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Good morning All. Coffees on.


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We are due for some cold and white crap this weekend. 33 tomorrow then 9 Sat and 11 Sunday. Blow zero wind chill.


Great weather this weekend but I need to get into the garage and get some work done on the wagon. The motor is just about out. A couple more bolts and it is out.


Stay warm everyone.




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The snow is finally melted, although maybe it will come back soon.  It was barely warm the last couple of days, and I'm so tired of being cold.  Seems that I mind it more than most people.  I prefer warmth and sunlight, and winter can be really depressing sometimes.  Its like I always have to look for somebody warm to snuggle up next to, and I don't really have any body heat of my own.  Especially my hands and feet are just always frozen. 


I spent the afternoon outside in the garden.  IDK how its possible, but there are weeds that grow even in the winter.  So a couple of times each winter I have to till through the entire unplanted area and hoe out the drainage and irrigation ditches.  Life in the South. 


And even more a part of Southern life... it is going to be our second "hog weekend."  Usually we get to it earlier, but things have been busy this winter.  There are several pigs that need to be butchered yet, lots of cuts to be hung in the smokehouse.  I'll spend a lot of time grinding meat and adding herbs to make sausage.  Its an intense session of work, but really essential for my family and part of the culture of our area.  Here's one description of what its like....(not for the squeamish)  https://afroculinaria.com/2013/01/24/hog-killing-time-comments-and-commentary-on-a-southern-plantation-tradition/

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Good morning


i think I’m losing it.  Even though I know the game is the twentieth, I was convinced it was on last night.  Tried to find it to watch and checked who won this morning.  What game? Ohio State vs Notre Dame.


An intersex friend of mine had bottom surgery Wednesday, there were some complications and she isn’t doing well.  Low blood pressure and a transfusion was needed.


im trying to watch my time, I have to leave soon.  All this talk of cold and white stuff has not gone unnoticed even here.  Warming over the weekend the really cold with a possible chance of some of y’all’s white stuff!.  Ugh. 

gotta go




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The nurse came out and checked my Med machine and found absolutely nothing wrong with it, so I must have been fidgeting with my machine to cause the problem.

My doctor however is very concerned about my withdrawal symptoms when I missed my doses. The belsomra and risperidone doses will be reduced on a monthly basis until I'm completely off of them. I will have to learn to sleep through the night by myself without help. The doctor says he is not a drug dealer, he is not just going to dispense drugs out in indiscriminately. Both of those drugs are narcotics and controlled substances and they want me off of them.

I was firmly told not to fidget with my machine and to wait until it's ready to dispense the meds. Don't try to get an early dose or an extra dose because it can disrupt the normal function of the machine.

Seems strange that their med machine screws up and I get in trouble for it. 

Birdie 💝

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Good morning, I think


alarm went off and I snoozed it 5 minutes.  I must have fallen into a deep sleep because when it went off the second time I thought my phone was ringing and I tried to answer my phone.  Finally realized it was the alarm told alexia to turn it off.  Go into the bathroom and close the door and turn on the lights, only to loose power for a minute.  I’m thinking what do I do if the roads are icy?  Duhh, it’s above freezing and hasn’t started raining yet.


what a messed up morning. What’s next?




definately need coffee today


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Good morning, I thought I might’ve been the only one up, I made my first French Press and decided to spice it up by making homemade Peppermint Mocha about a hour ago. Been having difficulty sleeping with overwhelming thoughts lately I know all will turn out fine it’s mostly my first Gender Dysphoria surgery consultation for facial procedures. I’m sure it’ll be fine I’m just probably overthinking and anxious because of how close the appointment is. I’m about to make round 2 of my homemade Peppermint Mocha.



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My father has a neighbour that was diagnosed with liver cancer a year ago. He had a tumor the size of an orange on his liver. They have used several types of treatments on him and now have the tumor reduced down to the size of a hair and it might possibly just be scar tissue. He has been effectively cured of his liver cancer. So my doctor saying that liver cancer does not have a good curability record so they treat it with Comfort Care only is absolutely absurd. My father says, "if your tumor turns out to be cancerous then we will get you out of Texas as soon as possible."

