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Good morning All. Coffees on.


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We had some snow yesterday, but it turned to sleet/rain/snow overnight.  Now everything is covered with ice.   But the sun is out, and it's starting to melt now - dripping off of the roof and all.

It's supposed to turn cold again.

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Just now, Birdie said:

Make-up and hair is done, and I am wearing a nice flannel dress with leggings and stockings underneath. I'll wear my boots because of the snow today. I'm just about ready for my shopping excursion. 

Had to cancel because the walkways are not cleared of snow yet. 

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good morning


coffee is brewing, morning vitamins, supplements and aspirin have been taken.  You know it’s tough getting older. 

I guess it’s been a quiet weekend for everyone, or perhaps a busy one.  

im very pleased with the repair i made.  I’ll bet that car has never run better. I have one last thing to fix but that can wait for warmer weather.  Replace a driving light that has burnt out.  The front end of the car is so tightly packed you have to remove a lot of exterior and under hood panels to get to it.  

My boss has asked me to come in tomorrow to make the deposit so she can leave early to go to Atlanta.  (The annual conference for managers). Since I was told to expect a decision on the Asst Managers position by tomorrow I expect that will be part of it. At least I’m hoping so.  I know I’m not the only one being considered.  But knowing one way or the other would be good.  I have put my heart into working at this store and covering when others were sick or on vacation.


i certainly hope that gives me a leg up.




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Yesterday I decided to eat at restaurant a little ways down the road. I ordered my food and the cashier took my money. The manager talked with her briefly and she handed my money back and started to bring my food. I told the cashier I hadn't paid for my meal and she said, "the manager paid for it." Looking at the receipt it said, "manager special" with a zero balance due. 

I told the CNA about it this morning and she said, "that doesn't happen that often anymore."

Then they CNA was helping me out my bra on this morning and she said, "girl, I love this bra! I love plaids!"

Looks like I caught the eye of the burger joint manager, and I have another CNA on my side it the day-centre. 

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@birdie that’s great news.


well now I have to wait another week to learn if I get the assistant Manager position.  

I spent a good two hours dealing with DMV then the county about my taxes then back to DMV who then wanted to charged me for the tag fee i’d already paid and a late fee even though I’d paid timely.  It eventually got straightened out.  And the best part was even though the new car was 5 years newer than the old car the taxes didn’t change.  I guess once they hit a certain age they are considered to be only taxable at some minimum amount

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@GR I feel bad that, your father feels that way and this is disappointing to hear. I say that the ones who act like this towards us let it be friends, family or even strangers that do so out of their own insecurities. They’re uncomfortable because either they’re unhappy with themselves and don’t want us you be happy and or their confused on their own identity because the though of Trans individuals may excite them and they’re afraid of expressing it themselves. I say this only because I was one of those people projecting my insecurities on others that didn’t deserve it nor did anything wrong. I don’t know if this is your case and I wish this Stigma of us would stop and that we  as Civilized Beings could just get along and be happy together in peace. This also reminded me of an article I saw on Social Media that I had left a strong heart felt response to. Best wishes and stay positive your friend.




P.S. I attached the cover of the article I saw if you like to see my response just ask I’ll gladly share.


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Just now, GR said:

My dad decided to look through my computer again...luckily he didn't find this, but he found my account on Arocalypse where I did publicly identify as trans as well. He already knows that I am trans- but he took the opportunity to remind me "You'll never be a girl regardless of how hard you try!" "You are living in a fantasy" "You are glorifying the mental illness of transgenderism" blah blah blah...fun times. 

I would suggest you develop adequate, respectful responses to these that he might listen to, not only for his sake when he says them, but for yours, when you hear them, and when you wake up in the middle of the night, as some do, wondering if this is really that.    Responding with either snark or silence won't help either  of you.  People here have posted things, if you dig enough, to help you hone some "elevator speeches" about this.   An elevator speech is a quick statement like you could make in an elevator to someone, seemingly offhand but actually prepared in advance.   We hear this stuff and we need to be ready for it.

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We had a heat pump installed today. There were four workers who were in and out all morning. I instructed them not to let any cats out. We had the cats locked in a bedroom, or so we thought. When the work was done and we opened the bedroom door, one of them was nowhere to be found.

We ransacked the house, looking for him, and checked outside for tracks. We even called the heat pump company in case he got into one of their vans. All of us, including his best kitty friend, were very worried.

A few minutes ago, as I was posting lost cat notices, guess who poked his head around the office door? We have absolutely no idea where the little @#$% was hiding.


I think I lost a few more hairs today.

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Just now, KathyLauren said:

We have absolutely no idea where the little @#$% was hiding.

They're good at this.

