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Going Back To The Clinic Tonight

Guest Angelgrlsue

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Guest Angelgrlsue

Hi everyone. For those of you that have followed my posts and know about the many challenges I have faced since my transition five or something years ago, you know my HRT has been irregular and in my personal opionion, really lame and underpresribed, I am being modest in my language here. So I go back to the clinic tonight where it all began five years ago and asking to be put back on the injections at a normal level, most of all I will have to be put on Spiro again and going to just fight the side effects tooth and nail to get any of the benefits of it. Estrogen alone does not cut it for me. Looks like I will be adding a ton of salt to my diet to keep my blood pressure at a normal level while on the nasty stuff (Spiro). It is my only alternative. I do not have the funds to have an orchi, otherwise I would have had that done a long time ago. My insurance will not cover it.



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I feel your pain Susan. I hate Spiro as well with a passion. The stuff dehydrates me terribly. I just can't stand it.

On the plus side, I am thrilled to hear you get to go back to a competent and knowledgable doctor and get back on track! I hope things balance out and return to the way they should be quickly. I know how hard this has been on you and I'm sorry all of that had to happen. This is exactly why we need more educational literature for doctors published and like it or not it should be required learning in the very least for Endos but really for any doctor who prescribes any form of HRT for anyone.

Take Care Susan, things are on the mend and will get better soon hopefully.



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Good luck, Little Sis,

You should be just fine, I am sure that you can make it all work - your a smart lady.

Love ya,


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Guest Pammy

Susan, try asking your doctor about alternatives to spiro. My bestest tgf had severe trouble with that drug because her doctor failed to tell her to drink lots of water or to avoid potassium. She was a daily V8 drinker. So she nearly died while visiting Canada and while her kidneys survived (miracle), the doctors told her she should never take that drug again. She now takes Flutamide and says it's way better than the last one with fewer side effects. Since I take spiro too and the side effects annoy me (I do drink plenty of water and avoid excess potassium), I asked my endo about it and she put me on Flutamide too. I'm waiting for the pharmacy to get it in (it's backordered) so I can stop the spiro. Why not ask your doctor about that instead? The literature I read said that Flutamide is a second tier drug therapy when spiro is not indicated.

I'm only making a possible suggestion here. As always, ask your doctor!



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Guest Ney'ite

We already talked in PM, but I wanted to post here also that I hope all goes well for you tonight at the clinic, my dear friend, Susan. I still say those so-called "Dr's" are really hiding a tail under their clothing and eat banana's and should have their licenses revoked, but that is just my personal opinion.

Big 6.gif !!!!!

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  • Admin

Susan: I wish you all the luck in the world that you get the right medicine, and ones that will work for you. You know both the risks and the rewards.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest Elizabeth K

Susan - my doctor gave me two T blockers so the Spiro could be used in lower doses. See if you can afford Finasteride?


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Guest Angelgrlsue

Well ladies, lol, I did it again. WRONG NIGHT!! Lol. I went all the way down there to find out that I had the wrong night. Lol. Not all was lost though, a friend of mine was there so we chatted for awhile until my ride arrived at 8:00pm. Speaking of ride home, lol, the driver did not have a GPS with him and ended up getting lost, he kept saying "oh gosh". Lol. There two other ladies with us and we joked with him. Did not get home until 11:00pm from an 8:00pm pickup time. Lol.

Lizz, I am on Finasteride already, thank you for the suggestion though. Pammy I may ask him about Flutamide. I remember reading about the medicine before.

So Tuesday night I go to the doctors. I will let you know about what went on Wednesday morning or evening. Have a great weekend everyone, Carolyn stay dry this weekend, we are suppose to have a big storm come in over the weekend.



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Guest Angelgrlsue

Here is my update for the clinic. I went down there last night and Yeah!!!!! I was seen this time. Had the right night, lol. So I saw the doctor and she did an exam on me and asked me some questions, first of all I found out that I have only been on hormones for two and a half years not five like I thought, I guess I have been in transition for five years and only on hormones for two and half years. Anyhow...while she was examing me she noticed that I had a heart murmer, so she wants me to call my primary doctor and have him do an EKG on me and check this heart murmer out. The doctor did not prescribe anything for me last night since I have not been there a long time, she had me have blood work done first. I will however be starting my HRT all over from scratch again since the last doctor I saw elswhere underprescribed me and messed everything up. Word of caution to anyone just starting out with hormones, Do NOT switch doctors unless you really know the new doctor is very experienced in transgender care, otherwise you will be starting all over again like I have to.



