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Fun Friday Fact - hope you respond weekly to give us all a smile

Heather Shay

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Yes indeed @April-Showers and usually it's for a car you no longer own.

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2 hours ago, Jackie C. said:


I think it's just proof that some psychologists are raging dick-heads.




Oh geez! ??

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Mathematically speaking, people who are completely totally average are, in fact, exceedingly rare.

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On 7/16/2021 at 9:00 AM, Shay said:

The origin of the word “sinister” reflects a historical bias against left-handed people. It comes from the Latin word for “left,”


Leftys get no respect, except in baseball. Since banning is the in thing nowadays, I say ban all lefty's and send them to England. They'll be comfortable there, they drive on the left hand side of the road. They also run life saving message boards there too so that is good fun as well..

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On 7/16/2021 at 3:22 PM, Vidanjali said:


Is that something like some epic immersion therapy? If you can bring yourself to speak the name of your phobia you will have conquered it? ?

Totally! :D It brought to my mind a Gary Larson cartoon from back in the day.


I got it:


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On 7/18/2021 at 5:57 AM, Beatriz said:

Totally! :D It brought to my mind a Gary Larson cartoon from back in the day.


I got it:



Didn't Bette Midler have a song about this? "?Duck is watching us, duck is watching us, duck is watching us from a distance?

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Being the opening celemonies occurred today here is an interesting Olympics fact...........


The first official Olympic mascot was Waldi, the dachshund, at the 1972 Games in Munich.

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Keeping the Olympic theme:



Tug of war, Live Pigeon Shooting, Club Swinging, Croquet & Roque, One-Handed Weight Lifting, Rope Climbing, Motorboating and Plunge for Distance Swimming Race have been Olympic events.

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Segueing to an international theme, the Finnish language has ONLY gender-neutral pronouns and completely lacks grammatical gender. The third person singular pronoun "hän" can refer to any gender. 

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14 hours ago, Shay said:

Being the opening celemonies occurred today here is an interesting Olympics fact...........


The first official Olympic mascot was Waldi, the dachshund, at the 1972 Games in Munich.


Maybe this year's mascot can be a Fauci?. Now, now now. Don't hate on me. Fauci does sound like a dog breed when you keep saying it over, over and over again.

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Crying makes you feel happier.
Two women hugging and crying Shutterstock

They don't call it a "good cry" for nothing. Studies suggest that crying stimulates the production of endorphins, our body's natural painkiller, and feel-good hormones, like oxytocin. In short, crying more will ultimately lead to smiling more.


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and now a couple for the Olympics:



At least one of the colors of the Olympic flag appears on all the national flags.
Olympic flag flying on flag pole Shutterstock

Fresh aristocrat Baron de Coubertin designed the Olympic flag in the early 1900s, and he was very intentional with his creation. At least one of the colors on the Olympic flag appears on the flags of every nation that competed in the games at the time (but only if you count the white background of the flag itself). "A white background, with five interlaced rings in the center: blue, yellow, black, green, and red … is symbolic," Coubertin said in 1931. "It represents the five inhabited continents of the world, united by Olympism, while the six colors are those that appear on all the national flags of the world at the present time."


The Russians arrived 12 days late to the 1908 Olympics because they were using the wrong calendar.
Russian flag Shutterstock

Over 2,000 years ago, Julius Caesar promoted the use of the Julian calendar, a 365-day calendar that didn't account for leap years. Eventually, the calendar fell out of sync with the seasonal equinoxes, and holidays—like Easter—didn't land where they should. Finally, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII mandated that Catholic nations switch to a new Gregorian calendar that solved the problem.

But for many countries, including Russia, the switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian took centuries. As a result, in 1908, the Russians missed the first 12 days of the Olympics, which was hosted in London, because they were still using the Julian calendar. The country finally changed over in 1918 after the Bolsheviks took control. Fun bonus fact: Greece, the country where the Olympics were born, was the last nation to make the switch in 1923.



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Here's one for Shark Week


Vending machines have killed more people in America than sharks.

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2 hours ago, miz miranda said:

Here's one for Shark Week


Vending machines have killed more people in America than sharks.


Hehehe.  Now, if we could only dig deeper into this.  Did the deaths result from the vending machines toppling onto irate customers who were trying to shake their product loose because it was stuck on those spiral rings??  Or did they result from malnutrition from the customers eating waaaaaaaay too much processed food with two-year shelf life??


Inquiring minds want to know! ?



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Eddy Alvarez, an infielder on the United States' baseball team, will become just the third American ever, and sixth athlete ever, to medal at both the Winter and Summer Olympics. 

