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Board Game Arena


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So I was looking up different options on ways to play board games since it is kind of a past time of mine, and ran across a website called Board Game Arena. I was skeptical at first, but it looks like you can play a variety of board games online for free (ad-supported) and with a subscription, it adds a decent amount more! So I was curious if anybody knew about this already, and I was slow on the research (wouldn't surprise me), or if I am sharing new information others would be interested in. I will leave a link and let me know if you would like to play with me sometime as I did go premium so I can host games for the premium games.



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  • 1 month later...

Haven't used board game arena but I've played a very select few games that were translated for pc play. Carcassonne being chill and the music is nice to relax with as you play. Talisman is ok, but the computer rules can get weird and the interface is a bit wonky. Root as a solo player is fine but is more ment for separate system play then same pc pass and play cuz it's hard to hide your cards. Hive is my new chess and is far more interesting since the board is made with the pieces you play. Mysterium though I never played it on pc, if you can get enough players involved could be a lot of fun. Arkham Horror, I find better as a boardgame and you use the app for the cards used for the location. I like to use house rules and add things to increase the variety without adding the extra location maps. But the PC Arkham Horror might be hard fun for the solo adventurer, you just might want to pick two characters though when you play. It can be mean.

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  • 1 year later...

I love boardgamearena and play almost daily. Message me and I can share my username (this goes for anyone) -also, I'm a subscriber so I can start tables with anyone I want (as opposed to strangers you get matched with for free).

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  • 1 year later...

Mysterium is one of the most magical games that you could possibly play.  It really feels like it is a game that could be used to explore the uniqueness of everyone’s mind and perspective.

if you’ve never played before, one character is the Ghost and the rest of the players are the mystics. The ghost cannot speak for the entirety of the game and it’s his or her role to share ‘dream’ cards with the mystics in an effort to persuade them to choose the correct assigned card combinations. The dream cards are wildly different and very much open to interpretation. The Ghost and the mystics are on the same team and only have a set number of rounds to solve the crime.

I know I’m not explaining myself well, but I can’t recommend it enough!

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