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What Is It You Like Or Desire Most About Being a Man?

Carolyn Marie

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This is a first for me, as I don't recall ever starting a thread in this forum. I hope you'll pardon the intrusion, gentlemen.

I'll try to explain the kind of responses I'm trying to elicit by my question, above.

I am not talking about wanting to feel complete, or feel masculine, or reach a goal, or become the person you have always known you were. My question is more about, what are the qualities of being male, of being a man, that you most desire (if you're not there yet) or most love (if you've already transitioned or are almost there)? What makes being a man unique, valuable, and important to you, as an individual?

Am I making sense, or do I sound ditsy? LOL!

I've started a nearly identical thread in the MtF Forum, so you guys can compare and contrast your responses to those of the ladies. Maybe we'll see some similarities. On the other hand, maybe we'll all just be confused. :P


Carolyn Marie

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Interesting question Carolyn.

I haven't thought about it specifically except as qualities I want to have as a person - I think I would have to answer that it is strength. And being seen as strong physically for my age as well as spiritually and mentally.

The mental and emotional is a two edged sword in my opinion and can become a trap but I still value it. And being physically strong-not a muscle man or anything, just strong -has always been important to me. Perhaps because I am exceedingly independent and being strong means I can take care of my needs myself. And help others when they need it.

Kind of eye opening to realize that is what I value as a masculine trait. Of course there is integrity and all that implies and it is more important to me than strength but I don't see it as a male characteristic. I really don't tend to define a lot in terms of gender except strength and forthrightness. Being very direct and I also value that in myself. I have always been told I was more masculine than feminine that way so it must be a male trait by society's definition anyway.

In a way this is hard because I don't want to be a man because I particularly value or desire things about being a man. I just am. Guess I'll have to stick with being strong. Everything else pretty much is the same for men and women except expressed differently

Hope this is what you are seeking. I'm really seriously sleep short today and my bulb is pretty well dimmed to a weak glimmer.

Read the women's thread and can add that I also love not caring so much about appearance. People understand now if I wear the same soft old shirt all the time. Laundered and put right back on. And my jeans that feel so natural. No real concern if something is a current fashion and no accessorizing. Comfort rules the day. Yeah -I like that. A lot. My inner slob can come out and play-at least at home. In my family men didn't go out as slobs-appearance sends messages male or female- but home was another matter.


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Guest John Chiv


I was going to answer being me but since you want to know about qualities :) I will list some and state that these are qualities I have and admire in myself and have had them before I completed transition.

To me a man is a provider and a protector and by this I don't mean that the woman is helpless, it's a primal and natural feeling for me and I want to take care of the woman I care about as well as my woman friends but that is a different kind of relationship. Honesty and being dependable and this means true to myself regardless of the challenges and being there for my friends and the woman I love unconditionally. Being that rock for your woman when her world is falling apart and she may take it out on you but it is because she knows you will be there for her.

Assertiveness and independence. To me knowing I can take care of myself and I am a take charge of guy is important. I am talking about being confident and not controlling and about being decisive.

Some of these qualities are not necessarily male but you asked for qualities I admire and what I like about being a man.


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Guest Jesse0319

For me, I think it's about being able to help people physically. I actually find charity work to be fun, but every time I volunteer somewhere, I get put with children, or put to work doing something equally feminine...it's not really about being seen as masculine, though. At school, when the janitors need help moving the wrestling mats, I want them to think, "Oh, Jesse'll help!". Instead, when I OFFER to help (I actually did help them move the mats once, and I did just fine) what they tell me is, "Oh, let's leave it to the guys" ....even if the guys don't wanna do it. The only reason I got to help the one time was because my English teacher is feminist and started to out-and-out argue with the principal, who was present.

I just want to be able to help people like that. I don't like kids, and I don't appreciate people assuming that I do well with them because they think I'm a woman. I like being able to help people do things that they can't do themselves, and I like offering my assistance to others. People often assume I can't help them, though, because "I'm not a guy" :<


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Guest Gauvain

What I like about being a guy is that I'm not "your average guy" I guess. The stereotypes work against me. I'm really sensitive and clingy and things like that, so people can easily beat me down with stereotypes saying that I'm can't be a boy because of things like that. But honestly, it's just part of me being myself. I am a guy, and those things are just part of it. It's better that I don't mold myself into society's little box, because if I did, then I wouldn't be myself, and I wouldn't be a guy. I would just be an empty box, I guess.

