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Who Are You?

Guest Hoslers_wife

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Guest Hoslers_wife

Although I understand this community is aimed specifically at transgendered topics I thought it would be interesting to see who you are with no regaurd to being transgendered. I also understand that being transgendered is part of who you are, I'm curious about your other traits. Short bio if you will. What do you like about yourself, what are your strong suits, what are your hobbies, how would your friends describe you, ect?

I'll start.

I'm married. We are the biggest dorks you will ever come across. Were foster parents and also very career driven. I bake, garden, and do lots of artsy stuff. If you asked my friends they would say I'd go to the end of the world and back for them. I don't have many enemies but the ones I do have will never be repaired. I love cars, bikes, and anything that has a fast motor. I used to be quite a junkie but thanks to Nick I have 2 years clean and my only addictions are healthy ones. :-) I'm loud, outspoken, independent, and very loving. I'm a christian. One in a very small minority of christians that remember what it's all about, LOVE, not HATE. I'm also very conservative and very liberal in my political views. I think both sides have a little bit of truth and a lot of crap. I <3 children and animals more than adults. Adults like to think they are entitled to everything and really I think a lot of people need a big fat reality pill. lol

What about you?

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Guest My_Genesis
Although I understand this community is aimed specifically at transgendered topics I thought it would be interesting to see who you are with no regaurd to being transgendered. I also understand that being transgendered is part of who you are, I'm curious about your other traits. Short bio if you will. What do you like about yourself, what are your strong suits, what are your hobbies, how would your friends describe you, ect?

I'll start.

I'm married. We are the biggest dorks you will ever come across. Were foster parents and also very career driven. I bake, garden, and do lots of artsy stuff. If you asked my friends they would say I'd go to the end of the world and back for them. I don't have many enemies but the ones I do have will never be repaired. I love cars, bikes, and anything that has a fast motor. I used to be quite a junkie but thanks to Nick I have 2 years clean and my only addictions are healthy ones. :-) I'm loud, outspoken, independent, and very loving. I'm a christian. One in a very small minority of christians that remember what it's all about, LOVE, not HATE. I'm also very conservative and very liberal in my political views. I think both sides have a little bit of truth and a lot of crap. I <3 children and animals more than adults. Adults like to think they are entitled to everything and really I think a lot of people need a big fat reality pill. lol

What about you?

yeah it's totally cool if it's not trans-related :) I actually made a post about this awhile back, how I've been so wrapped up in my gender identity that lately I've kinda had to take a step back and do some introspection, think about who I am as a person, holistically.

your lil bio sounds very interesting! You sound like an interesting person :)

Well, to start, I am a bit like you on the politics. I'm kinda a libertarian. But a moderate one. I think politics to any extreme just is unrealistic, and to stay closer to the middle is just more practical. I also agree with you on the religion. I'm an agnostic but I don't have an issue with religious people, as long as they get the message right...

I am a pretty chill, laid-back person, though I do struggle with anxiety and am a bit neurotic lol. I've had people tell me I'm cool B) but at the same time I tend to absorb a lot of emotion more than I express it - tend to present as stoic and have a relaxed exterior even if I'm feeling stressed out inside. Something I gotta work on.

I like to think I'm the average guy/"average Joe." I am a bit dorky, but I also like to have fun. I like to go to movies, hang out with friend, and I am a bit half on the geek-side and half on the athletic/sporty side. I have an interest in action sports, things like snowboarding, snowmobiling, inline skating, skateboarding, motorbiking etc, but haven't really had a chance to do much of it b/c I grew up in, and still live in, the city. But I'm passionate to learn.

I like science and psychology, and want to be a neuroscientist someday.

I'm not really the artsy or creative type.

So yeah, that's me in a nutshell.

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Guest Ami James

Intersting stuff.

My bio - I was born 1 lb and 14 oz baby girl and that's how I became deaf who had suffered nerve damage... every 4 yrs my hearing in my left ear getting worse which I can say I am fully deaf in my left ear. My hobbies never was femme way such as I always love boy toys... I did own some girl's toys such as barbies and some baby doll... I always played as male all my life and I guess that's how I grow up to come. My real name which it is femme, A.S. which short for Amie Sue. I had been married once and divorced which it wasn't pretty. only been married 36 days lol.

My hobbies, watching football, playing basketball, internet junkie, working on cars and try to repair things, practice martial arts, working and sometimes, but not always, cooking...

