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Goddess spirituality

Guest Debutante

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Guest Debutante

Historically there have been Goddess religions that have welcome transgendered persons, as new research is discovering.

Goddesses such as Isis, Cybele, and others.

Some resources:

Please use google to find the resources.

Edited by Debutante
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Hi Debutante,

So very true, and some of us have been leading the way back to worshipping those Goddesses. The Deity that I worship most closely nowadays is Freyja. In Old Norse (and modern Icelandic), I would describe myself as a Seidberendr (male to female transgender Norse shaman), and also a Freyjas Gydja (Priestess/Minister of Freyja). If and when I get SRS, I will become a Seidkona (female Norse shaman). Most if not all of the old religions recognised, and/or valued trans folk. I have posted some info in the Pagan spirituality section on this, check it out, most of what I post comes from a Norse-O-Centric position though. Lots of info is available, feel free to pm me, I love chatting about the topic. :)



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Guest Debutante

So good to met you Stephanie!

I'll have to read up on Freya and Norse paganism... I had read just a bit.

I am seeking a goddess compatible to me. Right now

I am in the Fellowship of Isis. I have studied Cybele and the ancient

Middle Eastern priestesses and TG involvement.

I am of Lithuanian ethnic background, as is my wife, who

is steeped in women's spirituality.

I am a CDer, not TG.


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Hi Debutante,

Have you heard of Romuva? It is the ancient indigenous religion of Lithuanians. My friend Prudence Priest is closely involved with them, and has property over there in the Baltic. I am not as familiar with their Goddesses, but all the European religions are ultimately related, and many Deities are even given names which are cognate with their equivalent in one of the other faiths. Of course I am quite familiar with Isis, and all the other Goddesses to some extent since my B.A. was in Ancient and Medieval History, and I studied comparative religion as part of my clergy training (I was ordained by Kveldulf Gundarsson in 1995). Since you are in the Fellowship of Isis, do you know of Isis Oasis? They have an active Temple of Isis, and I have been to their ceremonies, and rituals. It is located in Geyserville, California, and in addition to the Temple, they also have a nice animal sanctuary. Groovy stuff!



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Guest Debutante

I have heard of Romuva and know Romuva people... have their books. They don't have any TG spirituality

in their beliefs, and Lithuanians can be very homophobic, never mind

transphobic. But I am not out except to one person...

Very nice studies you how done! How accomplished...

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Wow, I didn't know that Lithuanians were primarily homo/trans phobic, that is disappointing. The only person I know who is active with Romuva is my old friend Prudence Priest, and she is very trans friendly. I don't know all that much about Romuva other than what Prudence has said in lectures at Pantheacon down in San Jose, and at WicCan Fest outside of Toronto. Their faith sounds rather similar to Heathenry, so I am surprised that they don't have similar beliefs regarding transgender spirituality. That is too bad, and quite disappointing. I will have to remember to ask Prudence about that. I do like learning things, even when things are not as I would prefer. I think it is better to know.

Fortunately, we universalist Heathens are very LGBT friendly! :) I am completely "out of the trans closet" nowadays, and live full time now as Stephanie. Of course it is kinda different for us transsexuals. I think it may be easier for us, since we have hormones helping. By that I mean that it isn't really easy for me to go back to being Gary since it would require binding my boobs. Since I won't do that, I kinda am forced into presenting as myself. I now have B cups! :) Hail to the Goddesses! :)



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Debutante

I speak of Lithuanians generally being phobic............. not in pagan religions per se.

Don't quote me on that. But most of Lithuanian society -- in Lithuania -- can be

very homo/trans phobic. It is different in the U.S. of course.

