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Good morning All. Coffees on.


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Good evening


thank you @Betty_B  I also use an epi on legs arms and stomach.  Most of my beard is coarse and dark.  Yes I’ve heard they don’t last and have to be repeated.  

What has me thinking about this is it’s been growing faster and more noticeable lately.  I’m hoping that is because of my low estrogen and will right itself when I get get that back under control.


Yes @KymmieL I am already trying to figure out what to do next.  I used to build furniture.  Made our bedroom set out of solid maple,made a solid cherry memory chest for my daughter where she keeps things that belonged to Daphne (my granddaughter that died of cancer) and and other things.  Shut that hobby down a few years ago now.  

im thinking maybe a keyboard and learning to play the piano?  Maybe learn another foreign language?  No idea.



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1 hour ago, Katie23 said:

It depends on the amount of time that you have and how fast you want your hair gone. There is hair and then there is facial or scrotal hair. I tried electrolysis, but was having inconsistent results. I think it was the person's technique. I recently met someone who had the bulk electrolysis in Chicago and they cleared their face in 4 long days. I will be looking into that this week. I spent a fair amount of money to have FFS done and the hair growth is a pain in the xxx. There is no simple way to get from point A to point B. 


i've had the bulk electro in Chicago. I started there for genital prep and added the facial. I've had two treatments for the face. two ladies working at the same time for about 7 hours so almost 30 hours. They couldn't clear all the hair the first time. Honestly my face was so swollen after one day I could not imagine going back another day afterwards. I went 2 months apart.  they certainly get better results. Mostly because if you get the comfort protocol of injections then they can go fast without worrying about your pain tolerance and can use higher settings for the same reason. They have a greater follicle kill rate because of that. You have to pay almost $700 more for the pain control and when you add up two people working at the same time for such an extended period it can be a pretty heavy fee per day. (think more than$2.5k)  I think it's worth it in the end. It will be more economical in the long run but you do have to save for each visit.  My insurance covers it so I am lucky.  I do have to pay for travel which adds upI was seeing someone local almost every week for an hour and after a year and a half didn't get as much cleared as one session in Chicago. The other nice thing is when you go every week, you have to keep growing your beard out for a couple days every week which sucks. With the mass clearings, you do that once every couple of months. I plan on going back in the new year after I have fully recovered from bottom surgery. I figure two more trips and I will have 90% done then I will have my local person pick back up to do the last stragglers.

@WillowI noticed significant chest and back hair reduction from two years of t blockers and E. Arms and legs the hair is a little finer but still grows at the same rate and just as long. 

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17 hours ago, Willow said:

Oh yeah I forgot to ask a question, has anyone had experience with a home laser hair removal unit?  Did  it work?  Permanently or temporarily?  What brand?


thanks. Internet reviews are in some cases too terrific to be believed.  I can’t see spending the money for electrolysis.


I have this one from Tria:





From what I could tell when I was buying it, it seemed like the best home option. I don't know if that's true, I haven't tried any others, but here's my experience with it as a person who has very light skin, and had lots of dark body hair before HRT (I think my body hair might be starting to lighten a little now that I've been on HRT for about 10 months though) :


I got the device January of last year (Jan 2021, almost a year before I started HRT), and I mainly used it on my upper chest, and the backs of my hands and feet. If you read their documentation, they make it very clear it's not meant to be used on "male" facial hair (I take that as meaning "facial hair that came from testosterone".) I obeyed that warning.


The instructions say you need several sessions with the laser on the same part of the body before you start seeing results. It says to wait two weeks between sessions on the same part of the body. So that's what I did.


In my experience, it seemed to take a long time before I saw any results. And actually using the device was tricky, because it only covers a very small little spot with every "zap" (ie, when you "pull the trigger"), and you have no visual way to clearly see what parts of your skin you already "zapped" and which parts you haven't zapped yet. So it's rather tedious to use, and you have to be very methodical about trying to make sure you cover everything you want to cover, but don't go over the same spot more than once in a session.


After about half a year or so (I usually took longer than 2 weeks between sessions on a body part just because I'm very ADHD), it was obvious to me that I finally had a definite and noticeable reduction in body hair on the places where I had been consistent and and diligent in using it. The hair wasn't entirely gone, there is still a noticeable amount left, and I felt like I had a hard time getting any further reduction after that (but it's possible that might have just been my own impatience, I do have problems with that). But there was definitely a lot less hair in those places than there had been before. And again, that was before I'd started HRT.


It's now been a little over a year since I got to that point and I haven't noticed any of the hair I'd gotten rid of coming back.


The pain didn't seem to be a problem. I can't really handle the pain from an epilator, but I was using the highest setting on this laser and yes, there were many times I could feel a certain zap, but it was always absolutely, completely tolerable for me.


