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Ok, So Here I Am

Guest Steph70

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Guest Steph70

Alright, since I can't figure out how to link to the gallery where I put this picture, I'll put a smaller version right in this post. I can build you a computer, fix any hardware issues, but heck if I know anything about program stuff(besides click here click there lol). Never understood this. I'm more of a Ms. Fix-it I guess. :rolleyes:

I'll work on getting a full picture when I can finally figure out makeup(will be reading the posts!). I mean, base, foundation, eyeliner, lip gloss etc etc. So much work lol! Let me know what you think! Oh, and I took a bunch of pics and tried to pick the one that looked the most girlish(I stand like a guy hehe).

Just as a reminder, this may post without a picture! In case of that, it's in my gallery! :lol:

Stephanie :mellow:

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  • Admin

Oh my, Stephanie, that is a lovely picture! From one girl to another, you have lovely legs and figure. Love the dress, too.

Picture perfect, if I must say.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest SusanKG

I have to agree with Carolyn, very nice. Tasteful black dress, very good posture. I sense tenseness, which is perfectly understandable if I'm not projecting from what I'd feel. How about adding a nice simple bracelet or ladie's wristwatch? Or both! It would break up the arm length. I can not wait to see what you do with the makeup! It should be fabulous!


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Guest Donna Jean

Hi, Steph...

Donna Jean ringing in here......

In a word....Nice!

I do agree you need some wrist jewelery to shorten th arm length...but I think that the overall proportions are perfect!

Tasteful dress and shoes....

I really like it...

Now, get after that makeup.....OK?


Donna Jean

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I have to agree with the rest of the girls - very nice!

Now to correct that whole "stands like a guy" thing - I am a professional photographer so I work with masculine and feminine posing all of the time.

Turned the direction that you are to the camera, with left side toward it - start by bringing your entire body to a 45 degree angle to the camera then turn your left foot so that the toes are almost pointing directly at the camera, this will loses up those hips and shoulders, turn slightly more toward the camera from the waist up then try bringing your hands together near your waist a little higher than you would normally you want the elbows bent but not at a 90 degree angle - put your hands together with the left on top with the right hand sliding in between the left thumb and palm this hides your thumbs and the fingers curve and are not pointing at the lens (they don't look good that way for anyone).

You can see an example of that in my album I have one full length picture and it helps even a really over weight woman look better so for you.....

I'll send you all a bill for the photography posing lesson later.

Love ya,


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Guest Steph70

Thank you all for the wonderful comments :D . It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside! I think my legs are my best feature. I work hard to keep them looking so nice(ya right! I just move around all day for work, sort of like a 8-12 workout every day). It's nice to hear others tell me I look good, because lets face it, I can't go to work in my sexy black dress(not the one in the pic..but a little lycra number) and ask "Does this make my butt look fat?" And as great and honest as my girlfriend is, she loves me and in my mind I see her opinion being a little bias. That is probably not true, and she said she's going to join here too and will rebuke this shortly I'm sure! And I'm sure everyone here agrees that it's a difficult thing to look at yourself and be happy, or satisfied, or think you look great.

Sally, I will try what you said and put another pic when I have time. Snows coming so I won't have much time, or will be so tired when I get home I'll just want to sleep. That pic is one of probably 10 I took yesterday, and was the one I(and my girlfriend) thought was most feminine.

Susan, I don't have any jewelry(I don't even wear a watch!), but will go and get some. Possibly some earrings too. Christmas..girls favorite time of year..much less pressure when 'it's a gift' for someone.

Again, thank you everyone for the nice compliments and for making me giggle inside.


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You have a gorgeous figure girl.

A little tip about the make-up thing. If your GF knows about your CDing, have her apply it for your the first few times. Otherwise, do what I did - go to somewhere like Macy's. They will do a whole make-over for you (free - just have to buy one or two items, which you would do, anyway). They can explain so much for you, and tell you what works best for your face, etc...

Good Luck



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Guest Danielle2

Great figure! Those heels make your legs seem like they go on forever. I love the dress too,....just the right length!

Keep up the great work!


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Guest Steph70

All right Sally, I did as you suggested. It was a little difficult because my camera only has a ten second timer :huh: . So I'd have to push the button and run over and try to pose. Hope you like! (They are in my gallery)


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