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My Reponse To The Hurting And Misconception

Guest Genie

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Guest Genie

I have read many of the posts in the Christianity forum and I cried.

I cried because I've been in very similar situations. I know how mean people who proclaim themselves of the faith can be. One of the largest issues is that there are many Christians that are not reading the Bible (48% of Christians according to Alec Gallup organization). Christian individuals base their assumption off hearsay and not the foundation (the Bible). Christianity by definition “the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture” (Webster).

It hurts me to know that my loved ones are hurting or are being hurt by people that take up the name of “Christian” yet don't follow what Jesus said.

From what I have seen and read, there are believers that condemn others. In a large part, this psychologically damages/harms them (that would include me), making Christianity very unattractive or undesirable. Condemnation by another person is actually against the teachings of Jesus. For example, in Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus said “... if you are offering your gift at the alter and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the alter. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift”. The point of him saying this is because one of the most important aspects of life is relationships. God prefers unity and reconciliation with others before accepting gifts offered to him. He even says, “You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:43-44), which conveys how radically he teaches to love others. To even further emphasized the point, Jesus commands his disciples to “... Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35).

Let's not mention, we are the object of his affection! He wants people to come to him as they are. Personally, I have been rejected by many members of my family. I had a father that rejected me before birth and my mother expressed to me that she never loved me after “coming out” to her. What really gave me hope in those troublesome times of depression was Psalm 27:10 and Jeremiah 29:11. “Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me” (Psalm 27:10), which applied directly to my life. That verse was not enough for me though. I had an uncertainty of my future. The major that I was studying for was not something I enjoyed anymore. It felt like I wasted so much time, energy and suffered so much stress, but I realized God already knew what was going on. I was ignoring him, trying to do it my way. It is said, “...'I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future...” (Jeremiah 29:11), and so I trusted him.

I know in the United States, a person will never measure up to the culture's standards. The bar/standard is always moving up. You have to have more, bigger, or better things to feel of some worth, and it's never at a stand still! I've been there and it made me feel worthless, but I have a Father that takes holy pleasure in me (and all his children) when I do his will... no matter how big or small.

I apologize for the hurt others have caused.

I want y'all to know that I love and care about you and there's nothing you can do to change that!

I will now go hunt for some chocolate in my food closet!



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  • Admin

This is a wonderful post, Genie. Thank you so much.

You have a wonderful attitude, and a big heart. I am not a Christian, but I've read many portions of the Bible and studied it in college.

The fact is that religious texts throughout history have been subverted for whatever purpose someone needed it to serve.

When I hear supposedly religious people preaching hatred and fear and lies, it turns my stomach. I know it would turn Jesus' stomach too.

Not enough people follow his teachings; instead they follow the teachings of the clergy, who can and do twist things for their own purpose.

More people should read the words for themselves. Then maybe they will see the light as it was meant to be seen.

Carolyn Marie

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Guest Elizabeth K

My goodness! So well said.

I won't apologize for others as I have little if any control over their actions, but when they stray fron GOD's intent, and from the teachings of Jesus, I have learned to ask God, " please let them see the error of their ways."

Today a spiritually lost soul will not be literally casting stones, but will be throwing condemnation toward others - others that have little or no fault. It seems to make them feel superior.

We transsexual are an abomination in the eyes of GOD, 'sayeth' my Born Again, Fundamintalist Christian (their definition of themselves) sisters! GRIN

"Father forgive them for they know not of what they do!" Jesus says when near his death.

I want to be accepted by GOD - and He says I am, that he created me like I am, and there is a purpose to this transsexuality of mine. He won't tell me what that purpose is, but I got the message - we aren't supposed to know our purpose.

But my sisters, like others, rely on the interpretaion of GOD's Will - by fools who set themselves up as the authorities. I replied to my sister's accusation by saying, "Am I supposed to listen to what GOD told me directly, or to what you were told by others is GOD's Will?"

