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I definitely binge and compulsively eat!

jae bear

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21 hours ago, BrandiBri said:

Sorry about the name, Jackie! I had a brain fart I guess.

 Oh my gosh no worries honey, I didn’t even notice it myself, I just assume everything is about me all the time, I mean isn’t it? Because it’s not it should be !!  Ha ha ha ha !!!


 Besides Julie does look fantastic! Her sense of style far eclipses my own tomboyishness!  my friends keep expecting me to have a small towel hanging from my pocket with my softball glove and wearing some lesbian appropriate flannel  with the sleeves rolled up, ha ha, they have no idea how right they are !



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You must have added something "medicinal" to that tofu!

Any style I have comes from accepting my body shape and finding style icons who are similar that I like and can copy. For me that means finding as many pins of Ines de la Fressange on Pinterest as I can and thinking about which of her styles would work for me and which wouldn't. 

I'm a big fan of comfortable shoes and flannel shirts, too! ?

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Ohh that looks yuuuumy, good job Jackie and also isn't avocado an absolute miracle!? Quick note - there is more protein in things like broccoli and quinoa than any meats. The vitamin we need from meat is b12 which you can get from tuna, sardines, clams or a supplement (I can't do the last two, lol) 


If tofu starts to come out of your ears cauliflower is a great substitute and makes a very close tasting egg salad sandwich.


The absolute #1 healthiest thing you can ingest is fresh cloves. As fresh as is locally available. Even just a pinch on certain meals every now and then few times a week. You may have to be creative if it's not to your taste but there are many recipes online. My personal fav is the apple crumble. 


I'm super glad you're enjoying the new diet. The more you have it the more you'll like it. You'll see Jae Rabbit with increased speed! 


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 Oh Julie you’re too much, no nothing medicinal  in my breakfast other than some yellow curry, ha ha, I just always enjoy seeing your different outfits change with your icon! 

 You really have your information down Lexi, I’ve been looking up some of the things up to make sure that the nutrition levels I’m achieving are optimal, and now I am really just eating rather vegan-ish! I have a pantry full of sardines, it’s my mom‘s fault really, I absolutely adore sardines and often have them with my salad. I didn’t think that I would have any problem cheating here and there while I initialize my vegan routine, but when I went out last night with the girls from our local trans women support group  I had a slice of pizza afterwards when we all went to socialize. I think I even remember mentioning something to one of the girls that I didn’t have a problem cheating now and then but something was bugging me, I wasn’t really certain about it at the time but I remember thinking I was being a bit of a hypocrite after  espousing the benefits of reducing resource demand for things like beef production that out strips so much of the necessities of simply feeding people. I know I shouldn’t have felt bad, but it’s not something I ever thought about before, If I eat a steak I didn’t consider the fact that enourmous amounts of resources were consumed in order to allow me to have that steak where they could’ve been better used to feed many people rather than feed cattle that only fed a few people.  That and I personally have a problem with the way cattle are raised out here in California, I’ve often driven past the cattle factories in Coalinga, it’s absolutely horrific and almost unbearable when you drive through...  and it seems so dirty and unhealthy I can’t imagine that’s where our beef supply comes from! During a trip to Texas I realized the beef was vastly different there, it actually tasted pretty good where everything in California doesn’t have any flavor and sometimes is unappealing.  Even though major factory farming outfits like Tyson chicken have recently changed their methods to allow the legal use of the wording ‘free range’ I find that the practices that have been employed over the years are hideous,  companies like this have done horrible inhumane things in the name of profit and even worse they have tricked, lied to, and bullied the farm producers into a life of poverty and debt while promising them a successful Farming life.  Believe me I love having breakfast and I love having eggs, and as much as I do not like big corporations like Tyson chicken, the reason I have been making tofu scramble every morning is for one simple fact, it tastes amazingly good and rivals my breakfast favorite, traditional Scrambled eggs, but in its own right tofu scramble is it’s own unique deal and I like it every bit as much! now that I’m getting better at it I’m becoming rather partial to a good vegan tofu scramble,  and I’m really looking forward to having one this morning with my cup of coffee, but it’s time to do some shopping as I am out of vegan hotdogs and bags of salad, worse than that I’m down to one jar of pickles so it’s nearly an emergency situation and I need to go to the store inside the next two hours!!!



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Aaaaaahhhh!! Vegan hot dogs are almost pure poison. This is where many ppl derail the diet - packaged foods labelled "vegan".... Yes, I agree with you - we should not be paying into the livestock industry for many many reasons (air pollution, soil contamination, secondary pharmaceutical consumption, animal cruelty, local community disease/illness/death etc) but eating packaged vegan foods is all that without such rampant torture to livestock and its really really bad for you! 


