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Is that me?


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I am new here and don't know where to start, but I am curious how others have experienced something I noticed over the past couple days.


I recently added everything up: my past, my feelings and what is going on in my head to name a few factors, and I figured out that I am probably trans and that I have experienced gender dysphoria through much of my life.  I have been discussing it with a therapist and have been experimenting with new forms of gender expression (which I do not wish to call crossdressing, but ok, some would call it that).  That experimentation is about trying on and feeling a new identity.  


I have been accumulating a small number of things, and never before have I had everything I need to dress as a women--to the point where I might consider going out--if I were out.  This week I got a wig.  The attendant sent me home with the wrong one, but I love it and am thankful for her mistake!  Anyway, I put on my makeup, and my new wig and got dressed.  Then I took a bunch of photos in several combinations of the small number of pieces I have.


When I looked at the photos, I found myself thinking "I can't believe I bought a top with horizontal stripes!"  And "Yes that outfit needs a belt around the waist, but not that one." 


It felt so good to transform myself like that.  Then when I looked at the photos I also found myself thinking "is that me?"  For one thing, I look totally different from the first set of photos--and I think I am starting to figure out some styles I like.  


Then I look again and think "Is that me?  I think I like Lilly and her smile.  I might even want to strike up a conversation with her at a party.


Yet still I wonder "Is that me?"


Did others experience this at first?



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The change you are looking is related to a core aspect of your life.  I don't think any cisgender people could understand what people go through when they start questioning their gender.  During my journey toward full acceptance, there were many periods of questioning.  Living authentically and ensuring that HRT was affirming for me were critical components of my acceptance.  I couldn't be absolutely certain until I had sufficient experience.  The only point during my journey when I thought about turning back was when my soul mate implied that they would leave me if I didn't consider the situation they were in.  We came to mutual agreement on the pace of my transition (slowing down) and our relationship is better than ever now.

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Before I realized I'm trans, there was a long period of my life when I was on a mission to perform the gender I was assigned at birth (which was female) because I thought if I just committed and tried hard enough that I would be a "success" whatever that means. I would often stare at myself in the mirror, baffled at how anyone would be convinced I'm a normal woman. I never saw a woman when I looked in the mirror, I always felt like an imposter, and I was terrified that others would find out and condemn me. So, my "is that me" experience is like the flip side of what you're describing, @lillyinmn - I was never convinced that my gender-performing-self was really pulling it off. Now, I look in the mirror and begin to accept that I've always seen a dynamic, handsome face. And, it's baffling to me when others address me as ma'am.


As I write this, it's interesting to me that it seems my gender dysphoria apparently was more internalized than it is now. Any progress is better than none. 


And @Trans22 is quite right that cis people don't understand this. Yesterday, I was talking with a transwoman friend about cispeople's reactions to transgender identities. She suggested that part of why some cispeople get so upset about trans is because when they consider the existence of trans identities, they necessarily experience some degree of gender dysphoria themselves in the sense that they are forced to ponder gender at all whereas, as cispeople, they perhaps never did before. And they don't like it. And they don't consider that that discomfort could be a conduit to compassion for what many transpeople live with every day. Instead, they reject the discomfort and transpeople along with it. Sorry, I've gotten a bit off topic perhaps. My point is that gender euphoria and dysphoria can be useful guide posts in the pursuit of "is that me". 

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@Vidanjali  It would be interesting to have every adult complete a well-designed gender coordinates test - the right winger would no doubt reject the validity of the assessment because their results would scare them.  I did one such test  and my result was 35% on the masculine scale and 90% on the feminine scale, yet I still felt that trans-woman was the gender identity label that I associated with (I did consider non-binary).   I'm almost certain that my results would have varied over the course of my life, but I doubt that the masculine number ever come close to being dominant.

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On 12/17/2022 at 3:32 PM, lillyinmn said:

experimenting with new forms of gender expression (which I do not wish to call crossdressing, but ok, some would call it that)

It was after years of denial when I finally got the nerve to try this that I realize it.   I tried to call it cross-dressing, but that didn't last long.

On 12/17/2022 at 3:32 PM, lillyinmn said:

This week I got a wig.