I don't know if that really made any sense at all, but basically what I like about being a guy is that I'm not exactly how people want me to be in order to be male. So yeah, I guess that's basically it, if it made any sense... ^^;

- Gauvain

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I want it to finally be okay when I throw a great spiral; I'm tired of other guys slinking off because they think they're being one-upped by a girl.

Seriously, like John, I see myself as a provider and a protector. I look forward to other people seeing me that way. I'm also looking forward to people looking at me in approval when I roughhouse with my kids instead of tsk-tsking that that's not how women are supposed to act.

I wonder how the outward gender change will affect people's outlook on me as a solo parent. Most of the single moms I know still face some kind of stigma; I know a few full-time single dads who get loads of praise for raising children alone.

I also look forward to being like all the other guys I grew up around who flirt harmlessly with women (I don't know how to explain it ... the Southern man thing where they can casually wink at a woman and it's charming, not creepy or seen as trying to hard ... you have to see it to understand it) and tell great stories, etc. I know those are things women can do, but I've never felt free enough to to do them while being seen as a female.

The funny thing about this is as I try to move from one sex to another and from one gender role to another, I wind up using stereotypes and societal expectations to describe my ideal self.

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Seriously, I just want to fit in. I am an outgoing person and men just seem to be able to kibitz and joke the way I do. Does this makes sense?

Totally. Every work environment I've been in, I wind up with the guys, joking and shooting the breeze. They accept me; usually, the women don't or don't know how to respond to a masculine personality in a female shape.

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These are really the only ones that are entirely male-specific.

- Having a deep voice; particularly for singing. I admire baritone male singers most of all, and would love to be able to sound like that one day.

- Having a flat, 100% male chest.

(There are other physical things, of course... erm... *points down*, but those really aren't what was being asked, right? Plus, I'm not going to say something like --> 'the ability to urinate standing up', as despite how important that, sadly, is to me, it's something I can already do fairly well, and I wish to defend that females CAN do that if they know how. :P I'm weird like that.)

And most of the others aren't really things that people can't do in some capacity as a female... (As I'm a strong disbeliever in gender stereotypes) But for me to do any of them comfortably, I'd have to be male, as I feel I should be on the male side of the spectrum.

- Being able to go around without a shirt and not be considered vulgar or nude. (or without having to feel extremely dysphoric, of course, because of female parts... Because, you know even if I were on a nudist beach, I wouldn't go topless as a girl.)

- Being able to joke with a group of guys about things that would seem inappropriate for mixed-sex friends, and just otherwise fit in completely as one of the boys.

- Rebel against gender stereotypes as a male, rather than a female. --> Being able to wear androgynous clothing, make-up, etc. and have that be considered rebellion, rather than simply comforming to the 'norm' for a girl. And feeling less obligated to prove strength and be overly masculine. Ironic, yes, but it's because I hate gender stereotypes, and feel I have to prove I'm not a girl. I'd love to not worry about that anymore. I'd be less competitive and no longer insecure. I'd be perfectly happy if a girl kicked my bum at something. ;)

- Wear what I want and have my hair however I'd like as a male. (And get to be a girly boy rather than being a masculine, butch girl.)

- Be attractive as a male. (Being considered 'hot' or 'sexy' as a girl CREEPS me out! :o)

That's basically it, well other than... erm... not having to be plagued by certain 'functions' anymore. And in fact, I'd love to have the male ones, instead. :blush: And though it's not biologically possible in the conventional way, I'd probably like to be a dad -- I'm too much a kid, myself, mentally and emotionally right now, but maybe someday in the distant future. (Whereas being a mother scares me even if I'm not giving birth....)

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Guest Masculinity

I gotta say almost everything. But, the things I desire more than anything about being a man is:

- Be able to fit in and be seen as a normal man, not a woman that changed to a man. I want people to see me as biologically male because even if I was born a female, I was actually a guy all the time since I was just born in the wrong way.

- Look good...I want to have girls go wow with my looks like I was a cisgendered male and leave them in doubt of me being transsexual since I look...um..... hot. ..oops, looks like I just spoke for many FTMs in here with that. :lol:

- Have top surgery!

That's all...I want those three stuff more than having a penis and stuff like that.

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Guest Gregg Jameson

Hi Carolyn Marie!

First off, please do not feel like you might be "intruding" if/when starting a thread here! I welcome your presence here! :)

I have considered your question, repeatedly, throughout the day. Maybe I have some kind of a brain glitch, yet I just do not thoroughly understand your question. I can answer saying: I am, at the very core of my identity, male. When I start trying to list traits, they are not traits exclusive to men. I love strong women! Strong in every way!

