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Fast food / junk food addiction

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  • 2 months later...

No virtual option with my OA group as of yet but I will check with one of the girls that knows the head of the group.




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Talked with one of the girl from the group and she hasn't heard anything  so we are assuming no virtual meetings offered at this time.

I tried to find another online forum that deals with  eating  disorders  primarily but haven't found much so far.

Had the urge to go to Dairy Queen today for a big burger and ended up buying 3 doubles some fries and a butterfinger blizzard.

Got home and ate it all in one sitting now that is bad even for me.

Not sure why I told you guys here but I needed to admit it to somebody I guess.  



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@Teri Anne Thank you for sharing, no one can stop you buying what you want to, you are an adult - I am terrible if I see a new product or a limited edition something. Most recently the ads for double big macs, I don't even rate Mcdonalds because their burgers are tiny! It was only my son copying all the times I have said I dont like them that stopped me getting one when I was in town.

I think sometimes we fixate so much on something that we just need to get it out of our system and move on - use that bleuch feeling to associate it with that place for the next time you get those hankerings, or make your own burger at home where you will be less likely to splurge so much and can make something that tastes so much better. x

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Cravings are best taken care of when you have them. If you don't, they pile up and you REALLY overdo when you cave in. My spouse and I had burgers last night too. I'd been craving them since I'd done the banking in the morning. There's a Red Robin across the street and it smelled SO good...


In case you think they were healthy in any way, they came from a place called "Lefty's Cheesesteak." We had them with curly fries and corned beef eggrolls. They were fantastic, but not especially healthy. There were chocolate molasses ginger cookies for dessert (those were home made, I've been baking since yesterday). 


The thing to remember is that weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. It's OK to indulge once in a while. The key is just not to overdo. It had been a couple of weeks since I had takeout food (Of course EVERYTHING is takeout right now). It's OK to treat yourself now and again.



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Thanks for the comments it does help.

I still feel pretty guilty about my DQ binge but I will make myself stay home so I don't do that again today.

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@Teri Anne don't hesitate to seek out support here. You are cared about, and welcome to post your threads here. My wife Suzie and I are on two different tracks but not in competition, on our fitness and weight health. Because we have two different body types, and metabolisms. When it comes to treating ourselves to a meal of comfort food, we declare a "Food Holiday". One meal didn't make me fat and skipping one meal isn't going to make me skinny. We just have to keep the Food Holiday to one meal a month. My weakness is CHOCOLATES so every day at the close of my food intake time, I go to the refrigerator, count out 16 Ghirardelli Chocolate chips 60% Coca and slowly eat them before brushing my teeth and going to bed. If you deny yourself all forms of food pleasure you're setting yourself up for failure. It was tough for me to give up Beer, Bread, and Pasta but I knew I would never give up CHOCOLATE. My doctor reminds me that I can eat whatever I want, as long as I'm willing to spend those calories on the treadmill or bike. Calories in vs Energy out. 


Hugs, (masked)



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That plan sounds like a great idea Mindy so thank you.

I gave up alcohol and that was quite a few years back.

I have managed to give up donuts and  candy as a regular thing and made only a rare treat.

I guess that shows I am capable of something but the compulsive/ binge monster is stronger than I am most of the time.

Thanks again.

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