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Boobie Trap!

Guest Connie99

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Guest Connie99

Hi Everyone,

What a strange trip it is. Last weekend I received a call from my wife’s friend telling me “if I ever loved my wife I must come to her place now!”. I arrived within ten minutes to find my wife crying uncontrollably. I held her close, stroke her hair and reassured her that everything will be OK. After a few minutes she was settling down and as I sat her down I noticed behind me were five Police Officers. I said Hi and how might I help them. They told me that I must come with them. I chose not to fight them (totally lame) instead I asked my wife to please seek professional help so that she might get a handle on our situation. She agreed so I went with the Officers.

I was placed into a squad car and taken to the county hospital where I was placed under 72 hour hold. I asked why and the doctor told me that my wife said I was going to hurt myself…NO SO! Her word was gold and I was the fool. I talked to the doctor with all honesty. My last remark to the doctor was that I was being held for Gender Identity issues and not because I was any harm to anyone. He told me I was a lair and left not to be seen again. This was last Friday night, and the seventy two hours didn’t start until Sunday midnight.

My first session with the people at the University Sexual Health Clinic was scheduled for last Wednesday and I would not be able to make it if held the full 72 hour period. I was released on Tuesday night. Bitter, untrusting, and totally confused I return home to find my wife and four daughters.. My four daughters had visited and supported me during this ordeal and realized that had really happened. My wife seemed so distant, cold, and confident that somehow they were going to fix my problem. I could have easily lost it and walked away. Wow was this really happening?

I was resolved that we would continue to keep our communications open. I made my appointment at the U and found a warm and accepting environment. I was able to make good progress and four more appointments leading up to the holidays. After several days of intimate talk she has come to better understand where I am. We are still best friends.

We must never lose our faith.



PS. I made a lot of friends last weekend. There are many who are lost in the darkness and need light.

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Guest Charlene_Leona

I'm so sorry that happened to you Connie, I also was put in a psych ward by my psychiatrist the day after I came out to him. He did it because he said I wanted to harm myself. I was able to convince the doctors there that I had no intention of hurting myself or others and all I wanted to do was transition from Male to Female. I hated being locked up beyond belief and I know you did as well. Just be strong and it seems you have your daughters on your side, so just keep going and don't lose sight of the goal.

You can do it.

Charlene Leona

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Hi Connie,

Gee , that story amazed AND shocked me. To think this can happen this day and age is appalling , I mean , to be incarcerated like

that must have terrified you so. I am so pleased everything turned out ok. The fact your daughters stood by you is a huge plus and I hope

you center on that aspect of the ordeal when you" think back". I hope you are feeling better now, Take care Connie, Luv, viv.

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Guest qRachelp


Oh wow! I too am shocked. I really don't know what to say, but I'm glad that you are sharing your story with us so that others can see that "what we utter CAN have an affect on our lives". We transgendered folks must be careful with what we say, for the inexperienced, non-understanding people of the world are just lurking in the shadows waiting for the chance to jump out and say, "SEE, I TOLD YOU THEY WERE CRAZY".

Connie, it must wonderful to have your daughters there supporting you. You are very lucky in that regard.

Also, you came to the right place to share your thoughts and feelings. By reading the posts here, and asking questions of your own (with which you will find this most caring community swarming to answer for you), you will receive friendly, humanitarian help in making it through this... to the person who you REALLY are and want to BE.

Much Love to You Connie,


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You are an amazing and forgiving woman, I am not sure that I could remain close to someone who had 'shanghaied' me into a mental ward for observation - asking me to go because of concern would be one thing but to just trick you into coming over and having you hauled away by the police is another thing altogether.

I applaud you for your wonderful, forgiving and loving nature.

Love ya,


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No we shouldn't ever lose our faith Connie.

My children both adults,are and have always been,on their mothers side.

I was seen as the bad (guy) for bringing so much pain into their lives for years.

So it's taken over six and a half years,but my family,all three of my ladies,

are all on my side.At long last they accept me as the woman I am with open

hearts and minds.Keep the faith my sister,great patience,perseverance and an

open loving heart,will win in the end.

Much Empathy for the pain you are currently experiencing,


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  • Admin

OMG, Connie, what a horrible, humiliating ordeal.

You are an amazing woman to be able to forgive your wife for what she did, and to get through all of that without

wanting to tear someone's head off.