You can make amazingly similar tasting/shaped hotdogs with chickpeas, kidney and navy beans. This recipe gets close to the one we use



You can imitate mozzarella and curd cheese with steamed cauliflower, or fried eggplant (it's great in vegan poutine) when the typical goto tofu starts to lose its charm. 


I have TONS of amazing tasting and healthy recipes if you're list needs expanding. Biggest part of it all is spices. I'm just getting to the point now I can knowingly add spices not listed in a recipe comfortably knowing it'll taste great (so many failed attempts and disheartened children lol) 

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 Hey Lexi,
I feel like I'm getting back to good habits, yesterday and today I got up at 4:30 AM and picked up my little wienerdog from my wife’s apartment then got myself ready and did my one hour workout! Came home and took my vitamins then made breakfast, I had a vegan scramble with one vegan hotdog sliced up ( I know they’re not superhealthy but they’re only 50 cal a piece and I buy the most healthy ones out there ), half an avocado on one piece of potato bread toast which set off my smoke alarm like it does every single morning, I mean come on smoke alarm can I just make one piece of toast for crying out loud? I had my cup of coffee with my vanilla soy creamer and was finished and had all my plates cleaned by 7:30 AM! I'm gonna have this routine nailed flat for the next three or four weeks and Jackie's waist is going to look a lot better by the time we're done! I'll be doing a little bit of shopping before I go to work today I need one more bra and a smaller size marshmallow muffin top control pants... ha ha ha! 
I keep looking at one picture that was taken of me when I was walking around a bay area marina  without a bra, holy Lord that was an obscene sight! Jackie's gonna fix that fast!
 I very much enjoy adding vegan cuisine to my daily routine, it fits my needs very nicely and tastes fantastic, I wondered how other people don’t know about the fantastic flavors available when cooking vegan, I suppose I always thought that most vegan things were just some sort of substitute for the things I was used to, but I realize it has nothing to do with it ,  this is just really great food and I’m enjoying the heck out of it !

 I was exposed to fantastic vegan fair by a couple of good friends of mine, it work for them I would never have enjoyed fantastic benefits of going vegan, so many good reasons,  but mostly I will admit my palate thanks me and my ongoing improving health loves it, and while I know my contribution is small, I am quite satisfied knowing that I am placing less demand on factory cattle farming and unhappy factory  chicken production!

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Aaaaaahhhh!! Weiner dogs are almost pure poison.

(Sorry! couldn't resist ?)

You're totally right about veg and vegan foods and available flavors, Jackie. I've always thought that I would have absolutely zero problem being 100% veg if I lived in India because their cuisine is chock full of interesting flavors and textures, and because so many people there are vegetarian. It's much easier in the states now too, especially in the Bay Area. Sounds like you're quite the Julia Child, Jackie! ?‍?

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@jae bear Haha my smoke alarm goes off when I fry veggies with too much pepper and too little oil.. But it tastes Soooooo good!


Happy food makes happy people, happy people make happy food. 


@SugarMagnolia you're Soo right! Cloves, coriander, cumin, cardamom, curry (wow never noticed how many spices start with C) once you figure out which ones go where being vegan is an absolute pleasure. 


Remembering this has always helped me when choosing my menu - everytime you ingest anything you're either helping or hurting your body. There is no middle. 


I love that there are more of us on this path to healthy eating. I hope others gain some interest from this thread. Hugs all, keep loving yourself! 


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9 hours ago, SugarMagnolia said:

Aaaaaahhhh!! Weiner dogs are almost pure poison.

? Sounds like you're quite the Julia Child, Jackie! ?‍?


Ha Ha Ha! Weiner dogs...  AHHhh Ha Ha Ha!!! Yes, Julie, I agree!


Me? Julia Child? well maybe with a vegan scramble and caprese salad, but I have yet to add any other dish yet, except waffles... Everyone loves waffles! But I don't know if that qualifies, I use waffle mix from a box!

Hmmm... Well I do know how to make some awesome stuff with my Sous Vide stick and a pot of water... Hmmm, Julia Child huh? ?

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  • 2 years later...

There are times I go weeks making dishes that are fine with out the use of chicken or beef.

Oriental and Indian food work well with out meat.

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  • 11 months later...

Dealing with a bout of compulsive overeating right now and its a really strong one this time.  I have recently lost some weight 20 or so lbs and now I find myself not really caring if I gain the weight back.

I mean I do care but when I start eating its like all that vanishes.

Seem like the only time I am not eating something is when I am asleep

Here it is 12:14 am and I am eating ice cream and donuts because they taste so good together.

Food is my evil drug.

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@Teri Anne I feel you, it is so easy to find yourself sat with something you know you don't need, but want it anyway. The other day I bought an extra advent calendar and hid it in my office so I could just sit and eat all the chocolate out of it at once rather than have one a day with my son. Remember you don't want the food, you aren't hungry at that time of night, your brain just wants the sugar high that comes from it! 

