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Asperger's Syndrome

Guest Raging Shadow

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Guest Raging Shadow

Ok, so I will likely be getting a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome in June. Will this slow down my T letter? I will likely have already gotten it, but I'm still I bit nervous. And does anyone know if there is a corralation of Asperger's and being trans, just out of curiosity?


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Guest ~Brenda~

Hi Shadow,

There is no evidence that those who are diagnosed with Asperger's have any more a disposition of being transgendered.

Asperger's Syndrome is a diagnosis of high functioning Autism.

My biological father was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. He had two PhD's (one in physics and another in biology).

He was not transgendered.

I would not worry Shadow. The two diagnosis Aspeger's and GID are not related to one another. Diagnosis of one will not affect the tratment for the other.


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Guest Jewel

There is a hypothesized link between Asperger's and transsexualism among FTM spectrum folks. There's at least one article published on this subject and I believe a book as well, but I haven't read that. The evidence at this point is slim. But in any case, the relevant part to focus on is what you see at the end of the abstract,

"We consider the treatment of GID as compelling, particularly because curative therapy for AS is lacking and with GID treatment in this vein, the patient gains psychosocial improvement."

In other words, since there is no known cure for AS, but there are known effective treatments for GID, having a diagnosis of AS shouldn't in any way prevent you from being treated.

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Yeah, i also read somewhere about Aspergers and FTM's (i think it was any autism spectrum disorder) Something to do with females with aspergers not fitting well with gender stereotypes, female socialisation etc. and therefore identifying as Trans. And the conclusion deffinitely didn't go against transitioning... i thought it was an interesting idea too (probably because i'm dyspraxic whitch has some of the same social issues as those on the autism spectrum) though maybe too simplistic.

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Guest praisedbeherhooves

It won't slow it down. Asperger's is a neurological difference that luckily cannot be cured (Why would you want to cure something that gives you a higher average IQ, a greater understanding of differences, less herd instinct and better logic skills just because society thinks that the way you interact isn't good enough?) I have Asperger's myself actually. You might want to check out wrongplanet.com or aspieforfreedom.com for support in living in a mostly neurotypical world. Warning: there are a LOT of curebies (people who want to cure Asperger's) on Wrong Planet but AFF is great with that since it is specifically for pro-autistic rights activism.

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Guest StrandedOutThere
Ok, so I will likely be getting a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome in June. Will this slow down my T letter? I will likely have already gotten it, but I'm still I bit nervous. And does anyone know if there is a corralation of Asperger's and being trans, just out of curiosity?


I think that FTM's are more likely to have autism spectrum traits. I don't believe that pattern holds for MTF's. Early exposure to androgens (testosterone and similar hormones) is associated with "non right-handedness", as well as certain personality traits. I know at least one other transman with an Asperger's diagnosis and have some autistic-like traits myself (though mine fall short of warranting a diagnosis). Interestingly enough, FTM's are also more likely to have polycystic ovarian syndrom (PCOS) which causes excess testosterone production.

One of the current views of autism is that it represents an "extreme form of the male brain". By this reasoning, people that have been exposed to prenatal androgens are more likely to have autism spectrum disorders. Rates of autism/Asperger's are substantially higher among males than females, but then many developmental disorders have higher rates among males. I think the male/female difference for autism might be bigger than for some other disorders though.

In all likelihood, if you compare the rates of Asperger's syndrome in FTM's to the rate in cisfemales, cismales, and MTF's, I think the rate would be higher in FTM's. The hard evidence is probably not out there though because it FTM's represent a fairly small part of the population. It's difficult to study something that is already fairly rare (Asperger's Syndrome) in a small population group, particularly one that is shy about openly identifying themselves.

FYI, I am pretty sure they are dropping Apserger's from the DSM-V. I guess they'd better be quick about that diagnosis!


Honestly, I don't think having an Apserger's diagnosis will slow down your T letter. If you are doing well in other areas of your life, it shouldn't be an issue.

