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I'm new on this site, Im Leigh born In San Francisco Bay area, grew up in subruban New Orleans and came out in texas. I struggle with compulsive overeating.

for years I was overweight and used food as a coping mechanism to deal with LGBTQ issues, and  my parents were vegan when I was little, and my folks were very health conscious,

and didnt want me eating dairy, beef,pork, or seafood. as a teenager i started eating things previously mentioned and also devleroped an addiction to beef, pork, dairy, some seafood, and 

fast food, soda pop, junk food, etc.


I was very overweight in early 2005 when i started HRT and was allmost 400lbs and in fall/winter 2005 i started drinking and went to my first AA meeting. but didn't stick arround.

I continue to hurt, with my gender disphoria and other issues as well as compulsive eating. 2006 I did a lot of drinking and between 2006-2007 I started coming out as trans, and got sober in AA in july 2007 and remained that way untill 2017 (10 years and 1 month) and arround the time i got sober i was 121 lbs and in 2008 i made my name/id change offfical.


furthermore, I resumed eating and wasnt going to the club, when i was very skinny i never thought id be that skinny. but i did i was morbily underweight, and in 2011 I went to my first Overeaters anonmyous meeting at the request of a social worker and i struggled and took my aa program seriously but not my OA program, but went to meetings here and there read oa approved books and other things.


currenl I get a few weeks solvernt in oa and stray from my food plan, i am looking fo advice and support and other infformation and resources.

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  • Admin

Welcome to the Forums, I am an AA member who has been a contact for other friends there who are OA as well.  The big difference is that while alcohol can be eliminated from your life without harm, eating is necessary but as "Eating to live, not living to eat".  In both programs, it is necessary to have support from others in your situation, you cannot do it on your own, but the thing too many do not get is, to have fun and make your individual program satisfying for you.  I am diabetic and need to be wholly mindful of what I am eating so there can be challenges in the eating area depending on many things.  Big deal though is to NOT punish yourself if you slip up and overindulge in the food once in a long while, it is coming back to a healthy and sustaining diet after it that really counts. 

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  • Forum Moderator

Welcome to TGP, Leigh!! We're so glad you found us! Vicky's advice is right on, especially about not punishing yourself when you slip up. We are all here to help.


You might want to drop by the Introductions thread and introduce yourself there. More people will see your post that way.


Again, welcome!!!

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  • Forum Moderator

I see you received great answers already. Glad you are here. WELCOME.

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