So, I think: if you're just working on body hair, not facial, and if your skin is light and your body hair is dark, and you're willing to be both very patient and methodical, then I think the Tria one I used can give you a big head start on body hair removal and probably save a lot of money on "below the neck" laser and electrolysis. But I wouldn't expect it to completely clear the hair, just reduce it (and even then, only if you have light skin and dark hair).

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Good morning 


it was cold for here last night.  So coffee is a very important aspect of my morning today.


thank you for everyone who responded with their results and precautionary thoughts. I guess I will just stick to shaving and using my epilator where I can. It seems to have similar results on my arms and legs.  Fortunately I never had much in the way of back hair and that has been even less since starting hrt.  

well, I got my dinghy air leaks patched. I would like to get some latex to coat the outside.  It’s not the same as normal latex paint since it has to remain flexible.  I don’t know how it is chemically different but my guess would be more latex and less of the other additives for exterior house paint.  

I think that there are a couple air chambers worth adding green slim tire sealant,  the bow chamber has a very small seam leak ind the compound curves made it difficult to patch.  Similar there is a circular opening to the floor to get access to the keel chamber and that has been very challenging to get reglued .  Now , I need to find a do it yourself car wash as the whole thing needs a power wash and I can’t do that here.


today is a shopping day!  Food and other items.  Wednesday us elderly folks get a discount at the grocery stores.  I hate the terminology. I am not elderly but I’ve seen people younger that are.  It’s a matter of health and fitness and I’ve still got both.


take care



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Hi all,


I haven't posted here for awhile. I have my ice coffee sitting by my labtop doing this or that. Put my makeup on for a Zoom meeting. With my coffee within arms reach I am ready to go.


Hope everyone's morning is doing well



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2 hours ago, Katie23 said:

Right now I am recovering from some additional facial procedures and the worst thing is I cannot shave right now. Itching and dysphoria...What a combo

I completely understand. My goal was to have my facial electro finished by FFS but I only had about 60% elimination by then.  Sucked not being able to shave for a while afterwards.  I've had enough electro and all of the darker red whiskers eliminated to I don't get any 5 o'clock shadow. Most people think my skin is smooth as silk when they look at it even later in the day and sometimes the next but if I go more than a day without shaving it's noticeable especially to me.  I have Kaiser for insurance and generally they are great. Sometimes I have to push them a bit though.  The mid atlantic region of Kaiser is relatively new with the commitment to full trans treatments so they don't have a lot of people in their system who are used to processing claims for it and such.  I think there was one other person going through the new electrolysis coverage with me and we were kinda the guinea pigs. I know another person who started 18 months after me and has had a lot easier time of it.

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Had a student say I am one cool teacher.She has learned about me very well,one is about me happy as a fulltime crossdresser

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Hello every one    to Mandy Jo it feels really good when someone gives you a complement way to go.                               I will say this for me it has been a up on Hi then down the Hrt is wild, but glad i have it  and its working,things look like they are turning around I read a lot of the stuff on hear and is like I am feeling that. thank you all and have a very nice day, getting ready for work take care

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I had an emotional morning today.  I decided to try on a pair of skinny jeans mostly to see if I can still slip them on after 3 weeks of laying in bed and just eating junk.  The complete joy of being able to slip on a pair of tight pants without having to tuck and them fitting nicely over my smoother front was indescribable.  I completely broke down.  I wanted to just wear them all day but due to swelling and bruising, only lasted a few minutes of walking around the apartment before I was back to loose underwear only and back to laying in bed. lol 

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1 hour ago, Bri2020 said:

I had an emotional morning today.  I decided to try on a pair of skinny jeans mostly to see if I can still slip them on after 3 weeks of laying in bed and just eating junk.  The complete joy of being able to slip on a pair of tight pants without having to tuck and them fitting nicely over my smoother front was indescribable.  I completely broke down.  I wanted to just wear them all day but due to swelling and bruising, only lasted a few minutes of walking around the apartment before I was back to loose underwear only and back to laying in bed. lol 

I'm so happy for you, Bri. It's very affirming to be able wear what you want without tucking and to become your true self. Breaking down is okay, too. I suspect they were tears of joy.  Those are always a good thing.


Many hugs!

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@Bri2020, I am so happy for you!  I remember vividly the first time I put on yoga pants after my surgery and looked in the mirror.  Oh, my!  Yes, it was wonderful.

