.

I will be posting before and after pics in this thread for each session that I go to.The next session will be February 13th. At this point I am extremely pleased with the results of the first session.


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  • Forum Moderator

Congrats Liz !!

You did really well, amazing actually. When you look at what's on your face in the left picture, makes me shudder (eeek) and what we have had to put up with (no more !!)


Cyndi -

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Guest LizMarie

Thanks! I'm really pleased at this point. And many of those tiny hairs literally rub off when I gently wash my face each morning.

That's just one growth wave. I've been told to expect the second wave to be almost as dense as the first in 7 weeks when I go back. After that I'm told it begins to diminish, in some cases very fast.

I am told that one of the reasons that E3000 can finish full facial electrolysis in under 100 hours very often is because of the full clears. Most other people go to a local electrologist for an hour or two each week. By the time 8 weeks have passed, they've barely scratched part of one growth cycle and the next cycle is up. This means it can take many repeated visits for each cycle to get rid of each growth cycle. That was how it was explained to me at the E3000 shop.

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Guest Melissa~

Spectacular, and swelling doesn't look too bad given the time frame.

I inquired about E3k (there are some old threads about it) last year. I settled for laser, and electrolysis finish. I have to recommend that course if a laser will work on at least half of the whiskers.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest LizMarie

As promised, I am visually documenting my progress with E3000. I forgot to take an immediate pre-session before photo so I grabbed one at the 1.5 hour break mark. By that time the upper lip was largely cleared and work had also begun on the lower right side of the chin but it still conveys the amount of facial hair which was about the same as session one. I was told not to expect significant decrease in facial hair overall until we’ve completed at least four sessions but I will remark that there were more small “bald” spots on my face this time meaning less overall hair total.


The above were taken February 13th, 2014, in Dallas. The before photo was about 1.5 hours into the session and the after photo was immediately upon arrival back at my hotel around 5pm.

Swelling continued to worsen throughout the evening even with ice packs. I have a picture of the maximum swelling and I will pair that will a picture after swelling is gone in a few more days. Already on Saturday, just two days in, the swelling had reduced greatly. Given that I have a meeting at the office on Monday afternoon, I am hoping it continues to drop and is mostly not noticeable by Monday afternoon.

I am pleased with the results again.

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  • Forum Moderator

Good deal Liz !! May it continue to go well into your next treatments.

It's just not easy, no matter what route you take....

Cyndi -

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  • 1 month later...
Guest LizMarie

Below are the before and after for session 3, on April 4, 2014. Of note to me, I am seeing significant change in the upper and lower lip area between session 1 before and session 3 before. The chin and jawline are still pretty dense.


As a reminder to myself, costs were over $1100 for the first session, over $1000 for the second session, and $751 (and change) for the third session. The first two sessions involved two techs for 5 hours each (10 total hours) and 4.5 hours each (9 total hours) respectively. The third session was actually harder because it was one tech but I was in the chair for 7 hours total. There were breaks in there, including an hour for lunch, but total actual chair time was about just under 7 hours. So there was maybe 25% less hair total to be removed than during the first two sessions.

My next appointment is May 30th. I'm eager to see what the before photo looks like then.

I will note that my face has been smoother this time for longer than each of the first two sessions. I also took a few hours the second evening back and used tweezers to pull dead hairs that had broken off. It's very easy to tell which are dead and which are not. The live hairs still hurt like the dickens when yanked! The dead ones don't hurt at all, and occasionally slide out so easy that it's funny. I got about a hundred dead hairs then couldn't find any more, though I did yank 6 or so live ones along the way. :)

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Guest Erika_1984

I had 5 sessions with them, lots of money down the drain, and I still have facial hair that I have to shave everyday (and also my times of mental instability when I stopped taking hormones).

My dad criticized me, saying that I was "naturally masculine," and that zapping hairs would just cause more to grow. Knowing I still have to shave, his words ring unbearably true.

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Guest Melissa~

There are ~80,000 or so hairs on the face, only a fraction are visible at any given time. At a ten second per hair treatment time it takes hundreds of hours. Woah into someone treating slower than ten seconds per hair. 5 sessions isn't a waste, it's just egregiously insufficient Erika. Lizmarie is showing significant progress in each before picture.

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Guest LizMarie

Sabrina, at E3000, said she thought I was a "7 to 9" session girl. :) We'll see! She said that between the 3rd and 5th session is when most people begin to notice significant decreases but are nowhere near done. But everyone is different.

I will note that today, a week after the session, there are still zero beard follicles even beginning to show but I had a few showing by the one week mark after the first two sessions. I will also note that my HRT may be having an impact as what facial hair I feel growing is very very fine right now.

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Guest Erika_1984

There are ~80,000 or so hairs on the face, only a fraction are visible at any given time. At a ten second per hair treatment time it takes hundreds of hours. Woah into someone treating slower than ten seconds per hair. 5 sessions isn't a waste, it's just egregiously insufficient Erika. Lizmarie is showing significant progress in each before picture.

