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Good morning All. Coffees on.


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Hiho hi ho it’s back to work I go


strange week work a day well actually 6 straight, 2 days off work a day off a day, work a day off two.  But the days off were  requested.  Wife’s mad at me.  Her cpapwas playing the slide trombone and I woke her up.  Why would I do something that stupid? Well normally I don’t but it was really loud last night, woke me up which is unusual.  Honestly I don’t get that it wasn’t keeping her up.


time to go

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Well another day and keeping those dreams alive of a lovely summer



We the English much prefer tea so much more refreshing!!!, another dull day here, going into town for some food for sammy squirrel, its still very much winter time here

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Good morning it’s been an interesting journey my past couple of weeks. Just brewed some coffee in my French Press and waiting for it to steep. Thank you @Nats, @VickySGVsnd @Carolyn Mariefor all the support and advice recently regarding my HRT and some concerns I was having I see my Primary Care today and am going to address my concerns with them. As well as discussing with my Endocrinologist when I have the appointment with them later this month. I wish everyone a wonderfully blessed and happy day. Stay safe especially with the Chaos or Government is causing. Send you all hug and support. Stay positive and Vibe high. 


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Been a good morning so far for me. Started getting up taking a shower and getting ready including dressed for work. Sister in law said good choice on the dress I picked out. Brother is in bed sleeping, long night shift which he is a police officer. Going to meet my new doctor first, My boss and his wife know I will be late being this told yesterday

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Just now, Nats said:

That does look good but here in the UK it's £80 ($100) for a 5lb bag which is too rich for us!

Yikes!  Too rich for me as well.

I'll just drink my Folgers for now.

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Second day of overnight snow in Western Washington and another snow day for my wive and kiddos. They're loving it.

Just started my first coffee, was able to sleep in because I didn't have to get anyone to school. Back to the grind of looking for work, but it's pretty outside--just a glitz of white on everything. It'll be gone by the afternoon, but it's making me feel snuggle-y.

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2nd day at my new job going well, My new boss and his wife are impressed with me seeing I am a keeper. Went through more paperwork for another case they are doing and it was all fraud. Met my new doctor this morning too and she is very nice, I like her very well.

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Just now, JackieLynn said:

2nd day at my new job going well, My new boss and his wife are impressed with me seeing I am a keeper.

Long may that continue!

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Just now, Nats said:

You'll pay $100s or even $1,000s for it, and however skilled you are, it won't make decent coffee.

I had a semi-pro, brass boiler Rancillio Silvia back in the day, it cost me $700US. I could make you a coffee, any way you like. I still can. In fact, I know when steamed milk is at temp by the sound. Mind, I've tried and failed to get work at coffee shops but no one wants a mid-40s Director-level barista these days. :D


We have a Nespresso and the coffee is good; better than pot coffee (which I am also quite fine with!). And yes, it's an expense, one that we may soon have to do away with. But, it's not as expensive as you'd think. It's cheaper than a gas station coffee, a two shot americano I can make for ~$1.50 which is ~50 cents cheaper than the gutter water they sell. ;)

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Decent coffee here typically sells for $12-$16 for a half-kilo bag.  If you wait for a sale, you can find it for $10.  We don't buy in larger formats than that, since we want to keep it fresh.  We only buy beans, never ground.


There is an abundance of artisanal roasters right here in the Valley, so there is no excuse for bad or even mediochre coffee

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Just now, Nats said:

@MaeBe I ranted.  Again.  And it occured to me too late that the chances are good that lots of people reading it may have an upmarket coffee machine.  But when I go off on one, probably no one takes me seriously anyway.  I mean, I hope not.  

I was quite offended! :lol: I agree with you on K-cups, however. I never much cared for what they produce.

I gave away that machine a few years ago, got a 20yr bottle of scotch for it. Not a terrible return. I hadn't been using it like I had when I got it so many years ago, when I still lived with my parents. I used to make cappuccinos for my mom all the time.


Damn, I didn't expect to start crying while talking about coffee...

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Just now, Nats said:

I don't get spending $2-6 on a single coffee in Costa or Starbucks when you can make much better coffee at home


My daughter has worked as a barista at the Starbucks a few times.  But I only get coffee from them (or other coffeeshops) if I have the excuse of meeting someone there.

sometimes grind the beans, but usually once I make myself get out of bed I just want coffee… now.  Start the kettle and put a generous scoop into the press.  It works for me.