It's great that you have the support of your daughters. Hopefully, your wife will never try to do something like that to

you again. If she has learned anything about you following this, its that you are far more peaceful, calm, forgiving

and loving than she ever imagined.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest krisspykriss
Hi Everyone,

What a strange trip it is. Last weekend I received a call from my wife’s friend telling me “if I ever loved my wife I must come to her place now!”. I arrived within ten minutes to find my wife crying uncontrollably. I held her close, stroke her hair and reassured her that everything will be OK. After a few minutes she was settling down and as I sat her down I noticed behind me were five Police Officers. I said Hi and how might I help them. They told me that I must come with them. I chose not to fight them (totally lame) instead I asked my wife to please seek professional help so that she might get a handle on our situation. She agreed so I went with the Officers.

I was placed into a squad car and taken to the county hospital where I was placed under 72 hour hold. I asked why and the doctor told me that my wife said I was going to hurt myself…NO SO! Her word was gold and I was the fool. I talked to the doctor with all honesty. My last remark to the doctor was that I was being held for Gender Identity issues and not because I was any harm to anyone. He told me I was a lair and left not to be seen again. This was last Friday night, and the seventy two hours didn’t start until Sunday midnight.

My first session with the people at the University Sexual Health Clinic was scheduled for last Wednesday and I would not be able to make it if held the full 72 hour period. I was released on Tuesday night. Bitter, untrusting, and totally confused I return home to find my wife and four daughters.. My four daughters had visited and supported me during this ordeal and realized that had really happened. My wife seemed so distant, cold, and confident that somehow they were going to fix my problem. I could have easily lost it and walked away. Wow was this really happening?

I was resolved that we would continue to keep our communications open. I made my appointment at the U and found a warm and accepting environment. I was able to make good progress and four more appointments leading up to the holidays. After several days of intimate talk she has come to better understand where I am. We are still best friends.

We must never lose our faith.



PS. I made a lot of friends last weekend. There are many who are lost in the darkness and need light.

I am sorry you had to go through that. That was an abuse of power on your wifes part.

Hi Connie,

Gee , that story amazed AND shocked me. To think this can happen this day and age is appalling , I mean , to be incarcerated like

that must have terrified you so. I am so pleased everything turned out ok. The fact your daughters stood by you is a huge plus and I hope

you center on that aspect of the ordeal when you" think back". I hope you are feeling better now, Take care Connie, Luv, viv.

Her wife abused the system to cause her real inconvenience and some drama. There is a valid reason these things can be done. This wasn't one of them. However, I think there is more good than bad that comes from this ability to have a loved one observed. I can give you one.

I was taken against my will once as well. I was off my bi-polar meds. I was having a fight with my girlfriend that I lived until just days before . I was acting kinda crazy, not violent just really high strung and had a dark outlook on life. I hadn't slept in days. I was talking rapidly going from one subject to another and didn't always make sense. In short, I was having a crazy spell. I left for a walk to cool off and think. I got to a Mc Donalds and dedided I wanted something from there. So I paced around the parking lot, checked the door a few times to see if they were ope yet and waited for them to open. Well, my girlfriend had called the cops to come get me and be taken in for observation. I wasn't at the house when they got there, but while they were there, they had a call about a suspicious person hanging out by the door of Mc McDonalds fitting my description. So there I am when multiple cops show up and so does my girlfriend. After becoming fairly convinced I wasn't on crack or PCP or something, they allowed me to ride to the state mental hospital with my girlfriend. The other choice was they would take me against my which they said will which looks worse on me. I was there for a little over a day. They drug tested me, got my medical and mental history, gave me prescriptions and sample packs, and lined me up to see a state funded mental health therapist and got on the path to getting back on my feet. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but it worked out for the best for me.

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I am sorry you had to go through that. That was an abuse of power on your wifes part.

Her wife abused the system to cause her real inconvenience and some drama. There is a valid reason these things can be done. This wasn't one of them. However, I think there is more good than bad that comes from this ability to have a loved one observed. I can give you one.

I was taken against my will once as well. I was off my bi-polar meds. I was having a fight with my girlfriend that I lived until just days before . I was acting kinda crazy, not violent just really high strung and had a dark outlook on life. I hadn't slept in days. I was talking rapidly going from one subject to another and didn't always make sense. In short, I was having a crazy spell. I left for a walk to cool off and think. I got to a Mc Donalds and dedided I wanted something from there. So I paced around the parking lot, checked the door a few times to see if they were ope yet and waited for them to open. Well, my girlfriend had called the cops to come get me and be taken in for observation. I wasn't at the house when they got there, but while they were there, they had a call about a suspicious person hanging out by the door of Mc McDonalds fitting my description. So there I am when multiple cops show up and so does my girlfriend. After becoming fairly convinced I wasn't on crack or PCP or something, they allowed me to ride to the state mental hospital with my girlfriend. wThe other choiceas they would take me against my which they said will which looks worse on me. I was there for a little over a day. They drug tested me, got my medical and mental history, gave me prescriptions and sample packs, and lined me up to see a state funded mental health therapist and got on the path to getting back on my feet. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but it worked out for the best for me.