I tend to be a protector and want to provide for others. While I can be sensitive and can yield when it is most appropriate to do so, I am a leader and a warrior in so many ways. I step forward in any confrontation that threatens my household, my loved ones, and am sure the interests of my loved ones are totally protected. I work hard to change laws in order to offer more protections to the most vulnerable members of our society. I can go on and on; yet, in all honesty, it is possible a strong female might do much the same.

So, as I think about the type of info you are looking for, I think I best answer this by telling you how much I adore women!

Women seriously stoke the male energy within. I adore women, yet I truly do not want to be a woman.

I want to protect them, provide for them, encourage them, support them, escort them, cherish them, comfort them, honor them, love them. I am so very attracted to women. I love their style, their walk, their lipstick, their beauty, their... everything. So incredibly... wow! I enjoy the strong response I have to women.

I enjoy the simplicity of men's clothing, men's styles... the simplicity of men's lives. I am comfortable as a man. I love my one-on-one time with a woman, with the woman I love. In social groups, I am much more comfortable with men. I don't care for men without integrity and men whom do not show tremendous respect toward women. I thoroughly enjoy my time with other men... socially and for business. We often think alike. Within social groups, I identify with men of social power and of integrity.

Yet, when the work of the day is done, I want to retreat with my beautiful, sensitive, soft, sensuous female lover. I don't want to watch television with her... no, no, no! I want to hold her, look into her beautiful eyes, listen to her, show her affection and appreciation, attend to her needs. :wub:

I am not sure I have answered your question, Carolyn Marie. :dunno: Yet, I'd wanted to make an effort!

My Best to All,


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  • Admin

LOL! Brad, you not only answered my question, you left me panting! What a guy! :lol: Thanks, hon.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest Rowan19

Manly things that I already have and love: My chivalry, it makes me feel like a noble Knight of King Athur's court!

Things I wish I had: Big hands and impressive physical skill.

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What Is It You Like Or Desire Most About Being a Man?

It's an interesting question because there are so many ways that I could answer it.

- The thing that I most like about being a man (im 16 so technically im a boy, but still) is that it's who I am.

- Also, like a few of the other guys have said, I see myself as a protector. I want to be able to care for the women in my life in a masculine way.

- There are a lot of physical things to like physical strangth, having a flat chest, and being able to stand and pee (still practising in the shower at the moment ^_^ its an entertaining experience!)

Hope this gives you some insight

Great question


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Oh there is lots...

I like being able to eat as much as I want (usually a lot!) when there are others around and not having anyone comment negatively on it. Instead people just say "Oh what a hungry man you are, you must've worked hard today."

Being able to eat all the meat I want without anyone thinking it's inappropriate.

Also, being able to sweat and groan as much as I want when I work out and not having anyone comment or stare.

Being able to help carry heavy/bulky stuff, changing a tire, changing a light bulb without people taking it away from me and telling me to "Leave it to the guy(s) when he (they) get here."

I like not having to smile and laugh at stuff that is not funny or cute only to be polite and make others feel good. Like, not being expected to touch people's arms all the time and say sweet stuff. I am a nice person but I am more into pats on the back :)

Yeah, all in all, not being expected to be so damn sweet all the time.

Not having people tone down the bad language, change to a more civilized subject etc. when I join a conversation. It's much, much better (for me) to just be included in a fun conversation.

Not having people look at me like I'm completely retarded and a unsuccessful failure as a human being when I tell them I can't cook to save my life and that I still don't get many basic principles behind doing my laundry.

Not having people act as if I am completely supernatural and calling me a "handy girl" or other lame stuff when I tell them that I can fix my bike and change the oil in my truck by myself.

And lots of other stuff...

I might post again, there is definitely more! :)


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I've never been in a particularly gender role oriented world, so I have a hard time thinking of traits as "male". I remember, as a little kid when Grandma would take me to church, trying to sing hymns in a deep voice. I used to run around wearing a hard hat and mittens when I was two, because I wanted to be a construction guy like my dad. I built things with Grandpa and wore my dad's old clothes when I visited their house. I couldn't stand when my mother would ask for help fixing things and putting things together, and I learned how to do everything I could, and I didn't really have men around as role models much at all after I was 10. But I learned to use power tools, wire stuff, do plumbing, landscape, etc, because those things suited me. In my marriage to a man, I did those things, too, and he didn't.

