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I Need Help


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Hello all,

My bottom surgery date is fast approaching and I am not sure how I am gonna pull it off. I believe all my insurance is in line to pay for the surgery, but I am not sure what I am going to do about lodging. I looked into this and I have to be in Spokane, Washington for 2 weeks and I cant afford the cost of lodging for that long. Does anyone have resources I can tap into to help offset this cost? Dr. Goeffry Stiller is the surgeon I am using and they require I be in town for 2 weeks post-op. I am getting worried I will not be able to afford this. 


Any info and help would be amazing!!

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  • Forum Moderator

Hi, Renee.  Welcome to TGP.


I am afraid I do not know of any resources in your area.  Have you checked with your insurance to see if they will cover lodging for your recovery period?  It is a requirement of the surgery, after all.  I hope you are able to find something.


Please feel free to explore the forums and to post in any thread you find interesting.  I'd also encourage you to post in the Introductions forum to tell us about yourself.




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Hi @renee. Have you looked at airbnb? I took a quick peek and there are private rooms to let for about $35/night. Obviously that adds up for a 2-week stay. But considering your surgery is covered by insurance, could you manage paying for lodging with a credit card and and then paying if off over time? I also learned there is a "couch surfing" community website called https://www.bewelcome.org/ . You have to make a membership to search on their site, which I didn't do, so I don't know what lodging opportunities there are in Spokane. But maybe you could find a comfortable situation there? I'm sorry I don't have any better advice for you. I am sure something will come up for you. And I pray your surgery goes great!

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Point of Pride is a charity based in Oregon that provides financial aid for trans people in 122 countries.

They offer aid for surgeries, hrt and electrolysis as well as free chest binders and femme shape wear. They also have a resource library.

Everything is explained on the website but there is an application process for each thing.

Financial aid for gender-affirming healthcare by Point of Pride


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  • Forum Moderator

I hope Kat's suggestion works out - they are a good resource. Can you try a bank load or do you have a escrow possibility. Credit card?

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  • Forum Moderator

One more thought - google sGender Affirmation Suregery aid and there are foundations willing to provide money for those in need. You might be able to gain valuable grant money that way. Good Luck. I've had bottom surgery and it is hard to get all ducks in order to be able to afford.



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