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9 hours ago, GR said:

My dad decided to look through my computer again...luckily he didn't find this, but he found my account on Arocalypse where I did publicly identify as trans as well. He already knows that I am trans- but he took the opportunity to remind me "You'll never be a girl regardless of how hard you try!" "You are living in a fantasy" "You are glorifying the mental illness of transgenderism" blah blah blah...fun times. 


Seems like you need a password.  And possibly an alternate, hidden computer account.  Also consider downloading a privacy-oriented browser like Incognito or Brave, and setting it to delete all web history on exit.  Could help prevent future awkward discussions.


7 hours ago, KathyLauren said:

A few minutes ago, as I was posting lost cat notices, guess who poked his head around the office door? We have absolutely no idea where the little @#$% was hiding.


Cats definitely do this.  Even when they reliably answer to their name...one day they'll decide to calmly sit on a chair underneath the kitchen tablecloth, completely silent while you look for them.  Its their way of messing with our heads, I think. 


But I'm thankful for them.  We've got one really old calico that is permanently attached to one of my partners.  My partner has seizures, and the cat is able to detect them and provide up to 2 minutes warning.  She often rides on my partner's shoulder when we go places.  One of her kittens (full grown now) also seems to have the seizure detection ability.  My partner has been seizure-free for a long time now, and the cat may even be an important part of her regaining her drivers license. 



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Meanwhile, back at the cat cafeee, Mia cannot cope with her customers


err....next? what do u want bog brush? who me??? i am a customer,,yeah yeah do u want mc nuts with your fries?

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Tumor found in my liver in ultrasound. The specialist has ordered MRI and biopsy ASAP. 


Even though the specialist has ordered MRI and other tests ASAP, the doctor at the centre sees no reason for any rush.


If the tumor is benign, then it should be removed to prevent it from turning cancerous in the future. But again there is no rush.


If the tumor is malignant, the very low life expectancy and curability of liver cancer outweighs the cost of treatment. The centre's belief is that any form of liver cancer should be treated with "Comfort Care only."


The centre's doctor says we can only hope that the tumor is benign, we can go in in a couple months and remove it and that would be the end of treatment. He sees no wisdom whatsoever in the "urgency" of the specialist for the MRI and biopsy. Although those orders will be processed and approved, it will be all within due time.

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Just now, Birdie said:

Tumor found in my liver in ultrasound. The specialist has ordered MRI and biopsy ASAP. 


Even though the specialist has ordered MRI and other tests ASAP, the doctor at the centre sees no reason for any rush.


If the tumor is benign, then it should be removed to prevent it from turning cancerous in the future. But again there is no rush.


If the tumor is malignant, the very low life expectancy and curability of liver cancer outweighs the cost of treatment. The centre's belief is that any form of liver cancer should be treated with "Comfort Care only."


The centre's doctor says we can only hope that the tumor is benign, we can go in in a couple months and remove it and that would be the end of treatment. He sees no wisdom whatsoever in the "urgency" of the specialist for the MRI and biopsy. Although those orders will be processed and approved, it will be all within due time.

Gosh, thats horrible news to hear for the beginning of a new year, my thoughts and preyers are with you, god bless. Try and i know its hard to stay positive and get on with doing the things that you love to do. I am sure everyone on the forum will be sending positive thoughts towards your healing and that you continue to enjoy the up and coming new year, bless you. xxx


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Just now, Birdie said:

Tumor found in my liver in ultrasound. The specialist has ordered MRI and biopsy ASAP. 


Even though the specialist has ordered MRI and other tests ASAP, the doctor at the centre sees no reason for any rush.


If the tumor is benign, then it should be removed to prevent it from turning cancerous in the future. But again there is no rush.


If the tumor is malignant, the very low life expectancy and curability of liver cancer outweighs the cost of treatment. The centre's belief is that any form of liver cancer should be treated with "Comfort Care only."


The centre's doctor says we can only hope that the tumor is benign, we can go in in a couple months and remove it and that would be the end of treatment. He sees no wisdom whatsoever in the "urgency" of the specialist for the MRI and biopsy. Although those orders will be processed and approved, it will be all within due time.

I am so sorry to read this @Birdie. Hopefully it is just benign. You will be in my thoughts. 

I can empathize with you - have been monitoring cysts on my kidneys and liver as well as a small cyst in my pancreas for several years. 

Stay positive.

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Just now, kat2 said:

Meanwhile, back at the cat cafeee, Mia cannot cope with her customers


err....next? what do u want bog brush? who me??? i am a customer,,yeah yeah do u want mc nuts with your fries?

I love that picture!! I'll take a McFishwich with an order of McFriskies.  lol


Good morning, everyone! Another cold northeast US day. Now that the holidays are over it's into the waiting for Spring to appear. Why does time just seem to crawl by at this time of the year?