They said, "How do you know it was GOD you talked with?" I said, "How do you know it was not?"


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Dear Genie,

I absolutely love this topic!

It is an intelligent and well documented summation of my views about Christianity but it is unfortunately not the views of so many people who profess to be Christians.

It is one of the reasons that calling yourself a Christian is not as popular as it should be, if we lived our lives as Jesus the Christ taught us we would not have wars and persecution but as an organized religion we have been responsible for so much of that ourselves and now 'Christians' (those who call themselves by that name but do not follow his teachings) judge and hate all Muslims because they have attacked 'us'.

We sort of overlook the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades from our past as an organized religion - I had no part in either of those and thought that they were horrible miscarriages of the intent of Christianity and I know that the vast majority of all Muslims believe that all of the killing and terrorist activities in the name of Allah are the same.

In a musical, "South Pacific" which was actually a study in prejudice and how stupid it is rather than a fun filled romp in the Islands there was a wonderful song sung by a Navy Lieutenant who had left his girlfriend because she was a native girl and not white, sung to a Frenchman who had just been rejected by a Navy Nurse because of his children who were half native, the song was called

And that is what has been happening from the beginning of time - Jesus was sent to us to teach us that this is not the way bit we chose not to listen and have continued to teach and even to preach hatred.

I am a Christian, I believe that God loves us all and while he will never condemn his children he must be very sad as he watches us constantly striving for better ways to kill each other.

Love ya,


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Guest daphene

WOW WOW WOW, all I can say is Amen to the original post and all of the replys. I agree with all that has been said. Thank all of you. This just brightened my morning and makes me feel so much better about the way I feel.

Hugs to all of you,


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Guest Girl Emily


Thank you for expressing God's love so clearly.

When I was in Kazakhstan on a short term mission trip while in college Jeremiah 29:11 was pointed out to me by one of the leaders after I expressed to him my doubts regarding my future. He and I were the only men on the two week trip with ten women and we were able to spend a lot of time together as we walked to and from an apartment that was a mile from where the girls were staying. I definitely got more out of the trip then I possibly could have given and he played a huge part in that as we discussed various subjects on those daily walks.

I was very blessed to have had such a personal trip with him. I later learned that it was his last because he fell victim to a fast moving cancer less then a year later, leaving behind a wife, and two young adult children. He brought to his position as the spiritual director of college a vision and energy that has touched countless lives around the world for Christ. His reading Jeremiah 29:11 brought assurance to me then and many times since that God has a plan for me that is personal and good and will bring me fulfillment.

Thank you for the reminder

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Guest Genie

Thank you for all the replies. I appreciate your comments and insight!

I had no idea it would have such an impact like it did. I just wanted everyone to know the truth. It makes me really happy to see such unity among y'all (both Christians and those not yet in the faith). It really encourages me to share more!

The religious wars/persecutions like the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades were actually done by members of Catholicism. For the majority of my life, I was lead to believe (by my educator and myself) that Christianity and Catholicism were related. They are very different, like night and day! I'll save that for another post another day! *excited*

I pray that you will safely get through another day, loved ones!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Bailey

I am so glad I came and read this thread. I was raised Baptist and for most of my life, believed as most do that homosexuality and anything not heterosexual was an abomination. I happy to say that even before I realized what I truly felt, that I knew that this view was wrong. God would not condemn someone for trying to be who they really are. I have thought about it alot recently and have an analogy I would like to share and get an opinion on.

If you think about it, we were born with a defective body. We did not chose to feel this way. Our body just does not work the way it should from birth. If you read the Bible, it does not say, "if your body is broken live with it." Jesus did not tell the lame, "God gave you this body, accept it and move on." He healed the lame, the blind and the afflicted. He made them whole in body and mind. I hope that makes sense. It does to me.

