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ASL ? ... asked in FF XIV


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So, recently I've started playing FFXIV again, after a long hiatus. Some background, the only MMO I've REALLY spent a lot of time on was Everquest, and that was 15-20 years back; even before WoW. My handle on MMO abbreviations is pretty outdated.


So this tall, pretty catgirl walk up to me and asks "asl?" (Then starts dancing around me when I don't answer immediately.) I had NO idea what she meant. Asked on the newbie channel.


Apparently it's "Age/sex/location."


In my case the middle one of these is something I'm still sort of figuring out; biologically male, but there are some fairly strong signs I'm trans F. (Therapist next week...)


Now the existence of the abbreviation suggests it's a common enough question, and I can definitely see the need. (I recall being hit on once at the original Geona, a halfling cleric in Everquest. I didn't realise that was what was happening to start with, as my real life romantic experience is approximately zero.) Geona's surname was "Gentleheart" which while pretty twee, might have been something of a flag, in several ways.


The answer I gave was "50+, M but may be trans F, Sydney". But there an etiquette for this stuff? It used to be that asking for real life details of a character was more or less anathema.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In terms of gaming etiquette, especially regarding MMO's, 'ASL' has always seemed to me to be a general question asked by people when they want to try to make a new friend, or maybe to get a general idea of a person that they're with. If it's totally unprompted by a stranger, I usually assume they're looking for something "more".

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