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NBC: How the Rumors Began That the Madison School Shooter Was Trans

Carolyn Marie

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There's only one word which adequately describes the haters, whether they are individuals such as Jones and Gaetz, or organizations such as Townhall, who spread this sort of transphobic tripe. -dimwitted-.

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I've come to expect this.

If the perpetrator is not trans (as is overwhelmingly the case) they'll simply lie.  I doubt that the people that start these rumors actually believe them - but their followers do.  It gets clicks, and that's what they want.

I don't want to get started on Elmo.

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They would have no relevance to society if they did not hate.  Such weary and dreary lives they lead.  Too bad some get paid for living that way.  Then again, I do know those who consider $1.00 dollar from crime as more valuable than $1M dollars earned legally.  In a horrifying way, I guess it is their chosen form of diversity within humanity.

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How do the rumors begin?  Two things.  First, trans stuff seems to be always in the news.  Visibility is NOT a good thing right now.  Second, folks are motivated to hide the real problem.  We have all this violence because we have lots of family problems.


The shooter in this case is notable because she's a cis female.  Usually shooting perpetrators are male.  But this girl was apparently really miserable, from a very chaotic and broken home, and in therapy because of it.  Its a social problem nobody wants to address, because it isn't politically correct to say that the very best situation for kids is to be in a stable home with a loving set of married parents.  And this thing happened at a Christian school not for any political reason, but because Christian schools often end up taking in kids who have been removed from the public system for behavior, or who have significant family issues. 

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2 hours ago, awkward-yet-sweet said:

it isn't politically correct to say that the very best situation for kids is to be in a stable home with a loving set of married parents. 

I don't know about the "correct" part, but I agree that kids being raised by both parents is probably the best arrangement when possible.  I don't know of anyone arguing against it.  Unfortunately, this is not a lot of people's situation for various reasons.

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