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    We offer a safe, inclusive community for transgender and gender non-conforming folks, as well as their loved ones, to find support and information.  Join today!


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      NB: You may reply to a Topic, just not start a new one.

  2. Issue-Specific Support Forums

    1. Suicide Prevention

      Most transgender people have attempted suicide at least once in their lives. If you have, please lend your support here to those who are having a bad time now. Suicide is never the answer. If you are suicidal, call the Trans Lifeline at (877) 565-8860 in the US or (877) 330-6366 in Canada. In the UK, call the Samaritans free on 116 123, or log in to our live chat room and ask to speak with a crisis moderator.

      • KayC
    2. Alcohol Abuse Support Forum

      A support forum for those who have problems with alcohol.

    3. Drug Abuse Support Forum

      A forum to get help and support if you have drug issues.

    4. Sexual Abuse and Assault Support Forum

      If you have ever been the victim of sexual abuse, molestation, violent sexual assault, or other sexual violation, you will find help and support here.

      • Wicked juggalo
    5. Cutting and Self-Harm Support Forum

      Cutting and other forms of self-harm are an epidemic among transgender teens. This is a support and prevention forum to discuss issues related to these topics.

      • VickySGV
    6. Eating Disorders Support Forum

      A forum to discuss and get support if you have - or think you have - an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or compulsive over-eating.

    7. Victims of Hate Crimes and Violence

      This is a forum to discuss hate and violent crimes against transgender people. It is also a place for victims to talk about what happened to them and gain help and support. Nearly 95% of crimes against us are never reported. If you are a victim, please report it here.

  3. General Transgender Forums

    1. General Forum

      You may discuss any general topic here.  Religion and politics discussions must be held in their appropriate forums only.

    2. Introductions Forum

      Welcome!  Tell us about yourself!

    3. Military Veterans and Active-Duty Service Members

      A place for transgender military veterans and active-duty service members to discuss experiences, benefits, and laws that affect us.

    4. Coming Out

      A place to discuss coming out to family, friends, and co-workers.

    5. Research Studies

      From time to time, TransPulse approves academic research studies to solicit input from our community.  Information on these studies will be posted here.


      Researchers: You MUST ask permission to post your Research Study BEFORE registering.

    6. Member Poetry

      You may post your transgender-related poetry here.  Any poetry posted must be your own and any copyright held must be held by you.  Copyright infringements will be removed as soon as a moderator becomes aware of it, without notice.

  4. Transition Support Forums

    1. General Transition Issues

      This is a dual-gender forum for both FtMs and MtFs. Issues discussed here affect both groups, such as the WPATH Standards of Care.

    2. Therapy and Therapists

      Forum to discuss therapy and its effects.

    3. What Am I? I'm Not Sure.

      New to the site?  Not sure of your identity?  You are not alone.  This is a forum without judgment.  Ask your questions without fear.

    4. Androgyne and Multigender Forums

      Androgyny is marked by characteristics of both genders resulting in a non-gendered or gender-neutral appearance.

    5. Crossdresser Discussions

      A discussion group for crossdressers.

    6. Female to Male (FtM) Discussions

      A place to discuss topics related to transitioning from female to male.

    7. Male to Female (MtF) Discussions

      A place to discuss issues related to transitioning from male to female.

    8. Intersex Discussions

      An intersex individual is a person (or individual of any unisex species) who is born with genitalia and/or secondary sexual characteristics of indeterminate sex, or which combine features of both sexes.

    9. 991
    10. Passing As Your Target Gender

      A discussion forum about passing as your true gender.

    11. Hormone Replacement Therapy

      A place to discuss hormone replacement therapy and its effects.

    12. Transition Product Info

      This forum is for information about and reviews of products you use in order to feel more authentic during your transition.  Packers, breast forms, whatever it may be - share your experiences here.  Remember, we do not allow advertisements or sales pitches.

    13. Real Life Test Discussions

      A place to discuss transition: legal, workplace, name change, driver's license issues, and more. Tips and tricks on getting through a year or two as another gender.

    14. Transgender Surgeries

      The place to talk about gender affirming surgeries you've had or are planning to have, get physician recommendations, and more.

    15. Post-Op Discussions

      A place to discuss specific issues or general living after undergoing sex reassignment surgery.

    16. Transgender Issues

      A forum for discussion of general transgender issues.

    17. WPATH Standards of Care

      A place to discuss the existing standards of care and how they apply to us.

    18. Health Issues

      This forum is a place to discuss the various aches, pains, and other complaints we all have.  Please avoid playing doctor or applying your diagnosis or treatment to other members' situations - only a visit to a qualified health care professional can determine the right course of treatment.

    19. Diet and Exercise

      Many people understand that it is difficult to lose weight after starting hormones.  This a forum to discuss diet and exercise during and after medical transition.

