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Defense Bill Passed By House, With Trans Youth Healthcare Provision Intact

Carolyn Marie

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Not surprised, but disappointed, that the bill passed with so many Dems voting Aye.  I guess our community's issues aren't so important when they're weighed against military  pay, benefits, supplies and defense projects.  That's how the sausages get made.


Carolyn Marie

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They got the Dems to help put the bill together, and then added the trans stuff at the last minute.

"You don't want to vote against the military, do you?"


But as I've said, the Democrats won't have any trouble throwing us under the bus, as it were.  They're starting to realize that rightwing H8 gets votes.  We're just collateral damage.


The Republicans are in control now, including the supreme court.  There are Democrats that want to out republican the Republicans.


I know it's unhealthy to keep up with this stuff, but you kinda need to know just how bad things are before you get caught in the middle of it.


Don't mind me, I've just been kinda depressed lately.  I'll get over it, I guess.

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The game they are playing now is "Who can we get the public to hate more than they hate health insurance CEOs?"  It is all about protecting class privilege, and they will throw anyone under the bus as a distraction.  The Democrat politicians are just as much a part of the privileged class as the Republicans, so it is in their interest to have a scapegoat too.

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Just now, KathyLauren said:

The Democrat politicians are just as much a part of the privileged class as the Republicans, so it is in their interest to have a scapegoat too.

Again I say, don't count on the Democrats.  We don't have many real friends.

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Just now, Ivy said:

81 Democrats Voted To Pull Care From Service Member's Trans kids. Here Are The Names.


It is unfortunate, yes, and I am disappointed.  It will affect a few families.  But I think we need to understand that the needs of our community do not, and should not, always come first.  There are always other considerations.  The bill would almost certainly have been approved, regardless of how many Dems voted no.  A "No" vote could have hurt them in future campaigns. I realize it sounds cruel and heartless, but sometimes reality is like that.


We should always fight hard, but also save our ammo for when we have a decent chance of success.  If the Dems win the House back in 2026 they will have a chance to take that restriction out of the Defense Authorization bill.


Carolyn Marie

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Just now, Carolyn Marie said:

It is unfortunate, yes, and I am disappointed.  It will affect a few families.  But I think we need to understand that the needs of our community do not, and should not, always come first.

Carolyn, you cite an "Inconvenient Truth" that I think we sometimes forget, or maybe just refuse to acknowledge.  But you are right that it can't always be about us.  Legislation is always about compromise and dare I say it, the greater good, where the needs of the many tend to outweigh the needs of the few.     

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Just now, Sally Stone said:

Legislation is always about compromise and dare I say it, the greater good, where the needs of the many tend to outweigh the needs of the few.

Yes, this is true.  However, when the legislation is about our survival how are you supposed to compromise? 

When my compromising means losing my rights, it's hard to see it as a plus in any way.  

I suppose I should be magnanimous and disappear myself.  That would perhaps make the maga folks happy.  After all, we should think of others, you know.  And I'd have the satisfaction of knowing that I brightened someone's day.

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This was not about compromise. The rider didn't need to exist and it didn't exist until Johnson decided to make the bill contentious. It was a political bait and switch that puts lives in danger for nothing other than "gotchaism".


This will continue to happen, over and over again, for the next two-to-four years. Needless barbs injected into every bill to score imaginary points, that sadly will wear everyone down to "waiting for the right moment" to "there's no hope, don't even try". With an ultimate goal to poke and prod people into thinking that we're the actual problem, that we're asking for special treatment that is "needless, expensive, and harmful", so we can be eliminated. Remember, we're not asking for anything extra! This isn't a debate, this is erasure.

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10 hours ago, MaeBe said:

This isn't a debate, this is erasure.

Of course it is.  This is what they're going for.

They want to make our lives so unlivable that we simply give up.  

Get back into the closet, or just exit entirely.

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I read something this morning where now after the election, 45/47 is downplaying trans issues.


"In his interview with the magazine, he said "the bathroom issue" only pertains to a small amount of people and it's tearing the country apart.




Funny, innit?  I thought we were responsible for the end of civilization.


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The bigger need to equip and fund our military is true, but it should never come at the cost of overall Readiness of those who serve and their families.

This legislation was not just a betrayal of our Trans community, but also of the larger military community that already makes so many sacrifices in the Service of our country.  Now, an active duty military member has to worry not only about performing their essential duty, but also the welfare of their family if one of them should happen to be dealing with gender dysphoria.

God forbid if we hear of any reports of a military child taking their own life because of this political stunt.

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On 12/15/2024 at 12:44 AM, KayC said:

God forbid if we hear of any reports of a military child taking their own life because of this political stunt.

This is the saddest part of it all. The downward pressure on our young. Conform or die. Conformity is drilled in so young, society is devilishly insidious at doing it. I was wondering if/where I’d post this, but it seems like here is where it will go because it shows how much children are indoctrinated so early. 

I was out for a lovely adult dinner with friends, our children were either out of town or at activities so why not! The restaurant was in a small mall and the shops share centralized gendered bathrooms, with sadly no neutral option. I was hoping to not have to use them, but being hydrated imposes risks in that regard.


I excused myself and walked out of the place for the bathrooms. I have been using the women’s restrooms for a while now, typically without incident (one awful one screams to mind though 😔) and it was empty when I got in. As soon as I got in the stall the door opened, a mother was struggling to drag a very young boy in with her. “I can’t go in there”, shouts the boy as he enters. “They’re going to kill me!”, he adds as he crosses the threshold.


