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Afraid to go to meetings

Guest hoofie85

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Guest hoofie85

Hey y'all,

I'm Alexander and I'm an alcoholic. I've been sober for two and a half years, and recently realized I'm trans. This is a good thing, however, it's stopped me from going to meetings. I used to call a lesbian meeting my home group, and some of the women want me to come back (they seem to see me as a man, but still want me to come back to that meeting because I guess they like me :) ). I want to go because I like the meeting, and feel mostly accepted there, I just am afraid because I don't pass. I'm afraid of newcomers being uncomfortable going to what they perceive as a lesbian meeting, and there being a trans man there (if I disclose in a share). I also am leery of going to other meetings because the last time I went to an LGBT meeting here in town, I was talking to a guy who said, "Do you know about the great women's meeting here on Saturdays?" assuming I'm female. Gah.

I'm kind of dabbling in starting a trans related AA website and forum/newsgroup thing, and I am involved in a trans AA email group. I just need to get out to more face to face meetings. Any advice?

Side note: I'm not comfortable correcting people when they use female pronouns or ask me if I know about women's meetings. My sponsor is a trans woman, who is awesome, and I'm working the steps with her, but I know I still need meetings.

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Interesting question Alexander. TG stuff can sure be complicated.

My thoughts... First-congratulations on 2.5 years sober. Now... I've been to a lot of AA meetings and i've known transmen through my support group. Not being lesbian I can only conjecture on how they would respond. Heres the thing, if you don't present male and are not on T, I doubt newly sober lesbians are going to care what your gender marker is. If you were masculine and had a beard it would be different. Therefore...As a person who's been to a lot of meetings, i would just go. If it becomes an issue deal with it then. /as alcoholics we can overcomplicate the heck out of things. Keep it simple, just go. Problem arises, move on. Your being there won't jeopardize anyones sobriety.

Oh! and welcome to the forum/ We have a chat recovery meeting Sundays 9pm est. Please stop by.


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Guest hoofie85

Hey Michelle! The thing is, I am on T (only about 4.5 months though) and do attempt to present as male... it just doesn't work. Most people think I'm a butch lesbian. You're right though, we do overcomplicate things. Thanks for the advice.

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On the subject of overcomplicating things, there was an MD who had realized that his drinking was caused by the stress of his proctology medical practice, so he decided to become and auto mechanic, and with the approval, but confusion of his sponsor found a good mechanics school to go to while working his program. The doctor kept his program up and was doing fine with his sobriety and his auto mechanics studies up until the day of the final exam. The exam was worth 100 points total. He accurately diagnosed a problem in the carburetor, another in the crank case, and a third involving the electircal system, and fixed them all just fine. When he got his score on the exam back, he found out that he had scored 200 points on the test. Well honesty being a part of his program, he went to the instructor and told him about the over score, but the instructor told him the score was real!! How could that be? The instructor told him he had perfectly fixed every problem, and had fixed them all through the tailpipe of the car.

(OK someone had to give me the opening for that one!!!)

Welcome, and as MIchelle invited, come and chat with us on Sunday Nights at 9pm Eastern time. As Michelle told you, unless you look like one of the Smith Brothers of cough drop infamy, you should not be messing with the minds of any women at a womens only meeting, Lesbian or Straight and interrupting their concentration on new sobriety. It will take a while for the T to kick in, and for the T to make a real difference in your recovery for just now that you would need to bring it up to a group. When I need to qualifiy myself for a discussion now, or the one time recently that I have been asked to lead a meeting, I found that my gender did not matter, only the experience and its lessons. Except for one person, no one knew I was trans that day, and the person who knew about before and after agreed that I had not screwed up the system to where anyone would be harmed. Alcohol messes with womens voices too, so no problem for me that way. If your sponsor is cool with you as you described, you are in good shape and for now are where you belong. Being trans does add to our overcomplication and overthinking of things. We need to perfect ourselves in realizing we can't be perfect, and that the program goals are beyond our reach, but are beacons to steer by when we are having problems, by help with our HP, we can get close, but our HP links us to their perfection. (OK the soapbox just splintered and dumped me on my lower power. Ouch!) Again, Welcome.

Its 3 years + on my second trip up the steps, the first trip was about 16 years, but I did not deal with my trans issues then. You have that going for you.

