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a bit about me

Guest crissy_oakley

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Guest crissy_oakley

This from an email, that I wrote to a friend in attempt to answer her questions. I thought I would share it with everybody here.

I wish I had the courage to do this, when I was 18 or younger. Growing up in rural America, there was not the support or access to the knowledge, that I craved. However, starting my transition at 43 has it own benefits and in many regards, I am glad I started later vice sooner.

It was very difficult growing up. I have always had feminine traits and my frame and facial structure, would lead to taunts when I was growing up, in early adulthood, and even now. Everybody (parents included) had suspicions I was gay. You wouldn't believe my parents relief when I introduced them to my first girlfriend. I guess technically I am gay, since I am sexually attracted to women and not men.

A memory of my childhood, resurfaced before I started HRT. During my adolescent fantasies, the earliest ones were of me, imagining I was a girl with another girl. Even though, I had no idea what a lesbian was. Later there where the fantasies of being penetrated, even though I had no understanding of homosexuality.

It wasn't until I stumbled upon the "Tula" issue of playboy and the "you are not alone" and "laura's closet" websites, when I knew I wasn't alone. There were people out there like me.

I am now starting to fully grasp the power of gender. I had no choice in this matter. I tried to ignore it and push it aside. I developed a personality which was not my own to hide who I really was, from the outside world. I was never honest with myself so I could never be honest with others. I can't even comprehend how many relationships and friendships were damaged or destroyed due to the aires I put on, to hide Christine.

I made my first baby steps back in 2005 but took a few steps backward. I made the decision in March 2011 that I was going to start the transition, before I went on my last deployment. When I returned in December 2011, I hit the ground running and I haven't looked back.

I have never thought as myself as transgender and I don't now. I see myself as a woman. I have mixed feelings about the whole trans/trans-man/trans-lesbian/trans-ect. ect. etc... While I would identify myself as a woman, I am only a woman psychologically and not physiologically.

Even after the hormones take full effect and I complete gender reassignment, it is only a cosmetic change. The real change is taking place between my ears. I need remove the vestiges of the damage to my psyche caused by years of denial, of who I am.

Yes, I do plan on, "going all the way". The hard part is having to wait until I retire, in two years.

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Guest crissy_oakley

When I came out, the change in my personality was almost immediate. I am not sure I perceived the extent of the change but my friends did. How I see myself and how my friends see me, has been almost exclusively positive.

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Guest crissy_oakley


Thank you.

Yes, I am still on active duty. I decided I couldn't continue to make excuses, so I started my transition prior to retirement. SRS/GRS is going to be my retirement present.

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  • Forum Moderator

After 18 months of transition I am surprised at how much of myself and my real personality I had suppressed. Some things are just now surfacing. And it does feel so very good to finally be free at last,

To be able to take the top off the bottle and let the fenie come out.

I hope your journey is as rewarding and fulfilling as well. It is a slow process so starting now will give you plenty of time before you retire. Many of us who had spent decades in denying our real needs feel this urge to rush headlong and I think having something to slow us down and put the brakes on a little is actually a bery good thing,

For all the angst and frustration I have found the journey itself to be a remarkable experience that has given me new life, I suspect it is the same for almost every one of us. You have good times ahead!


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  • Admin

Very well written, and well thought out, Crissy. It is an extremely persuasive bit of writing. Congrats!

Congrats also on your plans, and your upcoming retirement, and thanks so very much for your service to America. Please do be careful not to reveal yourself to your superiors, as I'm sure you know that it is grounds for dismissal.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest carolynn2fem

Sounds like a good retirment presant and it brings forth a interesting question. I was wondering if anyone was ever recalled from the fleet reserve after SRS? how would that work out

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Guest crissy_oakley


It is an interesting question. although, i would still be subject to the UCMJ, it is not illegal to transition MtF or FtM. Ifi were to come out to the military I would not be directly discharged to to transistioning. I would lose my clearance and since I wouldn't be able to perform my duties (due to a lack of security clearance), then I would be discharged. This is how the majority of discharges took place in the Navy and Marine Corps, that I was privy to, prior to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".

If I were to be recalled from the fleet reserve, i suspect i would be "medically disqualified" and would not be able to obtain a security clearance.

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Guest carolynn2fem

Most of the time I didnt need a security clearnce so I wasnt thinking about that aspect of it. being transfered to the fleet reserve as male and recalled as female would be interesting enough. would they give someone a medical discharge without benifits or increase your % of disability and leave your retirment status in tact?

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Guest crissy_oakley


Once I am retired I will be eligible for VA benefits, i.e. HRT, Therapy, etc... However, you are not eligible for disability due to Gender Dysphoria, so there would be no changes to what disability percentage, I am awarded by the VA. My retirement will not be threatened, unless I were to due something that was illegal.

