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Voice on the phone


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   I am sure many of us have been misgendered during phone conversations.  I know for me it is often the case, while it is rare when visual clues are present.  It used to bother me but less so now than years ago.  I asked a dear friend who is a trans voice coach about my voice.  She said it was fine but it sounded a female after years of smoking (true).  

   The other day after spelling out my name to a woman dealing with an insurance issue and being referred to as "sir" for the second time, i had to act.  "Pardon but it is "mam".  Years of smoking gave ne this voice."  She, apologized, laughed and we had great chats as we completed the work.






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Thank you, I've been using the "too much throwing up when i was drunk ruined my voice" line.

Has the same effect on people.

At least in Australia it works a treat.

Plus for me its not far from the truth  😢

Pretty glad to have found sobriety 😀 


As they say "Yes Ma'am, thank you for the clarification ", LOL ... narrator: he felt such a dick for calling her a man just coz of her voice. 


They are so nice afterwards  😉




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My voice has upset me for years, and after a year of unsuccessfully trying to change my voice with voice training, I decided to bite the bullet and have voice surgery. Don’t misunderstand: I’m not recommending this. With surgery, you’ll definitely lose a lot of your range and speaking will require much more effort. If you’re a singer, this option would be a huge mistake. There are also various risks. So there’s a huge trade off.

Anyway, the phone has been something I’ve always dreaded, but I never get the opportunity over here in Japan. Even when I do, the other party usually calls me “customer” (there’s no Japanese equivalent of “ma,am” and “sir”), so I never find out how they’re hearing me.

Thanks for sharing about how to handle phone situations! Not sure whether I’d prefer being a smoker or a drinker, though! 

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