There is an empty house in Oregon at present, but it's in a very small town. I would not have the medical insurance I have now so I would have co-pays. However, if it means I would get treated for cancer the co-pays would be welcomed. I can stay at that house rent free. It's a very small one bedroom, so I would have to downsize quite a bit.

Birdie 💝

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Another cold day here on plant UK! at least the nights are starting to get lighter but its still cccold. The usual Saturday routine, shopping, washing, house cleaning. Not a bad week made a few new friends enjoyed coffee and a chat then a brisk walk before returning home to a nice warm fire.

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good evening


long day at work but now I get two days off.


the manager came in today.  She wanted to personally do the order for delivery on Monday.  We are expecting really cold weather (for here) next week and an increasing possibility of snow or ice with snow totals of 6 inches being discussed.  Anyway, planning ahead she wants to have enough stock for a week just in case the second delivery is canceled because of the weather.


She called in into the back room and we talked about me becoming an assistant manager.  So she offered and I accepted.  It really doesn’t change much.  A small pay increase, a title change and a little more responsibility. But I’ve basically been doing the job or most of it both during the holidays and this past week while all managers were at a conference.


it was a planned 10 hour day but it became a 10 1/2 hour day with an employee being 90 minutes late.  

no nap today, I was just not sleepy, tired yes.


i can see me working some very long hours the day it snows. (If it snows of course) I’m the only one close enough to get to the store.

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Well good news bad news about sleeping in today. Good news is I got a lot of sleep because I fell asleep early on the couch I my wife woke me up and sent me to bed which I went right back to sleep. Bad news is I woke up early.  

it rained a good bit over night. But I think it’s basically done now.  At least I hope it is.  Our dog doesn’t like going out in the rain and she a lab mix. She never has not since being a puppy.  But she loves taking a bath.  I just call her and she jumps right in.  Maybe she needs a raincoat and boots.

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Ooh Sunday roast sounds yummy, We’ve got a cold day here in NH though this hasn’t been a normal winter. I’m preparing for a ver busy week of appointments. Tuesday and Thursday are my only days to do something for myself I’m going to go to a couple of group meetings and send the rest of the time relaxing and making sure I’m fully prepared for my appointments.

Happy Sunday,


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Yes, i love a good sunday roast its been a tradition in my family as far as i can remember, sunday is chill out day except in the summer when its back to walking and hiking in the countryside




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Wow, now that’s a very Beautiful Country Side. I would get lost in that vast beauty. I wish I had pictures of some nice areas around me to post. I’ll provide some over spring, summer and autumn 

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@kat2 I didn't know that steam tractors were a thing in your area... there's a few out here in the backwoods yet.  I guess some folks still know how to use them? 


Its really cold here today.  I think our high temperature will be about 15 degrees.  No snow, thankfully.  We finished some hog processing yesterday, so I've got some big containers of pork curing in brine.  Also dry-curing some of it.  Probably start smoking hams and such later this week.  GF is busy preparing one of her favorite things, called "salo."  Its slices of meatless pork fatback.  She coats it in spices and keeps it in the smokehouse, but while we cook all our smoked meats before eating, GF eats salo raw.  Yuck!  Usually with thick slices of raw onion.  She's strange ;)  Hard to believe I've lived with her for nearly 10 years now, and she still manages to surprise me. 

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Just now, awkward-yet-sweet said:

@kat2 I didn't know that steam tractors were a thing in your area... there's a few out here in the backwoods yet.  I guess some folks still know how to use them? 


Its really cold here today.  I think our high temperature will be about 15 degrees.  No snow, thankfully.  We finished some hog processing yesterday, so I've got some big containers of pork curing in brine.  Also dry-curing some of it.  Probably start smoking hams and such later this week.  GF is busy preparing one of her favorite things, called "salo."  Its slices of meatless pork fatback.  She coats it in spices and keeps it in the smokehouse, but while we cook all our smoked meats before eating, GF eats salo raw.  Yuck!  Usually with thick slices of raw onion.  She's strange ;)  Hard to believe I've lived with her for nearly 10 years now, and she still manages to surprise me. 