This too.  I had been using all kinds of ways to cover my lack of hair.  But when I saw myself in my wig, it was like a new world had opened.  

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19 hours ago, Trans22 said:

@Vidanjali  It would be interesting to have every adult complete a well-designed gender coordinates test - the right winger would no doubt reject the validity of the assessment because their results would scare them.  I did one such test  and my result was 35% on the masculine scale and 90% on the feminine scale, yet I still felt that trans-woman was the gender identity label that I associated with (I did consider non-binary).   I'm almost certain that my results would have varied over the course of my life, but I doubt that the masculine number ever come close to being dominant.


At first I was confused about 35% & 90% as the total is over 100%. But, out of curiosity, I took the assessment linked below which is based on the Bem Sex Role Inventory. As I understand the scoring, each category, feminine and masculine, is ranked from 1-7. If an individual sores above the mean of 4 for both categories, they are considered androgynous according to the assessment. The results can be presented as percentages for each category and are not considered as a total percentage. 


My score for feminine was within the mean, and my score for masculine was "high". This assessment ranked me overall as "casually masculine". Such assessments are not to be construed as perfectly accurate or indelible. Indeed, we are continually learning about gender, and the understanding of so-called gender roles and characteristics are ever-evolving, myriad, and nuanced. I do feel my personality is rather in accord with my result, though. 



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35 minutes ago, Vidanjali said:


At first I was confused about 35% & 90% as the total is over 100%. But, out of curiosity, I took the assessment linked below which is based on the Bem Sex Role Inventory. As I understand the scoring, each category, feminine and masculine, is ranked from 1-7. If an individual sores above the mean of 4 for both categories, they are considered androgynous according to the assessment. The results can be presented as percentages for each category and are not considered as a total percentage. 


My score for feminine was within the mean, and my score for masculine was "high". This assessment ranked me overall as "casually masculine". Such assessments are not to be construed as perfectly accurate or indelible. Indeed, we are continually learning about gender, and the understanding of so-called gender roles and characteristics are ever-evolving, myriad, and nuanced. I do feel my personality is rather in accord with my result, though. 



Thanks @Vidanjali I'll check out the test. For me it's good tp pay attention to the inner mind on these things. And be open to the world, too. I've still got a lot to learn. Finally, I can walk again. Walk and breathe and "be." Happy for that.  

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I tried this one @Vidanjali, and got similar scores to my "gender coordinates map" result.  I took an "insta-answer" approach to try to avoid my gaming the test (finished in under 20s).

I have the same problem with Myers-Briggs personality tests (part of coaching sessions) - my first result came back as INTP, (low E, S, & J scores with T & F scores very close).  In the subsequent two tests (different coach and questions) I've get a score of 0 for E, S, & J and identical scores for T & F - a little suspicious, I might have gamed them.  As a result, I tend to trust the first score in situations like these.


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  • Forum Moderator
5 hours ago, Vidanjali said:

At first I was confused about 35% & 90% as the total is over 100%. But, out of curiosity, I took the assessment linked below which is based on the Bem Sex Role Inventory.

I got similar results.


Result chart

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Meh. Not thrilled with the test. The wording is too vague, and I'm certainly NOT a Casually Vague person. I mean there's no way I'm any amount of feminine under about 72.3%! 😆

To consider the whole gender idea is not science, but it is a good idea for self-knowledge.


Here's my results:

This makes me Casually Feminine.


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  • Forum Moderator

Huh, well this should shock absolutely nobody. I got "typically feminine."


Result chart



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18 hours ago, Trans22 said:

I tried this one @Vidanjali, and got similar scores to my "gender coordinates map" result.  I took an "insta-answer" approach to try to avoid my gaming the test (finished in under 20s).

I have the same problem with Myers-Briggs personality tests (part of coaching sessions) - my first result came back as INTP, (low E, S, & J scores with T & F scores very close).  In the subsequent two tests (different coach and questions) I've get a score of 0 for E, S, & J and identical scores for T & F - a little suspicious, I might have gamed them.  As a result, I tend to trust the first score in situations like these.