Also, I can find no where in the Bible where it says, "If you lay with a same sex partner you will not go to Heaven." I read, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." To my understanding and faith, "If you believe in me and take Christ as your saviour, you will join me in Heaven." That may not be a direct quote as I do not know the Bible as well as I should, though that is about to change. From reading these posts I have a renewed faith and interest in growing that feeling. Thank you all.


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Guest Genie
If you think about it, we were born with a defective body. We did not chose to feel this way. Our body just does not work the way it should from birth. If you read the Bible, it does not say, "if your body is broken live with it." Jesus did not tell the lame, "God gave you this body, accept it and move on." He healed the lame, the blind and the afflicted. He made them whole in body and mind. I hope that makes sense. It does to me.

Also, I can find no where in the Bible where it says, "If you lay with a same sex partner you will not go to Heaven." I read, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." To my understanding and faith, "If you believe in me and take Christ as your saviour, you will join me in Heaven." That may not be a direct quote as I do not know the Bible as well as I should, though that is about to change. From reading these posts I have a renewed faith and interest in growing that feeling. Thank you all.


There are many subjects you touch on, my love! Let's go through the bible to see what I can and will agree on~

We know that people are born with defects because of sin, but it always wasn't that way. In the beginning, after God created everything perfectly, he deemed it very good (Genesis 1:31). The only times in scripture God calls something good is if it adheres his holy standards. Upon the fall of man, sin entered the world and God cursed his creation with the penalty of death (Genesis 3:19; Romans 5:12; Romans 6:23). The destructive nature of sin on the environment had not fully corroded the original perfect creations by the time Adam and Eve has their children (Romans 8:20). This is why Cain was able to take a close relative (or sister) as a wife, after the death of his brother. However, roughly two thousand five hundred years later, because of the decaying effects of the curse, God gave Moses the law to forbid close relation marriage (Leviticus 18).

I would totally agree that because of the curse, God's creation decays, this includes our genetic make up. It is written that God is well aware of a defective God because he made it (Psalm 139:13-16).

As for the same sex topic, I entirely agree with the statement. No where in the bible will you find, "If you lay with a same sex partner you will not go to Heaven"; however, based on scripture it is sin just like all the other sins. Scripture tells us all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, because we do not adhere to his holy standard (1 John 1:8; Ecclesiastes 7:20). This is why God the Father sent his only son to die for the penalty of sin, in which who so ever believed in Jesus as their Savior and received it have the gift of salvation (John 1:12).

Once you have salvation, you can't get rid of it! It was a gift, you didn't get it by your own works, but by the work Jesus.

It makes me so happy that you have a renewed faith! There's just so many benefits you get from God! It's hard to pass up.

I hope this is of some use to you, loved one~

/superhug (and slips some yummy chocolate chip cookies into your pocket)



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  • 10 months later...
Guest ametur_poet

I feel a great deal of sadness, inspiration, and indignation when I read the topics on this board. It is terrible to see Christianity being abused in such a heinous manner. Using it as a tool of hate is positively sickening; Jesus explicitly taught us to love and accept all people, regardless of condition. These people that use Christianity as a moral pedestal to spread their own beliefs do not represent Christianity. The Christianity that I know and have always believed in would never turn away a person from the Church, especially for something that the person has no control over. I pray to God for the power to help change the Church, and end the senseless hate that is being perpetuated by these people. I want to some day be able to proudly declare that my religion does not deny salvation to any person who is willing to accept Jesus Christ. It will be a very difficult change, but with work, it can be achieved.

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Guest April63

I want to some day be able to proudly declare that my religion does not deny salvation to any person who is willing to accept Jesus Christ. It will be a very difficult change, but with work, it can be achieved.

My religion doesn't. Your religion doesn't either. As you said, the gospel (which means good news) is about the love that God has for each of us. It is about the fact that He sent His Son (who willingly, out of love, paid the price of our sins). This is indeed good news, and this is our religion. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

The misconception lies with some churches. Not all of them. Churches are not bad. There is nothing wrong with a church. The problem occurs when the church loses contact with the religion and becomes an interpretation of scripture. At that point, a pastor can interpret a passage in any way that may not even remotely resemble the religion that it is supposed to be a part of. And this is what leads to turning people away. This is what is not right.