I was told the same thing as LizMarie; basically, at E3K they do all the live hairs on your face in one session. They have you come back every 6-8 weeks for the new round of hair that has grown. I've still got a bit of facial hair, though, which may be due at least partly to stopping hormones during periods of mental instability.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest LizMarie
E3000 has relocated from Carrollton to Lewisville, about 15 minutes further northwest. The new contact information is:


1-972-221-7268 | 1-972-221-7860 (fax)

105 Kathryn Dr., Suite C

Lewisville,TX 75062

My most recent session was on Friday, May 30th, and I didn't do pics this time. There is still slow steady progress being made. This time however we went back to 2 techs because I had extra dense hair growth on the lower chin and the neck area below the chin. The outer edges of the neck are thinning. The upper and lower lip continue to slowly thin. And the cheeks are very very sparse now.

Because of the extra hair, this session ran $990 total and I was in the chair from about 10am to about 4pm with one tech finishing around 3pm and we all took a one hour break for lunch in there from about 12:30 to 1:30.

My next session is July 18th. I am pleased at the continuing progress. Facial hair removal is long, slow, and tedious but E3000 lets me compartmentalize it to just once every two months instead of every week.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Forum Moderator

That's great Liz, getting ever closer to the dream of a smooth face forever !

Cyndi -

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Guest LizMarie

Here is the update. The session was over very quickly, less than five total technician hours, for $515 total. The senior technician said that the decrease in facial hair was very obvious to her. Compare this to over 10 hours total on the first session back in December 2013. Time in the chair is now down to half.

I am attaching a composite photo of the before from session 1 (before I did any facial hair removal) and the before from session 5. There is still very clearly a long ways to go obviously, but just as obviously progress is being made. If you look at the two photos, the upper lip is clearly less dense as is the area all around the mouth and the center of the chin. Also, not as obvious from this photo, the cheeks are almost fully clear before this session.

I am not including an after photo this time because they all look the same. I've realized that the interesting comparisons are the before photos from each session. Finally, as she said is true for almost all customers, the lower chin and neckline are the very last areas to begin to thin and clear.


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Guest ashleynikole

Finally, as she said is true for almost all customers, the lower chin and neckline are the very last areas to begin to thin and clear.

This is what I've noticed too. My neck and chin are still there but they take a while to grow. As for my sideburn area, cheeks and jawline, they are pretty sporadic with hairs and we're talking a 30 min session would prolly remove all those. Lookin good Liz. This is the tortoise's race, not the hare...hehe.

God bless


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  • 1 month later...
Guest LizMarie

I underwent my sixth session at E3000 on September 12th. The before photo is a bit blurry but does show continued decreases in overall facial hair with remaining high density areas continuing to be the lower chin and neck.

I will note that the results seem different this time. In the past there tended to be more hairs broken off that had to push their way out afterwards and I would often pluck those. They never hurt because they were already dead. But now, three days after, there are still zero hairs to pluck, I suspect that HRT is continuing to change facial structure including thinning the skin in a more feminine manner, perhaps making yanking the hairs after being zapped easier. I will also note that the cheeks are almost completely cleared now and the upper lip gets completely cleared in less than 30 minutes.

My electrologist seems to be confident that we’re headed the right direction.


In other news, I have my appointment with my lawyer tomorrow (9/16) to begin the formal legal name and gender change process. If I can obtain all the relevant letters from doctors and such in time, she can include me in the September 29th session she is going to do. I’m looking forward to getting this step done. :)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest LizMarie
October 30th, 2014 session

I went into this session very aware that there was a lot less facial hair this time. It's getting thin everywhere now, even the neck. We've still got a ways to go but we've turned the corner on this.

My time in the chair was not quite a full 5 hours this time and total bill with tax was $586. And she took her time this time rather than speeding through. I didn't mind either because there were far fewer "leftover" hairs and now, just 6 days after that, my face really feels smooth and soft. I know it won't stay this way... yet, but it's a promise of things to come.

And... on the morning of November 5th, Wednesday, I got up and went to the bathroom and noticed something that I have never ever seen before as an adult. Looking in that mirror, for the first time in my adult life, there was no discoloration of the skin where facial hair normally grows. Today I could have literally walked out of the house with no makeup and there wouldn't have been a clue that I had ever had facial hair.

I am not done yet. I know this. But the progress has been swift and amazing and I am so very thankful for the professionals at E3000 and the work they do.

Next session: December 19th. That will be the 8th full session in one year's time since I started last year on December 18th. :) I am hoping to finish this project in the spring of 2015 and now it seems likely that goal will be reached.

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Oh what I wouldn't give to be able to do that there. The travel and lodging alone would cost me an extra $500 per session. I'd prolly not need many sessions as my hair is pretty sparse, but oh it would be nice to think about.

God bless


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest CindyLouCovington

It really is worth it,and I suppose that progress is sometimes erratic because of varying amounts of hair in growth cycles.Nice people at e3k.Going there in November I had an unpleasant experience with Greyhound bus lines.For some weird reason(or no reason) there is a "security" checkpoint between the waiting area and the rest of the station. I went to check the schedule board, and the Stormtrooper insisted on pawing through my purse. I had a container with one blood pressure pill and some Ibuprofen, which she confiscated because they were not in a prescription bottle.Aggravated me the whole rest of the trip.This stupid totalitarianism is spreading through the whole country.What did they think I was going to do, use a few pills to hijack the bus to Cuba? Welcome to the Fourth Reich!

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