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Yvonne Gets Out Day 3--all Day Trip

Guest BeckyTG

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Helloooo Sweet Sisters,

Well, the 12-year-old development group checking in, here. We're just learning to put on makeup and go out in public. :D

Today, I got up and put on my makeup and it took me an hour to do that. It's really good stuff and, when I'm all done, it looks like I don't have much on. Cleaning and conditioning my skin is part of the regimen, too. I'll be faster tomorrow, as I messed up my eyes and had to re-do them. I got the colors wrong the first time.... Adolescent girl mistake. :P

Well, I checked out of my motel as me and turned in the key. Now, I'm truly free and me, on the road. First stop was for gasoline and the pump said no receipts printed at the pump, I'll have to go inside. I've got to say 2 weeks ago, I'd have driven off, but after the encouragement I got here last week, I filled 'er up and then walked inside for my receipt. 5 people outside never batted an eye and neither did anyone inside. Using my best girl voice, I asked the girl for my receipt and she gave it to me right away, along with my first ma'am of the day (I love hearing that).

Off, down the road I go. A while later, it's nearly time for lunch and I have to use the bathroom and I'm on the Interstate. Don't want to use the ladie's room at a rest stop, so I look for a little sandwich shop. Find it, open the door and the line is very long. I walk past the crowd and use the restroom (unisex, it's a small place), but walk back out without eating. No one notices.... This is so cool.

Later, I'm really hungry, so I stop at another sandwich shop. It's in a gas station with a convenience store. I want to use the bathroom, they're around back. The ladie's room is private and open, so I go in and lock the door. I come out, no big deal. The lady inside ma'ams me and I order my sandwich in my best girl voice. We talk a little, she thanks me, ma'am, and makes change and I ask for a receipt and she gives me one, tells me to have a good day..... I wish her the same.

I eat my food inside, right by the door. I'll bet 15 people come and go and no reaction.

I hold the door on my way out for a guy on crutches and he "thanks me ma'am!". Wow, I love that.

So, I drive some more and it's time to get a motel for the night...... I'd have freaked in the old days, but not today.

I ask for a room, negotiate a good rate and hand over the driver's license and credit card. The lady changes tone slightly, but remains nice, asks me to initial and sign, gives me my room key.

So, I've been me all day long in one strange place after another. I've never been so comfortable. I cannot thank you girls here enough for all the support you've given me. This makes 3 days out as me in the last 10 days and this is just so natural and so wonderful.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the decision to transition was the right one for me, after my short RLE, which I admit is nothing like real life, but maybe it isn't that far off, either. Developmentally, I'm 12 years old and *I* know everything. :D I wear makeup, I shave my legs and I even wear nylon stockings, just like the big girls do..... :lol:

I'm traveling for a few days and I'm ME!!!

Might even kiss a boy :P

Well, I might...



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Guest Donna Jean

LOL....,LOL....LOL.....*snort*...HAaaa ha ha ha ...

OMG! This is GREAT!

You're killing me, GF!

That's so totally AWESOME! I just LOVE when a girl joins and I get to see her blossom! DANG THAT"S COOL!

Oh, I remember , years ago when you....oh wait.......

That wasn't YEARS ago...thet was just months ago....OMG...Look how far you've come!

You joined and came on here with your toe in the sand..."Hi, I'm Yvonne..."..LOL

Now look at ya! Dang, I'm so proud!

Keep 'em coming, Baby...you're on a roll!


Donna Jean

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  • Admin

Oh, Yvonne, Girlfriend. You did it! You're doing it! By "it" of course, I'm talking about showing the world

the Yvonne we've come to know and love here at LP.

I knew you would do just fine, and you proved me right.

I am THRILLED for you, girl. See, wasn't that easy? Wasn't that just the most amazing thing you've

ever experienced?

Little things - using the ladies room, getting ma'amed, lipstick on the coffee cup (that was my Aha! moment).

Yessss, those are the things you will always remember.