I've always, since I can remember, wanted to be seen as chivalrous. I held doors for girls, and I carried things. Still do, but I have a fiance who is as strong as me and doesn't much let me do things for her. She hurt her elbow, and I finally get to carry stuff for her. ;-)

I guess I don't have a real answer. I need to look more male, because I do have body dysphoria. But I never really thought any of the above wasn't anything a woman didn't do, besides singing hymns in a deep voice.

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While I want to be a guy, I don't want to be masculine. I like my body frame as it is, aside from the obvious markers as being a girl. I really, really want a flat chest. I don't care if people find me attractive as a girl, but as a guy. I like to imagine that people that don't know me around school are trying to figure out if I'm a boy or a girl (and hopefully decide boy). I do like the feminine or emo boy look. Maybe as a girl I'm not very feminine, but as a guy I would be, and I want that. Not in a girly way but kind of a flamboyant way.

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Guest Rowan19

Oh there is lots...

I like being able to eat as much as I want (usually a lot!) when there are others around and not having anyone comment negatively on it. Instead people just say "Oh what a hungry man you are, you must've worked hard today."

Being able to eat all the meat I want without anyone thinking it's inappropriate.

Also, being able to sweat and groan as much as I want when I work out and not having anyone comment or stare.

Being able to help carry heavy/bulky stuff, changing a tire, changing a light bulb without people taking it away from me and telling me to "Leave it to the guy(s) when he (they) get here."

I like not having to smile and laugh at stuff that is not funny or cute only to be polite and make others feel good. Like, not being expected to touch people's arms all the time and say sweet stuff. I am a nice person but I am more into pats on the back :)

Yeah, all in all, not being expected to be so damn sweet all the time.

Not having people tone down the bad language, change to a more civilized subject etc. when I join a conversation. It's much, much better (for me) to just be included in a fun conversation.

Not having people look at me like I'm completely retarded and a unsuccessful failure as a human being when I tell them I can't cook to save my life and that I still don't get many basic principles behind doing my laundry.

Not having people act as if I am completely supernatural and calling me a "handy girl" or other lame stuff when I tell them that I can fix my bike and change the oil in my truck by myself.

And lots of other stuff...

I might post again, there is definitely more! :)


U just said a mouthful there bro!
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Guest Rowan19

While I want to be a guy, I don't want to be masculine. I like my body frame as it is, aside from the obvious markers as being a girl. I really, really want a flat chest. I don't care if people find me attractive as a girl, but as a guy. I like to imagine that people that don't know me around school are trying to figure out if I'm a boy or a girl (and hopefully decide boy). I do like the feminine or emo boy look. Maybe as a girl I'm not very feminine, but as a guy I would be, and I want that. Not in a girly way but kind of a flamboyant way.

Same. And even though I've started getting a bit more masculine lately, I still cherish my guyliner & skin tight clothing like the first time I realised Barbie's clothes come off! XD
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Guest Lelouch

Another thing to add to my list, I want to save myself the hassle of going to the restroom. It's bad enough that I get all the stares when I step in the female restroom at school, but I have to wait cause they take too long to pee. And some of them change their clothes in the stalls so you can't use the toilet even if you are in dire need. It's really annoying. I get to escape this when I'm not in school. I just use common restrooms. Saves me from a bunch of stares.

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Aside from being comfortable in my own body?

having muscles. I hate being a stick. I want to be beeeffffyyyy.

and I want to be hairy. I want a beard.

and having a deep voice.

and I want a penis. for obvious reasons.

and yeah pretty much everything.

