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H E L P!

Guest Elizabeth K

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Guest Elizabeth K

People, I am transsexual - I know and accept that. I am well along on my transition and I am happy with the results. I post on EVERYTHING and answer the weirdest TOPICS.


Here is a weird one from me.

I just realized I am turning into a girl!

[Okay Lizzy - what do you think happens to MTF when they transition/}


Not a woman - a girl! I feel so strange! I thought if you are say, say, age 60 - you transition - you become a 60 year old woman?


16 year old girl! I think about girl things now - all the time! Boyfriends, hair color, cute clothes, blue fingernail polish! And I giggle! And I run through the house crying and slamming doors at the slightest real or imagined hurt! I am more concerned over the latest make-up fads than I am about world crisises? I don't understand why 'I' have to do the dishes all the time! SO UNFAIR!

Anyone else? I mean t-men too? Why am I so young now?

What is going on???

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Guest Nicodeme

Well, bear in mind that a ciswoman your age would be in menopause, and would have been for at least 10-20 years. So their estrogen levels would be far lower than what I'm assuming your dose is. Unless you're on a dose that would mimic the estrogen levels in a post-menopausal female, your levels will probably be far more similar to...well, a younger girl! So while the side effects of being so young are, well, a pain in the gluteus maximus, on the plus side, you're physically (or at least hormonally) younger than most women your age!

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O M G !!!

Lizzy, i am just like you, i am 57 and feel like a teenager, i have a boyfriend, he is an FtM and 22 years younger than i am, i been thinking allot about coloring my hair, my boyfriend has to shield me from the woman's section in stores or i will buy everything in sight, and bet you can not guess what color my fingernails are :lol:.

We do not even want to talk about emotions, i am all over the place with those especially around the 15th of the month when i have pms, did not think MtF got pms but guess again, i did not believe it till my bf and i were discussing another post here a few months ago and i said i did not get them and he said sorry but you do, thinking back i did get cranky and out of sorts around the middle of the month, at least i do not have to deal with tampons.


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Guest Donna Jean


That's exactly right, Lizzy! OMG!

Blue toe nails, rings, sobbing for no reason, things that are "No Fair!",

staring at the boys in the band....(Heck, I used to BE in the band!)

Cute clothes, stuffed animals.....I used to sleep with just a blanket, now I cuddle up under two blankets while snuggling with my stuffed Ladybug!

And my wife told me....

"I never thought that at this stage in my life I'd be sharing the house with a weepy 14 year old girl!"

Sorry, I can't help it!

Donna Jean...WHEeeeeeeee............!

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  • Admin

Oh boy!

Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!

Gimmee, gimmee.

Sounds like FUN!!

Carolyn Marie

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You sound like you are living the youth as a girl you couldn't live before... to be young at heart is a beautiful thing!! Who says 60 isn't the new 16, hmm?


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Hey Lizzy,

Its got to be Estrogen ,,,got to be . Gee I hope all you

young girls are having a fun time . In the meantime this poor

mid aged (feeling old now ) Irish biddy aint got no Estrogen

so cant relate ,,ya know hun ???? I can do envy , I can

practice my makeup till the freakin cows come home but Grrrr

I feel old ,,,must be the androgens ,,,so ,if any of you young

girls happen to see a zimmer frame or a walking stick ,,,post

it over for me huh ??thanks lol ,viv :)

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Guest Elizabeth K

HRT is a wonder!

It takes about four months to really kick in mentally - everything else before that is psychosomatic (sp).

After that period of time you learn NOT to watch soap operas or chick flicks - 'cause you cry your eyes out!

And suddenly your life-long orientations begin to get not so hard-gelled. Interesting times!

And you begin to think as a female without trying. You just are suddenly about 100%.

HRT is MAJOR! And you start doing girl things! You just do!


my oh my oh my


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Hi lizzy,

I like to have a little fun at my own expense ,,in some strange

way it helps me through my ""early Transition "",,,my waiting days .

I get such a genuine buzz from posts like yours and look forward to

good news from our sisters . This helps me in my waiting time, I get

to see the Endo next May, all being well I start blockers soon after that .

Then 3 months x 3 t blockers I begin Estrogen .So it will be next Sep

till I get hrt . I wait , luv,viv :)

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EEEEEEEP! Will be over a year before I get HRT, but it sounds so amazing! I must admit I "try to be a girl" some times, as apposed to thinking in auto. Also, it sounds so suiting for me. I kinds refused to grow up, in my mind I can make tough male decision, but on the surface I'm just an asexual character that likes to hug people. You would see me in the street and think bloke, but if you got to know me, you be like "10 year old in a man's body" :D . I mean naturally I abide by morals, all that wiring is in action in my mind, but I would never say no to pokemon or Phenies and Pherb! Whilst you HRT (or as I keep calling it "Hearty") is making you younger, it will probally allow me to accept self maturity :rolleyes: .

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Missed out again!

Maybe I am having the youth that I was supposed to have had before and it just isn't any better than the first time around!

The crying I got, the desire for a nice young man I got - the giddy wonderful feelings - still lacking, still alone and never really belonging anywhere - just like it was for him the first time!

God, I pray there will not be a third!

Love ya,


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Guest Elizabeth K
Missed out again!