    20. Fashion

      A place to discuss fashion for all members, including clothing questions, sizing, and more.

    21. Beauty

      Discuss beauty and cosmetics tips and tricks here.

    22. Transgender, Transsexual, Crossdresser Teens Forum

      This is the place for any Transgender Teen to post. Topics may be posted only by member aged 13-24, however any member may reply to offer Support. No exchanging personal info, real names, addresses, email or phone numbers.


      To post a new message in this forum you must be aged 13 to 24, or a moderator, ages may change later. Any member though may post a PUBLIC reply and we encourage them to give you the benefit of their experience. Sexual issues may not be discussed in this forum.

  5. Career and Workplace Issues

    1. Job Search

      Searching for work is one of the biggest challenges faced by the transgender community.  Here you can ask for advice on the process.

    2. Academia

      If you're a student or if you work in the education field, this is the forum to discuss issues surrounding your work.

    3. Corporate and Office Environments

      This forum is a catch-all for the nine-to-fivers, whether you're an administrative assistant, an executive, or anywhere in between.

    4. Health Care and Social Services

      If you work in health care, social services, hospice, or another related industry, your workplace questions can be addressed here.

    5. Law Enforcement and Emergency Response

      Law enforcement and corrections officers, firefighters, EMS employees, dispatchers, and others who work in emergency response can use this forum to discuss their workplace issues.

    6. Service and Hospitality Industries

      Retail, food service, restaurant, hotel, and other service industry employees can find help with their workplace issues here.

    7. Other Fields

      If your career field doesn't have a specific category above, you can get advice on workplace issues here.

  6. News, Activism, Politics, and Events

    1. News

      This is the place to discuss news topics that affect our community. Discussions related to politics and activism should be posted here as well. This is also the place to list upcoming conferences and other gatherings.

    2. Uplifting News

      A place for news and events that lift the spirits.

    3. Politics

      Discussion forum for political topics, both general and specific to the transgender community.

      This is a forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate.

    4. Transgender Activism

      Transgender activism and protests.

    5. Events, Conferences, and Gatherings

      Events and conferences of interest to the trans community.

  7. Spirituality

    1. Buddhism


    2. Christianity

      Christianity, all sects.

    3. Mormonism


    4. Hinduism


    5. Islam


    6. Judaism


    7. Two-Spirit

      Two-Spirit faiths, both Native American and other.

    8. Wicca


    9. Other Faiths

      Other religions and spiritual beliefs.

    10. Non-Deistic Spirituality

      Non-deistic spirituality.

  8. Entertainment

    1. Movies

      Discuss and review movies.  Nothing beyond an "R" rating.

    2. Television

      What do you - or don't you - like on TV, cable, and streaming services?

    3. Theatre

      What do you - or don't you - like in or about the Theatre? Are you involved with your local AmDram or a professional Actor?

    4. Jokes and Humor

      Jokes and humor. Keep it clean. No ethnic or other derogatory jokes. What makes you laugh?

    5. Games and Gaming

      Board games, card games, video games - you name it.  What do you play?

    6. Books

      Books and book reviews, favorite authors, favorite genres, and more.

    7. Stories Written by You

      If you have written a story, or have ideas for a story, that you would like to share with others, then this is the place for them.

      Please remember that they must be PG13 or under.

      If you use other's characters, then a disclaimer MUST be added to the start of the story, something along the lines "I do not claim <character name(s)> as my characters, I'm just borrowing them and receive no income from doing so. All copyrights are freely acknowledged and respected."

    8. Videos

      A place for your YouTube and other video links.  PG13 or below.  No underwear shots.  People must be fully clothed.  Instructional videos related to the trans community should also be posted here.

      Note that profanity in such videos is not allowed, we wish to remain a clean site, viewable by all. Whilst we accept that once a video has played, many other videos are shown over which you have no control over the content of these.

    9. Music

      What sort of music do you - or don't you - enjoy?

    10. Artwork

      This is for your artwork, not someone else's copyrighted art.  Because of bandwidth limits, you should use the insert image option and link to the image on your Photobucket, Imgur, or other storage account, or your own web space.  Images uploaded to the forum will be deleted.  Images must be site friendly / age-suitable or they will be deleted.

    11. Gadgets and Tech

      This is a place to discuss the ever-changing landscape of technology.