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    • Abigail Genevieve
      Can you look elsewhere?
    • RaineOnYourParade
      Welcome to the party, M.A.     Sounds chaotic haha, I can confidently say that living with only two children the same age is stressful enough, much less three!
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    • Justine76
      I'm not a nutritionist but I've gone on bulking diets in the past so I can suggest a couple things to try. Foremost, food-prep stuff that you like to eat. Any 'real food' that usually sounds good to you. That way, you don't have the time-sink or hassle of cooking for every meal. You're more likely to eat if stuff if it's convenient and mostly ready. For example, I'll spend an hour or so one evening prepping burrito ingredients that will last me the next 3 nights. Then it's just a matter of microwaving the beef/beans and throwing them into a tortilla; takes 5 min.   If you need food 'on the go' often, consider prepping smoothies in advance pre-separated out into individual containers. I personally like low-no fat yogurt blended with fruit and, here's the weird part, those water flavor drops. They add sweetness without dumping in excess sugar. Insulated containers will keep them reasonably fresh non-refridgerated all day so they can even be tossed into a backpack.    Hope of those sparked some ideas!
    • KymmieL
      I did get a sorry from the mechanic, saying it was all on him. The boss just said I just went by what I was shown. I didn't look at the paper work. I thought maybe you should before jumping down someones throat.   I am still in the market. Just waiting to find the right one.   Hugs, Kymmie
    • KathyLauren
      Hi, M.A.  Welcome to Transgender Pulse!   I am sure you will find a lot of people with similar stories to your own.  Feel free to ask questions and share your experiences.  THis is one of the most supportive forums.   Regards, Kathy
    • Susan R
      @Emily Chen I can add you to the list of those getting the Zoom Link. Message me for the meeting link if you’d like to attend. As April Marie pointed out, the next meeting begins May 4th Saturday night @ 9PM Eastern or 6pm Pacific Time. Will continue for at leas 3 hours. Feel free to join or leave at any time.    Susan R🌷
    • Lydia_R
      Thanks for your thoughtful reply @RaineOnYourParade.  I totally understand and agree with what you said.  I'm in no way proposing a law to decrease population.  It must be done on the demand side.  My role in this is simply to be highly visible and inspiring on many different levels and cultures from around the world.   We tend to focus on changing laws and that is addressing things on the supply side.  If we make a law to tax a type of business to try to steer the economy, we are changing the supply side.  People don't think of politics as a demand side thing, but our leaders should be inspiring us to change our behaviors.  Like the motto I was taught in the Navy "lead by example".  Although I could have tried to do this all with my music, I was not going to be successful with that.  It's reasonable to try to have a career as a highly visible politician to lead like this.   I never had any children that I know about.  I've had a pretty fabulous life.  Lots of ups and downs.  Lots of adventures.  Because I wasn't watching TV and I wasn't having children, I had to fill my time with something.  Although I am super ambitious with this political thing, all I really want to do is cook a nice curry dinner and have an intimate evening playing music for/with a partner and/or a friend or two.  And of course I enjoy cleaning the house and doing some writing, math and things.  I try to give back to society, but I'm not one of these people who just wants to serve.   It's very encouraging what the younger generation is doing in my opinion.  It's rough around the edges and I feel we could be more intentional about things.  Since population is declining, and I'm suggesting it to decline even more, we'll have this problem of there not being enough young people to take care of the old people.  I'm very strong on protecting our younger generation from having to babysit old people.  There simply aren't enough of them to do it like it is being done now.  I think this population reduction stuff is so important and this younger generation is just inheriting all these realities that I want to totally get them out of the business of taking care of older people.  The idea is to get medications mailed to them.  Make doctor visits very short and sweet.  Get old people staffing old folks homes.  I think we have a huge problem with mental health treatment in this country.  I think our economic realities from greater automation and income disparity have lead too many people to fall into despair.  