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A Feeling I Had Today

Guest Emily Ray

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Guest Emily Ray

Hi Ladies,

I am staying at my Mom and Dad's house for the holidays and my nephew is here also. Today, I was watching him and just admiring what kind of man he has turned out to be. He has juvenile Diabetes and is maybe 5'8" tall and weighs 108lbs. and has completed his Fireman's Training In Michigan which has the hardest training program in the country. He still looks like he's fourteen but don't be fooled! he works the night shift as a welder and has some great insight on life. As a volunteer fireman he has had people die in his arms, and from those experiences he has a perspective and maturity not often found in a young man. And as I was watching him this afternoon I started to morn the man I never was! I don't want to be a man. that never worked out to well for me and I know that. I am often jealous of my female friends because of their ability to be sexual with a man. Of course these are thoughts I only share with my friends here. In AA it is said we are only as sick as our secrets and I don't want to have secrets from anyone. It really starts to bug me when I haven't shared something with a friend that I should. I don't know where I am going with this rant so I'll stop now



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Guest sarah f

Emily it is perfectly ok to wonder what if but that isn't who we are. You are a beautiful girl and nobody can say otherwise. We are just correcting our body to match our mind. We were never male so don't beat yourself up thinking about the what if's.

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Those kinds of feelings are sometimes the hardest for me. What would it have been like to be a real woman inside and out and what would I have been like? I feel a deep aversion to being a woman inside but still I can't help but wonder. Just as I look with envy sometimes on the tall strong men I see and can never be.

But I don't think I've really felt jealousy as much as a regret that I will never know how it feels to be either a natal man or a natal woman.

I don't dwell on that.

Anymore than I dwell on what it would be like to be really wealthy and never have to feel the fear and insecurity that financial difficulties brings. I can't change it so I acknowledge that I felt it and strive to let it go. Those are natural feelings but can easily turn toxic if given the chance. I don't think you'll give them a chance either.



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Guest JustShelly

But I don't think I've really felt jealousy as much as a regret that I will never know how it feels to be either a natal man or a natal woman.

I don't dwell on that.

Anymore than I dwell on what it would be like to be really wealthy and never have to feel the fear and insecurity that financial difficulties brings. I can't change it so I acknowledge that I felt it and strive to let it go. Those are natural feelings but can easily turn toxic if given the chance. I don't think you'll give them a chance either.



This is where I am with my thoughts, constantly. The problem is I do dwell on it SO MUCH. At least I recognise I do that. :blush:

Even though I would consider myself an above average Father, I still look at other Fathers and think, "If I could've been more like him, my kids would be better off"

I Have the same thinking at times about being a man, but I was a man so many years of my life that I feel I did the best that I could of done with my gid issues. I don't look at most men and Fathers with envy, most are less of a man I WAS. I do notice though with the young men maturing into adults, I often think. "WHAT IF" though I am proud of many of these young men. Including one of my own. The finest most respectable young man you will see :)

I do constantly look at natal females with envy, only to realise I will always be a trans woman. I am learning little by little to except that, but the envy is always there.


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Guest Emily Ray

Thank you all for your responses. One of the main reasons I come to this site is the knowledge that I am not alone in my thoughts no matter how crazy they may seem to me. It isn't often that I have something that I can't figure out with a little time and thought, but when it does occur, this site is my primary resource for help. Thank you all!