20lbs is a huge weight to have taken off, don't beat yourself up for what you've already eaten, just start saying no to that voice again from now and keep your fluid intake high. You can do this!

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The thing is I know I don't need it and I can't possibly be hungry because I ate maybe an hour ago  for example.

The need for food intake is just so strong and my will can be so weak at times I give in to the urges.

The struggle is real.lol

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5 minutes ago, Teri Anne said:

The struggle is real

Good morning @Teri Anne

The struggle is real, and for me personally November and December are my hardest months. Three of my 5 grandkids as well as myself have Birthdays early November, then Thanksgiving hits, followed by Christmas and all of the sweet choices that come with it.





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Yes the holidays are pretty hard when you visit family during festive occasions.

If you don't eat you offend the host and that is the last thing I want to do.

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    • SilasG
      You’re welcome Kat, I totally understand and will leave it at that. You know what’s best for you and I of all people don’t have to pressure or tell you otherwise. Stay happy and stay safe.   Hugs, Peace and Positivity coming your way. Silas
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I'm certainly fine with it.  I've never had respect for the concept of law, in itself.  Law is really just a collective opinion backed by weapons.  Don't ever be fooled by thinking that law is anything beyond "might makes right."  Just because something is legal, doesn't make it right.  And just because something is illegal, doesn't make it wrong.     I subscribe to a standard that is completely outside the standards of the state.  Where that standard and the state's laws agree, I'm happy to cooperate.  Where that standard and the state's laws disagree, then the state becomes irrelevant.  "When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty."  That's why the state should never be granted a monopoly on violence by creating a disarmed population, and its power should be curtailed as much as possible. 
    • Betty K
      Sorry to press this point @CairennTairisiu, but *is* there any evidence for your claims about the San Diego hospital? 
    • kat2
      Awe, thats really sweet of you Silas, re i do not need women in my life thank goodness, I love men always will only last week i was asked if wished to go out to dinner. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      @kat2  Sounds like an awful experience!  I've never had something like that happen to me, but then I also haven't dated much.  My GF was my first relationship ever...I had zero experience for the first 25 years of my life.  I was pretty careful with dating her, and I made her take it slower than she would have liked.  I know I couldn't endure a breakup or relationship loss, so I insisted that if she wanted me, she had to commit to keeping me forever.  I was very fortunate because through her, I found my forever family with GF, husband, and 3 other female partners.    But yeah, sometimes girls can be aggressive.  I'm a bonus step-parent to our family's kids.... it is amazing at times how snide and catty young girls can be.  I doubt it improves with age.  GF especially can have a really bad attitude at times, and say things that I wish she wouldn't.  And sometimes she just assumes she can do something with me, when she ought to ask.  We've argued about clothing.  She'll buy something and just try to put it on me, especially female underwear.  She's actually tried to wrestle it onto me before, but without success because I squirm and nip a bit.
    • Sally Stone
      This past Saturday was a girl's day out for me and in addition to being out and about, it gave me the opportunity to try another new foundation.  This time it was Revlon Colorstay Full Cover Creme.  This would be my second attempt to replace my old go to L'Oreal foundation.   Bottom line up front, I like this new foundation a lot.  There's virtually no smell and it goes on and blends really nicely.  The other positive is that it covers really well.  It took only two very light applications to achieve full cover which in my case meant it had to cover a light to moderate beard shadow.  Since this was a creme foundation, I set it first with translucent powder.  The powder step really prepares my face for powder blush, which doesn't go on very well applied directly to a creme foundation.  After my blush and eye shadow was done, I set everything with setting spray.     I wore the makeup all-day, about 11-hours in all, and it looked as good late in the day as it did just after applying it.  I didn't notice any creasing or breakdowns anywhere on my face.  The product isn't cakey or heavy feeling. Needless to say, I think I've found my replacement foundation.  I'll buy several tubes just in case this foundation goes the way of so many others - discontinued.  I hope not, but always better to plan ahead.      
    • Ivy
      I've kinda been on the edge of it most of my life.  But I've mostly managed to stay out of jail… barely.  I've heard it's hard on trans women.
    • Sally Stone
      Ivy, I'm okay with that.  I have always wanted to be a pirate and I think an "outlaw" and a pirate have lots of similarities.  
    • CairennTairisiu
      As AllieJ notes, this neural network was trained to look at entire brains, not at individual specific structures in the brain which have been linked to sexual orientation and gender identity.   This sort of analysis has been attempted before to discredit the neurological hypothesis about trans people and it shares the same failing.   Yet, as repeated instances of the original Zhou et al., studies have shown, the BSTc is reliably different in most gay and transgender people (and different in different ways so that, for example, gay men are not the same as trans women).   All that this study does is confirm that there's no differences on the macro level between, say, trans women's brains and cisgender men's  brains.   But the devil is in the details.
