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Another big step!

Joanne Grace

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Hi girls, hope I find you all well? 

It's been another big step on my journey,  I've been contacted by the trans support service and I am now on their waiting list,  I should get a call off them around November this year? The doctor who was talking to me, said I'm best to change my GP, to one that specialises in transgender people,  there is one that's fairly close,  as not all standard GPs aren't willing to help? , she also said to try and get on a gender identity clinic,  I know they have a very hight waiting list, and the nearest one to me is about 100miles away from where I live? anyway I wanted to speak to my own GP first? I done it today, and he has said he'll help me In my transition? I've had to go private with gendergp in order to get my hrt, and I've been seeing a private therapist,  all In all,  its costing me an arm and a leg, hopefully now, I'll get them on the NHS? he wants me to send him all the info I have off gendergp,  so he can update my medical records? They were all on email attachment,  so I've printed them all off, and am going to send them in tomorrow? 

Incidentally,  the doctor whom the TSS, was talking about, is the doctor whom,  my trans great nephew is with,  but I wanted to see if my own GP would help me first? I went shopping with my sister yesterday and stayed for tea, I had  lovely time, and my youngest daughter wants to meet up with me in March as Joanne, so that would be nice? It's my granddaughters 18th birthday coming up, they are having a party for her, she doesn't want me to come as Joanne,  I was in two minds whether to go, but my daughter has persuaded me to, but I'm going as John? The next thing I need to do now is, come out to my workplace,  not going to be easy,  but I'm going to have to do it? Got these jumpers off my sister,  the bottom 2 are me and my sister last night, I've got another new wig on  its human hair,  it's great,  feels so natural? I love it, and live these jumpers. Hope you are all well, hugs and kisses 🥰 


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Wonderful news, Joanne.  Congratulations and best wishes for continued success on your journey.  :goodjob:




Carolyn Marie

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7 hours ago, Joanne Grace said:

I'll get them on the NHS? he wants me to send him all the info I have off gendergp,

Hi Joanne, 

              congratulations on your journey, I am not sure regarding gender gp and the nhs, most tend to go from this link as it is linked in with the nhs https://gendercare.co.uk   most GPs in the nhs would require a formal diagnosis from an nhs specialist hence the link provided, you might get lucky and your GP may prescribe but be prepared just in case there are any problems, it will not be your GPs fault rather the system

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