My wife and I are taking a trip to Las Vegas to see The Eagles in concert at The Sphere. Our gambling is limited to $20 each for the trip....we're donors not winners. We're also going to take a trip to see the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. We've flown over them many times over the years but never seen them in person.


Be safe and look for the goodness in this wonderful day we've been given.

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@Birdie That's not good.  Hopefully it is benign and you can get it removed.  Shame on them for not seeing any sort of urgency in it.  There ARE other options besides the usual expensive treatments for some cancers, if they don't want to pay for for it.  Your current doctor doesn't seem to understand that acting quickly can give you more options.  Most breakthrough treatments are happening outside the American medical establishment. 





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Just now, awkward-yet-sweet said:

Your current doctor doesn't seem to understand that acting quickly can give you more options.  Most breakthrough treatments are happening outside the American medical establishment. 

A good friend of mine had lymphoma and was given the 6 months to live. They stopped her treatments. I had done some research on turmeric and I told her about it so she started eating a tablespoon of turmeric everyday. That was approximately 25 years ago and she is still alive. Her lymphoma went into remission. I used to eat turmeric every day and I've gotten out of the habit, but I'm starting that all over again.


The research paper that I had read was the scientist trying to figure out why the risk of Alzheimer's and cancer was so low in India. At first he thought it was genetics, but he then found out it was Diet related and mostly due to the high turmeric consumption.

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The rollercoaster of life, well a new year already and i was out socialising with friends last night gosh what a night, so many selfi pictures taken with other girls i met I didnt get home until late and made quiet a few new friends, the only trouble is i am out again tonight! gosh!!!


I drink sensibly when i fall over i know i have had too much (grin) not really........

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Good morning 


@Birdie I am so sorry about your diagnosis and the way your care center continues to treat you.


@GR i understand your need for your privacy.  Even those of us who are totally open, still want some privacy.  But I would like to point out that you would be traveling down a road with your dad if you password protect your computer to prevent him from checking on your activity.  Perhaps just clearing your browsing history for the last two hours and then doing something else on it will satisfy your need to some privacy without it blowing up in your face like blocking access.  Besides that will make him suspect you, get angry with you and could make things worse. 

well today through Saturday then I get a break. Today is delivery day.  I get to see if I did a good job ordering what we needed or if I messed up.

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19 hours ago, Birdie said:

A good friend of mine had lymphoma and was given the 6 months to live. They stopped her treatments. I had done some research on turmeric and I told her about it so she started eating a tablespoon of turmeric everyday. That was approximately 25 years ago and she is still alive. Her lymphoma went into remission. I used to eat turmeric every day and I've gotten out of the habit, but I'm starting that all over again.


The research paper that I had read was the scientist trying to figure out why the risk of Alzheimer's and cancer was so low in India. At first he thought it was genetics, but he then found out it was Diet related and mostly due to the high turmeric consumption.


Interesting that you mentioned lymphoma and turmeric, as I've heard GF mention it.  She has some knowledge passed down as oral tradition among the women in her family.  Russian folk medicine.  But the Russians seem to have made the greatest progress recently in treating various cancers, so that might be a direction you can look at. 

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Been having a fun week modeling, coming home Saturday. It has been great meeting the genetic female models that have been open minded about me starting new friendships. Met a couple more models like me, part time crossdressers that live great lives as male too. Going out,had some kids that are LGBTQ that got pictures taken with me. One mom, she thought it was cool for her 16 year old son whom has autism like me whom is also a part time mtf crossdresser finally having a great role model in his life. His mom including himself got a picture taken with me. He was dressed as his femme side Mariah too

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Good evening everyone,


I had five pages of coffee talk to catch up on. Life in our house is starting to return to normal, after having contractors in our house since November. We were starting to feel like we were living in the movie: "The Money Pit". We've had more snow here than we've had in the last 3 years and low temperatures into the single digits. This weekend is going to be in the mid thirties and then we drop back down to -12°F Monday night into Tuesday morning.


@BirdieYou're in my prayers and I hope your liver issues are minimal.