Now i am adopting my own name to myself as Ami James or AJ, I thought it fit my personality well enough as who I am... I am looking forward to change my name but gonna wait a while before I could do anything because bills and get the place settle are important to me right now.

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Guest Elizabeth K

Gosh - you are such a well balaced person!


I am what I am - defined by a lot of years of life experience. Quiet and not very good at making friends, I have some people I love to the point I would change places and die for them, if they had a fatal disease (turns around three times - I am also superstitious)

My interests are in having interests. The range is all over the place - right now? cooking and learning how to better take care of myself. I read voraciously like a crazy person - books everywhere - any subject - I just discovered chic-lit! (blush) and I have been reading boddice rippers since I was 12 years old (Mary Steward was an early read for me - that is somehing you will have to Google). Books can also be popular physics and astronomy - which I absorb wholeheartedly - I will read Stephen Hawkins and Stephen King equally. BUT I am a scifi freak... not exactly trekie, more Heinlein, Clark and Bradbury - and the rare Tiptree and Octavia Butler fan. And I like weird fantasy - and vampire books (Ann Rice especially) - and comedy fantasy like Piers Anthony and Terry Pratchert.

I am very spiritual - converted Catholic (I like the ritualization and short sermons not found in Protestant churches -neato Saints too) and I am also very pagan - I dance in the full moon - modified Wiccan single practitioner. I believe in NEVER putting out a curse - either a fundamentalist "Abomination in GODs eyes" type, or the traditional "go to hell" type. I sincerely believe what you do comes back three times. I have seen it. I talk directly to GOD. I believe in letting GOD judge - I refrain from doing so whenever possible, and chide myself when I fail.

I do genealogy - I know so very much about my family, I know how I will probably die, statistically - and at what age. (Stroke - age 70 if male- stroke age 88 if female. I am banking on the HRT to give me a change with all that).

People are not my favorite beings on this planet, our unconditionally loving furry friends have my primary respect. There are some good people on this earth though, we just don't meet them very often. Finally - I LOVE MY CHILDREN!!! Three of them. I was mother and father to them. They are my success in this lifetime - the counter to my gender dysphoria.

Just me - thats all


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Guest Donna Jean


I enjoy people for the most part...

And I'm known to be quite outgoing...

Even back in maledom I would walk up to a woman in a store and discretely tell her that the tag on her top was sticking up ...I didn't want her looking like a dufus....

And I'd approach you in a parking lot and ask you where you got the cool bumper sticker.

It's been weird having the doors held open for me lately, because I was always the person that did that for everyone!

I'm a veteran of the Vietnam war, I love lavendar and flowers...


I grow flowers...lots and lots of beautiful flowers in the summer!

I do woodworking, I've been a musician for many years (Until arthritis got my hands)...

I love fast cars, motorcycles, airplanes and pretty clothes...

I've been a pilot and a cop....

I've had an interesting life and once saw an elephant sit down on the hood of a car....(in Bangkok)

Politically liberal and a questioning agnostic....

Married twice for a total of 37 years..

love dogs...dislike most cats....

Gee....this sounds like it's all about me, doesn't it?

Donna Jean

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Guest Hoslers_wife

I just found a million reasons to never leave Lauras. You are all incredibly interesting people. I LOVE IT!!!!!! I like getting to know people on deeper levels than most superficial friendships. Thank you to all who choose to share with me.:-)

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Guest Cris

So I live two kinda lives... For the most part Im fairly shy, prefer people to approach me and start up conversations instead of me being the one to kick it off. I only have a handful of friends that I can truly consider my friends. Now on the flip side of that I play drums in a band. I really enjoy the attention and the showing off on stage. Guess thats because I am removed from the crowd some, but mainly just really into music.

I enjoy spending time with my kids and love to cook. Cant decide between the mountains or the coast. I love them both. Enjoy long walks alone or with a friend.

Love animals. Have a Border Collie and two cats. My dog and I are almost inseperable. He follows me around from room to room and loves to play fetch much longer than I can continue.

