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Paul Scott Targets Transgendered People

Guest julia_d

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Guest julia_d

Paul Scott targets transgendered people in race for Secretary of State

· I will make it a priority to ensure transgender individuals will not be allowed to change the sex on their driver’s license in any circumstance


Obviously this is another person who isn't actually fit to have a say in a modern world. I say bring back slavery, and disallow mixed marriages as well.. Would he like that?

Put your campaigning and letter writing hats on girls and guys.. another bigot needs taking down a peg.

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Guest ChloëC

It doesn't matter a whit to him whether he can do it or not. His goal is to get the primary victory, and he knows that in most primary elections only a few votes can make a huge difference. So if he can mobilize the extreme religious (bigoted, hateful, fearful, ignorant) right to get out to the polls and vote on primary day, he will win the primary. That's his focus right now. And the best way to mobilize the few voters he needs is to scare the pants off them.

I would also expect him to try every dirty trick in the book (and then some) if he does get the primary win to smear his opponent as best he can.

The real problem is that in almost any election, at least 35-45% of the voters would vote for Hitler or Stalin if he were nominated by their respective party. They just go in and vote straight party. That's the really sad part of all this.


btw, I am ashamed to be a citizen of the same state as Mr. Scott. I do assume if he has a wife, that she is completely covered ala some religious sect. If he isn't married, well, uh....let's see, exactly why is that? Makes one wonder, doesn't it. Methinks thou doest protest a little too much.

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Guest Donna Jean

Oh, give me a break!

This man is African American...........

How can someone with that ethnic, possibly be so prejudiced aganist anyone?

The horrors endured by his race, slavery, unequal employment, not able to use "whites" bathrooms or drinking fountains, not able to ride in a buss except the back...

How could this person POSSIBLY try to deny ANYONE basic human rights???????????

I'm gobsmacked!

Donna Jean

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Guest Elizabeth K

We in Louisiana had David Duke - remember him? KKK and proud of it! NOTHING could change him, or his followers. they THRIVED on controvery - it was their tool to advancing their cause. [Google this - unbelievable! - I shuddered to think what we looked like to the world in those days!]

So be careful. Don't fall int a trap of giving this a** any ammunition! I agree we need to respond - but only by taking the high ground.

The cup cake and Italian Fascists came to power on plying on peoples fears, and were allowed in because of no real organized opposition.

Its a balance - people! And these people are ALWAYS out there it seems!



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Guest ~Brenda~

Paul Scott is a dying breed gasping a dying breath from a dead time. The Paul Scotts of this world are fading into history (quickly). The TRUTH of being transgendered will prevail, and history will prove this.

Bigotry in any form towards any group will be shown for what it is... a lie.

As Abraham Lincoln said... "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time".

Transgender is real and deserves respect in all of it's forms. Paul Scott and others like him will simply be crushed by wheels of history and truth.

There is no stopping us.


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Guest Ryles_D
It doesn't matter a whit to him whether he can do it or not.

No- but it should matter a lot to us if someone gets elected who will be able to cripple our ability to live as who we are.

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Guest Anna_Banana

Unfortunately we are facing trying times in the U.S. This healthcare debacle is forcing a lot of voters to vote Republican, and so we end up seeing extremists as potential candidates whom we wouldn't normally have to worry about. I mean, look at Massachusetts' newly elected senator, Scott Brown. He's trying to sell his daughters!

It's only going to get worse from here, and it's mostly because people are trying to "get even" with president Obama. If we let these people get elected, we'll be a white Christian extremist nation.


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  • Admin
Oh, give me a break!

This man is African American...........

How can someone with that ethnic, possibly be so prejudiced aganist anyone?


Donna Jean

Donna Jean, the results of the Prop 8 vote in California showed that a large majority of African-Americans

favored it. It seems as though many, if not most, African-American churches are against Gay marriage on

"religious" grounds and that has influenced that community greatly. Unfortunately, discrimination and bigotry

against the LGBT Community is politically correct in lots of places where other forms of discriminaton are not


Carolyn Marie

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Guest Donna Jean
Donna Jean, the results of the Prop 8 vote in California showed that a large majority of African-Americans

favored it. It seems as though many, if not most, African-American churches are against Gay marriage on

"religious" grounds and that has influenced that community greatly. Unfortunately, discrimination and bigotry

against the LGBT Community is politically correct in lots of places where other forms of discriminaton are not


Carolyn Marie



Donna Jean

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Guest ChloëC

What the Republicans are now doing is a very interesting tactic, and I wonder how it will play out.