Horrific story that Crissy. I would say(by your posts) everything is fine with you now and I hope that is the case for the rest of your life.

Take care hun, Luv, viv.

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    • Nonexistent
      I know it's frustrating to hear, but you have to be patient. 5 weeks is nothing. It can take years to grow facial hair. Even then, you may be unlucky and not get much. Everyone's body reacts differently to T. You just have to be patient and let T do it's thing.
    • Nonexistent
      I've been on T for 6yrs now, my levels are good. But I still don't pass very well, I look very feminine. I have top surgery already.   I can't tell if it's bad luck/genetics or if there is some reason why T might not "work" on me. The only thing it has done well is lower my voice. Everything else, not so much. I have a bit more muscle, and a tiny bit of chin scruff. That's it.   Is there any medical reason why T might not have much of an effect? I asked my PA and they didn't know.
    • tracy_j
      Happy Pride!   Tracy
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you for the welcome. :)   As an adult I don't actually get much (if any) hate directed at me. As a kid/teen I got discriminated against and ostracized. And online is crazy with hatred. But in real life I just keep to myself and that tends to make others not bother you. I think I get a double take from someone every so often, but I don't get stared at or anything. I do get called ma'am sometimes which sucks and is embarrassing.    I like the positive self-talk, saying that you are trans, you shouldn't have the same "expectations" as if you were cis. Some trans people are lucky, some of us are not. I'm not. The only thing I got lucky with is my voice. Everything else, nope.   I will try and remind myself that I'm just trying to live my life, I didn't choose to be born this way, I don't need to be embarrassed of myself in every situation.
    • VickySGV
      A wonderful proclamation that is going to have fur and feathers flying in many locations.  It actually saddens me that we are such a divisive wedge in peoples political leanings and this proclamation will drive that wedge deeper until we can heal those divisions.
    • Desert Fox
      All of this is very validating for me to read, as the issues you have faced are all too familiar to me. The compartmentalization of friends, the double life, the not being considered “trans enough” by the trans community…all have been my experience too. I think that’s amazing you did a workshop on part-time trans living…I would have loved to have attended that!    It does hurt when people, especially full-time trans individuals, and even medical professionals, look down on part-time transgender presentation as not being legitimate. I don’t like being lumped into the cross dresser community even if being bigender more resembles cross dressing, not because I have anything against crossdressers personally, but because for me, I don’t relate to a lot of what I’ve seen in the cross dresser community. If I had felt adequately supported in being able to transition full-time 25 years ago, I likely would have. And even if I had, you still would have never caught me wearing heels and rarely would I wear a dress.   For me, how I live is a compromise and an adaptation of having a feminine spirit in a body with male anatomy and not wanting to take surgical risks, plus not wanting to deny my past history of living male-ish and not feeling comfortable presenting particularly androgynously either. I suppose it is possible that at some point I may change my mind and actually transition…apparently that does happen a lot. Maybe I’m unusually stubborn to have stayed part-time this long. Ultimately for any of us who are not cisgender, any presentation is some kind of compromise and there is always going to be someone who doesn’t “approve.”   Ultimately so many factors go into how ANYONE presents themselves publicly, from their past experiences and their comfort level wearing particular clothes and hair styles, I really think no one is in a position to condemn others. It’s just another version of the same old story of people not accepting others with characteristics different than their own. 
    • EasyE
      i should clarify my E levels are on the high end of normal range for males... and T is low for males... 
    • missyjo
      nevermind...couldn't get it to work..time to change n work out night
    • Adrianna Danielle
      It was a huge relief for both of us
    • Adrianna Danielle
      We have,found out she had a hole in her heart repaired at age 12.She knows heart problems run in my side of the family now.Told her I had stents put in
    • Ashley0616
    • Mmindy
      That’s Fantastic @Adrianna DanielleI hope you’re able to develop a relationship with her. At minimum she knows more about her heritage and possible health related issues.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • missyjo
      ok quic stop n will be slightly late but comming hugs
    • Ivy
      If anyone is interested   What do the Trans community need most right now? Abigail Thorn & Freddy McConnell | Pod Save The UK      
    • Ashley0616
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