Definately enjoy adrenaline. By some I could be considered an adrenaline junkie. :P


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Guest thefireship

I guess you could say I'm a quasi-nerd. I write and draw fantasy creatures, but the big story I have with them is on the serious side. (Poor things, I'm not nice to them.) This has been the big consistency over the course of my life, though the subjects would change. Basically, if I didn't have a story line to throw myself into, I felt disconnected. Art and writing have probably saved me on many occasions. :)

Never went to public school. Catholic grade school, then Baptist high school. That was rough switch over but it made me think a lot about spiritual matters. I do not currently adhere to any structured belief system. I'm spiritual with myself in the sense that its a constantly evolving thing. I suppose this doubles as a sort of ongoing personal philosophy too. I dig nature, thinking and science stuff and somehow it all gets thrown into the pot. I guess life is sort of my religion.

I'm kind of a sensory person. I LOVE the overall feel of thunderstorms, the ions in the air, the CHARGE they have. I'm a fan of the smell of forest fires, wet dirt and old dried leaves, newsprint, leather and gasoline. I like the look of abandoned places, old leafless creepy trees, dramatic mountains, high cliffs by the sea, old forgotten grave yards, looking up at sky scrapers.. Basically a mix of old time cities and new with the impulse to get out of civilization every now and then. As far as sounds, I love the wind and rain of course, but I also enjoy horse draw carries, trains horns (especially during the winter) and large old clocks. One of my favorite places in Florida is Bok Tower Gardens, for the atmosphere and the carillon bells.

I'm happiest most often when autumn sets in. For me, this is when things come alive, the cool weather just makes me want to run around, get out and do things. It makes me think of a sort of endlessness.

Aaaand geez, I think that's about enough out of me for now. I need to try and get some sleep! :D

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Guest Steven22

I have been to 28/50 states only 3 of them when I was in the service, former marine, future nurse, not adopted but have only lived with my parents 6 of 18 years, I have been across the country 7 times, 1 cat that is so skittish and just too cute, I like playing sports but I hate watching them, I am a twin, we were the first to graduate highschool on time or at all, I write poetry, love to dance, shoot guns, small car repairs, hike, used to collect seashells/rocks now I collect sharp shiny things, I am in love with mythology, always in search of a/an good/intelligent conversation, solitary pagan, Goth. You are now permitted to breathe. :lol:

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Guest perlitarose

What a beoutiful idea!!!!

I come from a long line of "Vulcans" men a women of sciences who cotrolled theri feelings. I am a scientist and I have work with the most dangerous thngs you can imagine. In yourger times, I Iived south of the border with some prety wild indians. Interstingly this so called savages, were the most accepting and tolerating and caring people I ever met. Once they realized tha I was intersted only "girl stuff" they send me to be with the woman to do woman jobs.

I did found my hart eventually, and now I take care of four wonderful kids, four dogs, and two cats. I keep some plants, and an herb garden, I love learning about anything, if I was to meet you I will be asking you all about what you know and your hubbies are. I am not shy and I like people, and talking, and aving a good time. I like romatic music, tnatuer, tea, shoping. I am very faithfull and loyal, yet open mind, flexible adaptable and very tolerant

I belive in God, and pray to her twice a day.

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Guest ChloëC

So who am I when I'm 'untucked'?

I'm a father and grandfather, I'm a winter alpine skier and summer golfer, I have a little dinghy class sailboat with main and jib that I try to get out on the small lakes when I can, I enjoy researching my family history and have traced some lines back to the 1300 and 1400's (and maybe before), my mother is getting way up in years and my brothers and sisters and I are planning a 90th birthday party for her later this year, so I'm putting together several videos on our family, I'm working on my private pilot licence, I enjoy trivia and was a runner-up at the first national Trivial Pursuit Championships (actually my wife and I had a little part in bringing Trivial Pursuit to US), I volunteer at a non-profit and attend meetings, do fund raisers, participate and/or help plan a number of activities, my spouse and I just finished re-doing our kitchen - new wood floor (about 250 sq ft), granite tile countertops (about 60 sq ft), traverine backsplash, new sink, new rangetop, painting, new lighting (we already have cherrywood cabinets so we just updated the fixtures) - pretty much by ourselves over the past several months (and we're still married after almost 32 years).

