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9 Days Away

Guest Erin Quinn

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Guest Erin Quinn

To you all,

I'm so sorry, I've been terribly absent from the forum. Work is doing what it does best, kicking me away from my friends and leaving me a tired mess. But I'm happy to have work, and it ain't half bad.

But let's save that for another time.

In case I once again go quiet from the forum, I wanted to share with you all the coming two weeks. Tuesday, I will be hitting the road with my best gal-pal Alyx to Tulsa, OK to see the amazing Namoli Brennet in concert. Haven't been this excited for a concert since seeing David Bowie for the first time. And so happy to have one of my best supporters there with me. There also be a Q and A beforehand; if I can find a question that doesn't involve me saying "OMG UR AWESOME", i'll let you all know. But I doubt it.

The other big deal; my mother will be meeting us at the show. The next day, all three of us will be driving down to Dallas for my lab work. I am amazed with my mother and her willingness to learn and be by my side. She's been so strong and wanting to understand what I'm going through, I could ask for anything more beautiful than that.

And from Thursday to Sunday, I plan to spend lots of happy time with my mom. Sure there will be lots of talking, but it will be a great time.

Then finally, as the title suggest, 9 days from now, a week from Monday, I will be going back up to Dallas for my doctors visit and the start of HRT. My mother will be going with me for this as well. I'm nearly speechless. I feel like I've gone over all this in my head a million times. I've rearranged my life, lost a relationship, moved, changed jobs, and found a lot of strength burried somewhere in me. Made some great friends, here and in person, and cried...a lot, both happy and sad tears.

I love you all, really, this is a wonderful place and as I join many of you on the womanhood express, I want to thank you. I hope I can be half the help to some of you as you all have been, wither it's giving advice or just sharing your stories, its' all been so valuable. My heart goes out to everyone here.

....wow, its almost here,


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Guest angie


I have a resource for you in Austin to check out.

It is the: Waterloo Resource Center.Which offers

transsexual support therapy.There is even a Transwoman's

support group that meets every Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.

For info call 444-9922.

Just thought you could use a local support group meeting to

help you meet local transwomen and get group therapy.

Hugs Sweety,and have fun at the concert and with your Momma.


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Guest BeckyTG

Sweet Erin,

This is wonderful news. I am so very happy for you and you have to be jumping out of your skin! It's even better that your Mom is so supportive. Tell your Mom she's truly wonderful.

Have a great time at the concert, but your mind will be on later things much of the time. :D

Congratulations, girl.



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Guest Cris


Im so happy for you. Not only do you have a great friend by your side but your mom seems so supportive, or at least open to undestanding. I wish you much success along your journey.


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That is amazing news - especially about your mother.

Have a great time and I'll be waiting for you at the platform, it is always nice to have someone who is on that train already to help you get settled in.

Love ya,


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