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    • Heather Shay
      This is an awesome and needed idea. Thank you @Vidanjali.   I know a young MTF who graduated from college and her parents disowned her and told her not to come home ON THE DAY OF GRADUATION. I reqwuest prayers for her to find comfort, housing and joy.
    • NoEli6
      TW: Violent hate crime   Hi Been... a good long while since I've popped up here. Made some friends. All trans girls. They're lovely and supportive. But one of them... a couple times now, she's made comments dismissing pains of being FtM (such as binder pain) with a response of something along the lines of "well, we (trans woman) get murdered." She gave a lengthy, heartfelt, absolutely wonderful apology for it that I appreciated so damn much. But, -expletive-, man, something about those comments stuck with me I guess? I'm not hurt by what she said anymore because she apologized sincerely and explained she never meant any harm and I wholeheartedly accept her apology.  But something about that... has just been weighing on me. I think it may just be the guilt of privilege? But, a little deeper than that, wanting to be seen for my struggles, too. Trans women get so much coverage and visibility compared to trans men (which this friend has also contested in the past...?) and I think a part of me is just... I don't know, I feel awful because it feels insensitive to imply that "oh, I've got it harder, don't you see?" but I think I just want to be recognized for the fact that I'm SO -censored- scared of being hatecrimed. I don't pass- she does! And yet she talks about how her group gets violently hatecrimed more often and I'm just like... I don't know. She's white, too, as am I, both middle class Californians as well, neither of us are extremely at risk here. I don't even know what I'm feeling here. I just want to vent, I want some advice, I want someone to tell me how to feel. Is it true that trans man rarely ever get hatecrimed? That doesn't feel real.    I don't know if this is something similar to white guilt, just guilt for having privilege, or if this has a deeper root, I'm just so... torn up, for no reason, about these things that she's said.    Part of it could be that she, and my two other friends, are all on HRT, while I've been stuck in a household that won't allow any medical transition till I'm 18 for 3 years and another one to wait. And that I can't talk about that. Because I feel like I'll bring down the mood. And that my dysphoria hasn't gotten easier, I'm still as -toasted- up as ever over it, but I feel the need to sit in silence instead and on top of that have to constantly hear my friends talk about small annoyances regarding HRT that I would KILL TO HAVE.    Now I'm just ranting. I think there's a lot of mixed up feelings here. Let me know if anyone relates to the guilt thing, though. Would appreciate it. Thanks y'all. Sorry for disappearing. Glad to be back. 
    • Nonexistent
      I know it's frustrating to hear, but you have to be patient. 5 weeks is nothing. It can take years to grow facial hair. Even then, you may be unlucky and not get much. Everyone's body reacts differently to T. You just have to be patient and let T do it's thing.
    • Nonexistent
      I've been on T for 6yrs now, my levels are good. But I still don't pass very well, I look very feminine. I have top surgery already.   I can't tell if it's bad luck/genetics or if there is some reason why T might not "work" on me. The only thing it has done well is lower my voice. Everything else, not so much. I have a bit more muscle, and a tiny bit of chin scruff. That's it.   Is there any medical reason why T might not have much of an effect? I asked my PA and they didn't know.
    • tracy_j
      Happy Pride!   Tracy
    • Nonexistent
      Thank you for the welcome. :)   As an adult I don't actually get much (if any) hate directed at me. As a kid/teen I got discriminated against and ostracized. And online is crazy with hatred. But in real life I just keep to myself and that tends to make others not bother you. I think I get a double take from someone every so often, but I don't get stared at or anything. I do get called ma'am sometimes which sucks and is embarrassing.    I like the positive self-talk, saying that you are trans, you shouldn't have the same "expectations" as if you were cis. Some trans people are lucky, some of us are not. I'm not. The only thing I got lucky with is my voice. Everything else, nope.   I will try and remind myself that I'm just trying to live my life, I didn't choose to be born this way, I don't need to be embarrassed of myself in every situation.
    • VickySGV
      A wonderful proclamation that is going to have fur and feathers flying in many locations.  It actually saddens me that we are such a divisive wedge in peoples political leanings and this proclamation will drive that wedge deeper until we can heal those divisions.
    • Desert Fox
      All of this is very validating for me to read, as the issues you have faced are all too familiar to me. The compartmentalization of friends, the double life, the not being considered “trans enough” by the trans community…all have been my experience too. I think that’s amazing you did a workshop on part-time trans living…I would have loved to have attended that!    It does hurt when people, especially full-time trans individuals, and even medical professionals, look down on part-time transgender presentation as not being legitimate. I don’t like being lumped into the cross dresser community even if being bigender more resembles cross dressing, not because I have anything against crossdressers personally, but because for me, I don’t relate to a lot of what I’ve seen in the cross dresser community. If I had felt adequately supported in being able to transition full-time 25 years ago, I likely would have. And even if I had, you still would have never caught me wearing heels and rarely would I wear a dress.   For me, how I live is a compromise and an adaptation of having a feminine spirit in a body with male anatomy and not wanting to take surgical risks, plus not wanting to deny my past history of living male-ish and not feeling comfortable presenting particularly androgynously either. I suppose it is possible that at some point I may change my mind and actually transition…apparently that does happen a lot. Maybe I’m unusually stubborn to have stayed part-time this long. Ultimately for any of us who are not cisgender, any presentation is some kind of compromise and there is always going to be someone who doesn’t “approve.”   Ultimately so many factors go into how ANYONE presents themselves publicly, from their past experiences and their comfort level wearing particular clothes and hair styles, I really think no one is in a position to condemn others. It’s just another version of the same old story of people not accepting others with characteristics different than their own. 
    • EasyE
      i should clarify my E levels are on the high end of normal range for males... and T is low for males... 
    • missyjo
      nevermind...couldn't get it to work..time to change n work out night
    • Adrianna Danielle
      It was a huge relief for both of us
    • Adrianna Danielle
      We have,found out she had a hole in her heart repaired at age 12.She knows heart problems run in my side of the family now.Told her I had stents put in
    • Ashley0616
    • Mmindy
      That’s Fantastic @Adrianna DanielleI hope you’re able to develop a relationship with her. At minimum she knows more about her heritage and possible health related issues.    Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • missyjo
      ok quic stop n will be slightly late but comming hugs

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