We have to do something with our time and if we get rid of jobs with automation, and we stop making making housing (a decreasing population doesn't need more housing), then we still have to do something with our time.  I was successful at fighting addiction with relatively low carbon emitting work.  I make apps on the computer and record music in my living room.  I don't own a car.  I've been working part time from home for 12 years.  I actually work an excessive amount to do politics like this, but I have had periods of downtime.     Totally!  I think that humanity is just going to go in reverse here and these rural areas are going to be popular with younger people.  Set them up with some wind turbines.  Adjust to not having power 24/7.  Plenty of space to grow food.  Keep up the roads well enough to truck in some grains and other supplies.  As long as climate change doesn't cause some kind of environmental or insect problem, I think these rural places are going to be great.  I think we'll have to pick and choose which ones to continue supporting and which ones to abandon.  There are always details to work out.   I think in a world that is aging with declining population, people who are more unhealthy are going to be moving towards the cities and people who are healthier and middle age will move to the suburbs.  The suburbs are OK places as long as you are strong enough to get around by bicycle.  As someone who is 53 and physically fit, I groove on the idea of those big houses in the suburbs becoming house parties.  Perhaps I'm just dreaming though! LOL!   @awkward-yet-sweet is making some interesting points here.  My first wife did concrete work on the freeways in Chicago.  They do that up there because the extreme cold cracks the asphalt.  Those freeways are annoying with all the bumping between joints, but the roads last a long time.  But it takes a lot of industrial heat to make concrete.  Yes, humanity got along without the paved roads before and we can do it again.  We all inherited this world the way it is.  Sure, us older people contributed to it as well, but this whole industrialization/globalization thing has been going on a long time.  Perhaps we will avoid the horse and buggy thing and do a lot of mountain biking?
    • Vidanjali
      To be the witness Of thoughts, words, deeds done by Thee, Dispassionately.
    • MAN8791
      Hi, I'm . . . . let's go with initials for now. M.A. works. I've been out as genderfluid for about a year but finding I have more questions about my identity now than I did this time last year. I'm AFAB, in my mid forties, widowed parent with three teens (god help me!).   I have a new therapist as of two weeks ago, a decision I made with the help of my previous therapist and my new one specializes in LGBTQ+ needs so very well equipped to deal with my hot mess. We started screening for gender dysphoria this week and my response to almost every question she asked was "wait, that's not normal?" I don't live in a particularly sheltered bubble but somehow I seem to be much better at recognizing when my friends are struggling, than when I'm struggling myself.   I'm a freelance writer and graphic designer, and in my "free time" (lol, TWO of my offspring are theatre/band/choir kids, and the third is an aspiring screenwriter, y'all can imagine the sheer chaos easily) I write plays/musicals, and poetry.
    • VickySGV
      Sounds like time for a new Body Technician hopefully one that is actually a Doctor Of Medicine, this one you describe is short of that mark.
    • Ladypcnj
      Hi Lydia, I had McAfee before on my other computer and it allowed over 19 viruses to come in yikes lol
    • Ladypcnj
      I've been seeing my new treating doctor for quite some time now, whenever I'm advised to make an appointment. When it comes to seeing a new treating doctor, hard part is starting all over again building trust between patient and doctor. On my first day seeing my new treating doctor, before I could say anything else to her, she explained to me I needed to be completely honest with her. I kind of expected that type of patient profiling response from her, since she doesn't specialize in intersex care. Anyway, I sat down in the chair as I explained to my new doctor, I don't have all of my hospital records, certain records from my childhood and teenager years are mysteriously missing regarding a surgery. After my examination was over, she disregarded or showed no interest in searching for my missing medical records, but instead she blamed me for how I take care of my health today. 
    • April Marie
      Saturday night @ 9PM Eastern.   PM @Susan R to be added to the list.  
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