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University of Derby (UK) Research Study

Petra Jane

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We have been asked to bring the following Research Study to our members attention.


Purpose and Scope of Research Study

I'm in my third year of a Masters in Psychology degree with the University of Derby. In our final year, we have to conduct a research project and I'm looking into how trans individuals who are stuck on the long waiting lists for gender care under the NHS make sense out of their experiences and their gender identity. It's a subject that is very important to me, as it's something I had to endure myself.
So, I want to hear from other transwomen and transmen about their experiences of being stuck on the waiting lists and how the prolonged delay affects the ways they imagine their life story unfolding. All they would have to do is to fill in a consent form to register their interest and arrange a time to schedule an online interview (approx. 60-90 minutes) to discuss their experiences with me. Audio of the interviews would be recorded and I would analyse and quote the transcripts, but the recordings themselves would never published and their identity would be protected at all times.

So I'm looking to hear from transwomen and transmen, who fit the following criteria:

* Must be over 18
* Must identify as transgender (not genderfluid, non-binary etc.)
* Must have been on the waiting lists for their first appointment with an NHS Gender Identity Clinic for at least 6 months
* Have never had an appointment with a private health care professional to either obtain a gender dysphoria diagnosis or start the process of getting hormone therapy
* Have not started hormone therapy through any other means
* No significant mental health disorders (e.g. major depression, BPD, schizophrenia) or learning difficulties
Institution Supervising Research Study
University of Derby
Web Address for Study Participation
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