If I were allowed to serve upon being recalled fro the fleet reserve, I think I would fight any attempt to be medically disqualified. There are only about 25 personnel in the Navy with my speciality and I would use factor in my appeal.


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    • Sol
      Hello, I figured here was a good place to post this! This is really just a rant, so I'm just talking to the void.  I use the term trans man to refer to myself, which is accurate and covers about ~70% of what I'm going for. But I'm very gender nonconforming because I still like a lot of women's clothes, namely anything with ruffles and skirts (I love skirts, they're so fun). Most of the time I present very masculine (I don't pass but that's not a goal of mine anyway), but other times I go with a more feminine style because why not? If I'm not searing people's eyes with all the bright colors and patterns I wear, what's the point?  But the other ~30% I feel is genderless, which is why I explored an agender identity for a bit. I'm both masculine and genderless at the same time, because ultimately I feel like I'm just me. The phrase "vaguely masculine" comes to mind since that's mostly how I feel.  I have looked into other labels for this but I like trans man the best. I think part of this genderless aspect does clash with societal gender roles, which I frankly and openly hate, so I'll continue to be as GNC as possible because that's what makes me happy and spits on superficial roles. If anyone relates to this and wants to share their experience, feel free!
    • Carolyn Marie
      https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/05/31/a-proclamation-on-lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-queer-and-intersex-pride-month-2024/     Carolyn Marie
    • Sol
      Jumping in here.  Hi, I'm an asexual trans man, although my asexuality isn't due to trauma but it has affected my perception toward my body and how I interact with it.  To answer your question as best I can: yes, you can absolutely be trans and asexual, I'm living proof! I wouldn't classify wearing lingerie as being related to gender at all, but that's my own personal interpretation since I think anyone can wear lingerie if they want. Lingerie also doesn't have to have a sexual aspect, but can take on a more sensual one (sensual is basically related more to intimacy outside of sex). I'd like to get lingerie myself when I have the funds, some of it looks fun.  Sexuality and gender can intertwine but are ultimately two separate things. I realize I was aroace (aromantic asexual) before I realized I was trans, and that does likely influence aspects of my gender identity to a certain degree. This is mostly in regard to how I view my body; bodies are bodies to me, and aren't inherently sexual and them being sexual is dependent on a sexual context. So just wearing lingerie isn't sexual to me at all, it's just wearing fancy underwear. And going back to the sensual aspect of lingerie, I believe that can be tied to self love and self care.  Do keep in mind that this is simply my own take on it.  I'm also bouncing off the others when I say talking to someone like a therapist can be potentially helpful. If you do decide to go this route, then keep in mind that you don't have to tackle the big stuff right away, and if you aren't ready then that's okay, but I'd recommend looking into coping mechanisms. I'm not going to lie and say that talking to a therapist is easy; it's not and can be very soul bearing, and even I have trouble being 100% upfront sometimes. Push your boundaries a little but not enough to break, which takes practice but I think you'll get there.  Ultimately, you've gotta do what's best for you and your health (mental, physical, and emotional), so I highly encourage you to explore what that could look like and how to get there.  Good luck to you going forward, I'm genuinely proud of you for sharing and reaching out, and I hope your night terrors get better!
    • Mmindy
      Good luck @KymmieL   Hugs,   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • Mmindy
      Welcome to TransPulseForums @Curious-star   I hope you find this site as helpful as I do. It’s not therapy but it’s close, no matter what you’re feeling or going through someone here is quick to respond. We have members from all around the world, the chances are very good that you will have someone reach out to you.    Best wishes, stay positive and motivated.   Mindy🌈🐛🏳️‍⚧️🦋
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Well, for the purposes of this topic, I'll just say that I want a republic where Trump isn't the best we can hope for.    People where I live will vote for him no matter what, felony court cases or not, because we simply cannot stomach the alternatives.  We'd rather have Putin than Biden.  At least Putin, Orban, and Trump are nationalists (sort of), in spite of all the other bad stuff that goes along with that.  In my lifetime, he's the closest thing people here have had to a president they actually like.  That is the source of his support.  And it doesn't say much good about him, really, just bad about all the other choices.    So...what happens in November?  Will there even be an election?  If Trump becomes ineligible for office, who do the Republicans run?  Or maybe we just have an election with Libertarians vs Democrats?  Chase Oliver has some good things going...
    • Willow
      Hello @Curious-star   Welcome to Transgender Pulse we have many members with a lot of similarities.  Check out our various threads and posts.  Look into our chats and online meetings.   good luck with your journey.   Willow
    • Curious-star