Hi awkward yet sweet,

                         Yes there are lots of steam traction engines around, they tend to be in fairs or shows so it was nice to see one in a rural setting

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Just now, awkward-yet-sweet said:

Its really cold here today.  I think our high temperature will be about 15 degrees.  No snow, thankfully.


We have had sub-freezing temperatures without a break for a couple of weeks.  Today, it was above freezing with rain.  I had to spend an hour or so with the shovel clearing firm slush / soft ice from the driveway before it freezes again tonight.  It's going to be a hard freeze, down to -14C overnight, so anything not gone today will be rock-hard tomorrow. 


My arms are complaining now.  I can definitely say that there is no way I have any athletic advantage over a cis woman.  Those muscles are long gone!

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10 minutes ago, Nats said:

@awkward-yet-sweet According to the interweb, circa 3,400 road going steam engines in the UK (more than in the 50s).  It's a bit of  UK sub culture, sometimes noticeable in farming counties in the summer (places like Yorkshire, Shropshire, Wiltshire and the West Country). 


Salo ... you said 'meatless' but I think you meant 'boneless'?  I'm a vegetarian so erm, no, not for me; not even the raw onions (I will include some shavings in a summer salad but that's my raw onion limit).


I was reading about the lives of peasants in 12th Century rural England recently and apparently offering someone a whole raw onion (to eat like an apple) amounted to an act of gracious generosity and was considered a substantial lunch.  The onions were, it's believed, milder than the ones we're used to, but even so.  It was the done thing to hand over the family knife, too, so that you could cut out any burrowing pests you might come across. 


Interesting you have so many steam engines for farm uses... do they still run railroad locomotives also?


And yes, my GF's salo is indeed meatless.  Its literally just a slice of pork fat, no actual muscle flesh on it at all.  If you rendered it, you'd basically end up with lard.  Apparently Hungarian salo may have some meat on it, and has different spices, but the Russian way she tells me is just sliced, spiced, and raw.  She's quite content to sit there with slices of salo and really pungent white onions, sometimes even with sliced horseradish and hot mustard sauce.  Not exactly my idea of a wholesome snack, nor do I think hard alcohol goes with breakfast :lol: 


There are some onions that are milder and some that are really strong.  Its common here to eat sweet Spanish red onions raw in salads or on hamburgers.  And there are a couple of mild yellow varieties.  But there are some white ones and yellow ones that are almost impossible to peel, let alone try to eat raw.  Which of course, are the ones GF prefers :?.  I know there are some folks in Europe who keep medieval varieties of plants alive, and even breed traditional medieval livestock.  Have you encountered this?

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Just now, Nats said:

@awkward-yet-sweet They're only for hobbyists.  Modern tractors are basically wired, connected, computerised and all-but self driving, I believe. 


Wow. She sounds like ... no one I've ever met!!!!

Small farmers here use tons of old equipment.  Can't afford the new stuff, and the new stuff breaks down a lot due to the electronics.  There was a big scandal recently about John Deere's computer stuff being un-maintainable at home.  Not many people using the old steam stuff except as a hobby, although some folks keep them as a "backup" in case of EMP or somthing. 1950's through 1970's gas and diesel equipment is really common. Basically nobody ever junks an old tractor, and replacement parts are still made. 


GF.... I'd say she's unique, but she's found some others just like her, and her 5 kids are practically clones. ^_^ I definitely consider her choice of snacks a biohazard.  Raw animal products are just unsafe and unappealing.  Salo, raw horse meat....and then there's the disgusting fish sauce she makes.  The beginning is to leave fish guts rotting in the sun and let the liquid that comes off it ferment.  These are the things I've had to get used to watching, along with the smells of her making beer, wine, and moonshine at home.  Sometimes I have to tell her that she's definitely gonna brush her teeth before she kisses me.  :? 