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14 hours ago, rachel w said:

Hello every one    to Mandy Jo it feels really good when someone gives you a complement way to go.                               I will say this for me it has been a up on Hi then down the Hrt is wild, but glad i have it  and its working,things look like they are turning around I read a lot of the stuff on hear and is like I am feeling that. thank you all and have a very nice day, getting ready for work take care

It is and she is bigender,living her life as female

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More good news here already.  Congratulations everyone.  Not much going on here.  I have to get utility trailer on marketplace.  I replaced the floor yesterday.  It’s a Snowbird trailer with a solid floor but it is metal in the middle and wood on the sides. The wood sections had given out.   They are exterior grade plywood and do require occasional replacement.


more later



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Well, as if I wasn't feeling somewhat isolated already while recovering; I've come down with a respiratory bug of some sort so no more visitors.  I gotta say, I'm a bit pissed! I've had so little contact with humanity that the idea of getting sick never even crossed my mind.  I think in the last 7 days, only 5 different people have crossed my path!. I tested neg on a home covid test but I kind of expected that. If this is covid, it won't show up on a home test for a few more symptomatic days. I thought about getting my bivaliant booster just before surgery but didn't want to risk feeling like poop a few days before hand and thought to myself that my risk of getting sick is so low given my homebound situation.  When I did get home I tried to schedule one for the day I had to go for my checkup but the earliest appointment I could get was Nov 1.


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I had an interesting experience last evening. (been busy with work, haven't had a chance to talk about it until now ☹️)


I was making one of my usual grocery store runs (in guy mode, I'm just not that out yet). After I had loaded my car with my...spoils of shopping??...I noticed a very attractive, very well-put-together (in a well-tailored suit, no less), young black man getting out of the car right next to mine. I tried to be friendly as much as I could, social etiquette rules about "the male head nod" and "the friendly female smile", y'know...etc...


Well, as I was getting into my car (after a long hard day mind you, of feeling super-gross from work, needing a shower, and feeling incredibly bad about my body having just seen some younger, far much better built, cis-women as I'd gone through the store. Y'know, typical day for a typical late-blooming, early-transition trans woman), I heard him ask me something I couldn't quite make out, so I awkwardly popped my big huge self back out of the driver's seat to ask for clarification. He asked me if I had a "boyfriend"!!!


Honestly, first time I've ever faced that question. Never even expected that I ever would!


I quickly "put two and two together" and figured he must have noticed the HRC "equals sign" sticker on my car. So I took a little leap of faith and kind of "came out" and admitted to being "transbian". He said that he'd been hearing about the term "transbian" but wasn't sure what it meant. So I told him, and I felt a little bit bad when his response was a slightly disappointed sounding "So then you're only interested in women?"



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good morning,


had some great coffee and got some good exercise, including a brisk walk through the cool morning air with a beautiful sunrise. 


looking forward to seeing a friend from middle school later today that i havent spoken to in years. it feels like its going to be a really great day today. i hope the same for all of you. 




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9 hours ago, Heather Nicole said:

Honestly, first time I've ever faced that question. Never even expected that I ever would!

Not what you expected, LOL.

I had a guy try to pick me up at the grocery store awhile back. (I was like 70 at the time)

But he was also looking for an other guy.  (I was dressed fem at the time but realize I don't really pass)  Even if I were younger I would not be interested under those terms.

But it was gratifying in a way.

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Good morning 


the teen meeting was last night and I went to be as helpful as I could.  We had a set of twins that were new to the group last night. Both ftm.  I thought that was a bit unusual.  I snuck out a few times to listen to the parents group.  They meet simultaneously in another area.  They had some interesting points.  I happened to be listening to them when the moderator ask me to speak which I did and allowed them to ask questions.  Some were concerned about what their child could expect in the future and I told them my trials and tribulations.  When they were done they indicated that they were appreciative of my remarks. 

the twins one was apprehensive at first but by the end of the meeting was just fine.



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Was with friends last night and said they do not miss me as my male side.They have enjoyed being around me as Mandy Jo to this day.Also they treat me as one of the girls

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It sounds like some good positive energy on, well had some tea this morning went out to work on firewood, came in made apple pie, got my beef stew cooking . back out more wood, came in for lunch, cooking bread.feeling pretty good about myself, we will see how long it last. everyone have a good day, its about 60 hear today

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Well last few days have been miserable. I've had a cold or something. Thanks to our youngest grandson. Thursday I opened and left at 11. Closed last night was totally out of it. Today I asked the boss if I could come in later so I can relax and help get rid of this crap,So I am going in at 3. Next week I am working the day shift all week. We have finally gotten some new people that can close.


SSDD here. Wed was our 37th anniversary. Still nothing said about my ruby red finger nails.






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On 10/2/2018 at 11:11 AM, jae bear said:

  The mornings rolling right along, one cup down ️ 

 Washed all the dishes from last night, made my typical breakfast of avocado toast and two egg omelette and enjoyed my cup of Folgers! I’ve been drinking Folgers since I was two years old nothing else tastes quite right,  even though I enjoy many other types of coffee I always come back to simple family staple...  I have one of those little filter baskets for my Keurig, it would most likely prefer a course ground coffee but I find that hard to find. It leaves a little bit of silt in the cup, But I have found I actually like it a little bit, halfway into the cup a little swirl keeps everything normalized and I’ve begun to enjoy this odd little ritual!

that sounds quite nice actually. I've been enjoying foldgers as well. 

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i'm goofy. 




well, a bit melancholy and beside myself today. trying to convince myself to get up and exercise, get something done with the day.. 

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