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    • MirandaB
      Why would he be ineligible for office? 
    • Susan R
      Welcome @Mwm684, Wow! That was one heck of an introduction and I completely understand how when the time comes to make some life changes…it’s full steam ahead. I’m also happy that there has been little, if any, push back regarding your recent disclosures. You’re likely beginning to feel some of the freedoms that come from accepting yourself for who you are and letting go of some of the outdated self images imprinted on you by your family, friends and acquaintances. It’s hard to shake all of that but it does sound like you’re doing all the right things.   Just keep in mind, very few of us in the community get through it completely unscathed. There are also sometimes unexpected residual effects as others outside of our acceptance circle influence those early adopters and sometimes those who seem to align well with our new choices. I personally noticed this with a few people in my life. The good news is that in many cases, these few tend to return to full acceptance as they see you are happier and more comfortable being yourself.   That being said, you have been graced with one of the most wonderful gifts a person in our community can have…a supporting and loving spouse. That support in many cases is the most critical in one’s journey, in fact, I often feel it’s even more helpful (at least in my case) than a good therapist. If your spouse is happy and accepting, then transition will often go much smoother for you both. Honest, open, and civil communication is vital to this remaining a possibility. You two are doing this together and so the spouse’s input as well as your own are both so important to make it all work. I wish you the best on your ongoing journey and hope to read more as things develop along the way.   Warmest Regards, Susan R🌷
    • tracy_j
      It sounds Ok to me too.   Tracy
    • Susan R
      Trans Group Zoom Meeting Tomorrow!!   Tomorrow’s Zoom meet-up is right around the corner. June 1st is the beginning of Pride Month and what a better way to celebrate than by meeting some others in our community.   This is an open invitation for members here to get together with others from our community. These Zoom meetings last sometimes 4 hours or longer so come join us when you can and leave whenever you like. Share your story or maybe just something interesting that happened during the week. It’s a fun time to chat, meet others, and just be yourself.😁   Trans Groups Zoom Meeting Times: June 1, 2024 6:00 PM Pacific Time June 1, 2024 8:00 PM Central Time June 2, 2024 11:00 AM Australia/Melbourne   If you’re a member of our community, 18 or over and need a Zoom Link, Message me as soon as possible. I will try to get you a link ASAP.
    • Susan R
      Welcome @Curious-star, It’s a pleasure to have you on our forum. You’re one of the lucky ones if these almost pervasive gender identity questions haven’t filled your everyday thoughts while going through puberty and onward. Many of us on this forum have been where you are now and others are approaching that point. Gender questioning is very common especially when you’ve felt very different from what you've been led to believe your entire life.   I hope you look around and find some comfort here with threads that have discussed these same questions you’re now beginning to address yourself. If you don’t find an answer you’re looking for, just ask it in a new thread. Many of us will respond with answers from our various perspectives. We are a very open non-judgmental forum and enjoy helping others any way we can. You may also want to get help with some of these questions from a therapist who specializes in gender identity. I’ve been using the same therapist for over 5 years now and have learned so much about myself with her assistance and expertise.   I look forward to learning more about you and your upcoming journey whatever that may look like.   Warmest Regards, Susan R🌷   By the way, your story about buying a bra and being fitted before you bought it brings back some wonderful memories. I did the same many years before actually ever going into public presenting myself as female. It was in some cases the very beginning of my journey to become a women. I still cherish those days even though they were sometimes difficult.
    • Sol
      Hello, I figured here was a good place to post this! This is really just a rant, so I'm just talking to the void.  I use the term trans man to refer to myself, which is accurate and covers about ~70% of what I'm going for. But I'm very gender nonconforming because I still like a lot of women's clothes, namely anything with ruffles and skirts (I love skirts, they're so fun). Most of the time I present very masculine (I don't pass but that's not a goal of mine anyway), but other times I go with a more feminine style because why not? If I'm not searing people's eyes with all the bright colors and patterns I wear, what's the point?  But the other ~30% I feel is genderless, which is why I explored an agender identity for a bit. I'm both masculine and genderless at the same time, because ultimately I feel like I'm just me. The phrase "vaguely masculine" comes to mind since that's mostly how I feel.  I have looked into other labels for this but I like trans man the best. I think part of this genderless aspect does clash with societal gender roles, which I frankly and openly hate, so I'll continue to be as GNC as possible because that's what makes me happy and spits on superficial roles. If anyone relates to this and wants to share their experience, feel free!
    • Carolyn Marie
      https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/05/31/a-proclamation-on-lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-queer-and-intersex-pride-month-2024/     Carolyn Marie
    • Sol
