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What's the strangest thing someone has said to you about being trans?


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What's the weirdest thing someone has said to you when they found out you were trans? Something that didn't necessarily offend you but that left you going "...what."


For me it was something that was actually said to my mom about me. She'd told a co-worker of hers, that I'd met a couple of times, that I was nonbinary. Her response was, "Then why does she wear nail polish?" Ignoring the misgendering, I'm just surprised that me not having a gender means I can't have blue nails. But that's the kind of things that happen when you're afab and nonbinary; people think that you not identifying either way means you must hate everything feminine and be as butch as possible. Yeah, I don't get it either. I know some folks are like that but that's just not me. You can take my nail polish from my cold, dead, amazingly well kept hands. 


Anyone else got any stories? Hopefully more interesting than mine?




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Once upon a time, when I was out, but still regulated to the men's room (my state has bathroom laws), I was changing in the locker room before my workout. I was dressing in a gender neutral/feminine manner and wearing a sports bra. Now, I had my gym clothes underneath. I'd shuck my shirt/pants and had my shorts/tank on.

The guy changing next to me gave me the once-over and said, "You've got a lot of balls bringing those (my breasts) in here."

What do you say to that?

I wanted to say, "Well, I'd leave them at home but they cry."

What I went with was, "Well, until I get bottom surgery I'm stuck in here with all of you. I apologize if it offends, but I'll be out of here in a minute."

Nobody made a fuss afterwards and a couple of months later, my friend who runs the cleaning staff told me, "You know we have a gender-neutral bathroom, right?"



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@MaryMary I think trans people are just magnets for insane psychologists. I briefly saw a woman who admitted to never having seen a trans person in our first session and in the second one told me she'd gone and googled trans folks and had somehow come to the conclusion that most trans people are trans because they were molested as children. I died a little inside that day. 


@Jackie C.Oh my word, all of that sounds like a scene from a transgender sitcom.

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3 hours ago, ThatDarnDodo said:

You can take my nail polish from my cold, dead, amazingly well kept hands. 

Nothing to add to the thread as I haven't told most people about me yet, but I actually LOL'd at that ?

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I have had a couple of instances. I was yelled at across a gas station “that dude has tits”

The latest one is my mom insists that I’m a burden on her but she admitted I looked happy lol. She then pulls my wife aside and asked how she was handling this situation and that she can leave me.

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So on two separate occasions I guess people at my college have tried to report their fraternity/sorority members for being transphobic towards me, even though I have no clue who these people are. The first time happened during my first weekend on campus, and I had this dude that I'd never even met before coming up to me and apologizing and saying "I just want you to know that I totally support your lifestyle no matter what anyone else tells you I've said". My response was just "that's great... Who are you again?" The second time one of the girls in my college band came over to my dorm nearly in tears because one of her sorority sister reported her for being transphobic during band but the incident she was describing never happened!? And I know now that this girl was pretty bigoted but at the time I just told her that I wasn't gonna make a big deal bc she'd always been at least decent to me when we had to interact. 


I guess it's just weird that being one of the only openly trans people on campus means that people will try and use you to try and bring down other members of their organizations... Like both times I was more confused than actually offended by these people. 

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@MaryMary I was too confused to really have much of a response. Like little freshman Rory was just minding her business in the lounge when this complete stranger upperclassman comes up and starts apologizing for things I had no idea about. 

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I would not call it weird, more of a bitter/sweet combination. I got a few dresses and was trying them on and sharing pictures with my mom to see her opinion. And for one of them she replied, “oh, this one makes you look like a real woman”. ?

I know it was said with sincerity and reassurance but it still felt unsettling. Makes you wonder if those who are close to you would ever switch from supporting acceptance to seeing who you really are. 

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1 hour ago, Rorelai said:

I was too confused to really have much of a response.

@Rorelai Now that you've had time to ponder the statement you could calmly reply "it's not a lifestyle, its who I am." 


Valerie it sounds like the comment by your mom was made in with love for you.  As you grow and change, and the presence of Valerie becomes more natural for her, she will be better.  Have faith.

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I bumped into a coworker while opening the door for the restroom. I was going in and he was coming out. He backed up against the door and said “woh I thought you were going to grab my crotch.” I know he thinks I like guys. I was taking back by that comment. My male ego almost kicked in because I felt like telling him to F off. But I kept it cool and just laughed it off. I don’t know how much longer I can ignore his ignorant comments.

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39 minutes ago, Michellle said:

I bumped into a coworker while opening the door for the restroom. I was going in and he was coming out. He backed up against the door and said “woh I thought you were going to grab my crotch.” I know he thinks I like guys. I was taking back by that comment. My male ego almost kicked in because I felt like telling him to F off. But I kept it cool and just laughed it off. I don’t know how much longer I can ignore his ignorant comments.