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Guest Ney'ite

Good luck on you lab results hun . . . I hope they come back with good results so you can get back on track with your HRT. Of all the people I have met here at Laura's, you are definitely one lady who deserves some smooth sailing - so I am hoping for good results for you!

And hopefully this new Dr will get you squared away very shortly . . . not like the previous one you had to deal with. Contrary to popular belief, hiring staff who have tails and eat banana's is not good for the medical field in my humble opinion.

Best of luck my dear! 6.gif

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  • Admin

I am glad they found the heart murmur for you Susan, I had one years ago, it had the effect of making me very anxious until we found out what it was. The doctor I had let me know that that is one of the effects it can have. We slowed things down a bit, and the murmur went away and has maybe been back a time or two over 30 years.

You were due for some good luck by virtue of fight you have put up to earn it. Wonderful to hear.

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Guest Angelgrlsue

Thank you Bette and Vicky. Each day is a challenge, some more challenging then others, not just for me though, I am sure everyone here has had similar challenges, we get through though and learn something by it. My driver that took me down towards downtown last week commented on how happy I always seem, I told him I just try to stay positive no matter what may come my way. Keep a smile on your face, and if you are religious pray.



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    • Lydia_R
      I still eat 1/2C of old fashioned oats a few days a week.  Not so into that steel cut stuff.  I always mix it with rice.  If I screw up and make the oats and don't have any rice, then I typically throw the cooked oats away.  I guess I have my picky routines that I've developed over the decades.   I've been exposed to a lot of transgender people in the last year with many of them living with me.  This wasn't even on my radar years ago.  It sure is interesting, but I don't know how representative of the larger culture it is.
    • Birdie
    • Ladypcnj
      America needs new leadership, but the House seems a bit laid back on that idea, being a President in any position takes a lot of responsibilities and keeping world peace at the same time. 
    • April Marie
      Thank you so much @Willow.
    • Willow
      Good morning everyone   well I think it is official, I picked up a rhinovirus at work no doubt.  I do try to be careful but you can’t always.  I hate wearing a mask. And I can only wash my hands or use sanitizer just so many times.   headache, plugged up nose, lots of phlegm even my ears are plugged up.  I’m doing everything I can but I’m afraid this one’s just going to have to run its course.  Too late for zinc or vitamin C although I will add some to my daily regimen.     I’ve got a lot to do today.  I even have to teach my wife how to drive the new car so she can get my son and daughter-in-law on Tuesday while I’m at work.  Yes it’s that different!  And the first time she’s been behind the wheel since February.  Hard to believe it’s June!   Happy Pride Month.  I had a really nice picture to post but it wouldn’t allow me to copy it.     Willow   “yes I’m old fashion, I still sign my letters”
    • Willow
      Good morning   @April Marie my condolences and prayers for your family.  I realize how difficult it is to process when a family member passes especially when it happen so quickly.  Sending special hugs your way.   Willow
    • Davie
      Happy Pride, everyone! Get out and march and show your colors and show your pictures here! Everywhere around the world. LGBTQ+ Pride Month is starting to show its colors around the world.  Pride Month, the worldwide celebration of LGBTQ+ culture and rights, kicks off Saturday with events around the globe. But this year’s festivities in the U.S. will unfold against a backdrop of dozens of new state laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, particularly transgender young people. https://apnews.com/article/pride-month-lgbtq-2024-1abf80d0cf1026b60b47f565e9953fec
    • April Marie
      Thank you @Ivy.
    • Davie
    • Ivy
      They are there to make money, not spend it. The bottom line trumps everything.
    • Ivy
      I am also sorry for your loss.
    • Ivy
      The age thing applies to both of them, and I say this as someone in my own mid 70's. As for being "businessmen," I don't consider the government to be a business.  That might be part of our problem now.  But this might not be the place to open that can of worms. I would like to be able to keep my personal freedom to live as myself, and the social security that I worked most of my life for.
    • KatieSC
      Although the right to care has been affirmed, I still find it disheartening that so many of the treatments that are available and beneficial to someone who is trans, is consequently barred by insurance companies who claim that anything beyond HRT and vaginoplasty, are cosmetic. I believe that any procedure that can help to make one passable as their desired gender, has the potential to be lifesaving. Is being able to just blend in as our desired gender so abhorrent to the insurance companies?    I also believe that the transgender communities are taken advantage of in many ways. Look at the number of healthcare providers who will provide care, but want up front payment, which in many cases, is way above what an insurance company will pay. It is very expensive paying out of pocket, yet many of us become so desperate to transition that we just pony up the money.     
    • April Marie
      Thank you so very much. The prayers are much appreciated.
    • Charlize
      Happy Pride!   Hugs,   Charlize
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