      Hi, just thought I would say hello, I’m kind of new to all this, being in my mid 40s, have a wife and daughter and never questioned my gender till now.   This all start after a dream where I was stood I front of my family and friends wearing a bra the wonderful euphoric feeling I felt, felt real, I decided to buy one and try it and that euphoria was now really real and only confused me further, the bra I bought did not fit so I plucked up the courage to go to a shop and get properly fitted, wow what an experience I would recommend this to anyone, I walked out of the shop wearing my new bra with so much confidence.    I am extremely sensitive and empathetic to a point I know I have an inner her. I have always loved talking to women as I feel I am on the same level and sometimes I find it hard to open up to male friends, I have had body dystrophy but I don’t think it’s because I’m male and not female, I think it’s because I am just overweight, I am very muscular and have a lot of body hairy and a beard which I have no issue with.   i am very confused with the whole situation and maybe it would be easier just to take the view you were born male so your a man but that doesn’t seem right and my journey, which has only been a few months if I have gained anything it is an utmost respect for anyone who has even asked the question who or what am I.   every answer I get just brings more questions    sorry that was a bit more than just a hello!!  
    • Ivy
      I am a bit discouraged these days.  But It does seem to me that our problems can only be addressed when we learn how to work together, and yeah that does mean on a global scale.   Unfortunately it seems to be the case that too many are still only in it for themselves, trying to accumulate personal wealth and power.   Local cooperation is good, and it doesn't seem impossible for it to be had on a wider scale if we can have some respect for each other.  But we seem to be too interested in preserving our local turfs.  A prime example is our current all or nothing politics. We are prioritizing competition over cooperation. I've grown cynical, unfortunately.  I fear we are going to destroy our selves.  Perhaps the future generations will do better.  One can hope.
    • Ashley0616
      They start you off with a low dose to see how the body reacts. It takes time for any results to actually take effect. There might be a placebo effect for now. Trust the process and know it’s not a sprint it’s an endurance. I would ask the NP to see about patches, gel or injections. The pill has known to be worse in the side effects. In my first year I have gained some breast growth. I started as a 42C and now a 42 DD but it’s also probably because I’m big. Weight loss for me is almost impossible. If I could get off my gut and go to hips and breast I wouldn’t mind. Enjoy and congratulations on the start of your new life. 
    • Betty K
    • Vidanjali
      Thanks for that info & yes it totally makes sense.
    • Carolyn Marie
      Yes, I'm one of the Baby Boomer generation you speak of.  I am proud of the "globalists" of the past, who accomplished things like the Marshall Plan, the creation of NATO, the efforts to bring peace to places like Kosovo and the efforts to fight the Taliban and free Qatar from Iraqi aggression, as well as the coordinated efforts in space exploration, and fighting worldwide hunger and disease, including Covid.   There were many, many mistakes made as well, and all my Boomer friends and relatives regret those.  But I don't believe for a minute that the U.S. would be better off isolating itself and turning back the clock 100 or 150 years.  Those were NOT the "good old days" for most people.   I'm not sure what kind of "new republic" you are hoping for.  But based on your prior statements about the world you desire, it is not a republic I wish to live in.  Isolationism is not the panacea you think it will be, @awkward-yet-sweet.  I'll leave it at that.   Carolyn Marie
    • Carolyn Marie
      Thanks for this first-hand account of the festivities, @VickySGV.  Congratulations to the Chorus and all who were recognized.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
    • Betty K
      Wow, that is a sad story. I am so sorry you had to endure that as a child. As the others have said, yes, you can quite easily be trans and asexual, and many people are. Being trans is not a sexuality, and any suggestions to the contrary are considered fringe beliefs nowadays. Having said that, you would not necessarily “be classed as trans for liking to dress up in lingerie occasionally “. You may well be trans, but a habit of crossdressing now and then doesn’t necessarily make you so; the question of transness goes deeper than that. As the others have said, a good therapist (one who practices the gender affirming model and not so-called “exploratory therapy”AKA conversion therapy) can help you discover the true nature of your gender identity. Only you can know what this is, but it can take the right questions to uncover it.    Just to be clear, studies suggest that many if not most trans women have been sexually aroused by crossdressing at one time or another, usually pre-transition, but that does not mean they have a fetish. Studies also suggest — as do my cis girlfriends — that many cis women have been aroused by wearing certain clothes too. To me it makes perfect sense that this arousal might be greater in certain pre-transition trans women, due to both (a) the stigma attached to their so-called crossdressing, and (b) how rarely they get to glimpse themselves as women. Added to which, I hear that many bi/lesbian cis women are turned on by their own reflections (Billie Eilish is the latest to admit it), so why shouldn’t bi/lesbian trans women be too? 
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