Wow, that guy is an -censored-. Can you report him to HR?



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1 hour ago, Michellle said:

I bumped into a coworker while opening the door for the restroom. I was going in and he was coming out. He backed up against the door and said “woh I thought you were going to grab my crotch.” I know he thinks I like guys. I was taking back by that comment. My male ego almost kicked in because I felt like telling him to F off. But I kept it cool and just laughed it off. I don’t know how much longer I can ignore his ignorant comments.


I would have slowly looked him up and down with an expression of utter disgust and disbelief, and said, "Why the h*** would I want to do that?" ?

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1 hour ago, KathyLauren said:


I would have slowly looked him up and down with an expression of utter disgust and disbelief, and said, "Why the h*** would I want to do that?" ?

I bumped into a coworker while opening the door for the restroom. I was going in and he was coming out. He backed up against the door and said “woh I thought you were going to grab my crotch.” I know he thinks I like guys. I was taking back by that comment. My male ego almost kicked in because I felt like telling him to F off. But I kept it cool and just laughed it off. I don’t know how much longer I can ignore his ignorant comments.


Next time I will be ready with a arsonal of comebacks. There is only so much I can take before I snap. I treat people with respect and kindnesses and expect the same in return. No one else at work has a issue with me and I am grateful. He better watch it , these hormones make me fiery...lol 

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Thank you @Jani, after some consideration I came to the same conclusion. I have been on this journey much longer and need to remember that others are still acclimating to the “new normal” ?

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I had a lot of bad once, but i had one fun one

I was cleaning one of long time customer house. She is a wonderful woman. I been fully out to all my clients for well over 2yrs.

She was on the phone with her daughter and  the conversation want like this

"Alex is here." she look over at me

"I mean Lexi is here. He such a great guy."  Again she looks over at me

" I mean she sucha great guy, NOT a GUY.. a Girl. He is such a great Girl."

She look over at me again her face a little red

" Jesus f chirst!!! SHE IS A SHE  not he, and I love how hard and special he make me feel."

she look at me again her face was all red. I could not stop laughing.,

I yell out " Veronica just hang up the phone before we both  have a heart attack."

Love that woman. and when i get  down that moment always make me laugh

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When I had started transitioning one of our service techs loudly (so everyone could hear) made a comment about how I was starting to look like a girl. I didn't know what to say. I was a little shocked.  A few months later he made another loud comment that I looked more like a girl every time he saw me. This time I replied loudly "I doesn't matter what you say to me. Please stop hitting on me. I will never date you." He only talks to me about work stuff now.

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Elizabeth i like that response.  I've mentioned to a couple of men over the years that i am  unfortunately not at attracted to them.  That response might have worked well for Michellle as well, with the possible addition of " you are not that attractive."

I think the strangest thing anyone said to me, and it was repeated throughout my life was:  " It is a phase and you will grow out of it."

That's strange!  Certainly when you see me now.





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1 hour ago, ElizabethStar said:

When I had started transitioning one of our service techs loudly (so everyone could hear) made a comment about how I was starting to look like a girl. I didn't know what to say. I was a little shocked.  A few months later he made another loud comment that I looked more like a girl every time he saw me. This time I replied loudly "I doesn't matter what you say to me. Please stop hitting on me. I will never date you." He only talks to me about work stuff now.

That is something this guy would say to me. It’s funny this guy is a service tech also. I wonder if its the same person...lol. I love your comeback, I will use it next time. 

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Over the years I had my coworkers make plenty of statements about my reactions or things I said that compared me to their wives or some other female relatives. But instead of going defensive or getting upset I would just smile and agree. They never understood my reaction and any confrontation would just dissipate. However, for me all those statements were like badges of honor even if I didn’t fully understand why ? 

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Hey Elizabeth 

That a good one. I used to say, " You can't afford me."

But i look yr better



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OK so a girlfriend (an actual cis girl that's just a friend) said this too me just last night. She loves Greys Anatomy but I don't. She really want's me to get into it so we can talk about it. I tried but it really doesn't interest me one bit. Well last night she said she hoped the female hormones will kill the male part of my brain so that I can start being woman enough to like Greys Anatomy.  I told her there ain't nothing on this planet that can change me enough to be a woman that likes that show. Now give me The Walking Dead and we can talk.. lol

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23 minutes ago, ElizabethStar said:

I felt the same way about those two exact shows. Now I  have a favorite episode of Gray's.

Elizabeth, Whats the episode. Maybe I will give it a shot.