“You can be here with me. I cannot go in the Men’s Room with you.”, Mom rejoins. 

“But they’ll KILL ME!”, the boy repeats emphatically. 

“No they will not, now stop.”, Mom puts down the law but the boy continues to audibly squirm while mom helps him answer nature’s call in the second of two stalls in there. 

I can’t help stifle laughter at it all; not the Ha-Ha type. I was terrified and laughing was the only answer my mind could offer. This boy, not old enough to pee by himself, was already so programmed. What would he say, this obviously vocal youth, if we were to be caught washing our hands at the same time. How would mom react, was this matter of life and death a part of her world view? Was I a man in this place, one that should be capitally disciplined as her son feared for himself?


I didn’t wait to find out.


I looked at myself in the mirror as I hurriedly washed my hands, I looked pretty and there’s no one that would say I looked masculine but all of the negative thoughts thrummed through my head so fast their perception was only the dread anxiety left in their wake; waves of negative emotion washed over me as I dried my hands quickly, listening for the stall latch.


There would be no encounter.


I continued the ironic chuckle to myself as I returned to dinner, the worry I felt almost every time I went to the bathroom bloomed in my mind and the questions we all ask ourselves loomed there. I thought, “what if I had used the men’s room, would it have been better? Safer?”




These are the problems that the Country’s politics do to us: make little boys terrified of having to go to the potty with their mothers. He’s never heard of Mike Johnson, but the Speaker’s politics echo loudly in the yellow lit tiled Mall bathrooms across America. How can anyone think stripping vets of their family healthcare doesn’t also trickle down into the classroom and make little kids worry they aren’t right. 

…and if they aren’t right and they are constantly told they’re wrong for being who they are…that they must conform in ways that make no sense to them…why would they want to stick around?

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Nicely written.


I have gotten used to using women's restrooms.  To be honest, it was a struggle.  I'm still not completely at ease in some situations.  It's not so much that I don't belong there, it's that there might be someone who wants to make a thing out of it.


But if Ivy were to go into the men's room, she would be putting a huge target on her back.


Being of "a certain age" probably helps.  Older ladies tend to be a bit less noticeable.  That would not be the case in the men's room.

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Just now, Ivy said:

 I'm still not completely at ease in some situations.  It's not so much that I don't belong there, it's that there might be someone who wants to make a thing out of it.

This is where I'm at and the noise in DC isn't going to make it any easier.

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You should send your post to your senator.  It is a poignant commentary on what is really going on as opposed to what politicians think is happening.  It just amazes me that so many of our elected idiots (oops, meant to say officials) have chosen to turn bathrooms into war zones and have made us the enemy.  

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Just now, Sally Stone said:



You should send your post to your senator.  It is a poignant commentary on what is really going on as opposed to what politicians think is happening.  It just amazes me that so many of our elected idiots (oops, meant to say officials) have chosen to turn bathrooms into war zones and have made us the enemy.  

I did send an email to both of mine about the bill, sans story. Got some very heartfelt and genuine automatic responses back, too! :noway:

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Well, it will be interesting to see how things unfold. I suspect that this bill is going to be signed into law either now, or in January. I have zero faith that anybody will listen to reason. I also suspect that the prevailing attitude will be to let the service members with transgender children, retire/resign. One thing that would be an interesting conundrum would be what would they do if one of these transgender children were to have a parent who died in the line of duty, and the child qualified for appointment to one of the service academies. I wonder how the Rs would spin that problem.


Make no mistake, unless there is a miracle of miracles, these zealots are committed to making our lives miserable. Expect the worst, plan for the worst. I trust nobody in the world to come to our rescue. 

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I actually had a 1-on-1 office visit scheduled with my Congressman (Jimmy Panetta/CA-Dem) tomorrow.  But ... because of the current budget chaos in DC they had to cancel it.  They did offer a new meeting when he returns. 


I am looking forward to getting a chance to talk with him and give him the perspective of a transgender veteran.

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    • Samantha Rose
      I found Your comment interesting, but I am not sure I understand what You mean about our medical system being focused on prevention.  Can You please elaborate? 
    • Samantha Rose
      I hear what You are saying Ashley.  Sometimes I feel like a fraud giving advice, when my life is such a mess, LOL.
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      Sweetie, I cried reading Your story.  I am sorry You went through so much to get to where You are now.  To be completely honest, I also cried for myself.  I shared so many of these terrible experience.  It is so easy to crawl back into that hole labeled "Normal" and just try to forget the almost constant pain we feel.  However, it seems like You have crossed the Rubicon and are on the path to truly living Your life as You were meant to.  I think I am there also, but I am almost constantly afraid I will back slide and go back to hiding in the shadows.  Thank You for sharing Your self with us.
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      Thank You Sweetie.  I look forward to getting to know the amazing people here.
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      Samantha Rose this really is great to place to hang out.  Great people here and great thoughts/ideas.  Welcome!
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      Thank You for Your warm welcome.  I am frankly overwhelmed by the volume of information and forums on here.  I look forward to eventually finding my way around.
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      Thank You.  I am excited to learn the ways and means here.  Feel free to provide steering guidance if I stray toward the third rail.
    • Samantha Rose
      Am I the only one who has been hearing this in my head a lot lately?
    • Samantha Rose
      I love this song.  It has always gotten my feet moving and my heart pounding.  Such an fun, but still uplifting song.
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