Maybe I am having the youth that I was supposed to have had before and it just isn't any better than the first time around!

The crying I got, the desire for a nice young man I got - the giddy wonderful feelings - still lacking, still alone and never really belonging anywhere - just like it was for him the first time!

God, I pray there will not be a third!

Love ya,


Sally - have you considered you aren't quite there yet? It takes a while for some of this HRT to kick in! I am talking personally about a year for me to start feeling this way.

And being alone! That isn't permanent - you are too beautiful a woman and have too much love to give.


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  • Forum Moderator
Sally - have you considered you aren't quite there yet? It takes a while for some of this HRT to kick in! I am talking personally about a year for me to start feeling this way.

And being alone! That isn't permanent - you are too beautiful a woman and have too much love to give.


Sally, Don't worry. You are a beautiful lady and somewhere in the very near future a man's going to come along and fall head over heels in love with you. Remember- "Good Things Come to Those Who Wait". So, just use your alone time to prepare yourself for the future.

Heck, who knows it could be a younger guy who digs older women. There is a lot of guys that way. They prefer an older woman that alrady knows how to take care of her man.


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Guest Lizzie McTrucker

Oh my goodness this place is about to be overrun by emotional hormonal teenagers going through puberty!!

I'll be back in about 5 years. :P

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Guest Jean Davis
Missed out again!

Maybe I am having the youth that I was supposed to have had before and it just isn't any better than the first time around!

The crying I got, the desire for a nice young man I got - the giddy wonderful feelings - still lacking, still alone and never really belonging anywhere - just like it was for him the first time!

God, I pray there will not be a third!

Love ya,



My nurse has now become my patient, now where can I find another nurse to assist with this radical brain relocation procedure. :blink:

I hope that Sally snaps out of this quickly, otherwise I'll have to train a new nurse. :huh:

Good help is soo hard to find. :lol::lol::lol:



BTW If anyone is wondering what I'm referring to Click Here ;)

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Guest Joanna Phipps
People, I am transsexual - I know and accept that. I am well along on my transition and I am happy with the results. I post on EVERYTHING and answer the weirdest TOPICS.


Here is a weird one from me.

I just realized I am turning into a girl!

[Okay Lizzy - what do you think happens to MTF when they transition/}


Not a woman - a girl! I feel so strange! I thought if you are say, say, age 60 - you transition - you become a 60 year old woman?


16 year old girl! I think about girl things now - all the time! Boyfriends, hair color, cute clothes, blue fingernail polish! And I giggle! And I run through the house crying and slamming doors at the slightest real or imagined hurt! I am more concerned over the latest make-up fads than I am about world crisises? I don't understand why 'I' have to do the dishes all the time! SO UNFAIR!

Anyone else? I mean t-men too? Why am I so young now?

What is going on???

Dear sweet Lizzy

I am, i think, 50 some going on 15. I was standing in the kitchen the other night setting up to make dinner and dang near burst into tears because I couldnt find the skillet i wanted or something else to go with dinner. I get super frustrated easily and sometimes have a good old cry session for  no reason what so ever.

Cute boys hold no interest for me, I am the wrong size to do cute in either shoes ( :( ) or clothes, and as for blue nails.. NW bright red maybe. Ghods yes spend lots of time giggling and just smiling to myself; I am sure that some around me think I have gone totally round the bend. Yes it would be nice if our SO's helped occasionally, and dang it why does breaking a nail make me want to cry.

Yep I have it too and pms on top of that.

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Guest Joanna Phipps
Oh my goodness this place is about to be overrun by emotional hormonal teenagers going through puberty!!

I'll be back in about 5 years. :P

about to be Lizzy?? I think it has already... giggles n I'm one of them

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Sally, there"s me being funny re my situation (if i dont laugh i will go crazy<<<the waiting) .

Then I read your reply and I am crying ,,,God, your words just took a hold of me and I

wanted to hug you . I would give anything to read some fella swept you off your feet hun.

If you dont mind my saying ,,you are an important part of the foundation here . Good folk

like you should be granted a big slice of good luck now and then , i hope for you Sally. viv :)

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Although its not nearly as dramatic, I'm going through much the same thing (even though I'm off estrogen for a month >_<)

Its not as dramatic because I'm 19 going on 14 (honestly, I think I'm 12 right now). Feels great regardless!

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Guest Joanna Phipps
Sally, there"s me being funny re my situation (if i dont laugh i will go crazy<<<the waiting) .

Then I read your reply and I am crying ,,,God, your words just took a hold of me and I

wanted to hug you . I would give anything to read some fella swept you off your feet hun.

If you dont mind my saying ,,you are an important part of the foundation here . Good folk

like you should be granted a big slice of good luck now and then , i hope for you Sally. viv :)

Hide the sharp objects and anything explosive. I saw my doctor yesterday and guess what, its like I just began HRT all over again. She doubled my estrogen and then to make a crazy situation insane added medroxyprogestrone. Now I dont know whether to laugh, cry, scream or what the snorf to do.

:angry::D:banghead::(:lol: <- all in 5 min

Now I have to try to sleep so I can go to work tonight, and its my time of the month too.... ()&(*(*&%*&^%&^$^%$

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