Alvarez clinched a summer medal when Team USA defeated South Korea in the Olympic baseball semifinals on Thursday night. The American baseball team will face off against Japan this weekend in the gold medal game. 


Athletes with Winter and Summer Medals

In Sochi 2014, Lauryn Williams won the silver medal in the two-woman bobsleigh event to become only the fifth athlete ever to have won medals in both the Winter and Summer Olympics. This is the list:


* Eddie Eagan, USA (2/0/0)

SUMMER: Light Heavyweight Boxing gold (1920)
WINTER: Four-man Bobsled gold (1932)

Eddie Eagan became the first person to win a medal in the Winter Olympics and in the Summer Olympics in different events. He is the only Summer and Winter medalist to win Gold medals in different events.


* Jacob Tullin Thams, NOR (1/1/0)

WINTER: Ski Jumping gold (1924)
SUMMER: 8-meter Yachting silver (1936)


* Christa Luding-Rothenburger, GDR (2/2/1)

WINTER: Speed Skating gold at 500 meters (1984) and gold 1000 m (1988), silver at 500 m (1988) and bronze at 500 m (1992)
SUMMER: Match Sprint Cycling silver (1988)

She is the only athlete to ever win medals in both Winter and Summer Games in the same year.


* Clara Hughes, CAN (1/1/4)

SUMMER: Individual Road Race Cycling bronze (1996), and Individual Time Trial Cycling bronze (1996)
WINTER: Speed Skating gold at 5000 meters (2006), silver at Team Event (2006), bronze at 5000 m (2002) and bronze at 5000 m (2010)

Clara Hughes is the first person to win multiple medals in both Summer and Winter Games and holds the highest number of medals of any olympian to win medals in both the Summer and Winter Games.


* Lauryn Williams, USA (1/2/0)

SUMMER: Athletics 4x100 m Relay gold (2012), and 100 m silver (2004)
WINTER: Two-woman Bobsleigh silver (2014)



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And for a fun fact:




There is a technical name for the "fear of long words."
Woman Writing Notes, better wife after 40 Shutterstock

It's called "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia."


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3 hours ago, Shay said:

Eddy Alvarez, an infielder on the United States' baseball team, will become just the third American ever, and sixth athlete ever, to medal at both the Winter and Summer Olympics. 


I thought for sure there would be more baseball players who swung both ways. Hmmm.

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These are actual US patents:



In-the-Car Coffee Maker

None (U.S. Pat. No. 5,233,914)

This one’s for the parents. Pep up the carpool drive with a cup of joe brewed right in your vehicle, “without taking attention from the road.” The cup comes with a splash guard for safe highway guzzling. This was patented in 1993, before there was a drive-through Starbucks on every corner. 



Flaming Trumpet




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Flaming trumpet idea is...sooo...cool!!!

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1 hour ago, Heather Nicole said:

Flaming trumpet idea is...sooo...cool!!!