When working, I'm a database designer (I love working with clients, getting their inputs and designing extremely user friendly systems), I'm a little religious and attend church more than the rest of my family (born Catholic, first communion Episcopalian, confirmed UCC, current Methodist), we have a place in Florida that we rent out in the winter, and I'll be going down to shortly to close up for the summer - hurricane season and all that (but I'd like to spend some more time there), I am a little nutty over a certain section of fantasy literature and a certain author and have a small library of 30-40 books relating to it, and I write related fiction and poetry (that one poem's verse I put out is a part of it), some of which has been put up on the web in various places. I follow the weather (I once had plans to be a meteorologist) and have a number of books and working instruments. Oh yeah, I have a BS in Math with history and IT minors and an MBA. I've a VietNam era vet, my son is Gulf War vet, my father and step father were WWII vets, my grandfather a WWI, and a greatgrandfather Civil War vet - and I'm anti-war. I'm a card carrying Republican and I've voted Democratic more times than I can count.

We currently live in a 3000+ sq ft house with 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, and 1 1/4 acre lot with about 8 acres behind us (partially wooded, owned by my wife's parents, she's an only child) that we raised our 3 kids in, but they're long gone, and we're looking to move (smaller!!!) to the west side of the state, nearer water - if the market for house sales is decent - so things will be changing.

Guess that about covers it, probably boring to most, but that's me.

Thanks for asking, Hosler's-wife


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I was born in the year 1812 in a small town located in England. I met a young man who went by the name Waldo von Deutchensmasher who was an immortal. He shared with me the secrets of immortality and other things but I lost the memory of this in a freak penny farthing accident. That midget clown would never be the same. From there I moved to the Americas to find myself a fortune in car insurance. Sadly I was ahead of my time as cars would not be invented for another 100 years. I met a traveling carnival who adopted me as one of their own and we shared in the riches and spoils of the 20 dollars we made each night. I would part ways with them upon finding out they were in fact faking it all and the merwoman was really a corpse in a fish tail. 1910 came and went with no real meaning but it wasn't until I fought Teddy Roosevelt in a kangaroo costume that I hit it big. I would then meet a shaman who went by the name of Abraham Lincoln(not the same one john wilkes booth encountered but he was also tall and wore a hat) who told me only by defeating Adolf Hitler and his giant gorilla robot would I save the world.

After beating Hitler in a Super Mario Brothers 3 matchup I proceeded to take his stuff. Among said stuff I found a wicked cool wand. And that's where babies come from.

Now that you know my life story from whenever I will tell you of the life I had starting 1986 onward. Upon being born I was already a huge Ghostbusters fan. Ninja turtles were cool too but Ghostbusters were where it was at. So a proton accelerator in one hand and a NES controller in the other I was ready to begin my life as a awkward weirdie. Couple that with my preference to books and encyclopedias I found myself avoiding people in general. I have always been quiet but with a rage behind it. Rage came from..well see the title of these here forums for why I hated myself for the longest time. Anyway, I always loved to draw and while I may not be the very best like noone ever was, to draw them was my real test, coloring for my cause. Oh gawd, I also love pokemans red. The old ones up to silver cause then it got too dang weird for me.

I grew up around comics cause my dad was a collector so I was always there to destroy his comics and read up on them. Xmen was my favorite. They were different but they fought for their right to be. I identified with that. So my unnatural love for comics and cartoons aside I also love music. Mainly heavy metal. I started off with metallica and the like but moved my way towards cradle of filth and all that. I play guitar as often as I can but sadly at the moment it's sitting in the bowels of a pawnshop awaiting my arrival to repurchase it. I am prone to moments where I wonder if I control the fabric of reality. You know the whole "if you close the fridge door do the contents cease to exist?" I close my eyes and wonder if it all just disappears.

So in a word I am probably half insane but only enough to know I am but that would mean I am not so how could I justify calling myself as such?

Anyway. I used to play the heck outta World of Warcraft. Finally canceled it a month ago. Good bye my geared 80 hunter who had like 5k+ achievement points. Frightener you will be missed. I am a christian albeit not a very good one. I am constantly worried about what will happen to me when I die because of what others tell me. I will probably burn. :x

I love anything fox related. They are my favorite animals. So cute and red. All dogs love me. It's weird I have never met one who didn't. Even the big "mean" pitbulls. They just come up to me and I pet the heck outta them. I would say I definitely prefer animals to people. However I HATE BUGS OMG OMG OMG! Freaking stingy evil little mooks! Fireants and bees are the worst.

I have a terrible phobia of heights and any water where I cannot see past my hands. Or any water I know things tend to inhabit. I read this story that sent a chill down my spine about a guy in the 50s or so who was a test diver for the navy or something. He was in a bay sitting in a concrete recliner to test the gear and the water was deep green murky. He said he felt his hair stand on end and a chill go down his back and then out of the right comes a massive great white shark who tried to eat him. He was saved by his harpoon gun hitting a oxygen tank. That right there ensures I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever go out to sea or even a bay.

