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Fashion Styles

Guest Nelly

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Hello girls and boys,

I was born in the time of jeans and T-shits. But their is so much more than this. Also in the past were so many cool outfits.

Now in the spring 2010 show of Dior I saw a style that I like. I think the guidline of the style is more than 100 jears old. You can watch it


What style do you like?



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Guest Donna Jean


Nice video.....

Those styles do tend to show the figure (so, you'll need one of those!) and the shoes are to die for! All very retro!

Beautiful stuff! The first half seems to be a riding theme...hats and crops...

I still enjoy current styles....but if I was at an English fox hunt I'd certainly dress like one of those models!

Thanhks, Hon!


Donna Jean

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  • Admin

Hi, Nelly. Interesting post. The video took forever to load so I skipped it, but I can answer the question


If I were in my 20's and skinny again, I wouldn't mind the mini-skirt look of the 60's and 70's.

But, since I'm middle aged and not so skinny, I would be happy with the styles women wore in the 40's.

The longer skirts, narrow waistlines and stylish hats and accessories have always fascinated me. I love

looking at what the actresses wore in those old Bogart movies. So dang CLASSY! Yes!! :)

Carolyn Marie

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Guest JD_Divine

Well, I've always loved top hats and coats with the tails and canes ... when it comes to fashion I've always been my own faux pas but I do know what fits my charector...


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  • Admin
Well, I've always loved top hats and coats with the tails and canes ... when it comes to fashion I've always been my own faux pas but I do know what fits my charector...


I sense a Fred Astaire fan here.

Am I right? :)

Carolyn Marie

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Guest JD_Divine

As much of a Man's Man as Astaire was, I honestly lean more towards a Gothic look when it comes to suits.

Not Marilyn Manson Goth.

Of course, then again I LOVE military jackets, army boots, jeans and a tee shirt. So what do I know :)


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Guest Elizabeth K

I live for today!

But I secretly yearn for the days of the classics. There were eras when a woman could express herself in new ways. I would love to be free, female, and in my glory! Roaring twenties was a good time. 1940s - my mother's time period - during the war, when women suddenly counted for something again - and were able to dress in a beautiful way. And the days where women coul again be women and apply natural ways to their dressing styles - braless and long haired the 60s. And the 70's when I would be so artificial in pastels and pink lipstick, skirts too short to sit in!. Then I love Goth (WAY too young for me!) but I would be so dark! And also girls who can pull off the retro styles - black hair, bangs - red everything!

I have a model's height - and I have long legs - I want my heels! I want my short skirts! I want my ... walker! TOO OLE - hee hee!


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Yeh, loved the Vid Nelly. I love feminine styles /floral prints and very vivid you know??.

Knee length skirts/see through blouses so you can show off a pretty bra . Mature /fem,

thats me , luv,viv :)

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I've always liked the classic elegance of women's styles in the 50s.

Also the unmentionables such as bullet bras and girdles.

Me, too! Great styles and undies! B)