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    • Willow
      Good evening   We went to Charleston today, my wife had a doctors appointment.  Got back home about 2pm and I took a 1 hour nap.  I have an odd work schedule over the next 10 days. I’m thinking they must be changing our store hours.  I work at a different store tomorrow, then beginning Saturday I start working at my home store.  Our store will be closed on Sunday while they remodel the it, change the layout and install some new equipment replacing some of the coolers and the coffee makers. Then I work starting a 5 am which is different and why I think they are charging our hours.   Yes, I watched a small bit of the debate.  Yes, I thought is was a lot of the same we hear during every election debate.  Yes, I thought Harris rattled Trump early on and never really got back on message.   My feelings about “the promised land” belonging to the Hebrews goes something like this.  God made a promise to Abraham first, follow me and I will make you the father of all man kind.  With one indiscretion Abraham did this, but they ended up in Egypt and came back and pushed the people living there out.  Then once again the hebrews left the promised land to Egypt.  God tells Moses to lead them back out of Egypt and he will again will return the promised land to them. All they have to do is obey him.  But they don’t. Moses begs and the agreement is that no one who was in Egypt can go into the promised land including Moses.  The tribes eventually get the promised land split up and things are pretty good until they stop obeying and loose the land again Ever since they have been forced out and fought to get it back but it’s no longer God’s promised land to the Hebrews as they broke that covenant time and time again.   you can disagree all you want I have no intention of debating history.
    • Sienna
      Thank you Carolyn Xx
    • Carolyn Marie
      Welcome to Trans Pulse, Sienna!  It's lovely to meet you.  Congrats on navigating the NHS to get to the point of starting HRT.  I know from others in the U.K. what a daunting experience that is.  We are here to answer your questions and offer support whenever you need it.  We do have many members from the U.K. with personal experience.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
    • Sienna
      I’ve recently started my hormone therapy and am in a state of euphoria most days after accepting who I really am and that I want to embrace the most authentic version of my true self.  Like most I have  went through so much confusion and never fitted or felt I fitted into the typical male role . After so many years I now understand who I am and what I need to do for myself to make me feel complete.  I hope I can call on you from time to time for your vast experience and knows to help me navigate my transition?  Thank you Sienna Xx
    • Sienna
      Hi Kathy,    thank you for your reply . I will go to the correct topic .    regards Sienna 
    • KathyLauren
      Hi, Sienna.  Welcome to Transgender Pulse.  Please take a moment to drop by our Introductions forum to tell us about yourself.   Kathy
    • Sienna
      Ahhh you answered my question 😘
    • Susan R
      @EasyE   I buy my Surgical Tape by the roll on Amazon. It’s called Smith And Nephew Flexifix Opsite Transparent Adhesive Film Roll 4"X10.9 Yards - Model 66000041   https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015TI2ZA?
    • Sienna
      Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and thank you for accepting me into your forum.  I am Sienna, it’s taken a very long time to comprehend and accept what is the most authentic version of myself .  I have recently started my hormone therapy and am looking forward to embracing the slow and gradual changes in my mind and body .  I hope that I find the answers I need in this fantastic group with so many lovely people .    thank you Sienna Xx
    • EasyE
      Found a very cute black pleated mini skirt yesterday while shopping. It had been placed on a different rack and I never found the "home base". But it happened to be my size and a great price and was right there, so I bought and have been happily wearing it most of today with a soft yellow T-shirt... maybe a bit short for my age but incredibly comfortable... 
    • EasyE
      Hmm. Interesting thought ... It does seem like it starts get red underneath the patch after I shower ... Where would one get the surgical tape? Regular Pharmacy?
    • Justine76
      Same here. Although recently, I've been paying more attention to what women wear casually but still have an overtly feminine look. I saw a woman at a locally that had the same pair of ladies' Adidas sneakers I recently bought and looked at how she worked them into her outfit; just yoga leggings with an oversized shirt but she looked really good. Tricky part is getting the perfect shirt length for that type of outfit 
    • April Marie
      Hi, Jayne! I love that sweater!! I'm so happy you took the opportunity to drop by.
    • April Marie
      My first time out was at a Wal-Mart. I was wearing a black/green black-watch skirt, black turtleneck sweater, green tights and black ankle boots. As I walked through the door it hit me that I'd probably made a tactical error. Instead of blending in, my choice of outfit was so different from the typical Wal-Mart shopper that I drew instant attention.    In the end, I got a nice compliment from a young lady who asked where I'd bought my skirt and smiles from several men.    The vast majority of my wardrobe comes from Talbot's and J. Jill and tends to be less casual than most women wear these days. But, it makes me feel good about myself and gives me confidence in myself....and that can't be a bad thing.
    • Sally Stone
      A fairly regular stop when I am going to the big city for a day of feminine self-expression is a “Total Wine” store. The town where I live is quite small, so it lacks a lot of the shopping options of Reno (my big city), and a well-stocked liquor store is one of them. Many of the store clerks have come to know Sally, but one clerk in particular, a sixty-something woman, always makes a big deal about my wardrobe.  She has probably waited on me a half a dozen times, and each time, she asks me “what’s the special occasion? You are dressed so nicely.”  I have always said thanks but never elaborated.    Last weekend, however, while grabbing a bottle of wine, the same woman waited on me, and she asked me again about the special occasion.  This time, I made a point to tell her I wasn’t dressed for anything special, instead, that the way I dress tends to be my preferred style.  I told her it was my nature to be quite particular about my appearance.  And then I leaned a little closer and whispered: “besides, I think I have nice legs and like showing them off,” alluding to the fact that my preferred wardrobe usually includes a skirt, stockings, and heels.   She smiled brightly at my legs comment and then she added: “too bad more people don’t pay closer attention to what they wear.”  Then she went on to tell me how badly some people dress when they come into the store.   I realize, that my wardrobe is generally upscale, and I imagine it gets people’s attention the same way it got the store clerk’s. Most people these days dress with comfort in mind which tends to make me stand out a bit.  That’s okay.  Wearing female business attire as my go to style, makes me happy and helps me feel feminine, even if it does sometimes, force me to explain that I’m not dressing for a special occasion.
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