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  • Recent Posts

    • Willow
      Good evening   We went to Charleston today, my wife had a doctors appointment.  Got back home about 2pm and I took a 1 hour nap.  I have an odd work schedule over the next 10 days. I’m thinking they must be changing our store hours.  I work at a different store tomorrow, then beginning Saturday I start working at my home store.  Our store will be closed on Sunday while they remodel the it, change the layout and install some new equipment replacing some of the coolers and the coffee makers. Then I work starting a 5 am which is different and why I think they are charging our hours.   Yes, I watched a small bit of the debate.  Yes, I thought is was a lot of the same we hear during every election debate.  Yes, I thought Harris rattled Trump early on and never really got back on message.   My feelings about “the promised land” belonging to the Hebrews goes something like this.  God made a promise to Abraham first, follow me and I will make you the father of all man kind.  With one indiscretion Abraham did this, but they ended up in Egypt and came back and pushed the people living there out.  Then once again the hebrews left the promised land to Egypt.  God tells Moses to lead them back out of Egypt and he will again will return the promised land to them. All they have to do is obey him.  But they don’t. Moses begs and the agreement is that no one who was in Egypt can go into the promised land including Moses.  The tribes eventually get the promised land split up and things are pretty good until they stop obeying and loose the land again Ever since they have been forced out and fought to get it back but it’s no longer God’s promised land to the Hebrews as they broke that covenant time and time again.   you can disagree all you want I have no intention of debating history.
    • Sienna
      Thank you Carolyn Xx
    • Carolyn Marie
      Welcome to Trans Pulse, Sienna!  It's lovely to meet you.  Congrats on navigating the NHS to get to the point of starting HRT.  I know from others in the U.K. what a daunting experience that is.  We are here to answer your questions and offer support whenever you need it.  We do have many members from the U.K. with personal experience.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
    • Sienna
      I’ve recently started my hormone therapy and am in a state of euphoria most days after accepting who I really am and that I want to embrace the most authentic version of my true self.  Like most I have  went through so much confusion and never fitted or felt I fitted into the typical male role . After so many years I now understand who I am and what I need to do for myself to make me feel complete.  I hope I can call on you from time to time for your vast experience and knows to help me navigate my transition?  Thank you Sienna Xx
    • Sienna
      Hi Kathy,    thank you for your reply . I will go to the correct topic .    regards Sienna 
    • KathyLauren
      Hi, Sienna.  Welcome to Transgender Pulse.  Please take a moment to drop by our Introductions forum to tell us about yourself.   Kathy
    • Sienna
      Ahhh you answered my question 😘
    • Susan R
      @EasyE   I buy my Surgical Tape by the roll on Amazon. It’s called Smith And Nephew Flexifix Opsite Transparent Adhesive Film Roll 4"X10.9 Yards - Model 66000041   https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015TI2ZA?
    • Sienna
      Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and thank you for accepting me into your forum.  I am Sienna, it’s taken a very long time to comprehend and accept what is the most authentic version of myself .  I have recently started my hormone therapy and am looking forward to embracing the slow and gradual changes in my mind and body .  I hope that I find the answers I need in this fantastic group with so many lovely people .    thank you Sienna Xx
    • EasyE
      Found a very cute black pleated mini skirt yesterday while shopping. It had been placed on a different rack and I never found the "home base". But it happened to be my size and a great price and was right there, so I bought and have been happily wearing it most of today with a soft yellow T-shirt... maybe a bit short for my age but incredibly comfortable... 
    • EasyE
      Hmm. Interesting thought ... It does seem like it starts get red underneath the patch after I shower ... Where would one get the surgical tape? Regular Pharmacy?
    • Justine76
      Same here. Although recently, I've been paying more attention to what women wear casually but still have an overtly feminine look. I saw a woman at a locally that had the same pair of ladies' Adidas sneakers I recently bought and looked at how she worked them into her outfit; just yoga leggings with an oversized shirt but she looked really good. Tricky part is getting the perfect shirt length for that type of outfit 
    • April Marie
      Hi, Jayne! I love that sweater!! I'm so happy you took the opportunity to drop by.
    • April Marie
      My first time out was at a Wal-Mart. I was wearing a black/green black-watch skirt, black turtleneck sweater, green tights and black ankle boots. As I walked through the door it hit me that I'd probably made a tactical error. Instead of blending in, my choice of outfit was so different from the typical Wal-Mart shopper that I drew instant attention.    In the end, I got a nice compliment from a young lady who asked where I'd bought my skirt and smiles from several men.    The vast majority of my wardrobe comes from Talbot's and J. Jill and tends to be less casual than most women wear these days. But, it makes me feel good about myself and gives me confidence in myself....and that can't be a bad thing.
    • Sally Stone