I love all things paranormal, UFOS, ghosts monster quest. All of it. It helps feed my imagination that there is more to this world than we know. I just want to believe that. Much like the foxes of japanese culture I am mischievous. I love pranks. None that go too far mind you but I am pretty proud to say I stunk up an entire high school with just 3 stinkbombs strategically placed by the vents. It was beautiful. And with that I leave you this wall o' text to read or pass up :D

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Guest NatashaJade

Lovely topic...

I'm a geek in so many ways. First and foremost I'm a theatre geek. I teach it. I live it. I love it. I have a sign on my door that reads, "Theatre is life. Film is art. Television is furniture." I played Harold Hill in "The Music Man" when I was 9 and it was the last lead role I ever had. I've always been a backstage person, a tech and a stage manager as well as a writer. I won a few awards for my plays when I was in college, but I gave up writing plays when people started paying me to write movies. I've written two shorts that have been filmed and sold one feature vampire script to a major studio that they bought and put on the shelf to protect another vampire film they had in production. But you know, I love the stage more than movies and now that I am teaching it, I get to direct plays that I love (mostly Shakespeare!) and pass on my passion to another generation.

I'm also a gamer geek. But really, an old fashioned D&D role player more than a video gamer (I like video games, but I've grown too old to play some as the movement makes me a little sick...although I did have a blast with Street Fighter 4 on my PS3). I used to work for a game company, writing and running adventures at game conventions in L.A. I am lucky to have found a few gamer friends here in Arizona and we play all sorts of things, but mostly stuff that involves character sheets, dice, imagination an pizza.

I mentioned that I am a writer. I have been working on a novel for a number of years and am currently getting an MFA in creative writing - hopefully to spur me to finish my novel. It's simple in its story and yet epic in its scope. And really long.

I also collect things. I collect little lighthouses. I love them and would love to be a lighthouse keeper. I imagine myself on some lovely cliff in the northeast walking out to the bluff wih my skirt blowing behind me before I go up into the lighthouse where I have a converted office where I write. Aside from owning a theatre, it's my dream.

I'm a secular humanist who believes in quantum theory as a scientific and spiritual system. I have two amazing children (a boy and a girl) and an incredible wife. I love riding motorcycles, but not in Phoenix. I have many very large tattoos that are mostly symbolic of my wife or children except for the half sleeve on my right arm of Hamlet on stage. I can't wait to get something a little more feminine, such as a variation on my avatar, but that is for when I go full time (as my symbolic reward for "taking the plunge").

I'm sure I'm leaving things out...



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I'm foremost a Zen Buddhist. In keeping with Zen practice, I try to be unattached to many things, which translates to a very boring existence by most standards. But I love being out of doors, hiking, paddling a canoe, enjoying the beauty of nature and of man.

I work for a small hospital, doing everything from computer programming to repair, as well as financial analysis, inventory management, and billing management. In my spare time, I'm a caretaker for my disabled wife and I can come to Laura's and try to help out here.

Love, Kat

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Guest Elizabeth K

This is the most amazing TOPIC!

I know most here - or so I thought - but WOW!

Donna Jean grows flowers, I grow green plants and cacti and... mildew (wet in Louisiana)

Sally writes poetry, I write prose and call it poetry

Carolyn is a management type - I am helping rebuild New Orleans

Jean Davis knits and sews, I can put on a button that comes undone IF I can get the needle threaded

Alex is an artist and I am a pen and ink illustrator

Kathleen is a Zen Buddist and takes care of a disabled wife - I just open my mouth in wonder at that!

Gin among other things loves the Shakespearean world, and I read those plays and sonnets - and live in a different world for a while!

Ashley is dull - has no imagination - HA!

Chloë is a Renaisance woman - interests all over the place, and I am just "all over the place" - grin.

Perlitarose is a naturalist, and in a place I share - at peace with God.

Steven - solitary pagan - me to, but with Catholocism mixed in! I dance, but I have my rosery beads on - grin.