I'm very proud of you, Yvonne. My baby sister is growing up before my eyes.

sniff! sniff!

Love and Hugs

Carolyn Marie

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Smiiiiiiillle,And it only gets easier,all of it.

Use the ladies room without reservation Yvonne.

You will get to where you don't even think about

it before long,you go,because that is where you belong.

Hugs you pre teen you,(grin)


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Guest Joanna Phipps
Helloooo Sweet Sisters,

Well, the 12-year-old development group checking in, here. We're just learning to put on makeup and go out in public. :D

Today, I got up and put on my makeup and it took me an hour to do that. It's really good stuff and, when I'm all done, it looks like I don't have much on. Cleaning and conditioning my skin is part of the regimen, too. I'll be faster tomorrow, as I messed up my eyes and had to re-do them. I got the colors wrong the first time.... Adolescent girl mistake. :P

Well, I checked out of my motel as me and turned in the key. Now, I'm truly free and me, on the road. First stop was for gasoline and the pump said no receipts printed at the pump, I'll have to go inside. I've got to say 2 weeks ago, I'd have driven off, but after the encouragement I got here last week, I filled 'er up and then walked inside for my receipt. 5 people outside never batted an eye and neither did anyone inside. Using my best girl voice, I asked the girl for my receipt and she gave it to me right away, along with my first ma'am of the day (I love hearing that).

Off, down the road I go. A while later, it's nearly time for lunch and I have to use the bathroom and I'm on the Interstate. Don't want to use the ladie's room at a rest stop, so I look for a little sandwich shop. Find it, open the door and the line is very long. I walk past the crowd and use the restroom (unisex, it's a small place), but walk back out without eating. No one notices.... This is so cool.

Later, I'm really hungry, so I stop at another sandwich shop. It's in a gas station with a convenience store. I want to use the bathroom, they're around back. The ladie's room is private and open, so I go in and lock the door. I come out, no big deal. The lady inside ma'ams me and I order my sandwich in my best girl voice. We talk a little, she thanks me, ma'am, and makes change and I ask for a receipt and she gives me one, tells me to have a good day..... I wish her the same.

I eat my food inside, right by the door. I'll bet 15 people come and go and no reaction.

I hold the door on my way out for a guy on crutches and he "thanks me ma'am!". Wow, I love that.

So, I drive some more and it's time to get a motel for the night...... I'd have freaked in the old days, but not today.

I ask for a room, negotiate a good rate and hand over the driver's license and credit card. The lady changes tone slightly, but remains nice, asks me to initial and sign, gives me my room key.

So, I've been me all day long in one strange place after another. I've never been so comfortable. I cannot thank you girls here enough for all the support you've given me. This makes 3 days out as me in the last 10 days and this is just so natural and so wonderful.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the decision to transition was the right one for me, after my short RLE, which I admit is nothing like real life, but maybe it isn't that far off, either. Developmentally, I'm 12 years old and *I* know everything. :D I wear makeup, I shave my legs and I even wear nylon stockings, just like the big girls do..... :lol:

I'm traveling for a few days and I'm ME!!!

Might even kiss a boy :P

Well, I might...



OMG lil sis, you are coming along in leaps and bounds. Wasn't that long ago you would have been scared to death to do this; now look at you out there in the world like us big girls. The first Ma'am thats an accoplishment you will long remember, first time in the ladies room... this is a time of firsts for our lil sis.

Im sitting here with a smile, Im so happy for you

wooo hoo congratulations

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Well now young lady,I hope you are getting to bed nice and early .

AW ,,,Just kidding Yvonne . Got to say hun you have taken the

world by storm and you are so right ,,,you go for it . Truly Yvonne,

hand on heart hun, you are an inspiration to the like of me who

will be stepping out soon enough, these reports of your experience

help so much . I know you are buzzing with excitement ,,I know

you are happy and I am happy for you Yvonne ,,,luv,viv :)

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