I totally get what you mean by gaming it. For that reason I try to answer such questions gut instinct style without pondering too much, but I try to catch myself on any tendency to answer in a wishful thinking manner. It's not as straightforward to answer questions honestly as one may at first think. 


Just for fun, I re-took the test twice to see if I could game extreme results. First, I tried to get "extremely masculine", which I did, with an interesting result of 94% masc & 6% femme - interesting as those coincidentally do total 100%. I think I blew it on the "moody" question - in my experience I've found men to be far moodier than women, lol. Then, I succeeded in scoring "extremely feminine" with 0% masc, but only 89% femme. 

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3 hours ago, Davie said:

@Jackie C.OK for the numbers from the test, but I would never settle for being called "typical." Ain't that right?

— Davie


OK, fair. I mean, I'm not a typical anything.



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3 hours ago, Vidanjali said:

Just for fun, I re-took the test twice to see if I could game extreme results.

These sort of tests are fun to play with.  Out of interest (is it binary gender biased?), I wondered whether I could get undifferentiated or androgynous - it turns out I got both in my attempt "This makes you Undifferentiated-Androgynous" (no typically or casually adjective).

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2 hours ago, Trans22 said:

These sort of tests are fun to play with.  Out of interest (is it binary gender biased?), I wondered whether I could get undifferentiated or androgynous - it turns out I got both in my attempt "This makes you Undifferentiated-Androgynous" (no typically or casually adjective).


Nice. Indeed, from the little I read, it was Dr. Bem's thesis that androgyneity (gender diversity, nonconformance and fluidity) is not only valid but not necessarily uncommon. She was a pioneer in gender studies and champion for women's equality. 



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Hi @lillyinmn!

Welcome and CONGRATULATIONS on your journey in Self-discovery and Self-acceptance.  It sounds so much like my own experiences at the beginning (and I still have along ways to go). 

Thank you for sharing!  I truly enjoyed reading your post and reliving my own excitement and wonder in finally seeing myself as the person I feel that I am.  Keep going, Girl❣️

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On 12/24/2022 at 6:47 AM, KayC said:

Welcome and CONGRATULATIONS on your journey in Self-discovery and Self-acceptance.  It sounds so much like my own experiences at the beginning (and I still have along ways to go)

Thank you Kay!  It is wonderful to have a place where we can safely share your experiences and find ways to be ourselves!


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  • 10 months later...

Ok. So just saw this thread and thought I'd take the test as I was having doubts today.


Here are my results:



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13 hours ago, LillyF said:



With picture this time lol


Yes, this is a fun thread which I hadn't thought of in a while. Thanks for resurfacing it 😉

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I just saw this test the other day and retook it for fun just now. If I’m honest with how my personality has changed, using “now me” answers I get 33/58. I am surprised daily how much I have changed in the past year and I haven’t started any kind of hormone treatment. I had a conversation with my wife today that, in years past, I’d have gotten really protective and blustery  during. Today I just listened and appreciated. It sounds like I was a total jerk before, I don’t think I was; I was more prototypically overprotective wanted to “fix it”.


Bodies and minds are wondrous things. 

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7 hours ago, MaeBe said:

Today I just listened and appreciated. It sounds like I was a total jerk before, I don’t think I was; I was more prototypically overprotective wanted to “fix it”.

Yep. Sounds like me, too. Change is good for adding a perspective. We have two eyes for a good reason, I suppose. —Davie