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Guest My_Genesis
I think that FTM's are more likely to have autism spectrum traits. I don't believe that pattern holds for MTF's. Early exposure to androgens (testosterone and similar hormones) is associated with "non right-handedness", as well as certain personality traits. I know at least one other transman with an Asperger's diagnosis and have some autistic-like traits myself (though mine fall short of warranting a diagnosis). Interestingly enough, FTM's are also more likely to have polycystic ovarian syndrom (PCOS) which causes excess testosterone production.

One of the current views of autism is that it represents an "extreme form of the male brain". By this reasoning, people that have been exposed to prenatal androgens are more likely to have autism spectrum disorders. Rates of autism/Asperger's are substantially higher among males than females, but then many developmental disorders have higher rates among males. I think the male/female difference for autism might be bigger than for some other disorders though.

In all likelihood, if you compare the rates of Asperger's syndrome in FTM's to the rate in cisfemales, cismales, and MTF's, I think the rate would be higher in FTM's. The hard evidence is probably not out there though because it FTM's represent a fairly small part of the population. It's difficult to study something that is already fairly rare (Asperger's Syndrome) in a small population group, particularly one that is shy about openly identifying themselves.

FYI, I am pretty sure they are dropping Apserger's from the DSM-V. I guess they'd better be quick about that diagnosis!


Honestly, I don't think having an Apserger's diagnosis will slow down your T letter. If you are doing well in other areas of your life, it shouldn't be an issue.

I agree, I don't think it's going to affect your transition, however I have also heard (in my abnormal psychology class) about autism spectrum disorders being an "extreme form of the male brain." Pretty interesting stuff, I think. I have considered the possibility that I might have Asperger's - I haven't been tested for it, but I seem to display a lot of symptoms of it, so I'd like to get tested just to be sure.

Also, I think trans people may be more likely to get diagnosed with Asperger's b/c sometimes part of our gender dysphoria is social dysphoria, which may display similarly to Asperger's (trouble in social situations, introversion, etc.) This might be my problem, I'm not sure though.

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Guest praisedbeherhooves

They're not quite dropping it. It's more like they are merging it with autism. People who we used to say had Asperger's will now be called mildly autistic.

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Guest Adrian

It's funny, there is almost a unanimous decision here that there is no link at least between MTFs and AS, but where I live, there are at least two MTFs with AS or HFA (High Functioning Autism).

True, I do live in quite a [reportedly] trans-friendly area, but still...

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Guest ChalenAustin

I think that FTM's are more likely to have autism spectrum traits. I don't believe that pattern holds for MTF's. Early exposure to androgens (testosterone and similar hormones) is associated with "non right-handedness", as well as certain personality traits.

One of the current views of autism is that it represents an "extreme form of the male brain". By this reasoning, people that have been exposed to prenatal androgens are more likely to have autism spectrum disorders.

Can you please elabrate on the non-right handedness and personality traits?

I've recently realized as I've been transitioning farther I've been doing some things left handedly out of the blue.

Before I knew I was trans I went to a doctor for a sports thing and he said I should've been left handed. It was almost like I was trained to be right handed.

And what are some personality traits of autism? Gotta see if I have those now :P Probably already do!

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Guest ChalenAustin

Also, I think trans people may be more likely to get diagnosed with Asperger's b/c sometimes part of our gender dysphoria is social dysphoria, which may display similarly to Asperger's (trouble in social situations, introversion, etc.)

Thought it was such a good point it should be singled out for consideration by itself.

Why can't anything in life just be easy? :lol:

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Guest My_Genesis
Also, I think trans people may be more likely to get diagnosed with Asperger's b/c sometimes part of our gender dysphoria is social dysphoria, which may display similarly to Asperger's (trouble in social situations, introversion, etc.)

Thought it was such a good point it should be singled out for consideration by itself.

Why thank you, sir. :D

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