Andre - a wonder and one to watch... self assured under it all - a rarity

Cris - loves a Border Collie - have had seven Shelties in my life - smart and loving fur-people

and lastly, Holsers Wife - a good person we are lucky to have around


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Guest Alex Blitzen

Well most of the time I can't make up my mind about who I am lol

Am I an artist? A writer? A student? A teacher? I don't know, your guess is as good as mine :P

I just like to do everything and learn anything. Maybe that describes who I am. Other people are better at knowing who I am than I am lol

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Guest ~Brenda~

Hi Chelsey,

My profile basically states who I am :)

In a nutshell...

I have raised three children all of whom are living their lives sucessfully and as incredible caring, loving people :) What I found so incredible about them is that they would become friends with those who had no friends. That is how much they love people.

I was married for almost 20 years, until who I am was just too much for the marriage.

I am employed as a software architect. I design the systems that provide you with all that you know (i.e. cell phones, microprocessors, iPad, networking, etc.)

The micro-chips in your computer were made by the machines that I design the software for that allow this technology to exist.

I consider myself an intellect, but I have many issues... being transgendered is only one of them.

Basically, I give myself, my skills, to the progress of mankind.

I am also a musician :) I have played guitar since... well... since forever :) I honestly cannot remember a time when being a musician was not a part of my life.

Like everyone else... I struggle with life.


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Guest doodle

Lets see who am I... I work in a museum as a security supervisor .... I'm the shop steward for my shift. I read a lot of poetry subscribe to Poetry and American poetry... i also read a lot of gender stuff... not religious. I'm political active and go lobby, work phones and go on picket lines for different social topics as well as gender... have a b a. and a masters got them late in life.. I'm laid back and easy going. Married , my partner is a musician. she knew about me from the beginning. We have been together a long time. I do all the cooking and enjoy it ... i like housework ... i do a lot of cycling I used to be crazy about men and lived with a few of them . I quit them quite a while ago. I somehow always choose abusive men grew up in a foster home until i was seven. lived with my grandmother and two sisters, uh family dropped me when I was 26. I moved to NYC and still live here and own my own apartment. I was a drug addict and an alcoholic.for years but functioned for years I couldn't leave my apartment and face the world with out being high... for a short while I was homeless. never arrested. 'I've had a difficult life but I think it has made me a kinder more caring person. i mostly stay to myself and my partner not really any friends Maybe you guys.


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Let's see who am I, this is not going to be a very healthy exercise for me as I have a lot of demons to be exorcised.

I am among the world's top ten starters and near the bottom at finishing....

I plan and dream constantly.......

I have been paid for playing the trumpet and taking pictures but have managed to regain my amateur status in both.....

I love music and playing my trumpet....

I have nearly two dozen compositions half finished...non completed....

I used to play piano, string bass, drums and trombone....

I am a poet but I never quite get around to submitting anything for publication...

I am a novelist with one completed novel...never submitted for publication and three just begun...one barely beyond outline form.....

I get bored with my own compositions and want to see the end now...most short stories end up as merely short essays....

I love to cook....hate to wash dishes and pans....

I am liberal in my views as I feel that the Status Quo is never good enough....

I am a Christian.....I have no use for organized religions and do not seek their Country Club Memberships......

I am an optimist who can barley see beyond the dark cloud......

I see the good in others.....even when it doesn't exist.....

I feel compelled to help others before I help myself.....

I tend to avoid success....

I am not an addictive personality....

I have never drunk, smoked or even tried drugs.......

I have had so much of a problem with my gender identity issues that I remain a virgin.....even after a marriage of more than five years.....

I tend to take care of others and let myself go....

I am painfully shy when not selling something.....

I am a good public speaker....but I had better know the subject inside and out because I never take the time to write anything down...

I constantly struggle against my very nature to accomplish something before I die.....

I have had moments of brilliance which shine even brighter against the background of mediocrity that surround them....

I am told that I fail to try....in fact I try....I just fail to finish.....

I can read the hand writing on the wall....no one listens when I read it to them....

I am psychic......I told you before I began that this would be painful.....

Love ya,

Sall (I never finish anything!)

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Guest N.Chaos

I'm...a whole bunch of weirdness rolled up into one fat little Italian kid.

I fight, cook, sew, paint and have a growing addiction to tattoos.

I used to drink a lot but almost died, so cut down massively. All I drink now is red wine and that's not often.

I smoke a little bit, it depends on how stressed out I am.

I'm a writer, am getting published in an anthology soon, and always looking for more places to get my writing out.