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    • Abigail Genevieve
      In the forward I learn that transgenderism is bad, and somewhere else that transgender ideology is bad.  I have not yet read a definition of either in the document.  I assume they are the same.  I know Focus on a Family has a definition of transgenderism on their website, or did, but I am not sure this is the same as that.  I might agree that transgenderism is bad if they use a definition I condemn (e.g. transgenderism means you always pour ketchup in your shoes before you put them on - I could not agree to that).  Is someone who believes in transgenderism, whatever it is, a transgenderist? I never see that term.  There may be other definitions out there, but I don't think there is an Official Definition that we all agree to.
    • RaineOnYourParade
      Crazy fact, was gonna go to the school where this went down at before I moved, have a lot of friends there. I know at least one of my friends met the guy on one occasion, not knowing who it was.
    • Abigail Genevieve
      They are thinking of Loudon.  The problem there was the girls were not protected from a known predator, who was moved from one school to another instead being effectively disciplined.  Outlaw school administrators? <sarc>
    • Abigail Genevieve
      How ironic.  I agree with the governor "“You cannot change your gender; you cannot pick your gender…there is a confused group of people that somehow think you can,”    - we are what we are, we are fighting the fact we CANNOT change our gender, which we did not pick.  Many if not all of us would not have picked a trans condition and have sought to evade, deny or move out or resolve it anyway we can.  Those who are confused on this issue are not trans folk.  They want us to change our gender but they deny we can.  Confusion.  
    • Vidanjali
      @FinnyFinsterHH no one can satisfy your questions about what will the future hold. But I can advise you to slow your mind down as much as you're able. Take it slow and one moment at a time. This advice goes beyond the practical reality that that's truly all you can do - further, try to enjoy each moment. It's clear you have a lot of aspirations regarding transition. But it's best to try to accept the bounds of your life circumstances at present because if you develop worries or even resentments about them, that will only make you bitter and more anxious. Instead, try to focus on anything you find affirming. Practice positive self-talk and give yourself affirmations too. Try to let go of expectations of your family members - they can only deal with change to the capacity they're able due to their own life conditions. Allow them grace as you wish they would allow you. Practice patience.   Try this exercise - read through your post and make one list of the positive developments and another of things you cannot control (including the future). If you have a sense of spirituality, offer the second list as a sacrifice to however you understand a higher power - leave it in their hands. If you're not spiritual, then offer it up to hope. Then throw that list away. Keep the list of positives and leave some room on it because guaranteed you'll have more and more to add. Look forward to that, but don't let your mind think it can rush things. Try to enjoy the ride. 
    • Vidanjali
      Happy birthday, Sam! Lotsa love!
    • Abigail Genevieve
      I still have not read much of this.  Very little of this document pertains to trans folk.  Some of the statements are more than problematic concerning trans folk.   It certainly was not written just to get us.   " those with gender dysphoria should be expelled from military service."  and "Reverse policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the military. Gender dysphoria is incompatible with the demands of military service,"  https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-04.pdf are two lines out of hundreds if not thousands regarding the Department of Defense, targeting trans folk in an almost off-hand manner.    So if a fighter pilot, say, or a ship's captain, highly experienced and trained at enormous expense, is determined to be transgender (method unknown) the US loses someone badly needed due to the personnel shortage who is ready, willing and able to perform their duties.  Many trans folk have served well and transitioned later.  I don't think this point is well thought out.    A number of policy recommendations I would disagree with.  I am not sure there is a method to discuss those with the authors; I am attempting to find out.  I have good conservative creds.    They are fully intending to implement this, regardless of who the president is, as long as that president is conservative. It is not Trump centered.  I don't think he had anything to do with it. 
    • April Marie
      I wear a Delimira Mastectomy sleep bra with Vollence sleep rated breast forms. The form fit inside pockets so they don't touch your skin. I bought the bras on Amazon and found the forms on eBay. They were much less expensive than buying through the other sources. 
    • Ashley0616
      I wore an olive corduroy coverall dress with a navy blue shirt underneath. 
    • Ashley0616
      @LittleSamCongratulations on one of the biggest decisions. Looking forward to your progress. 
    • Ivy
      I don't wear a bra to bed.  The girls aren't big enough to need it, but still enough to appreciate.  Just a flannel nightgown suits me fine.
    • Ashley0616
      You're welcome. I'm here quite often if you need me. 
    • Ashley0616
    • Ivy
      Yeah, that is the point.  And of course they can be proud of themselves for saving humanity.   Yeah.  That would be scary.  I'd find a bush somewhere like our GOP governor candidate recommends.  So far I've gotten away with the women's.  I've been told I pass better than I realize.  But it would only take one a55h0le.   This is all so stupid.  I mean, who gets off on hanging out in a bathroom?
    • Ashley0616
      Oh yes. It was not fun cleaning it up but he is better.
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