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what do we do now?


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it sounds like

1  we do not exist in law.


if we present authentic we are now just confused people who refuse to acknowledge the simple truth, which evaded 100s of years of medical research, but the president has cleared up. 


so if mtf transgirl uses a women's restroom shell be arrested as a pervert male in drag,?


we can't get Healthcare from any place that gets federal funding?


what what about federal workers who used to work remotely..now we must return to the office..not as transgender people on our journey but as confused freaks, per the president?


does anyone have any suggestions, please

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On the Medical side of this, contact your local LGBTQ Center which will have resources to treat you on an "ability to pay" basis.  They have been ready for this and have donors lined up as well a patients.  I was a guest at one such clinic a few months ago and donors to the LGBTQ Community are generous.


As to the return to the office, your state is a little weak on this, but there are state labor laws regarding "Safe Workspace" in most states, check with your HR department as to how they will handle individuals who dress individually.  It will be the attitude of your fellow employees and direct managers, the greatest majority of whom are NOT for this baloney that will tell what you must do.  I am a retired manager for my State and good workers that did not interact with the public were handled as "live and let live" basis which did make me busy managing some times, but it was worth it.  

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If you're MtF you can go back to pretending to be a man.  I mean, with a couple of adjustments and a change of wardrobe, I could probably pass as a guy.


I wouldn't be surprised to see some new state laws about "impersonating the other sex" or something similar - maybe the "three articles" thing.  You might need to pay attention to where the buttons are on your shirts.


I think our FtM siblings might still be able to get away with britches though.  Hmm… I wonder about facial hair?


Best I can see is it gets tied up in court for a while.  But if it is in Texas, the court won't block the law.


On the plus side, if I go to jail I might finally be able to get a boyfriend./s


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They can make a lot of laws but they can't take your mindset. You are the only in control of it. Stay strong. Things might go back to how it was in the 20's were if you wear opposite sex clothing you were thrown in jail. It was extremely tough. Just hold it together. I probably already know that the VA is banned for treating veterans too. It's four years and hopefully things will change. He can't run again so this is it. Unless one of his buddies takes over. Stay strong and don't feel discouraged.

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  • Forum Moderator
1 hour ago, Ashley0616 said:

They can make a lot of laws but they can't take your mindset. You are the only in control of it. Stay strong.

I agree with several points here. The return to the office order will require you to work with your HR department for any boundaries to be set. If you're not relying on the VA for HRT, then you may not see any changes in your private care provider. @Ashley0616made a sound statement about this being your mindset and they can't take that away from you.





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1 hour ago, missyjo said:



What do you suggest?

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Trump should be worried how far he wants to go with this male and female thingy, when it comes to me, because I am walking proof there is more beyond just only male and just only female. No executive order is going to change what I already know

walking proof.jpg

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Do what you normally do, dress how you normally dress, talk how you normally talk.  You probably won't notice any changes. 


Just avoid federal government property, which has been common sense for a lot of folks for decades.  Use multigender, individual bathrooms where possible.  Remember that the bathroom policies basically lack a way to enforce them reliably.  A law without enforcement has no teeth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to go to government property. 


usually dress as a gal, but that won't fly with my Id n others at work. not a very liberal place or state. afraid to contact hr now because it feels like raising my hand n saying look I'm different, send my name to trump n have me executed executed..


what horrible times bc of terribly mean people


I can't see an ending. last time such a maniac took power it took 5 years of the entire world at war n how many millions died..6 million Jewish people  another 2 million  scared emotionally for life, 20 million soviets..the numbers are astounding..because of 1 hateful price.


God help us all. 

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