Basically, I see the inner circle of the Republican Party (the religious right) as being bigoted, elitist, and self-serving, but to get their selected people elected, they are realizing that they need to reach out in some way to some minorities. I would guess that if they can frame future political battles into bashing the LGBT community, they might be able to sway black voters who would otherwise find nothing about the Republicans to listen to, to actually vote for that party.

I'm beginning to think that the next few years could prove rather difficult for the LGBT community as the new politcal scene as defined by the Republicans begins looking deeply into it as a way of creating fear in the uninformed voter's minds.

Of course, they will have to be extra careful, as I'll bet the incidence of GID is just as great in the Republicans as it is in any large group, and there are enough militants on the left to try to 'out' those who aren't careful.


ps my best friend from grade school is a die-hard Republican and was an elected state representative for a few years. He has never married, which is surprising to me, because part of the Republican credo has been family values, and without a spouse, there's not much chance of a 'straight' family. We see each other every so often and leave politics out, but I do seriously wonder about him.

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Guest Sakura_Stingray

I hereby announce my candidacy for president...... (taking after cobert)

i hereby quote the response of capt. john luke becard of the starship enterprise, "Our time in this future we have done away with monetary profit for self gain. We contribute ourselves, our knowledge, and our freedom for the combined good of humanity."

why are people so simple minded and self centered that they are not able to expand their vision passed gender, color, and regions of the world? what do everyone have in common? the ability to call themselves human... but it should be much more than that...

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Guest AshleyK
Paul Scott targets transgendered people in race for Secretary of State


Obviously this is another person who isn't actually fit to have a say in a modern world. I say bring back slavery, and disallow mixed marriages as well.. Would he like that?

Put your campaigning and letter writing hats on girls and guys.. another bigot needs taking down a peg.

Wow. I can't believe that in this day and age, people can actually get away with using hate in their campaigns for government seats.

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Guest Natalie Foster

No, he cannot do it. That privledge is on the states and the states are protected by the US constitution from unessacary interference in their affairs by the federal government. It's up to the state, not the federal government. Regardless, our current elected head of state is transsexual friendly.

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Guest Kaitlyn88

If Genetically XY transsexuals can't go to the women's bathroom and using a bathroom is determined only by your chromosomes does that mean that XXY people like myself can go to either or will I be breaking the law to use any bathroom? He probably doesn't even realize that genetically intersexed people exist with such a narrow minded view of gender. I guess he will also make XY women who were born women because of androgen insensitivity syndrome use the mens.

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Guest Natalie Foster

Oh I see, he is at the state level. You may want to check on the powers of your state Secratary then. Washington is very tolerent of transsexuals and it is very easy to get things accomplished here.

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Aren't there much more helpful things he could be focussing on? I mean, what he's saying is "Forget the economy and healthcare and every other problem, what we really need to talk about is safety in the jacks."

This just seems like he's got very mixed-up priorities. Like Chloë said, the only tactical advantage of this could be to attract the extreme right, at the expense of making him look myopic. Morality aside, this just seems like poor strategy.

Also, can you imagine the cost if he made everyone in Michigan get their chromosomes tested to ensure they were using the proper facilities? According to this website the national average cost for a chromosomal analysis is $647. The population of Michigan is 10,003,422. That comes out to $6,472,214,034. I'm sure the Michigan state budget has an extra 6.5 trillion to set aside for this essential legislation, right? :D


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Guest Jean Davis

Well I honestly wouldn't worry about it

If you're reading the replies you'll see that he's going to be the the big joke around Washington in no time.

Here's part of a quote from svelte_brunette on that first site

You have now guaranteed that those balding, fully-bearded, gravely-voiced, testosterone injecting transmen who go around wearing men’s clothes and using the men’s restrooms with their all-too-feminine XX chromosomes are now done harassing innocent genetic males and are safely back in the women’s restroom where they belong.

