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I'm curious if any of you have read Dana Bevan's books on transgenderism?


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I recently read through her book "The Psychobiology of Transsexualism and Transgenderism" (2014, a bit dated now) and found it to be an extremely well-thought out and dense work on transgender science that was eye-opening and made me think about myself differently. She covers a vast array of material to the point where I (as a scientist myself) can't tell how much of the literature is cherry-picked. I want to believe she put together a great synthesis that covers major scientific literature because her book was so well written but I'm skeptical (because basically it's my job to be so :) ).


I'm curious if anyone else here has read any of her works? Unfortunately I don't know much about Dana Bevan and so I'm not sure how reputable her works are in the community. This is ignorance on my part for sure.

Thank you!

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I actually get to count Dana as a friend, and so my experience is good.  Dana -- errr Dr. Bevan has been very active in compiling and correlating the status of research on Trans issues.  She puts on a good presentation of which theories and which evidentiary directions are in the current focus of interest, but is honest enough to tell you when "THE ANSWER" to how Trans comes about changes almost 180 degrees from time to time.  A discussion I had with her in person some years back involves two medical conditions I know I have that show up in the Trans population often, get dismissed on some level, but then find new validity from another angle.  --- Keep reading her info is my suggestion, she is a bona-fide user of the actual Scientific Method.

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Thanks @VickySGV that's really helpful! I found her writing almost too good to be true with how helpful it was so I wanted a reality check. I'll definitely keeping reading her work!

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