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working out before top surgery

Guest dinosaw

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Guest dinosaw

does working out your chest and body before you have top surgery give you a better result in anyway? or does it not really change much? im sorry if this has been asked 1 million times i tried to look for a post :)

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Guest Raging Shadow

i didnt really work out b/f surgery b/c i was worried it would make my chest look bigger. i suppose you'd look more muscled if u worked our prior, but i don't think it would just make the surgical result better. if you're trying to loose weight pre surgery, definitively go for it though being at your ideal weight at surgery will keep unexpected changes from happening later

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Guest Kael147

I had top surgery just over a week ago. I haven't worked out in over 6 months because of an injury and my surgery seems to have gone very well (keep fingers crossed for my nipples)! I have a couple friends who have worked out a lot and also have had no problems. They are a lot younger than I am and my surgeon really didn't think he was going to be able to save my nipples because my breasts were so large and he had to remove so much skin, but they are pink and while a lot smaller than before they look healthy and fine. I'm a little concerned because they look to be permanently construct, but there are worse things that could have happened.

The surgeon said he removed over two kilograms or close to five pounds off of my breasts just to give you an idea of how radical it was. I have no idea what cup size I was because I was down to a d cup when I started binding, but I gained about 50 lbs in the last 6 months so probably back up a few sizes for sure, but like I said I was binding.

This probably isn't much help, but I think the best advice I can give you is to take care of your body and your skin and a good surgeon and a lot of luck everything will be fine either way. So I'd also say that testosterone helps to reduce some of the fat in and around your breasts, so a bit of time on testosterone may actually help there too. Hopefully you don't have to bind for too long because it also does some nasty things to the breast tissue and may make the surgery harder (or so I've read somewhere on the internet).

I think the best thing to do is to talk to your surgeon and ask her what she thinks.

Good luck,


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Kael you have just scared me!! I was like an E before I started binding 5 years ago!!!! Been in T for 16 days now but I won't be having sugery for at least a year!

Back to the topic, working out before hand does help because if you have pec definition it's easier for the surgeon to know where to make the cuts. Iv seen ppl work out after surgery and have there scar line in the middle of there pecs. A healthy body is always a must before sugery anyway!

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Guest Kael147

I don't think pec definition makes it easier for the surgeon. Your pecs are there under your breasts regardless. My surgeon had to leave a bunch of fat anyway to match my body type (I'm about 50 lbs over weight), so he didn't go right down to my pecs anyway. He says that if I lose weight the fat will go away as well, but we'll see. Don't be scared it'll be fine!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Crossroads

I think it's important to note that the more fit a patient is, no matter what surgery they have, the faster healing time is seen. So it never hurts to be in shape. That said, I think that much of this depends on breast size. My feeling is that across the board, thinner guys with smaller breasts have the best results. After that comes thinner guys with larger breasts.

From what I've discussed with surgeons, the pec definition in this case really does matter.

Feel free to ask your surgeon as well. They are very aware of their skill level and will usually tell you these things with no issue. Just e-mail or call the office and ask for a response.

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Guest Talon

I tried to work on my chest a lot before surgery and when the surgery was over I definitely saw some definition that I don't think would've been there if I hadn't worked out. If it actually gives you a better result I don't know, in the sense that you could probably work your chest out after the surgery and get it to look great that way just as well. I think it probably depends on what your scars will be like too and if working out after surgery and stretching them might make them look weird. Maybe your surgeon can tell you more about what's best in your specific situation. Personally, I'm glad I worked out before my surgery but the result might have been just as good if I had started working out after. It's always real interesting to hear peoples' experiences on these things :)

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