      Jumping in here.  Hi, I'm an asexual trans man, although my asexuality isn't due to trauma but it has affected my perception toward my body and how I interact with it.  To answer your question as best I can: yes, you can absolutely be trans and asexual, I'm living proof! I wouldn't classify wearing lingerie as being related to gender at all, but that's my own personal interpretation since I think anyone can wear lingerie if they want. Lingerie also doesn't have to have a sexual aspect, but can take on a more sensual one (sensual is basically related more to intimacy outside of sex). I'd like to get lingerie myself when I have the funds, some of it looks fun.  Sexuality and gender can intertwine but are ultimately two separate things. I realize I was aroace (aromantic asexual) before I realized I was trans, and that does likely influence aspects of my gender identity to a certain degree. This is mostly in regard to how I view my body; bodies are bodies to me, and aren't inherently sexual and them being sexual is dependent on a sexual context. So just wearing lingerie isn't sexual to me at all, it's just wearing fancy underwear. And going back to the sensual aspect of lingerie, I believe that can be tied to self love and self care.  Do keep in mind that this is simply my own take on it.  I'm also bouncing off the others when I say talking to someone like a therapist can be potentially helpful. If you do decide to go this route, then keep in mind that you don't have to tackle the big stuff right away, and if you aren't ready then that's okay, but I'd recommend looking into coping mechanisms. I'm not going to lie and say that talking to a therapist is easy; it's not and can be very soul bearing, and even I have trouble being 100% upfront sometimes. Push your boundaries a little but not enough to break, which takes practice but I think you'll get there.  Ultimately, you've gotta do what's best for you and your health (mental, physical, and emotional), so I highly encourage you to explore what that could look like and how to get there.  Good luck to you going forward, I'm genuinely proud of you for sharing and reaching out, and I hope your night terrors get better!
    • Mmindy
      Good luck @KymmieL   Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Mmindy
      Welcome to TransPulseForums @Curious-star   I hope you find this site as helpful as I do. It’s not therapy but it’s close, no matter what you’re feeling or going through someone here is quick to respond. We have members from all around the world, the chances are very good that you will have someone reach out to you.    Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, for the purposes of this topic, I'll just say that I want a republic where Trump isn't the best we can hope for.    People where I live will vote for him no matter what, felony court cases or not, because we simply cannot stomach the alternatives.  We'd rather have Putin than Biden.  At least Putin, Orban, and Trump are nationalists (sort of), in spite of all the other bad stuff that goes along with that.  In my lifetime, he's the closest thing people here have had to a president they actually like.  That is the source of his support.  And it doesn't say much good about him, really, just bad about all the other choices.    So...what happens in November?  Will there even be an election?  If Trump becomes ineligible for office, who do the Republicans run?  Or maybe we just have an election with Libertarians vs Democrats?  Chase Oliver has some good things going...
    • Willow
      Hello @Curious-star   Welcome to Transgender Pulse we have many members with a lot of similarities.  Check out our various threads and posts.  Look into our chats and online meetings.   good luck with your journey.   Willow
    • Curious-star
      Hi, just thought I would say hello, I’m kind of new to all this, being in my mid 40s, have a wife and daughter and never questioned my gender till now.   This all start after a dream where I was stood I front of my family and friends wearing a bra the wonderful euphoric feeling I felt, felt real, I decided to buy one and try it and that euphoria was now really real and only confused me further, the bra I bought did not fit so I plucked up the courage to go to a shop and get properly fitted, wow what an experience I would recommend this to anyone, I walked out of the shop wearing my new bra with so much confidence.    I am extremely sensitive and empathetic to a point I know I have an inner her. I have always loved talking to women as I feel I am on the same level and sometimes I find it hard to open up to male friends, I have had body dystrophy but I don’t think it’s because I’m male and not female, I think it’s because I am just overweight, I am very muscular and have a lot of body hairy and a beard which I have no issue with.   i am very confused with the whole situation and maybe it would be easier just to take the view you were born male so your a man but that doesn’t seem right and my journey, which has only been a few months if I have gained anything it is an utmost respect for anyone who has even asked the question who or what am I.   every answer I get just brings more questions    sorry that was a bit more than just a hello!!  
    • Ivy
      I am a bit discouraged these days.  But It does seem to me that our problems can only be addressed when we learn how to work together, and yeah that does mean on a global scale.   Unfortunately it seems to be the case that too many are still only in it for themselves, trying to accumulate personal wealth and power.   Local cooperation is good, and it doesn't seem impossible for it to be had on a wider scale if we can have some respect for each other.  But we seem to be too interested in preserving our local turfs.  A prime example is our current all or nothing politics. We are prioritizing competition over cooperation. I've grown cynical, unfortunately.  I fear we are going to destroy our selves.  Perhaps the future generations will do better.  One can hope.
    • Ashley0616
      They start you off with a low dose to see how the body reacts. It takes time for any results to actually take effect. There might be a placebo effect for now. Trust the process and know it’s not a sprint it’s an endurance. I would ask the NP to see about patches, gel or injections. The pill has known to be worse in the side effects. In my first year I have gained some breast growth. I started as a 42C and now a 42 DD but it’s also probably because I’m big. Weight loss for me is almost impossible. If I could get off my gut and go to hips and breast I wouldn’t mind. Enjoy and congratulations on the start of your new life. 
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