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    • MaeBe
      It's like Musk tapping up kids to run around and mess with agency computer systems, Trump has an army of ne'er do wells that write up a sheets of paper to put in a faux leather binder for him to sign. Trump actually has to do nothing but scribble his seismographic scrawl on the page.
    • Carolyn Marie
      Don't touch those chickens, AYS, unless you've got gloves on, and don't let them near any cows.   Carolyn Marie
    • Carolyn Marie
      I think everyone, including Rep. Green, realizes that this impeachment isn't going to go anywhere.  What concerns me is that it isn't really serious, and neither is the "proposal" by the Oval Office inhabitant.  I don't think members of Congress, of either party, should be initiating a very serious action for a half baked (or unbaked) "proposal."  Nothing has been initiated, no military or other action has been done, nothing has been set in motion.  All that has happened is that The Guy held a press conference and said something most people consider unworkable at best, and plain stupid at worst.  That is not a valid rational for impeachment.  If it was, every 3rd or 4th press briefing in the modern history of the White House would have resulted in the same.   There will be plenty - probably 4-6 or more, actual things done by this President over the next four years that will be deserving of impeachment.  We should wait for one of them, and not this ridiculous press briefing that was just an excuse to get his face on the front page for three days and spout drivel.   Carolyn Marie
    • Lilis
      @Heather Shay thanks! 💗   For me, emotional healing begins with self compassion and acknowledging my feelings without judgment.   Setting boundaries to protect my well-being is just as important. Too many times, I’ve placed my heart in the wrong hands, and losing pieces of myself in the process can be deeply painful.   Healing, like everything in life, comes with its ups and downs there will be both good and difficult moments, but each step forward is a step toward wholeness.
    • VickySGV
      I would suggest that you  call or visit your nearest LGBTQ Center for recommendations of safe nightclubs in your area.  I have visited your area and know that there are a good number of night clubs there that welcome Cross Dressers where you can meet the others in person.  You might also check with your Chamber of Commerce there in Ft. Lauderdale since they have encouraged CD conventions over the years even with your governors POV on things.   
    • Davie
      Al Green, a Texas representative, says Trump proposal to ‘take over Gaza’ is a ‘dastardly deed’ amounting to ethnic cleansing and he's filing impeachment articles against Trump. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/05/al-green-trump-impeachment-articles-gaza
    • Davie
      Texas representative filing impeachment articles against Trump over Gaza plan. Trump proposal to ‘take over Gaza’ is a ‘dastardly deed’ amounting to ethnic cleansing. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/05/al-green-trump-impeachment-articles-gaza  
    • MaryEllen
      I'm a bit confused here. You say you're waiting to see the letter F on your birth certificate, yet you stated on your profile that Female is your birth gender. Would you be so kind as to clarify this inconsistency. Thanks.   MaryEllen
    • JackieLynn
      Finding out my legal name and gender change hearing will be on the 18th. I already did do the paperwork last month sending that in. Came in the mail today and cannot wait to see Jackie Lynn and the letter F on my birth certificate
    • MaryEllen
      Yes, please do note that we are not a sex or dating site. The following is from our Community Rules.   Please note that TransPulse is not a sex or dating site. Anyone attempting to use the site for those purposes will be immediately and permanently banned.
    • Carolyn Marie
      Welcome to Trans Pulse, @Michelle Mendez.  Please have a look around the various Forums for good advice and a chance to meet other members.   I do want to caution you that this isn't a dating site.  If you want to share personal info with any members you must do so via PM and not in the public forums.  Thank you.   Carolyn Marie
    • April Marie
      Welcome to the forums, Michelle!!! I'm sure you'll find like-minded people here who will share information with you. Feel free to wander around, aske questions or just jump into conversations where you feel comfortable.   You may also want to drop by the introductions forum to tell everyone a little about yourself.
    • Sally Stone
      Hi Gloria,   I think it is so incredible that you are approaching this in such a positive way.  Heather and April have already made good recommendations, so all I can add is that as your relationship progresses, maintain open and honest communication.  I have been married for more than forty years and my wife and I attribute our success living with my feminine side primarily because of healthy and honest communication.  We have had a few rough patches over the  years but we have always gotten through them by communicating with each other.   I wish you and your boyfriend the best of luck.
    • rhonda74
      Government agencies scrub LGBTQ web pages and remove info about trans and intersex people *This also includes disabling social media accounts that support about lgbt+ I hope we still have a place here by this Friday night.  
    • Michelle Mendez
      Hi I new and just looking to meet like-minded people like me. I'm a straight guy that likes to dress up to the nines completely but have no other crossdressing friends or real women to do it with. I would love to find people near me to get all dressed up and maybe go out where that is acceptable but I do not know where and no one to talk to about it.  I'm straight so people like me would be great and genetic women also to help me on that journey.  Thanks Michelle 
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