The rest of her quote is very well written and brings a very obvious point up that this idiot should have seen by himself. It's a good read. ;)



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Guest Kaitlyn88

I would think that he would have to show proof that transsexuals using the right bathroom has caused problems. I have never once heard of even one story where a transsexual has caused problems in a bathroom. Cross dressers don't count if they point to a story where that happened because anyone could just put on some clothes and go into a bathroom. The only time I have ever heard of someone trying to have sex in a bathroom was Republican senator Larry Craig. So maybe he should be more worried about his fellow republicans in the bathroom. :lol:

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Guest Miss Aeryn

Good grief. You have to wonder what he secretly fantasizes at night and tortures himself by day about ;)

He sounds like a certain small proportion of my clients - will say they are Blue Blood hetero till their dying breath yet something wicked this way comes :lol:

Toilet Police. LMAO.


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Guest CharlieRose

He doesn't sound like a closet case to me, more like an idiot whose never met a transperson in his life (that he knew about, at least ;) ) and for some reason has no qualms shooting his mouth off about stuff he hasn't even tried to understand. I doubt he'll get far, but its still frightening and shameful that people like him even exist.

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Guest Jean Davis

A thought that I had last night

When we are born the doctor gives his/her opinion on what gender we are based on the evidence he sees without our opinion.

When we go to a therapist, the therapist gives his/her opinion on what our gender is based on the evidence that she hears and has our opinion.

Now what makes the medical doctors opinion that much better than the therapist's and our's?



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    • Heather Shay
      "Exstatic" is an adjective that means feeling great rapture or delight. For example, "His wife gave birth to their first child, and he was ecstatic about it". Synonyms of "ecstatic" include rapturous, entranced, enthusiastic, and frenzied.
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      Do you plan to be active during Pride Month? If so, what type of activities?
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    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
      @Ladypcnj So nice to meet a fellow musician and moderator/facilitator. Glad you are an active and caring member of the LBGTQ+ community. 
    • April Marie
      Absolutely. Being able to encourage, to help, others is so empowering. I've been helped by so many people over the years, I love being able to pay it forward.
    • April Marie
      Feeling more and more confident daily.
    • April Marie
      Good morning, everyone!!   A busy day ahead for me - need to cut the grass and then pick up the clippings. The grass grows so quickly this time of year. I cut almost 7 acres so that will take up most of my day. At least I can get some sun on my legs and arms!!   Time for another cup of coffee as I catch up here.   Enjoy this beautiful day we've been given.
    • April Marie
      I started shaving my legs years ago - I started getting an occasional mild contact rash on my shins. That became my excuse to shave them for both me and my wife. Over time, the rash didn't expand...but my shaving did. Full legs....groin......chest......and finally my arms. Keeping the rash at bay was my excuse until I came out to my wife. Now I typically do a full shave on Sunday mornings. The hair is lighter but I just feel better with it gone - it helps with the dysphoria and dysmorphia. I will also typically do a chest touch-up mid week since I notice the growth more there.   I wish someone would invent a pill that would stop hair growth everywhere except on your head. 
    • Willow
      Good morning.   im not sure where the time went.  I had a decent nights sleep,  didn’t  tell Alexa to let me sleep another 5 minutes,  I didn’t do anything extra but it’s almost time to leave and I just got here.  Definitely only a one cup morning.    I have the overhead console out of the Ford. It needed some repairs with toothpicks and glue.  Been sitting all night t for the glue to harden. I’m always to impatient with glue but not this time.  I want it to hold. Ok the next owner won’t be able to change the lightbulbs however in my defense, the are led so they will likely still work when the car goes to the salvage yard.   gotta go. Not as much on my plate at work today but it’s always busy.   Willow
    • Lydia_R
      Yes, my programmer friends and I think that antivirus software is a virus.  It's constantly searching your system and slowing it down.  If you install your own OS and software on your machine, and you make backups of your personal files, then you can recover from viruses in an hour or two.  My computer is 10+ years old and is working as good as the first day I had it.   As long as my computer is doing what I want it to do, I don't care if someone is spying on my system.
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