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Guest Emily Violet

i really like victorian era clothes

but i like modern clothes to including punk and gothic clothes

good mix punktorian and victorian gothic

i go for a goth look usualy

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    • Adrianna Danielle
      Happy news for me,found out the 24 year old daughter I am the possible father,I am her bio dad.DNA test that was done confirmed it.She told happy LGBT pride month to me.She is happy to find her bio dad finally.She is staying for the weekend
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I personally don't understand how wearing panties is comfortable for much of anybody.  I'm AFAB, but there's just too much naturally, um...down there....for panties to be comfortable.  Consequences of being intersex, I guess.  I'd suggests some slightly-looser shorts instead.  There are some that are marketed to women, but have a kind of androgynous look to them.  Wish I knew a brand name, but I could ask my friends.  Both of my trans friends are non-op, so they have no doubt experienced how you're feeling.   Ugh... I get really irritable when GF keeps trying to put me back in female underwear because she says I "look pretty" that way.  I never thought I looked pretty that way or any other way, and the pinching/pulling/chafing combined with the overly-noticeable outlines of....stuff.... just makes it no-go for me.  Last time she approached me with an underwear item, I warned her she was going to get bit.   
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I don't think so.  People may disagree with me, but I don't believe there's such a thing as "gay culture," "trans culture," "White culture," "Hispanic culture," or similar terms because those are really big umbrellas.    My background is Greek, and I live in the Mid-South part of the USA.  I share some of my trans-ness with my trans friends, and some aspects of our backgrounds and beliefs are similar.  But honestly, its impossible for me and the average trans person from California to agree on much of anything past the color of an orange and the fact that we don't quite fit in our bodies.    
    • Vidanjali
      Just heard from surgeon. Surgery successful and she's awake and resting well. Spleen was large about only about 100ml blood loss, probably all from bleeding into the mass & not from any rupturing. Dr didn't see anything else worrying except a liver nodule which she biopsied although she suspects the nodule is just age-related. She's anemic but they're holding off on blood transfusion for now bc they believe she'll recover naturally. About a week to get biopsy report. And Dr said if she continues to do as well as she has so far, she may be able to come home tomorrow. So best news possible so far. ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
    • Hope32
      Well she did choose me in the end not him. Just frustrated that it was so hard to get her to do that.
    • April Marie
      Yes there is!
    • missyjo
      is there a zoom tonight? will try to be here after work   simple print top n floral skirt   hugs
    • KathyLauren
      I am sorry to hear that your friend turned out to not be a friend at all.  But that is the bottom line: she is not a friend.  She has chosen to ally herself with him and he is toxic to be around.
    • Vidanjali
      Please pray for my precious baby lady, my Siberian husky, who is having emergency surgery this afternoon to remove her spleen and a large mass attached to it. May the surgery be successful and uncomplicated, recovery be swift and easy, and pathology be benign. She is our sunshine girl. 
    • Vidanjali
      I decided to post here in the "other faiths" forum to declare this thread non-denominational and inclusive of all faiths, creeds, philosophies, etc. I thought it would be beneficial for our community to have a thread where we could reach out with requests for prayers, thoughts, intentions, or however individuals understand the sending of good vibes. So feel free to post here. Whether or not you get direct responses to your request, know it's been received, read, and honored. And may peace and ease be yours. 
    • LittleSam
      Hi, you can be a trans man and be agender aswell. I know it seems like a contradiction, but I see myself as non binary and I'm accepting myself as a trans man also. You could be called trans masculinine also. If you like trans man the best though, go for it. You can be a GNC trans man.  Have you heard of gender fluid? Not saying this is you, but it does relate to what you say. Sometimes you seem genderless, more agender and sometimes more masculine. I also see myself as a bit genderfluid, but only for the masc genders. I never wear anything fem so would never consider myself a fem boy. I used to think I was , non binary, then a demi man, trans masc,  trans man. I can't pin a label to what I am. My counsellor said I may be genderfluid, but a very masc genderfluid person. I love that you hate societal gender roles, I do too! I dress like a stereotypical guy because that's my style anyway, but I won't change my hobbies or personality to suit what a "man" is.
    • Willow
      @Lydia_R   I seem to recall my mother making us cream of wheat or Quaker rolled oats in the wintertime. I don’t know about “old fashion” or “steel cut”. Now I preferred either with sugar and or berries and the cream of wheat with some milk.  I believe my older sister liked her’s with maple syrup.   as far as a “larger culture”. I think you will find that even though we all support each other there is no singular culture.  There are conservative values shared here and there are very radical everyone for the cause and rights.  I like to think that I am someplace in the middle.  No, I don’t go to Pride events nor transgender day of remembrance .  I don’t go to clubs or bars where others hang out.  I do try to hold council with others that need someone to talk to or a hug, or if I know of a group that might be helpful or a doctor, I will pass that on.  But yes I am out of the closet, go to work and church and do everything as a woman.  The male side of me is gone.   i get asked personal questions sometimes and while I neither get mad that what they are asking is too personal, I also don’t speak out oh yes ive done this or that or plan to do this or that.  I leave it with I've done everything I intend to do, or I didn’t figure this out until I was 68 years old because I knew nothing about what being transgender was. You have those that were kicked out of their home, I wasn’t, those that got divorced, I didn’t and those that have to put up with others who refuse to accept your gender, your rights to be who you are, and that I do get every day.   so is there a representative culture for being transgender?  Tell me I’m wrong, but I don’t think so I think we are a suppress percentage of the population that are getting braver but who get trampled all the time.   Willow
    • Carolyn Marie
    • Willow
      No not really.  But I’ll survive.
    • Mikayla2024
      Hi Ashley,   Thank you so much the reply !!!   That makes total sense with trusting the process and knowing that it’s not a sprint but rather like a marathon like you were saying.    So far so good with the Spiro 2 days in. Other than peeing a lot lol. But, no other noticeable side effects which I’m happy to report. However, I am MUCH happier that I’ve started at least somewhere. Gender Dysphoria symptoms are VERY real and starting treatment has made me SO much happier.   But, I will definitely look into the other options for E as you mentioned as there are definitely other options to consider other than the systemic route, thank you!!    p.s also trust in the process yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re a beautiful girl inside and out no matter what. “Patience is a virtue” is a proverb I’ve always lived by.   Much love girly 😊❤️
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