Hugs all around,



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    • Lilis
      Yeah I was iffy about it myself, perhaps a better way to describe it is as a natural variation of human diversity, one that comes with challenges in a society that isn’t always accepting, but not inherently a deficit.   Or maybe someone else can come up with a better word.     Thanks ❤️🌹
    • Betty K
      That sounds like a winning formula. I don’t like the word “handicap” to describe transness very much though. 
    • Lilis
      Awkward-yet-sweet you make a strong point.      Me too, and I think we all are, and it's tiring. My hopes are that future candidates see things as they are from both sides. Not an easy task I know, but something has to give for our own good.  
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I certainly believe in that.  Using medical facts to dispel the "its just a choice" mentality and emphasizing common ground is a pretty good two-pronged approach.    In the USA, I'd add in the idea of consistency with the principles of liberty... that ultimately one of the biggest features of a free society is bodily autonomy.  Both major parties in the USA lack consistency in that area, and its something I find baffling.  
    • AmberM
      I've been working on a custom campaign setting for a D&D campaign that I am just now starting to run (just finished session 0) and we will kick-off at the end of March. I wanted to share what I created and would be curious what others think, but also if there are practical tips or suggestions. I've been watching a lot of Ginny V and a few other YouTubers on this subject, and I'm feeling more confident, but was curious if there were any small things people did that they enjoyed.   Eclipse of Divinity Community Page (World Anvil hosted) - https://www.worldanvil.com/w/eclipse-of-divinity-codeamber0621
    • Lilis
      So, would it be fair to frame it this way?   All the medical and scientific research seems to suggest that being transgender means I was born with a handicap.    Meanwhile, @VickySGV argues that focusing on our shared humanness is a more effective approach to advocacy in combating 'gender ideology.'   Is that right?   How about a well rounded advocacy strategy that might incorporate both?    Leveraging scientific research when necessary while prioritizing human connection and lived experiences to drive cultural acceptance.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Ugh.  The snow is coming back!  I thought we already went through the coldest part of the year, but apparently this storm is going to bring a nearly record-setting cold for this date.  Probably getting at least a foot of snow, and maybe lower than -5 overnight Tuesday and Wednesday.    I really, really, really want to just hide in my nest.  I'm not meant for this.  My arctic GF and her 5 little clones are probably going outside to scamper and revel in it.  I have at least been successful at convincing my GF that she should stay home from work.  Even with the new cardiac stent, she's been insisting she's able to go back, but the fatigue is noticeable.   My husband will be home for a little while tomorrow, since his company canceled most tasks for the next couple of days so people can stay home to take care of their families.  But once the snow starts falling he's probably going to be dealing with emergency stuff part of the time.  He's already got his county-issued Humvee ready to go.  My sister is planning to be on duty, and has switched her usual patrol car for a 4x4.  With so many kids at home, it probably means less time for me to nap and stay warm...
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I both give and take.  But I often warn people that my advice may be worth what they paid for it...
    • Samantha Rose
      I hope so too, because I can REALLY use the help, LOL.  
    • Betty K
      You’re welcome. I hope TransPulse helps you as it has helped me. 
    • Samantha Rose
      It sounds like we share a lot of the same experiences and preferences.  It is nice to be in a place where I can meet more People like me.  Thank You for taking the time to share Your thoughts with a Newbie.
    • Betty K
      You’re welcome. Growing up in the 70s and 80s with a healthy dose of unrecognised, suppressed dysphoria and a severe degree of bullying and stigmatisation within my family attached to my gender nonconformism, I also am frequently amazed at how far we’ve come. Just to be able to walk down a city street in broad daylight without being harassed feels like luxury to me even now. Unfortunately I feel, when it comes to sexuality, we have an especially long way to go. As a transfemme who is exclusively attracted to men, I am painfully aware of the amount of shame most men attach to being attracted to someone like me. It takes an effort not to let that shame rub off on me, but I’m trying.
    • AllieJ
      In regards to dysphoria, I doubt many people or trans care professionals really understand it. For most of my life I suffered with dysphoria, even when nobody around me kew I was trans. When I was young I tried to understand why I had compulsions to engage in feminine things, and through puberty I realised that my internal view of myself was at odds with my birth sex. I realised then it was this incongruence which resulted in my dysphoria, but in 1967, there was no terminology for any of this. Through my teens I learned that affirming activities reduced my dysphoria, and this gave me a strategy to manage my life.   I came out at age 65 and was universally accepted and supported, but this did nothing to alleviate my dysphoria, which was very strong by then. Starting HRT and living full time made a significant difference, but when my HRT failed me (inexperienced endo), my dysphoria increased. I was surprised by how much my dysphoria was reduced after my GCS. Almost gone. I realised then that my genitals were my biggest trigger for dysphoria.   I struggled to find a descriptor much of my early life, and as I learned, it changed. Then I realised I never fit neatly into boxes, so I stopped trying. After six decades of studying myself, and others, and lots of reading  and talking to hundreds of other trans people, I have come to the conclusion that all trans people have dysphoria, but not everybody recognises it. it changed for me with life events, and at times I didn't feel it, but I realised that even while it was benign, it was still there. Not as a profound feeling, but as background 'noise' which was easily covered by other events. This 'noise' would just prevent me from enjoying other things fully, or add to other frustrations.   I also started to realise that Dysphoria is a reaction to incongruence, just as euphoria is. It is akin to pulling your hand away from a flames that are burning you, or moving closer to the flames when it is cold. A natural reaction more than a mental disorder...   Hugs,   Allie 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Actually, no.  Its a good song, and sadly it always seems to remain relevant. 
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