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Once you start HRT is it still possible at ALL to have kids without freezing sperm?

Guest PrincessHikari

Possible to become fertile/have kids again?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Possible to become fertile/have kids again?

    • Yes you can still have kids after taking estrogen after a long time
    • Yes you can still have kids after taking estrogen with a cure
    • No, once your on estrogen it is completely impossible in any way for you to have kids.

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Guest PrincessHikari

Once you start HRT is it still possible at ALL to have kids without freezing sperm? I mean I know you become sterile/infertile, but is that just temporary or is this permanent? Also is it possible for you to cure this sterile/infertility problem. Thanks.

By the way please do not say Freezing sperm. I mean a cure. Lol! Thanks!

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I can't answer the poll you give. I know that after six months on HRT, there is only a small chance you can conceive children, and that is only if you stop taking hormones. With the current technology if you keep taking hormones, you will not be able to have children without adoption. I am sorry to have to say that. I hope in the future...


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Now since I don't really plan on having kids anytime soon and I can't afford to freeze, I haven't done a lot of research. However, from reading around I've obtained the understanding that HRT makes you sterile over a period of time, this is to say that just because you've taken a couple estrogen pills doesn't mean you're suddenly sterile, but as changes occur and after a few months you'll find you're no longer producing young. As to a cure....I haven't heard anything but I don't think there is one. Once the bird's flown he's gone.

Maybe ask an Endo?


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Guest Luturna

From all medical research I have seen there is currently no cure to the infertility with the hrt drugs. The hrt will break down the glands within the testis that produce sperm and the sperm itself will be produced will become denatured so fetility will have a very slim chance even with ivf.

I hope that helps

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Guest Kelly-087

Once you start HRT is it still possible at ALL to have kids without freezing sperm? I mean I know you become sterile/infertile, but is that just temporary or is this permanent? Also is it possible for you to cure this sterile/infertility problem. Thanks.

By the way please do not say Freezing sperm. I mean a cure. Lol! Thanks!


In the future there will be new technology and procedures to have children for people who are infertile, but as of right now there isn't.

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Guest PrincessHikari

I did it for around 5-8 months before. However when I... you know.... Do that... Stuff still comes out. Does that mean I'm still sterile?

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I did it for around 5-8 months before. However when I... you know.... Do that... Stuff still comes out. Does that mean I'm still sterile?

Stuff can come out long afterwards even on hormones. So there really is no way to know you are sterile except for time and opportunity. I bet there are tests for sperm count if you are so inclined. My guess would say you aren't able to conceive. But again ymmv. If you really want to have your own children now, you should find out.

I'm sorry you are having this conflict. I hope everything works out for you.



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Guest Donna Jean

I did it for around 5-8 months before. However when I... you know.... Do that... Stuff still comes out. Does that mean I'm still sterile?

"Stuff" will always come out....It's the sperm it contains that makes the babies..

Donna Jean

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Guest eliza.d

well, i dont think the estrogen is the reason for this. i think its the t blockers. i dunno,....i dont care about having my own bio kids...adoption is good for me, there are lots of kids that need good homes and parents...but it will be a while, before i even think about kids...


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Guest PrincessHikari

I just randomly read this>>> WPATH recently has recommended that a group of drugs that will halt or prevent male or female puberty onset be used, and that irreversible procedures not be done before age 18, unless there is a special need shown. Those drugs can be discontinued and normal puberty will begin quickly. <<<from a post. Doesn't that mean it might still be possible once on then u can get off of it? ._.

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Guest Kelly-087

I just randomly read this>>> WPATH recently has recommended that a group of drugs that will halt or prevent male or female puberty onset be used, and that irreversible procedures not be done before age 18, unless there is a special need shown. Those drugs can be discontinued and normal puberty will begin quickly. <<<from a post. Doesn't that mean it might still be possible once on then u can get off of it? ._.

The difference here would be.. the people who were able to be on puberty blockers never developed that part in the first place. People who didn't developed those parts, and if I read correctly the lack of male levels testosterone will cause the parts which are associated with spermatogenesis to atrophy.

Whether that process can be started again after HRT is ceased? I don't think it's entirely possible at this time, unless you stopped within a few months. In the future I'm betting there will be therapies that are able to help you produce sperm again. But, please do not bank on such. It's impossible to tell what fertility therapies will be created, and if they will have an effect on every individual.

You can still produce sexual fluids as well after HRT(Though most posts I've seen note a dramatic reduction) .. Everyone is different but there won't be sperm if you've been on HRT for a few months.

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There is no standard way to predict how hrt will affect fertility aside from that eventually it will make you sterile. There are two important factors for male bodied fertility sperm cell count (the concentration of) and moltility (percentage of sperm that function properly). I have done banking prior to starting HrT so I know of my count and moltility and how both were below average. I am seven weeks into HrT and I am pretty sure that my count is very close to zero.

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Guest Leah1026

well, i dont think the estrogen is the reason for this. i think its the t blockers. i dunno,....i dont care about having my own bio kids...adoption is good for me, there are lots of kids that need good homes and parents...but it will be a while, before i even think about kids...

BOTH actually. Estrogen, in sufficient doses, is a powerful ant-androgen by itself.

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