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Always Feel Hungry?

Guest JordynK

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Guest JordynK

So since about January, I became really strict with what I eat, and counted calories like no other. I dropped about 40 pounds or so since New Years, and was absolutely fine. After a while, it just became routine for me to eat a whole lot less than I used to, and I looked at food as kind of a waste of time in a sense, and only ate when I needed to.

Well, I started HRT about 3 weeks ago. For the past week or so, I've just wanted to eat and eat. It's like a really strong urge that's come on all of a sudden, and I'm not sure why. I guess I just wanted to find out if anyone else has had a similar experience. I'm not worried or anything, I have the willpower to still eat healthy and whatnot, I'm just confused as to why this happened all of a sudden, and if it will pass.

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  • Admin

Males do have a higher rating on daily minimum calories. For me as male, pre Estrogen, I needed 1800- to reduce. On E, I need 1500- to reduce.

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Guest JordynK

I may not be reading it right, since right now I'm half asleep, but wouldn't having a lower daily minimum calorie intake because of HRT mean that I would be less hungry and not need to eat as much? Which is the opposite of what I feel like right now.

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  • Forum Moderator

Actually I have been reading that for many people starting HRT or T either one can trigger this hunger because your brain mistakenly believes you are a teen and need to add growth and gender specific characteristics. We have the classic hunger of a growing teen because our bodies think that is what we are. But to some extent your body does need some extra to put on that extra layer of fat that softens the females while mine is demanding more to bulk up muscles.

My understanding also is that the reason males need more calories than females is muscle mass. Women with high muscle mass need as many calories as a male for instance. T or E don't automatically change your calorie needs but the results of the hormones do.

I found when that T hunger hits that eating many times a day-salads, those 90 calorie granola bars (Love the Quaker ones as much as a candy bar) , a fruit cup etc keeps the hunger at bay and I can still lose weight.

For me it still comes and goes after 13 months on T but then I have lost 180 lbs the last 16 months so can't judge what is from that and what is T anymore. I know when I started T my hunger increased exponentially.


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  • Admin

Jordyn -- my bad, you are right, it was late for me too and I goofed up your transition direction. I had just posted in regard to one of the guys!! Should have kept my keyboard shut!! SIGH, just means my post is pretty non-sensical. Forget what I said and listen to Johnny instead. :banghead:

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Guest JordynK

That's alright, Vicki! I was just a little confused, is all! And thanks, Johnny, that does make sense. So my brain could be telling me I need more, when I actually don't. That makes me feel a little better.

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