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I'm hard to gross out, but fermented fish guts is certainly moving in that direction.

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4 hours ago, awkward-yet-sweet said:

The beginning is to leave fish guts rotting in the sun and let the liquid that comes off it ferment.

Yuck! I'll go as far as raw fish, but not the guts. I also ask the butcher for a small sample of raw meat before I buy it. If it tastes good raw it will taste good cooked. 

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Good morning, everyone! I'm already 2 cups of coffee into the day with more to come. I am trying to recover from a quick 5 day trip to Las Vegas and returning to drive 3 hours home in a snowstorm.


Las Vegas was......interesting. Expensive. Anything but fast food meant $80 to $120 for the two of us to eat a meal. Obviously, gambling everywhere...but we didn't gamble at all. And every resort had the smell of cigarette hanging in the air.


The reason we went was to go to see The Eagles in concert at The Sphere. OH! MY! GOD! It is hard to describe how awesome it was. The Eagles put on a tremendous concert - great music from start to finish. What we had no idea about was The Sphere. The AI graphics it can generate are just amazing. It's like being in a virtual reality world while listening to the music. 


We also took a day trip to the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. Just stunning views from the West Wall. We also enjoyed seeing a Princess Diana exhibition that's there right now. A collection of letters, pictures, memorabilia and some of her dresses.


We did some touristy things - took a gondola ride at The Venetian resort, rode the giant Ferris wheel that gives you a view of all Las Vegas, saw the water fountains of The Bellagio at night and wandered through tons of high-end shops. All fun but we wouldn't go back to Vegas again.


It's good to be home and back with you all!


Have a wonderful day!!!!!!



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Good morning from the planet Uk

           A wet morning but at least it is not ccold. Re Lass vegas, I could never understand why there wasnt a british section, I mean you have the triffle tower and venice but no big ben or London!! Extract from the wizzard of oz "theres no place like home"


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A balmy -17 here this am. Way to cold for this girl. Unfortunately I have to go out in this. Thank the goddess I have remote start on my car. going to let it run almost the full half hour before I venture out. I want to be out in this crap as little as I can.


Also dressing warm. Leggings under my jeans, sweatshirt, hoodie, and carhart. wool socks round it out.




