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I'm drinking too much


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So, what are your going to do about it???  You see a problem in your life which is the beginning but only a beginning.  I cannot offer you suggestions on just cutting back and living a life with alcohol in "just the right amount" since I admit that I do not know what that is.  There are other things I can offer, but not that.  What do you want from saying that??  I can share with you that I found Alcohol was cunning, baffling and powerful and became a false god for my life, but that is my life not yours.  I and others on this forum will be here for you when you decide which direction you want to take your declaration, but we need to know what YOU want to do about it before we can give you anything.

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10 hours ago, LaurenA said:

I think the subject says it all

So what do you want to do ?

You want to stop ? Do you want some relief ? You have taken the first step.

Now .... ?


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   I will never forget the cold night i was staggering back home across a field from my fathers house where i had managed to sneak some extra shots.  He was advocator and had looked at me and said: "Watch out,  alcohol can own you.".  I realized during that walk it already did.  Years later, after a heart attack, open heart surgery and years of misery i was hallucinating.  Nasty, terrifying hallucinations accompanied the shakes and pain of addiction.  I faced insanity or death.

I had said the hell with it on that cold night.

   Fortunately i reached out and found a path to a sober life beyond my wildest dreams.






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Call your local 911 emergency number and have them take you to a hospital where they can help you withdraw from the alcohol safely.  Alcohol withdrawal is more dangerous on your own than withdrawing from any other drug.  They can then get you into a medical recovery program that can get you started on living without the chemical. Gender issues will not be cured by the alcohol withdrawal but you will be equipped to honestly deal with them in ways that will be meaningful.  

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They can't treat you any worse than your boyfriend Al is doing just now, I can assure you of that. (Al C.O. Hall that is.) Better chance you will survive with some hope and happiness possible from the worst they do to you.  Withdrawal is not fun by any means but in the long run you will not run into as many injuries and you get to keep your blood in you, and not all over the house.  It took 5 big staples, that ruined my hair line for years to close my head up.

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Hi @LaurenA! It's not for me to say you're an alcoholic, that's something only you can decide for yourself. Here's an invite to a safe place where transgender alcoholics like me have found the solution to our problem. Here you will find love, acceptance and maybe a few loving suggestions.






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Lauren, you say "no" to every suggestion, every offer to help.  We want you to get better, to get help, to find support.  We can't do it in these forums.  You need help IRL.  If you want to live, then please, Help Yourself!  The hospital is not going to kill you.  They might not treat you exactly as you wish, but being trans is NOT a death sentence.


Call the national trans hotiline at (800) 877-565-8860.  They are trans people, they understand.  They're not going to demand your address.  They're not going to do anything to you.


You are posting here because you want help, right?  If you just say "No" to everything, there is nothing more we can do.


Carolyn Marie

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@LaurenA I know you've had an incredibly hard road to hoe in the past couple years and you've shown how strong you are. You have shown your strength and integrity and I know you'll make it through this as well. One day at a time. One hour at a time.


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I know I should just check myself into a psych ward.  But that has not helped in the past.  And I have NEVER told the I was trans.  I'm realy realy scared to let anybody know that

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I've got breasts.  Do you have any idea how that's going to taken on the intake inspection?

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I'm not rejecting what you say.  I'm saying I am scared of the outcome.  It was different as a guy.  As me I can't trust what will happen to me.  The world is so dangerous to us now.

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Good luck.  But you need what support you can get.  You're not alone if you reach out.

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I came off of my Booze in a special facility too and the one thing they were checking carefully was my heart and my blood pressure.  When I started drying out, the blood pressure went through the roof and I was on the border line of heart malfunction.  Gynecomastia also known as beer moobs are not uncommon on folks who have abused booze who may also have pre-diabetes which makes it even worse.  Yes, they can get you safely dry, but then the real problem will sink in, you admit you are Trans, so your program for recovery will need to take care of that, but then you can more truthfully say you kicked the crap where you really need to.  The website for online AA meetings is a good one and a good group. 

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@LaurenA Not saying a hospital is the right choice...but they aren't all bad.  A close friend recently ended up in the ER with severe panic, self-injury, and suicidal thoughts.  She was treated courteously, and they didn't hurt her or attempt to put her in a psych ward.  They recommended an inpatient program at a behavioral health center, but let her choose not to go.  She got connected with a good psychiatrist and is doing better already just a week later and beginning some therapy.  I generally distrust the medical system, but good outcomes do happen!  When I visited her at the hospital the first night, I noticed that a number of hospital staff wore rainbow pins indicating they were friendly toward LGBTQ+ folks.  College town of about 70k people, so you don't have to be in a mega-city to find people who will treat you well.


As for the drinking, you've figured out you aren't in a good place.  So, that's step 1.  Only you can determine what you want the end result to be....total sobriety, or something less drastic.  Programs like AA typically recommend total sobriety, but not everybody can do that or wants that.  It can be a starting point to get somebody to talk to.  I know it can feel overwhelming when people tell you that you have the power to make the decisions.  If you're anything like me, the back of your mind is probably screaming something like "...but, I hate deciding!"  I'd often prefer to have decisions made for me.  Unfortunately, adulting comes with decisions. 