I don't care much for the weird flavored stuff though.  I prefer it barefoot and strong.

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Just now, Nats said:

Awww, sweetheart.  Hugs across 3,500 miles.  

Thank you. <3

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Just now, Ivy said:

once I make myself get out of bed I just want coffee… now.  Start the kettle and put a generous scoop into the press.  It works for me.

I don't care much for the weird flavored stuff though.  I prefer it barefoot and strong.

Like @IvyOnce I get out of bed, I want a cup of coffee. My operation plan is to use a k-cup or pod to fill my first cup, while I wait for the full pot to brew. I'm also in the barefoot and strong group.


Mindy 🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋💖 


Coffee do you job.jpg

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Just now, MaeBe said:

Long may that continue!

Talking a raise hopefully in June. I come in one time with a positive attitude and they see me just like any normal person. Review comes up next week and it looks good on me

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3 minutes ago, Nats said:

I ranted.  Again.

And it was a good one! The head of steam you worked up ... I swear I could hear espresso being made and milk being foamed! :lol:

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Sister in law introduced me to her co worker Sarah and I like her, we are going on a date on Friday. Sarah came over and we hugged. I am looking towards the date with her. Said she wanted to make my life easier being there for me

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Their infallible machine has failed again. It did however give me my evening meds as it went into a service error.

The nurse yesterday checked the machine fully and said there's absolutely nothing wrong with it and it must be operator error. She instructed me just to hit the button when it tells me to do so and don't fidget with it. I have course did as instructed as I always do, and it failed anyway. I'm sure I'll hear about it this morning when I go in.

She kindly read the service manual to me yesterday on why there is service errors showing on the screen, and none of the causes listed was machine error.

I received my evening meds, but not my late night meds. I don't suppose it will give me my morning meds either but I can get those at the centre when I go in.

Somehow I foresee me being "at fault" again in this situation.

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Good morning, everyone!! We're back to cold weather with snow and freezing rain in the forecast for overnight into Thursday. Luckily, I purchased a new bag of ice melt the other day. 


I've walked and fed our dogs - who are now sleeping as I sit here awake for the day.


Do people really put milk and sugar in coffee? Honestly. How is that even possible?  lol


Enjoy this beautiful day (and the coffee or tea) we've been given.

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Good Morning all, another cold but sunny morning here on planet UK. Tea is so much more refreshing and first thing i like a nice cuppA tea.Fed Mia cat and sammy the squirrel. Yup i put milk in my tea not very much but enough to make it nice and strong. A lazy day head followed by a social evening out with friends


out for a nice meal and get together with friends, another lovely venue we enjoy visiting, how is your day?


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Good morning, I have coffee and a 2nd part of my midterm (paper portion) I'm glad you're all having a great day and it hope it continues.

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Good morning


Today my mother would have been 117 years old.  But Tomorrow my oldest Grand-daughter turns 21!.  She never knew my mother or my father.  

Wow, I can’t believe the the price if coffee mentioned here, especially the $100 A bag for Colombian.  I never pollute my coffee with milk or sugar just coffee.  As for tea, that I drink as my father taught me milk and sugar.  In spite of being born in Massachusetts he was pure Scot.  Stewart &Mcdonald both of my grandparents were born in Canada, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, so I presume that’s how tea drinking has been for generations in my family.


i rarely drink hot tea, but cold (iced tea).that’s my go to for meals out.  With lemon and two teaspoons of sugar, although I will drink it without either.  The best iced tea I’ve ever had in the world was at the Imperial Hotel In Bangkok.  (For all you James Bond fans there was one of his movies with scenes from there.)


well, I guess I should do something more than recall old memories.  At least I have them.



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Just now, April Marie said:

Do people really put milk and sugar in coffee? Honestly. How is that even possible?  lol

Always. But some say I am weird. Its just how I like it. :P


It has been nice the last few days, in the 50s. So, most of the white crap is gone. but going to drop later this week. I hope the weather is nice the weekend of the 14th. We are heading to visit out oldest. Haven't seen them since before Xmas.




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Got a call for scheduling for a mammogram. I went on hrt to develop breasts at age 18 wanting natural breasts. Scheduled it for next week.

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As I have said, I prefer my coffee barefoot.

However, on occasion, I will do the sugar & cream thing.  But it needs to be actual cream.  I am also fond of coffee ice cream.


Just now, JackieLynn said:

Got a call for scheduling for a mammogram.

I got my first one last year.  I looked at it as a rite of passage.

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