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Becoming Chaz

Guest Lizzie McTrucker

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Guest Lizzie McTrucker

Here's the link from the movie database: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1705969/

From what I understand, it's been playing on HBO recently. It's about Chaz Bono (formerly Chastity Bono) and his transition and his family's reaction, particularly Cher's. I've heard it's pretty good and one of the things people have been surprised by was the emotional and mental changes after taking T.

So yeah...check it out or if you have seen it, let us know what you thought! :)

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Guest Elizabeth K

I saw part of it. It was too close to what I have felt and experienced and I could not watch. I had to turn it off. It is well done - so it should educate people about us. SHOULD. No guarantees.


Oh - on cable - OWN network

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Guest Lauren S

I stayed up to watch it last night and losing the sleep was absolutely worth it to me! I was worried that the documentary might gloss over some of the more unpleasant parts of transition, but I thought it was brutally honest.

I had a hard time watching it, too, Lizzy (K, to be specific since there's two of you :P ) but I'm glad that I did struggle through it and see the whole thing, because it was really interesting!

I hope everybody gets a chance to see this, it's definitely worth an hour and a half of your time! :)


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I was impressed that Chaz was so articulate about all aspects of his life and transition, no stammering around, just an honest account of his feelings.

I was impressed with Cher's level of understanding and yet she is still having trouble accepting it - she is working on it and does truly love Chaz.

It was hard to watch at times but it was very well made.

Love ya,


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Guest Roux

I haven't seen it, but I've read the back cover of the book he just released. If anyone's read it, I'd like to hear what they think of it, too.

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Guest Karen K

I saw it on OWN last night and I watched all but the last fifteen minutes, painful memories and emotions got me too. But it was very well done and honest.

I am dissapointed that I had missed the previous program, "Our American with Lisa Ling" profiled five transsexuals. I hope it replays this week.

Laura Jane

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I watched Lisa Ling and found the program to be very well done and in good taste. I had seen it before and didn't mind watching it again.

"Becoming Chaz", is the best doc., that I've ever seen. It was done with an exellent production crew and they really captured the essence of transitioning.

The part where Chaz underwent "boob" removel was really excellent and right on time. Following Dr. Brownstein's interview with Chaz was good. The marking of the breasts removal, the pre surgery room and the after surgery moments were excellant also. To my knowledge I can never remember a program going into such detail with an FTM. The inter action between he and Jenny was quite good. I got tickeled at the "raging-bull" hormone comment. Well, it's a fact guys, "T" makes a man hornier than .........

I also liked meeting the sponsers who loaned him the money to have his top surgery. Also, the other couple of guys who had helped him legally.

All in all, I give Chaz, the film and the after show with Rosie a Five star rating!!!!!!!!!

It should become recomended viewing, used by therpists, to any female who is considering changing genders. Mike

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On an added note: The releif that Chaz felt in loosing 6 1/2 pds of "moobs" would be the equilvelment of a MTF loosing his equipment downstairs. The emotional elation is supreme when you realize that your prayers, hopes & dreams have come true. No turning back, only forward into a new body,gender and life.

Dee Jay, I'm glad that you watched it all the way through. I figured that you would.


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Guest ChloëC

Having vicariously followed their lives since about 1965, I'd like to share some thoughts.

I remember when Sonny and Cher first arrived, I've Got You Babe. First song I ever recorded off the air (old style tape recorder). I saw them on the old Lloyd Thaxton TV show and Cher said very dramatically (shades of lives to come), that she would never wear a dress again. (remember she was all pants in that stage).

Enjoyed their songs through the 60's as Cher's voice took more and more control, then their fade and rebirth by way of Vegas (give Sonny lots of credit for being able to reinvent them), then Sonny and Cher show (and Cher finding Bob Mackie and all those unbelievably gorgeous gowns), and Chastity (now Chaz) appearing in the most beautiful little dresses, frills galore, and looking like 'what the heck am I doing here looking like this?' Yep, I had no idea she was GID, but she sure looked it.