I have three partners who have had significant struggles with alcohol.  None have managed total sobriety, and I've noticed it kind of becomes a cycle they can't quite get free of.  Alcohol seems to be connected to depression, and trauma from past events. It seems that the hardest choice is to talk to somebody.  Hopefully you can make that choice. 

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    • Sienna
      Thank you Carolyn Xx
    • Carolyn Marie
      Welcome to Trans Pulse, Sienna!  It's lovely to meet you.  Congrats on navigating the NHS to get to the point of starting HRT.  I know from others in the U.K. what a daunting experience that is.  We are here to answer your questions and offer support whenever you need it.  We do have many members from the U.K. with personal experience.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
    • Sienna
      I’ve recently started my hormone therapy and am in a state of euphoria most days after accepting who I really am and that I want to embrace the most authentic version of my true self.  Like most I have  went through so much confusion and never fitted or felt I fitted into the typical male role . After so many years I now understand who I am and what I need to do for myself to make me feel complete.  I hope I can call on you from time to time for your vast experience and knows to help me navigate my transition?  Thank you Sienna Xx
    • Sienna
      Hi Kathy,    thank you for your reply . I will go to the correct topic .    regards Sienna 
    • KathyLauren
      Hi, Sienna.  Welcome to Transgender Pulse.  Please take a moment to drop by our Introductions forum to tell us about yourself.   Kathy
    • Sienna
      Ahhh you answered my question 😘
    • Susan R
      @EasyE   I buy my Surgical Tape by the roll on Amazon. It’s called Smith And Nephew Flexifix Opsite Transparent Adhesive Film Roll 4"X10.9 Yards - Model 66000041   https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015TI2ZA?
    • Sienna
      Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and thank you for accepting me into your forum.  I am Sienna, it’s taken a very long time to comprehend and accept what is the most authentic version of myself .  I have recently started my hormone therapy and am looking forward to embracing the slow and gradual changes in my mind and body .  I hope that I find the answers I need in this fantastic group with so many lovely people .    thank you Sienna Xx
    • EasyE
      Found a very cute black pleated mini skirt yesterday while shopping. It had been placed on a different rack and I never found the "home base". But it happened to be my size and a great price and was right there, so I bought and have been happily wearing it most of today with a soft yellow T-shirt... maybe a bit short for my age but incredibly comfortable... 
    • EasyE
      Hmm. Interesting thought ... It does seem like it starts get red underneath the patch after I shower ... Where would one get the surgical tape? Regular Pharmacy?
    • Justine76
      Same here. Although recently, I've been paying more attention to what women wear casually but still have an overtly feminine look. I saw a woman at a locally that had the same pair of ladies' Adidas sneakers I recently bought and looked at how she worked them into her outfit; just yoga leggings with an oversized shirt but she looked really good. Tricky part is getting the perfect shirt length for that type of outfit 
    • April Marie
      Hi, Jayne! I love that sweater!! I'm so happy you took the opportunity to drop by.
    • April Marie
      My first time out was at a Wal-Mart. I was wearing a black/green black-watch skirt, black turtleneck sweater, green tights and black ankle boots. As I walked through the door it hit me that I'd probably made a tactical error. Instead of blending in, my choice of outfit was so different from the typical Wal-Mart shopper that I drew instant attention.    In the end, I got a nice compliment from a young lady who asked where I'd bought my skirt and smiles from several men.    The vast majority of my wardrobe comes from Talbot's and J. Jill and tends to be less casual than most women wear these days. But, it makes me feel good about myself and gives me confidence in myself....and that can't be a bad thing.
    • Sally Stone
      A fairly regular stop when I am going to the big city for a day of feminine self-expression is a “Total Wine” store. The town where I live is quite small, so it lacks a lot of the shopping options of Reno (my big city), and a well-stocked liquor store is one of them. Many of the store clerks have come to know Sally, but one clerk in particular, a sixty-something woman, always makes a big deal about my wardrobe.  She has probably waited on me a half a dozen times, and each time, she asks me “what’s the special occasion? You are dressed so nicely.”  I have always said thanks but never elaborated.    Last weekend, however, while grabbing a bottle of wine, the same woman waited on me, and she asked me again about the special occasion.  This time, I made a point to tell her I wasn’t dressed for anything special, instead, that the way I dress tends to be my preferred style.  I told her it was my nature to be quite particular about my appearance.  And then I leaned a little closer and whispered: “besides, I think I have nice legs and like showing them off,” alluding to the fact that my preferred wardrobe usually includes a skirt, stockings, and heels.   She smiled brightly at my legs comment and then she added: “too bad more people don’t pay closer attention to what they wear.”  Then she went on to tell me how badly some people dress when they come into the store.   I realize, that my wardrobe is generally upscale, and I imagine it gets people’s attention the same way it got the store clerk’s. Most people these days dress with comfort in mind which tends to make me stand out a bit.  That’s okay.  Wearing female business attire as my go to style, makes me happy and helps me feel feminine, even if it does sometimes, force me to explain that I’m not dressing for a special occasion.
    • Jayne
      Hi everyone,  hope your all doing well. After a week on holiday with my girlfriend, I'm back. I've got the urge to dress as jayne. I have to get my "fix" whenever I can, tomorrow I'll probably be John again. I'll drop in again. See you all again soon, hugs and kisses 🥰
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