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youtube collab anybody?

Guest Rose12

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ok so... I know there has been mentions of collabs earlier on this site but nobody was taking any action to it sooo... pretty much a collab channel works with a few people share a youtube channel and post video on a schedule the requirements are

1.you already have a YouTube channel

2.you must have a female voice (i'm not asking it to be perfect i'm asking for attempts)

3.in order to join you must send a video/written message of why you should be on this channel (not an essay just..what you can bring to the table if you will)

Things that I whould like to talk make video about (depending on what people decide to collab I might change theese might be just things that I talk about)

My little pony friendship is magic

video game footage (this includes minecraft, COD, skyrim etc)

singing/raping/etc (make it clean unless given permission)

sooo...yea that's the hist of it if you would like to join send me you channel names (prefrebly through message) and we can go form there

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There are lots of trans women on youtube who have powerful things to say and don't have a very female voice, or don't attempt to have one because they're fine with the voice they were given. It takes many people a lot of hours of hard work to have a female voice and so I think that requirement is a little steep.

Good luck with this endeavor though. If you do find people share some links! I'd love to watch!



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also I want to say NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT so... be careful what you post! I understand accedently uploading a MLP song is ok but if your gunna post a full blown series of stuff you don't own thats a no. I may sound harsh but iv'e been in a situation where I got my channel banned. Just, girls, if you wish to join be careful

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