So, see, it looks like Cher can only blame herself cuz based on age, she still had to have been in the no dress mode when Chaz was being thought about! (lol!)



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Guest Karen K

Lizzy, I was thinking the LLoyd who show?, I only remember the Sonny and Cher Show! and I thought that dates me.

Laura Jane

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Guest ChloëC

Lloyd Thaxton was an aging DJ who tried to cash in on the early rock and roll/pop stage with a competing show to penis Clark's Bandstand. Was on in the mid afternoon (Chicago Time) about 4PM weekdays. Lasted about a year.

Sonny and Cher were very unique at the time, the first 'hippie' couple to make the Top 40 after very straight duos like penis and DeeDee, Paul and Paula. They certainly stood out!



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Guest Melanie Dawn

I dvred it and watched it last night (from OWN)... it was well done, and towards the beginning i could relate, BUT. being that he's a celebrity (by proxy), and could stay isolated as long as he wished, it was hard to relate in the long run.

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Guest PaintedWingss

I missed it when it first aired on OWN, so I'm taping it to watch later on. I can't wait to watch it! C:

- Taylor

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Guest My_Genesis

I wanted to see this!! lol I didn't know it was on HBO.... my mom taped it on.. OWN I think. Or NatGeo. Neither of which I have in school.. she taped it though at least. I definitely want to hear more Chaz stuff :P I've seen him in several interviews and I've always wanted to hear stuff in more depth... lol and it's been a few months I've known about the documentary.

Now to get the DVD out of my mom's possession... :P

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I saw it, tried to keep an open mind but I really didn't like the movie. I also saw Our America with Lisa Ling (the transgender episode) and didn't like that either. With Becoming Chaz I didn't feel like anybody was likeable. I thought it was kind of boring. Chaz getting fitted for a suit, Chaz brushing his teeth.

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I actually got my sister and mom to sit down and watch it with me when it premiered on the Oprah network on Tuesday. It was really difficult to watch, but I could see the gears turning in my mom's head during the whole thing.

We debated calmly about a few topics during the film, and things seemed to go pretty well. I think the reality of everything kind of sank in for her. Now instead of her mindset of "you don't know what the hell you're doing," it's more of a "you better be really sure about this because it's really serious stuff." Though her main issue is still that she thinks I need to date more people, and that I could meet a girl that I would be happy with and not want this. Sigh. But, that's a story for another time.

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Guest tucker

my mom and I watched it together and now she is letting me start testosterone even though im under eighteen. very good!

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Guest PaintedWingss

Maybe if I let my mom watch it with me, she'd be a little more open to my male side, but I doubt it would do any good. Still can't wait to watch it, though.

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Unfortunately, I can tell you, from reading other "boards"; that the FTM TS community pretty well chewed Chaz up and spit him to the side of the road.

I didn't like the documentary film at all. They ragged on the part of where his sports bra showed where he was tan. Said that real Tss wear binders and therefore couldn't tan like that. Then, they ragged on his weight. His breast size, Dr. Berstein's surgical procedures and the fact that other "top" surgeons were excluded.

Then, they got on "bottom" surgery. Saying that Chaz had not donw his home work on genital surgery. That new methods would all for an erection and penetration.

The discourse went on & on, til I finally tired of reading it. So what, if Chaz might have been remiss in some of his statements. But, they were his thoughts on the subject matter, not Charlys, Joes or Billy-Bob's. I think that there was a ton of jealousy emmitting from their casutic remarks. If they [ the back-biters] are so gung ho on bottom surgery, they need to call upNat-Geo, the History Chanell or someone and offer to let them watch their bottom surgery being done.

But hey, I'm an old man- what do these youngsters care about what I have to say..............


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Howzittx

I loved the movie. It was hard to watch and it brought up some emotions that were hard to deal with, but it was very well done. My mom watched it and said that she saw a lot of what he talked about in me growing up, so it was good for opening up some dialogue. What I really enjoyed about the movie was when he talked about dating as a FTM. It made me understand some of the relationship issues I have felt, but couldn't really put into words. I could totally relate when he was talking about how he didn't really want anyone touching the parts of him that were female, I get that completely. As a transgender, those are the things I am most uncomfortable with, yet when being intimate, that's what people are drawn to. I guess that's why I'm still single. Where do you meet someone that understands all of this and is willing to deal with it? LOL All in all, I really liked it and could relate to it.