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    • Lilis
      Yeah I was iffy about it myself, perhaps a better way to describe it is as a natural variation of human diversity, one that comes with challenges in a society that isn’t always accepting, but not inherently a deficit.   Or maybe someone else can come up with a better word.     Thanks ❤️🌹
    • Betty K
      That sounds like a winning formula. I don’t like the word “handicap” to describe transness very much though. 
    • Lilis
      Awkward-yet-sweet you make a strong point.      Me too, and I think we all are, and it's tiring. My hopes are that future candidates see things as they are from both sides. Not an easy task I know, but something has to give for our own good.  
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I certainly believe in that.  Using medical facts to dispel the "its just a choice" mentality and emphasizing common ground is a pretty good two-pronged approach.    In the USA, I'd add in the idea of consistency with the principles of liberty... that ultimately one of the biggest features of a free society is bodily autonomy.  Both major parties in the USA lack consistency in that area, and its something I find baffling.  
    • AmberM
      I've been working on a custom campaign setting for a D&D campaign that I am just now starting to run (just finished session 0) and we will kick-off at the end of March. I wanted to share what I created and would be curious what others think, but also if there are practical tips or suggestions. I've been watching a lot of Ginny V and a few other YouTubers on this subject, and I'm feeling more confident, but was curious if there were any small things people did that they enjoyed.   Eclipse of Divinity Community Page (World Anvil hosted) - https://www.worldanvil.com/w/eclipse-of-divinity-codeamber0621
    • Lilis
      So, would it be fair to frame it this way?   All the medical and scientific research seems to suggest that being transgender means I was born with a handicap.    Meanwhile, @VickySGV argues that focusing on our shared humanness is a more effective approach to advocacy in combating 'gender ideology.'   Is that right?   How about a well rounded advocacy strategy that might incorporate both?    Leveraging scientific research when necessary while prioritizing human connection and lived experiences to drive cultural acceptance.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Ugh.  The snow is coming back!  I thought we already went through the coldest part of the year, but apparently this storm is going to bring a nearly record-setting cold for this date.  Probably getting at least a foot of snow, and maybe lower than -5 overnight Tuesday and Wednesday.    I really, really, really want to just hide in my nest.  I'm not meant for this.  My arctic GF and her 5 little clones are probably going outside to scamper and revel in it.  I have at least been successful at convincing my GF that she should stay home from work.  Even with the new cardiac stent, she's been insisting she's able to go back, but the fatigue is noticeable.   My husband will be home for a little while tomorrow, since his company canceled most tasks for the next couple of days so people can stay home to take care of their families.  But once the snow starts falling he's probably going to be dealing with emergency stuff part of the time.  He's already got his county-issued Humvee ready to go.  My sister is planning to be on duty, and has switched her usual patrol car for a 4x4.  With so many kids at home, it probably means less time for me to nap and stay warm...
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I both give and take.  But I often warn people that my advice may be worth what they paid for it...
    • Samantha Rose
      I hope so too, because I can REALLY use the help, LOL.  
    • Betty K
      You’re welcome. I hope TransPulse helps you as it has helped me. 
    • Samantha Rose
      It sounds like we share a lot of the same experiences and preferences.  It is nice to be in a place where I can meet more People like me.  Thank You for taking the time to share Your thoughts with a Newbie.
    • Betty K
      You’re welcome. Growing up in the 70s and 80s with a healthy dose of unrecognised, suppressed dysphoria and a severe degree of bullying and stigmatisation within my family attached to my gender nonconformism, I also am frequently amazed at how far we’ve come. Just to be able to walk down a city street in broad daylight without being harassed feels like luxury to me even now. Unfortunately I feel, when it comes to sexuality, we have an especially long way to go. As a transfemme who is exclusively attracted to men, I am painfully aware of the amount of shame most men attach to being attracted to someone like me. It takes an effort not to let that shame rub off on me, but I’m trying.
    • AllieJ
      In regards to dysphoria, I doubt many people or trans care professionals really understand it. For most of my life I suffered with dysphoria, even when nobody around me kew I was trans. When I was young I tried to understand why I had compulsions to engage in feminine things, and through puberty I realised that my internal view of myself was at odds with my birth sex. I realised then it was this incongruence which resulted in my dysphoria, but in 1967, there was no terminology for any of this. Through my teens I learned that affirming activities reduced my dysphoria, and this gave me a strategy to manage my life.   I came out at age 65 and was universally accepted and supported, but this did nothing to alleviate my dysphoria, which was very strong by then. Starting HRT and living full time made a significant difference, but when my HRT failed me (inexperienced endo), my dysphoria increased. I was surprised by how much my dysphoria was reduced after my GCS. Almost gone. I realised then that my genitals were my biggest trigger for dysphoria.   I struggled to find a descriptor much of my early life, and as I learned, it changed. Then I realised I never fit neatly into boxes, so I stopped trying. After six decades of studying myself, and others, and lots of reading  and talking to hundreds of other trans people, I have come to the conclusion that all trans people have dysphoria, but not everybody recognises it. it changed for me with life events, and at times I didn't feel it, but I realised that even while it was benign, it was still there. Not as a profound feeling, but as background 'noise' which was easily covered by other events. This 'noise' would just prevent me from enjoying other things fully, or add to other frustrations.   I also started to realise that Dysphoria is a reaction to incongruence, just as euphoria is. It is akin to pulling your hand away from a flames that are burning you, or moving closer to the flames when it is cold. A natural reaction more than a mental disorder...   Hugs,   Allie 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Actually, no.  Its a good song, and sadly it always seems to remain relevant. 
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