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Guest Elizabeth K

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Guest Elizabeth K

Summertime in New Orleans! I am now out in the city full time and I had penny loafers as my main shoes of choice (because of my height). BUT I looked around. I sat in the mall eating bignets and drinking my coffee - and watched the women walk by - hundreds!

All had on sandals (a very few has sneakers) with painted toe nails - reds, pinks, purples, burgandys - a few blue and even a couple wearing black. Young, old, casual and more formally dressed. So I bought me open thong type sandals - my nails are already painted a chocolate brown.

THIS WAS A HUGE advance for me. Doing this I gave up any pretense of being androgynous and took the full plunge into summer womanhood. I have the shorter shorts many were wearing, but at age 62, I will opt for coulottes I think (I love 'em anyway!)

Now I am one with of the crowd of women in the mall. And I am wearing them at the motel I am at awaiting my apartment to be available, at restaurants - everywhere. You know what? they keep you cooler in the heat!

COMMITMENT! All you people - somewhere, sometime, you have to go all the way for real.


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Guest Donna Jean
You know you really are quite a looker.

I totally agree....

Maybe its your "completely being" ;)

It sure is something!

Dee Jay

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You know you really are quite a looker. Maybe its your "completely being" ;)

No kidding, Lizzy looks closer to 40 than 60.


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Lizzy you look fantastic, and about those sandals i noticed the same thing around here, even though the weather is not as warm, i was wearing my Reboks and noticed as you did that most woman, young and old were wearing them, so i now wear one of my pairs of sandals, weather permitting, but of course with my toenails polished, and Capri's are my favorite any time.


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OK, Lizzy,

I am counting the days, hours and minutes until I hit New Orleans!

I am not even going to bother with coming out to the people here - if I ever come back to visit they will figure it out!

The Big Easy had better watch out as Lizzy and Sally take control!

I have my white sandals already - they are packed in the first suitcase to open in N.O.

Love ya,


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    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Inner demon? I don't think I have one of those...    I do worry some about the future, and sometimes that can make me a bit nippish.  But mostly I am in the present.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      From what I see, the legal system gives wildly varying results.  And the difference between civil proceedings and criminal proceedings changes things as well.  I have never been on a jury, but I have been through the court process after I was attacked in 2022.  The guy was found guilty and sent to prison, but I definitely didn't get a million dollars.  Of course he had basically no property or money that could be taken, so even if there had been a ruling of that sort it would have been like asking for blood from a turnip.  Maybe Summer Bushnell has a lot of money?  Who knows.   I understand that comparing being hurt by lies and being physically hurt and left with some permanent damage is like comparing apples and oranges, and that comparing results from one location to another has similar issues.  Still, it seems strange that one thing is worth a million dollars and the other is not. 
    • Jani
      Very sad about Jim Gordon, such a talent.
    • Lydia_R
    • Vidanjali
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    • Ivy
      So, it's treating this specific "condition" that is forbidden.   Sometimes it's hard to believe how much they hate us.
    • Ivy
      "Sunak and the Conservatives have used the row over gender and trans rights as a key plank of their election strategy against Labour and Keir Starmer."   Just like our GOP   "The change would allow political parties to restrict trans women with a GRC from benefiting from “women-only” shortlists and other measures aimed at increasing female participation."   Guess that GRC won't mean much.
    • Betty K
      I had a difficult weekend. I was upset to hear that the NHS had outlawed puberty blockers and spent much of Saturday in tears. I find the thought of trans kids suffering sooo triggering.
    • LucyF
      from here (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2024/727/made) it states that it doesn't apply if:   "...(5) Condition D is that the purpose for which the private prescription was issued is a purpose other than treatment for the purpose of puberty suppression in respect of gender dysphoria, gender incongruence or a combination of both."   So the ban only applies to specifically for treatment of gender dysphoria/incongruence.
    • KymmieL
      My weekend was OK, Took the wagon to the car show on Saturday. It was quite a few cars. After I just mellowed at home. Not much yesterday. Was feeling a little cruddy. After the wife got home, we took a drive to Centennial for ice cream. Then took the long way home. Went up and over the Snowy range and  back around to the interstate and home. all the while the left side of my face was building pressure, sinus infection. But got home it must have went its course because it subsided.   Decided to put in for the store manage position at our local Sportsmans Warehouse. It was late yesterday evening so nothing yet.   Hugs, Kymmie
    • RaineOnYourParade
      Are they also banning puberty blockers given to cis kids who start puberty too early?    If not, that's not even targeting a medication, that's targeting a use of a medication. It would be like saying if you had a medication perfectly capable of treating both pneumonia and bronchitis, but you're only allowed to use it on one patient or the other. The stupidity is real 
    • Charlize
      Having sat on several juries one realizes how little folks beyond the courtroom know about the decisions made.  The juries conversation about the evidence as presented by the sides involved can be exhausting.  I would hesitate to question a decision especially, in this situation, when the 12 jurors are from a conservative area.    That being said some in the political world are attacking not only the basis of our democracy but now find it advantageous to attack the legal system.  No system is perfect but in my opinion ours works fairly well.     Hugs,   Charlize  
    • Willow
      Good morning    We drove about2 ½ hours to go to a different church’s service.  It was very different, but very much the same.  I went there to meet the minister that will be standing with our minister.  As soon as she saw me she treated me by names and gave me a big hug.  A lot more music and fire and brimstone, but still the same church traditions we had since I was a child.  It is a larger congregation than ours.  But still very homey and friendly..  we were welcomed by all.   Busy week! My son and DIL are coming tomorrow.  I haven’t seen them in quite a while.   but now, I have to go to work.     Willow
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
      Incling of growth happening, am happy.
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