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Thanks for letting me know. I haven't been to Lithuania, the closest that I have come is Denmark, and Germany. I didn't fully "come out" until last year, so I don't really know personally how homo/trans phobic any place is for sure except the Washington D.C. area (not safe for trans, but I knew some trans folk when I lived there a few years ago), and North Bay California (which is very accepting, and it is where I live now). I do trust the knowledge of folks in the playground though, and I now have developed a mental idea of how trans friendly or not many places seem to be. I will add your info into my mental database, thanks. How are things in Connecticut? Groovy thread. :)

Hail the Goddesses!,


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    • MaeBe
      I would prefer a pill for society to forget their prejudices. I would prefer society abstain from the avarice of power. What actual harm have we caused that is worthy of the pain inflicted in that we seek to “remedy” ourselves.   Yes, surely, there is calm in oblivity. A dull, grey, painless calm. 
    • Betty K
      As to the question at hand, would I take some pills to wake up happy as a cis man? No, because I’m happy as a transfemme. But for many years the answer would have been yes. 
    • Betty K
      That’s good. I agree I can see how some folks might conflate the two. 
    • AllieJ
      Betty, I'm not conflating anything. There is no listing for transness, the only formal listing for diagnosis is for Gender Dysphoria. The official bodies have stayed away from using the term transgender as none can classify it. As the only diagnosis is Gender Dysphoria, I can see why the masses would conflate it with trans, and label us as with mental problems, as it is the only information they have!    Hugs,   Allie
    • VickySGV
      Logically taking his argument there, he is simply two in a line of 47 POTUS.  Kamala or Hillary would have been nothing first that way. Its the 2 count that makes her unique.
    • Betty K
      @AllieJ it sounds as though you’re conflating transness and gender dysphoria. The DSM-5 deliberately does not classify transness itself as a disorder. Dysphoria is simply the distress that can arise from gender incongruity. Nobody gets diagnosed as being transgender.
    • AllieJ
      The only formal diagnosis for us currently in place is in DSM-5, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. While currently there is no 'cure', as it is listed as a disorder, it leads towards the concept of 'cure'. In 2018 the WHO reclassified transgender from a mental condition to a medical condition within the normal range of human experience, named Gender Incongruence. Don't get offended by the term 'condition'. Life is a medical condition.    For the next couple of years the APA was asked when they would change the DSM to reflect the WHO classification, as most world bodies quickly adopted it. The APA finally released the DSM-5 classification for Gender Dysphoria, management admitting that part of the driver to their classification was to keep funding available under the American health system as driven by insurance companies. This has not benefitted the rest of the world whose healthy systems are government based.    Mental disorders are the least health condition accepted by the general public as they are generally abstract, and the public views sufferers as 'faulty'. We are not 'faulty' and I believe this classification of a mental disorder is wrong. This is why there is no 'cure' under the current system. But it is also why we struggle for legitimacy in the eyes of the general public, and why there is fear in the community. Think about it, would you be comfortable with your children sharing intimate spaces with someone diagnosed with a mental disorder? It would raise your caution levels, and has for much of the community. Right, or wrong, this is why MAGA gets support so easily.   Would I take the option to not be trans?   Let's see, being trans has given me terror through my childhood, critical distress through puberty, has robbed me the opportunity of ever having close friends lest they discover my secret, cost me 2 marriages and caused me to raise my children on my own, made me live in isolation as an adult so I could be myself behind locked doors and closed curtains, given me chronic stress to the point of a breakdown go my health, caused a heart attack and 2 cardiac arrests, and consigned me to loneliness in my senior years. Would I give all that up to have a so called 'normal' life with more wealth, friends, and a spouse? You bet!   Hugs,   Allie
    • Centered_Self89
      I agree with this also, let people be themselves. I didn't mean to say that anyone is more or less anything, more meant that being true to who you are isn't necessarily determined by outfit.
    • Graceful Curves
      The hormones are doing their thing.  I now have curves, small breasts, and a cute feminine belly.  Mom says I look pregnant, LOL!
    • MaeBe
      Just because we don’t do gender the same, doesn’t mean anyone is less or more so said gender—or a threat to yours. Let the person wear fishnets to the clinic. Wear that hoodie to church. Wear the makeup or don’t. But for the love of all that we hold dear, please stop clutching your pearls when someone dresses outside your boundaries of style or perceived appropriateness. 
    • Ivy
      he can't stop winning.  He beat both Hillary and Kamala to it!
    • Davie
      (Talk about silly) After his executive order on sex, is Trump legally the first female president? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/jan/25/trump-executive-order-sex  
    • Centered_Self89
      Yes! Very much this! Everywhere we are, that's who we are.
    • Ivy
      Welcome Bella
    • Ivy
      I agree.  There is something that is deep inside us that's independent of clothes etc.  They are only how we express ourselves in the moment.
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