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Guest Shaun_33

That's crazy! I can't believe that he's being criticized by the rest of the FtM community. So what if his experience is different than others? So what if he's making his transition in a way that's different from what someone else would do?

Seriously??? It's a personal decision, we all must choose our own path, and we all have our own reasons for the choices we make. It is not anyone else's place to judge another person's journey.

Binding is not the safest practice in the world from a health standpoint. Personally, binding doesn't make me feel any less dysphoric or self conscious about my chest. As far as him showcasing other doctors, I don't think his purpose was to advertise surgical options for the rest of the trans community. I also don't remember him giving any misinformation about bottom surgery. I don't remember him going into bottom surgery much at all, except to say that the technology was "not where he would like it to be right now".

He made a movie, and put it out there for the public. We will all form our own opinions about it, naturally, but regardless we should all be happy that he even did it at all. Why? Because it draws more attention to the fact that we even exist! There is probably no way to know how many lives may have been touched, changed, or saved by that film. The movie itself didn't have a huge profound effect on me either really, but at a different time in my life maybe it would have, and chances are for some people IT DID. Maybe it wasn't what you personally needed, but someone did, I guarantee it. I think it must have taken a great deal of courage to make that movie. I, for one, am very grateful that he shared part of his experience with the world, even if he didn't make the same choices I myself would have made.

Anyone who can't see what a wonderful mark this was, for us all, has completely missed the point.

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Guest ranse

@ Shaun: I agree.

Personally, I don't know that I would have the courage to have my transition process made public. Part of me wants to be a normal guy who flies under the radar and part of me feels like I owe to anyone who might be coming behind me to be vocal and to stand up for trans rights in a visible way.

In short, no matter how I feel about Chaz Bono and his decisions about his very personal life, I admire the bravery of putting himself out there for everyone to critique.

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      The age thing applies to both of them, and I say this as someone in my own mid 70's. As for being "businessmen," I don't consider the government to be a business.  That might be part of our problem now.  But this might not be the place to open that can of worms. I would like to be able to keep my personal freedom to live as myself, and the social security that I worked most of my life for.
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      I hope to be able to drop in on tonight's Zoom. If I can, you'll see me wearing this band-collar floral popover with jeans and these slip-on sneakers.      
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      Awesome statement. 
    • April Marie
      Happy Pride month!!!
    • April Marie
      We are so indebted to you @Petra Jane, for keeping this amazing site alive, active and available. It is a pleasure to donate in order to keep it here for us all, even those who are not in a position to assist. We are all here for each other.
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      Happy pride! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍🩷🩵🩶
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      Oh, my! It seems as if I have been gone for so long. And, interacting with you all has been such an important part of gaining an understanding of who I am this past year.    My wife’s mother passed away this week. She was in her late 90s but has been in relative good health. Until the past month. We brought in hospice last week when she began to sleep most of the day and began to become restless and uncomfortable. She passed in her sleep on Monday.   As you might imagine, it’s been a whirlwind of coordinating burial arrangements with family, the unreal home, the church and the venue for a lunch after mass.   We have a place here on our property where we place the ashes of family members so we will place her alongside her husband next Saturday.   Of course, our new puppy adds to the strain of time. She is a joy but also a typical Lab with lots of energy. She’s 11 weeks old and already 21 pounds.    I will I’ll find my way back here more as things settle down.   I miss you all!
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      Happy Pride Month   
    • Mmindy
      Good morning everyone,    The coffee is brewing, after Parker has been walked and taken care of his business. Changing my morning routine, because he’s a puppy and as soon as he’s out of the crate there’s no stopping before he needs to be outside for a few minutes. Once coffee is poured we sit on the porch swing and enjoy the morning song birds.    Happy Pride Month     Mindy🌈🏳️‍⚧️🐛🦋    
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