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Finally Came Out Of The Closet On Crossdressing

Guest EternalSunshine0101

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Guest EternalSunshine0101

yea so saturday night, decided to tell my friend that id been cross dressing and at the moment very confused about my gender. she's one of my best buddies though; she took it well. basically all night since 1230 it's 10 now btw, ive been reading and finding sites to go to. its all new to me right now. i mean the first time ive spoken with a transgender was today, well trans male. i talked with her for four hrs strght. it's going to be tough to fix myself from what i am right now, i need to get my Gosh darned priorities in order get my life turned around and by this point i will hopefully have figure out what im going to do. i mean id totally Rather be a woman, it;s just the fact that ive told one person only and i just need all your help. i need to get more courage for myself in general. one more thing this is how i think about all of it. basically yes im a total transvestite(yay). id love to be female, its just hard to get out of that closet(FAM) and i like women so i'll be a techniqal transmalesbian.

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Guest EternalSunshine0101

my bad if confused at all i accidently said transmale. my just exhausted been up two nights straight. when i get to that point i will totally be that transfemalesbian. totally awesome right that not only do i long conciously, subconciously or both to be female i also ihave to still be attracted very much to girls.

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  • Admin

Wow, hon, it sounds like you are still pretty excited. Take a few deep breaths and c a l m d o w n.

I'm happy for you that you came out to your friend and all went well. Good for you! That will make the next time even easier. Just

remember to be careful who you choose to come out to. You don't want this being spread all over and lose control of it. Only tell

those who you can trust, and who you think will be supportive.

Just a word of advice too, on terms. "Transvestite" is kind of an outdated term and isn't used much any more. We prefer Cross Dresser or

CD. Thanks, hon. Good luck to you.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest Donna Jean

Welcome to the world, Sunshine!

You sound as if you are accepting yourself...that's good!

Out to a friend?

That makes everything a bit better....less isolated...

Good on you, Girlfriend!


Donna Jean

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Guest sarah f

way to go coming out to your friend. It is hard enough to come out to one person. I think you are headed in the right direction. Good luck the rest of the way.


sarah f

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Guest EternalSunshine0101

thx to evry1 tht replyed. truly i appreciate it. i got 3 hours of sleep last nigt but it was sum of the most content ive had in a long time. it hurts me really bad tht things hve beenso skewed. u can hide who u r but from yourself is another story, it eats at every part of your being. i drempt i was what my brains been telling me. i awoke happy today and its all to refreshing. ive got so many things to work out still. ive got no good outcome from my dad learning of this. he accepts it but makes fun of this kindof stuff. he doesnt agree at all and couldnt come even close to comprehend it. i dont want to lose my dad over this. ive had many closecalls with my crossdressing,one time so close that if it wasnt my mother that had come downstairs, my dad wouldve bustec down the door and seen just what may had drove me over. i had to take wat wore on the upper body stick mytorso out the door and tell my mom i was pleasuring myself my dad new i wasdoing somthin. he thinks hard drugs but i think hed rather have m

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Lola Douglas

I am so happy for you, after 6 years, what you had feared for so long went great! What a relief, and one of the most refreshing feelings to have someone else accept what you may have questioned for so long. Enoy the moment, as you no doubt might want to come out to others as well. When things go great, it is a high that cannot be matched.

However, don't ignore the fact that what happened your first time, will not always be the case. I came out to the first person after 23 years of dressing privately. In fact, I had always thought I was the only one out there who did this. Anyway, I sought more than anything for the acceptance of my secret by another soul. I chose to tell the person I loved the most, was my very best friend, who I trusted more than anyone in the world... my wife of 7 years. She ended up divorcing me over the matter, which just about ended me.

I knew however that this part of my life would never go away, and therefore my only hope was to find a woman who was accepting of my "Other" self. I felt it only fair to let her know upfront, before much time was invested. I chose a new girfriend who absolutely loved Lola. I for the first time... know exactly how you feel right now... there is nothing like it.

But don't ever forget... that just because you want it to go a certain way... it might not necessarily happen. And when and if that rejection occurs, you must be respectful of their feeling on the matter. Just because it is accepted by you, you must respect someone who choses to not have this a part of their life. It will be a tough situation for you should it ever happen, so be prepared for it.

Otherwise... I can't tell you how happy I am for you.... enjoy the moment.... it's yours girl!


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      Incling of growth happening, am happy.
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      Did you have a good weekend? Why or why not?
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      Emotional courage is the willingness to feel and act on your emotions, even when you're afraid of the outcome. It's about following your heart and intuition, and aligning with your values, instead of choosing what's most convenient or comfortable. Emotional courage can help you: Take action on what you care about, Expand your emotional agility, Make values-based decisions, and Be productive and feel fulfilled.
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