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Where to Start?

Dartti Dare

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Just wanted to quickly ask concerning YouTube voice training videos... WHERE DO I SRART! ? Does anyone have any suggestions? I no sooner find a YouTuber that seems good, start watching their videos and then they stop because now they want you to continue with privet lessons for money. Not an option for me. Or, I find someone that I like but I cant figure out which videos to start and then continue with. No one ever says "Start with THIS video, then watch this One, then THAT one...", and so froth. Any opinions on who worked for you and are they easy to navigate? I REALLY want to start working on my voice. It's the only thing left (that i feel that is in my control) that is causing me serious dysphoria. 


Thanks and love you all. ?


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transvoicelessons  My speech pathologist actually references their work from time to time so I consider it a fairly good resource.

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2 hours ago, Kelly2509 said:

transvoicelessons  My speech pathologist actually references their work from time to time so I consider it a fairly good resource.

I've heard good things about her also. She did post a video recently for beginners, but like all the other Tubers, after that you're kinda left floundering as how to where to go after that. She is someone I will decently look closer into though. (albeit, she get's a little too technical at times)  

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1 hour ago, Dartti Dare said:

she get's a little too technical at times

Yeah that's my only beef.  Sometimes she gets into areas where I just dont understand things and I suspect there is technical stuff ahe covered in other videos that i just haven't learned.

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2 hours ago, Kelly2509 said:

Yeah that's my only beef.  Sometimes she gets into areas where I just dont understand things and I suspect there is technical stuff ahe covered in other videos that i just haven't learned.

? Yeah. You can tell by the stuff that surrounds her she's a pro but I think she also forgets sometimes we're not all sound engineer geeks. 

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5 hours ago, Dartti Dare said:

Just wanted to quickly ask concerning YouTube voice training videos... WHERE DO I SRART! ? Does anyone have any suggestions? I no sooner find a YouTuber that seems good, start watching their videos and then they stop because now they want you to continue with privet lessons for money. Not an option for me. Or, I find someone that I like but I cant figure out which videos to start and then continue with. No one ever says "Start with THIS video, then watch this One, then THAT one...", and so froth. Any opinions on who worked for you and are they easy to navigate? I REALLY want to start working on my voice. It's the only thing left (that i feel that is in my control) that is causing me serious dysphoria. 


Thanks and love you all. ?


I started watching YouTube videos. I like “This is your girl Z” - TransVoiceLessons. She is a bit technical but I find that background theory helpful. She talks about R1 and R2 resonance, forward resonance in the mask, manipulating the space in the vocal tract to change pitch, and goes into some detail technically on how that happens.


I started voice therapy at Kaiser last week and shared my understanding about voice dynamics and where my voice sits on the spectrum and I was speaking her language and we progressed fairly rapidly through some diagnostics and she prescribed some daily exercises until the next meeting. Mostly practice feeling a buzzing sensation in the mouth, tongue and cheeks on certain consonants, especially words and phrases containing “m” and “n”.


I had an appointment with a throat doctor this morning to explore a tracheal shave and he talked at length about the difference between a male and a female voice, especially when there has been trauma. A female may be speaking in a very low hoarse whisper but it’s still recognizable as female due to speech patterns and intonation. He thinks this is a stronger marker even than pitch or resonance.


I also ran across this while googling this subject. It’s fro 2005 but it’s very practical and hands on. It compares the process to learning a foreign language…



food for though…

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22 hours ago, AgnesBardsie said:

I started watching YouTube videos. I like “This is your girl Z” - TransVoiceLessons. She is a bit technical but I find that background theory helpful. She talks about R1 and R2 resonance, forward resonance in the mask, manipulating the space in the vocal tract to change pitch, and goes into some detail technically on how that happens.


I started voice therapy at Kaiser last week and shared my understanding about voice dynamics and where my voice sits on the spectrum and I was speaking her language and we progressed fairly rapidly through some diagnostics and she prescribed some daily exercises until the next meeting. Mostly practice feeling a buzzing sensation in the mouth, tongue and cheeks on certain consonants, especially words and phrases containing “m” and “n”.


I had an appointment with a throat doctor this morning to explore a tracheal shave and he talked at length about the difference between a male and a female voice, especially when there has been trauma. A female may be speaking in a very low hoarse whisper but it’s still recognizable as female due to speech patterns and intonation. He thinks this is a stronger marker even than pitch or resonance.


I also ran across this while googling this subject. It’s fro 2005 but it’s very practical and hands on. It compares the process to learning a foreign language…



food for though…

Thanks a bunch. I'll check it out.

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1 hour ago, Dartti Dare said:

Thanks a bunch. I'll check it out.

Here’s another good source


HOW TO: Move your larynx without tension (PART TWO)

Get your treat at undeadvoice.com/treat

The theme this month is the larynx. 

Today, we’re going to talk about how to engage and make stable the upper part of the web. The upper web starts again at the hyoid bone, the top of the larynx, and inserts into the floor of the mouth, the mandible or jaw, and up behind the ear. 

STEP ONE: Hold out the sound "ooo" and flare your nostrils. 
STEP TWO: Eavesdrop behind you, feeling your ears go up and back, aligning over your shoulders and hold out "ooo". 
STEP THREE: Do both of those together (ear align + nostril flare)

It brightens because by engaging the nostrils and ears, you’re stabilizing the upper part of the web. And because the upper is taut and the bottom web is not, the spider goes up. 

So that’s your trick of the week. For your treat go to: undeadvoice.com/treat 

❤ Nicole Gress

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Ashley Adamson on YouTube has just a single video on voice (and hers is fantastic), but she describes everything in easy to understand terms. She doesn't get all technical. That could be a good, easy to understand starting point. I'm gonna check out the other resources here too. Achieving a feminine voice is my biggest concern since my job involves tons of public speaking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First, it helps to understand what you need to do with your sound-making parts of the body ?

Zheanna from TransVoiceLessons is fantastic. For me, it really clicked after watching this video of hers with a clear 3-step process:

The Art of Voice Feminization | Part 2A: Larynx Basics, How to Raise the Larynx, and Common Issues - YouTube


Also, this course on Reddit provides a lot of information and links:

L's Voice Training Guide (Level 1) for MTF transgender vocal feminization : transvoice (reddit.com)


And when you understand what to do, just practice, practice, practice:

Harvard Sentences with Lyrics - YouTube


Good luck! ?

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