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    • Mikayla2024
      Hi Ashley,   Thank you so much the reply !!!   That makes total sense with trusting the process and knowing that it’s not a sprint but rather like a marathon like you were saying.    So far so good with the Spiro 2 days in. Other than peeing a lot lol. But, no other noticeable side effects which I’m happy to report. However, I am MUCH happier that I’ve started at least somewhere. Gender Dysphoria symptoms are VERY real and starting treatment has made me SO much happier.   But, I will definitely look into the other options for E as you mentioned as there are definitely other options to consider other than the systemic route, thank you!!    p.s also trust in the process yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re a beautiful girl inside and out no matter what. “Patience is a virtue” is a proverb I’ve always lived by.   Much love girly 😊❤️
    • Hope32
    • christinakristy2021
    • Amy Powell
      Update: I have been put on blood pressure meds to lower a minor case of hypertension.  This has seemed to help the sore danglies quite alot. This was unexpected, however very happy this issue "may" be solved.
    • Mmindy
      Welcome to TransPulseForums    Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Hope32
      I have a cis gal friend who I care about a lot. We've shared many memories and experiences, she knew me before I started transitioning and for the entire time we've known each other it seemed like we only got closer and only loved each other more with every day that passed. But then, a fascist wondered into her community and for the last 2 years he's always been there. Every time I spoke he would attack me with unhealthy politics propaganda and unhealthy politics sympathetic revisions of history. As time went on I started spending less and less time around her because... you know... getting hate speeched by A unhealthy politics simp every time I opened my mouth was a traumatizing thing. I've been raising the alarm bells about him from the very start, complaining to her each time it happened... which was literally every time but she made endless excuses "Oh he's just joking", "Ok maybe he's a little bit serious but this is a casual space.", "Ok sure he's a problem but you can trust me to handle it." This went on for so long that finally they had prioritized this freaking neo-unhealthy politics's comfort over mine to the extent that, while hanging out last night I said a single word to help my friend think of the word she was forgetting and this freak used it as a que to attack me with unhealthy politics propaganda yet again. If my friends are giving so much consideration to a unhealthy politics simp that I've lost so much space in their community that I can't even utter a single word without being beaten viciously over the head with unhealthy politics propaganda then A) How much more of my space could this unhealthy politics simp possibly violate then that? And B) how could I ever feel safe speaking around this person ever again?  So I finally snapped and we spent hours arguing about it. Again she made every excuse, used every thing she could think of to squirm out of actually having to do anything about it. I gave up a few times but I kept coming back to push more, because she was standing up for a unhealthy politics over her crying friend who he's been verbally assaulting for 2 years now. I had to know I could trust her to ban unhealthy politics sympathizes spreading fascists propaganda and attacking her friends or we couldn't be friends anymore. Eventually I just directly gave her a choice, me or him, ether ban the unhealthy politics simp or never see me again. And again she tried to fight for this unhealthy politics but almost immediately she realized what was at stake and finally mercifully banned him making me feel safe in her community for the first time in years. From here there's a possibility of the damage being healed but honestly I'm still really hurt.  Why did I have to fight so hard to get my friend to prioritize my comfort and safety over someone who would happily lock me in a cage and torture me to death for fun if they had the chance? What hurts too is I reached out today just cause I was worried she might need assuring that we're going to be ok and that I still love her. And she never responded. A full 24 hours and nothing... I cared enough about her that I was worried she might need a quick message of re-assurance even though I'm still upset and didn't really want to talk to her, I was worried about her and found the strength to check on her anyway... but she couldn't even manage an emoji or something to reassure me. How would you all feel if this happened to you? If you're close friend capitulated space and tolerance to a unhealthy politics for years while you constantly had to fight to get something done about it, and once something was finally done you still can't feel good about it cuz again... she fought with me for this unhealthy politics's comfort and consideration tooth and nail until I literally had to do the last thing you ever want to do with a friend... and I had to threaten to break off our friendship to finally get something done about it. I don't blame her for not responding to me today, in fact I get it... after how ugly yesterday got I wouldn't want to talk to anyone for a few days ether, but again even something as simple as just a thumbs up emoji so I can be confident she's not mad at me would have made all the difference. Why are people like this? Why do they give space and tolerance to people who'd sooner kill both of us then allow us human rights? Considering the history between trans-folk and unhealthy politics's how would this make you feel? Honestly I want to know. I understand that most people can't identify fascism when they see it and that's why I let her get away with this for so long... I knew she didn't know any better... but I still feel like even without the neo-unhealthy politics context in the story if someone... anyone is being this psychotic to your friends you should hate them.... not spend years joking around with them and endlessly covering for their -crappy- behavior.
    • Lydia_R
      This isn't the best picture, but this is my other arcade gaming setup.  The game on the right is on a touch screen and is a game I coded in 2007.  I had it on the app stores for a decade, but it just became too much of a pain to keep them up there because of all of their rules and OS changes.  My game is very much like this Hoyle Mahjong I play in that it just waits for you to make the next move.  I'm very much into arcade games because of the math and angles.  Aiming.  I think that aiming is a basic thing in life and is why we have so many guns in our cultures.  Guns are unfortunate, but I love aiming.  I have these nice Aerobie freebees that I wish I could find someone to play with.  I've been throwing them in my empty house the last few days and that has been fun.  It's fun having a fairly large empty house that is full of a decade of memories, but I'm likely headed out into a much smaller space after I move.  It's what I have to do for work and the work is good, so I do my best to enjoy the journey.    
    • Lydia_R
      I still eat 1/2C of old fashioned oats a few days a week.  Not so into that steel cut stuff.  I always mix it with rice.  If I screw up and make the oats and don't have any rice, then I typically throw the cooked oats away.  I guess I have my picky routines that I've developed over the decades.   I've been exposed to a lot of transgender people in the last year with many of them living with me.  This wasn't even on my radar years ago.  It sure is interesting, but I don't know how representative of the larger culture it is.
    • Birdie
    • Ladypcnj
      America needs new leadership, but the House seems a bit laid back on that idea, being a President in any position takes a lot of responsibilities and keeping world peace at the same time. 
    • April Marie
      Thank you so much @Willow.
    • Willow
      Good morning everyone   well I think it is official, I picked up a rhinovirus at work no doubt.  I do try to be careful but you can’t always.  I hate wearing a mask. And I can only wash my hands or use sanitizer just so many times.   headache, plugged up nose, lots of phlegm even my ears are plugged up.  I’m doing everything I can but I’m afraid this one’s just going to have to run its course.  Too late for zinc or vitamin C although I will add some to my daily regimen.     I’ve got a lot to do today.  I even have to teach my wife how to drive the new car so she can get my son and daughter-in-law on Tuesday while I’m at work.  Yes it’s that different!  And the first time she’s been behind the wheel since February.  Hard to believe it’s June!   Happy Pride Month.  I had a really nice picture to post but it wouldn’t allow me to copy it.     Willow   “yes I’m old fashion, I still sign my letters”
    • Willow
      Good morning   @April Marie my condolences and prayers for your family.  I realize how difficult it is to process when a family member passes especially when it happen so quickly.  Sending special hugs your way.   Willow
    • Davie
      Happy Pride, everyone! Get out and march and show your colors and show your pictures here! Everywhere around the world. LGBTQ+ Pride Month is starting to show its colors around the world.  Pride Month, the worldwide celebration of LGBTQ+ culture and rights, kicks off Saturday with events around the globe. But this year’s festivities in the U.S. will unfold against a backdrop of dozens of new state laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, particularly transgender young people. https://apnews.com/article/pride-month-lgbtq-2024-1abf80d0cf1026b60b47f565e9953fec
    • April Marie
      Thank you @Ivy.
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