Violence for me is almost better than sex. Hence the fighting comment.

I used to be a huge cutter, but have stopped. I chose to keep the scars though, because they remind me of the male bovine crap I managed to live through.

I've got a massive beef with Christianity, and it's best not to prod at that subject much.

I'm a complete dork and love Philosophy. Nietzsche is a personal hero of mine.

After taking 7 years of Spanish, I sometimes input random phrases in Spanish that are never relevant. I'm addicted to any kind of spicy food.

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Guest Liam

That was fun, reading everybody else's descriptions of themselves. :) Guess it's my turn...

I am a 21-year-old college student in a rural area in Eastern Washington. I'm majoring in Gender Studies with a concentration in Politics and a minor in Sociology, and I was almost a Geology major, so I guess you could say my studies have kind of been all over the place. I'm really active in social justice-oriented activities at my school and in the community, and after college I really want to work with a LGBT-related nonprofit that works on broader social issues. I also love singing and have been in choirs since I was in the third grade. I used to play rugby, and it's definitely my favorite sport. I can be really shy until I warm up to people, and I have fairly intense social anxiety, though that's gotten a bit better over the last few years. I'm also really independent and often really stubborn. I learned to read when I was three and have been a voracious reader ever since. I love hiking, backpacking, camping, rock climbing, etc., and I've spent two summers of my life on a trail crew and another two summers working as a resident camp counselor, both of which were amazing experiences. I'm half Lebanese and half European/American blend, and I spoke three languages fluently when I was growing up (English, Spanish, Arabic), though I can really only speak English well now. I was raised strictly Catholic (12 years of Catholic school and all), but now am really unsure of what I believe religiously, though I still go to a Christian church. I think my ideas line up most with Unitarian Universalism, though, so when I move to a bigger city, I'll probably try to seek out a UU church. And lastly, I have a final exam in statistics this afternoon, so I'd best stop rambling about myself and go study!

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Guest Hoslers_wife


If any of you ever travel to Seattle or surrounding areas, please be sure to let me know as my husband and myself would love to take you to lunch, or better yet cook you something myself. (I'm a FABULOUS cook) (and Nick is a FABULOUS eater) He's sitting behind me editing lol. For the time that I've been on here I've only gotten him to sit down for a couple minutes at a time and skim through what I'm trying to show him about Lauras but today he just read ALL of this thread and has said maybe he will spend a bit more time here. I LOVE IT! We played hookie today and have a lazy romantic day ahead of us so good bye for now ladies and gents.