    • SilasG
      @kat2 I can respect exactly where you are coming from with your feelings towards women, I’m sorry you endured so much trauma and had so many bad experiences with them as well. It just goes to show you that all circumstances and experiences are different for everyone. As well as how an individual handles and manages traumatic situations. I am so sorry again about your experiences and I pray that on day a genuine and nutritious woman may come into your life and change you outlook a little bit. I’m happy that you have done what it takes to keep yourself safe and happy after all the trauma you’ve experienced. Blessings and Hugs, Silas
    • kat2
      I suppose i should put my hand up and say i have had very bad experiences around women, I have had several boyfriends date wise, but women just assume and grab. Ist bad experience, i bought a white lycra dress and silver G string, i was trying my dress on and Debra looked at me and said, your not wearing that! you will be flat on your back in less than five minutes, a gang of us went out for the night in one club i went to the toilet and a girl pulled me to the ground and bit my butt really hard she tried to rip my top too, Joyce came running in and decked her, Debra didnt help when she said I would have to go to hospital for a tetanus jab,I said if you think i am going to A and E with teeth marks in my butt! Another bad experience was when i took an overdose i was taken to hospital by ambulance and my eyes came across a bull dog -lesbian-, she looked at me and said at the top of her voice, did you intend to kill yourself? I said no, she let me know she was in charge blood samples taken I was then hooked up to a machine when the machine finished, my body went into shock and neck swollen up i saw everyone rush towards me, next minute when i came round the bull dog was back again, she said bet you wont do that again, i thought callous bxxxxd I was then put in an observation room with you know who at her desk in front of me I got up and started to go toward the toilet, when I was told get back in your bed, i was then escorted to the toilet and had to use it with the door open. A few years later my best friend Debra had a son and I used to babysit, i loved him to bits, Debra came home at three in the morning with her boyfriend went upstairs and i drifted off to sleep, next minute Debra was stood right in front of me naked, i was shocked she said would you like to join us, i felt physically sick, grabbed my coat and never spoke to her again, all my boyfriends have never just grabbed at me yet i suffered nothing but from women, I wouldnt mind but Debra knew i had had several boyfriends, she even tried to pinch Joe off me women are very bitchy too
    • Ivy
      Dress codes are probably on the way next. I've realized that we are going to be essentially outlaws pretty soon.
    • SilasG
      @kat2 @Ivy & @awkward-yet-sweet I feel what all of you are saying and expressing. Just remember we’re all individuals and have individual interests. With that said there’s no right wrong or even textbook definition for what we’re supposed to feel or even be attracted to. Sometimes your soulmate can come out of nowhere and be someone you’ve never seen yourself with before. When it comes to friendships and relationships I’ve learned the hard way to follow your instincts and don’t let the physicalities cloud your judgement. I will speak on my behalf and haven’t had any form for serious relationship in about 5 years and in my growth period have found myself. I’ve had several friendships and most all were women and in my 43 almost 44 years of existence have only had 4 male friends and those friendships never lasted. I have a strong negative outlook towards men due to my father and my childhood. I find myself always attracted and safe with a woman and let they could be Cis, Trans Nonbinary. Its doesn’t matter what matters to me is the feminine energy. What is as human beings, society and individuals have to learn to understand and respect is each other and everyone’s right to be happy with themselves and who they choose to be, and associate with.    
    • kat2
      James was the same with me, a real romantic and very charismatic, we both have the same sense of humour girls on the other hand i do not trust, never will, more so when theres a guy around. There is just no switch nothing that appeals in any way with regard to girls, thats not to say i do not talk about women's issues down below which i do that and other health concerns, my mum would talk about family traits such as UTi infections and cranberry Juice, with guys i just feel right 
    • Vidanjali
      I mean...   https://alabamareflector.com/2025/02/17/that-anti-transgender-bill-is-even-worse-than-you-think/   "...[K]eep reading the state’s latest example of gonad-based lawmaking, and you’ll come upon Section 4 of the law. 'Neither the state nor any political subdivision of the state shall be prohibited from establishing separate single-sex spaces or environments for males and females when biology, privacy, safety, or fairness are implicated,' it says. Read that paragraph again. Then read the bill in its entirety. And find me the sentence that limits this command to bathrooms. It’s not there. What is there is 'privacy, safety, or fairness.' Terms the bill neither defines nor qualifies. In attacking transgender Alabamians, Ivey and the Alabama Legislature have opened the door to sex segregation...In this vicious desire to harm a small group of people, we’re allowing governments to separate men and women on the slightest pretext. Transgender Americans have warned us about this for years. They told us these attacks were a prelude to a larger offensive against the LGBTQ community and women. And here we are."  
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