      A fairly regular stop when I am going to the big city for a day of feminine self-expression is a “Total Wine” store. The town where I live is quite small, so it lacks a lot of the shopping options of Reno (my big city), and a well-stocked liquor store is one of them. Many of the store clerks have come to know Sally, but one clerk in particular, a sixty-something woman, always makes a big deal about my wardrobe.  She has probably waited on me a half a dozen times, and each time, she asks me “what’s the special occasion? You are dressed so nicely.”  I have always said thanks but never elaborated.    Last weekend, however, while grabbing a bottle of wine, the same woman waited on me, and she asked me again about the special occasion.  This time, I made a point to tell her I wasn’t dressed for anything special, instead, that the way I dress tends to be my preferred style.  I told her it was my nature to be quite particular about my appearance.  And then I leaned a little closer and whispered: “besides, I think I have nice legs and like showing them off,” alluding to the fact that my preferred wardrobe usually includes a skirt, stockings, and heels.   She smiled brightly at my legs comment and then she added: “too bad more people don’t pay closer attention to what they wear.”  Then she went on to tell me how badly some people dress when they come into the store.   I realize, that my wardrobe is generally upscale, and I imagine it gets people’s attention the same way it got the store clerk’s. Most people these days dress with comfort in mind which tends to make me stand out a bit.  That’s okay.  Wearing female business attire as my go to style, makes me happy and helps me feel feminine, even if it does sometimes, force me to explain that I’m not dressing for a special occasion.
    • Jayne
      Hi everyone,  hope your all doing well. After a week on holiday with my girlfriend, I'm back. I've got the urge to dress as jayne. I have to get my "fix" whenever I can, tomorrow I'll probably be John again. I'll drop in again. See you all again soon, hugs and kisses 🥰
    • Lydia_R
      I'm starting to normalize a bit.  Perhaps what happened to me this summer was character assassination because of my political involvement.  I'm way too optimistic normally to think anything other than it was just intense intellectual lessons.  I just soak everything up and grow as much as I can.   I essentially spent August 2024 homeless and without any musical instruments.  After a short adjustment period, I was playing drums on my thighs with my hands and singing.  All the perfect pitch study that I have done in the last 3+ decades came in handy with the singing.  I'm still working on getting my hands to move properly when I'm singing, but all that work helped me out.   I've got an amazing 6 string bass now and I've taken to it quite rapidly unlike the decade it took me to get used to the 5 string I had previously.  I've got the high string tuned to a C and it helps to give me a lot more fingering options that make it match my normal trombone range.  My slapping skills are coming in handy and the practice I've been doing the last few years with more advanced thumb technique are amazing.  I've only had it for three days now.  Just amazing.   As far as Portland goes, I still feel connection with this city and the many gender non-conforming people in it.  Things became really distressing with my personal friends and the larger jazz music community and I just flat out cut ties with all of them.  I've always been bad at saying no to people.  I learned to say no to drugs in 2003 and that has turned out to be an excellent skill and choice.  I suppose I'm doing that with friends now.   Still working on getting into long haul trucking.  Some of my best music from 23years ago was composed and recorded in a car much smaller than these big rig trucks.  It should work out well.  As much as I like coding software, it feels good to not be coding for a living and dealing with that industry.  With all the money in the world, I could setup a nice studio and play music all day long, but I'd likely get bored with that and want to do something, like trucking.  It's kind of insane, but likely true.   I'm not into playing musical gigs at all and I feel a lot of bad vibes around that decision.  Perhaps the only way to truly see me perform is to have a CDL and do team trucking with me?  Talk about exclusive!  I'm just very intimate like that.  And perhaps a little crazy!!  I'm laughing.  I love the way I do things, but it isn't easy.   I coded this wonderful website scraper the other day.  I always wanted to find a pocket of time to do that project and it finally happened.   ONward!   Ebmaj7  (Cmin7 Dmin7) Abmaj7  Gmin7 Fmin7b5  -> Bb7#9
    • Kelly
      Ah April, never a truer word. Until my partner came along, I think, no I know as a certitude that my life had gone very dark. When I think back to the child I was, and the adult I became, because I had to, for self-preservation, I shuddered. In many ways my partner brought the child that was back to the forefront, and in some inscrutable way even more so with their passing. So I can say categorically that the beauty I felt inside when innocent has re-emerged. Thank you for recognising that, April. Im so glad to have found the people here, and I'll try to help any way I can, how I can. I do have connections with America, through bloodlines. Its a long, complicated story. Much the same as my life - as Im sure many of yours are. In some ways my life seems to have been one epic Caamora* that culminated in Vicki's death, and continues to this day, in its final stages. *anyone who's read Thomas Covenant will know this word - really a purification ceremony involving pain & fire, but with metaphysical overtones* It seems that I need to do this, and Im very very happy to do so. Kelly x  
    • April Marie
      It's so amazing when we have spouses that support us, isn't it?    And, I agree. There is just something about a dress or a skirt/skort that makes me feel pretty.   Enjoy!!  
    • April Marie
      Oh, you're sweet. At almost 70, the years of stress and age are catching up on me, too.   But, true beauty comes from inside and you are gorgeous. I'm so happy you found us!!
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      Traci Michelle

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