Nick and Chelsey Hosler

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    • Adrianna Danielle
      Happy news for me,found out the 24 year old daughter I am the possible father,I am her bio dad.DNA test that was done confirmed it.She told happy LGBT pride month to me.She is happy to find her bio dad finally.She is staying for the weekend
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I personally don't understand how wearing panties is comfortable for much of anybody.  I'm AFAB, but there's just too much naturally, um...down there....for panties to be comfortable.  Consequences of being intersex, I guess.  I'd suggests some slightly-looser shorts instead.  There are some that are marketed to women, but have a kind of androgynous look to them.  Wish I knew a brand name, but I could ask my friends.  Both of my trans friends are non-op, so they have no doubt experienced how you're feeling.   Ugh... I get really irritable when GF keeps trying to put me back in female underwear because she says I "look pretty" that way.  I never thought I looked pretty that way or any other way, and the pinching/pulling/chafing combined with the overly-noticeable outlines of....stuff.... just makes it no-go for me.  Last time she approached me with an underwear item, I warned her she was going to get bit.   
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I don't think so.  People may disagree with me, but I don't believe there's such a thing as "gay culture," "trans culture," "White culture," "Hispanic culture," or similar terms because those are really big umbrellas.    My background is Greek, and I live in the Mid-South part of the USA.  I share some of my trans-ness with my trans friends, and some aspects of our backgrounds and beliefs are similar.  But honestly, its impossible for me and the average trans person from California to agree on much of anything past the color of an orange and the fact that we don't quite fit in our bodies.    
    • Vidanjali
      Just heard from surgeon. Surgery successful and she's awake and resting well. Spleen was large about only about 100ml blood loss, probably all from bleeding into the mass & not from any rupturing. Dr didn't see anything else worrying except a liver nodule which she biopsied although she suspects the nodule is just age-related. She's anemic but they're holding off on blood transfusion for now bc they believe she'll recover naturally. About a week to get biopsy report. And Dr said if she continues to do as well as she has so far, she may be able to come home tomorrow. So best news possible so far. ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
    • Hope32
      Well she did choose me in the end not him. Just frustrated that it was so hard to get her to do that.
    • April Marie
      Yes there is!
    • missyjo
      is there a zoom tonight? will try to be here after work   simple print top n floral skirt   hugs
    • KathyLauren
      I am sorry to hear that your friend turned out to not be a friend at all.  But that is the bottom line: she is not a friend.  She has chosen to ally herself with him and he is toxic to be around.
    • Vidanjali
      Please pray for my precious baby lady, my Siberian husky, who is having emergency surgery this afternoon to remove her spleen and a large mass attached to it. May the surgery be successful and uncomplicated, recovery be swift and easy, and pathology be benign. She is our sunshine girl. 
    • Vidanjali
      I decided to post here in the "other faiths" forum to declare this thread non-denominational and inclusive of all faiths, creeds, philosophies, etc. I thought it would be beneficial for our community to have a thread where we could reach out with requests for prayers, thoughts, intentions, or however individuals understand the sending of good vibes. So feel free to post here. Whether or not you get direct responses to your request, know it's been received, read, and honored. And may peace and ease be yours. 
    • LittleSam
      Hi, you can be a trans man and be agender aswell. I know it seems like a contradiction, but I see myself as non binary and I'm accepting myself as a trans man also. You could be called trans masculinine also. If you like trans man the best though, go for it. You can be a GNC trans man.  Have you heard of gender fluid? Not saying this is you, but it does relate to what you say. Sometimes you seem genderless, more agender and sometimes more masculine. I also see myself as a bit genderfluid, but only for the masc genders. I never wear anything fem so would never consider myself a fem boy. I used to think I was , non binary, then a demi man, trans masc,  trans man. I can't pin a label to what I am. My counsellor said I may be genderfluid, but a very masc genderfluid person. I love that you hate societal gender roles, I do too! I dress like a stereotypical guy because that's my style anyway, but I won't change my hobbies or personality to suit what a "man" is.
    • Willow
      @Lydia_R   I seem to recall my mother making us cream of wheat or Quaker rolled oats in the wintertime. I don’t know about “old fashion” or “steel cut”. Now I preferred either with sugar and or berries and the cream of wheat with some milk.  I believe my older sister liked her’s with maple syrup.   as far as a “larger culture”. I think you will find that even though we all support each other there is no singular culture.  There are conservative values shared here and there are very radical everyone for the cause and rights.  I like to think that I am someplace in the middle.  No, I don’t go to Pride events nor transgender day of remembrance .  I don’t go to clubs or bars where others hang out.  I do try to hold council with others that need someone to talk to or a hug, or if I know of a group that might be helpful or a doctor, I will pass that on.  But yes I am out of the closet, go to work and church and do everything as a woman.  The male side of me is gone.   i get asked personal questions sometimes and while I neither get mad that what they are asking is too personal, I also don’t speak out oh yes ive done this or that or plan to do this or that.  I leave it with I've done everything I intend to do, or I didn’t figure this out until I was 68 years old because I knew nothing about what being transgender was. You have those that were kicked out of their home, I wasn’t, those that got divorced, I didn’t and those that have to put up with others who refuse to accept your gender, your rights to be who you are, and that I do get every day.   so is there a representative culture for being transgender?  Tell me I’m wrong, but I don’t think so I think we are a suppress percentage of the population that are getting braver but who get trampled all the time.   Willow
    • Carolyn Marie
    • Willow
      No not really.  But I’ll survive.
    • Mikayla2024
      Hi Ashley,   Thank you so much the reply !!!   That makes total sense with trusting the process and knowing that it’s not a sprint but rather like a marathon like you were saying.    So far so good with the Spiro 2 days in. Other than peeing a lot lol. But, no other noticeable side effects which I’m happy to report. However, I am MUCH happier that I’ve started at least somewhere. Gender Dysphoria symptoms are VERY real and starting treatment has made me SO much happier.   But, I will definitely look into the other options for E as you mentioned as there are definitely other options to consider other than the systemic route, thank you!!    p.s also trust in the process yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re a beautiful girl inside and out no matter what. “Patience is a virtue” is a proverb I’ve always lived by.   Much love girly 😊❤️
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