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A BIIIIGGG Step - Went out as Claire

Guest Claire_H

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Guest Claire_H

Well I went and did it,

I went to my therapy session in full Claire mode - Black wolly hat with glittery bow, wig, full make up, My Sara Lund sweater, Pink Camisole, Bra, Breast forms, Grey Calf length skirt, lacy panties, Dark red ribbed tights and flat heeled black knee high boots, Necklace & bracelet my mum gave me on monday (forgot the ring & earrings). Kays only comment was the blusher was a bit over done. She did admit at the end that her 1st reaction on seeing me was not bad. The first couple of hundred yards out of the house were nervous but after that it got better and in the end I didn't take the back roads and went via the edge of the town centre shopping area. Passed quite a few people and didn't hear any comments and nobody crossed the road to avoid me. None of the children I passed ran away screamimg Managed to make eye contact with a couple of womwn on the way home.

When I got home my mum came up to me and gave me a hug and said 'That was a brave thing to do and I'm sort of proud of you' then corrected herself and said 'No I am proud of you.'




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A hint: Less is more... The less you want to be seen, the less glitter and glam.

I'm a medium to high glam girl on occasions. ;)

Congrats, it's huge step forward

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I'm proud of you too. It isn't always an easy road traveled taking the steps needed to become our true selves.


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Guest Kylie2112

A hint: Less is more... The less you want to be seen, the less glitter and glam.

I'm a medium to high glam girl on occasions. ;)

Congrats, it's huge step forward

Agreed here. I haven't been "sir"'d in person in months (phone is a different story...then again, I don't really worry about voice), and the glammiest I usually get is foundation and eye shadow :) Part of what makes it really easy to clock you is being vastly overdressed...usually a skirt/leggings/blouse/boots won't be too much if you want something very girly without looking like you got separated from your pageant :) We're all here to help!

Congrats are in order, though!

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Hey Claire,

Lucy and Bobbi have it painted right on the nails! It does get easier, more so each time, like Lucy stated. I am almost always casual en fem. Like Bobbi stated, I can only go uncomfortably in drag, if I am doing a grimy job for a few hours and don't want to wreck my clothes. It gets better. You too, will find your daily style. Hug. JodyAnn

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Guest Clair Dufour

That's great Claire. The rue of thumb is, wear what the other women are wearing. Of course if you live in a Chave area, you get a lot more leeway!

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  • Admin

Big Congrats, Claire! You will remember that day always, and I'm glad it was a success. I think many of us, myself included, overdo it a bit at first, wanting to be extra girly so as not to be mistaken for "him." Once you realize you won't be mistaken, you'll relax and be yourself. It takes time to develop ones own sense of style. It took me many months, so don't feel rushed. It also takes time (and money) to assemble a decent wardrobe.

Best wishes for a lifetime of being you.


Carolyn Marie

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Guest Claire_H

Thank you all for your replies

If it wasn't for the advice and support I've had from you all I would still be a very depressed and confused person still denying who I am. If you look in my gallery you can see how bad I looked. In my defense I only tried Foundation, Blusher & Eyeliner at the start of this week.

I've pretty much left Male clothes behind at home (it's now 3 weeks since I wore anything other than a skirt after 6pm and 5 weeks since the majority of what I wear at home has womens sizes on the lables) I've been to the therapist twice in womens trousers & jumpers but as my male self, this was the 1st time as Claire.

Once again Thank you for the support




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  • Forum Moderator

It is so liberating to be oneself in the outside world. Smile at women. Its amazing they smile back and you simply feel more comfortable. Your mom sounds like a peach! Maybe she will help you with makeup.



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Guest Claire_H

Maybe she will help you with makeup.

Unfortunatly she has never really worn makeup and pretty much the first thing she said to me when I came out was that she would be no help when it comes to makeup.




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Guest KerryUK

Wow Claire,

That is fantastic and I think you have taken one of the biggest steps. Well done you. I still have that step to take - though I am already mostly wearing femme things anyway but still have to actually take the full time RLE step. I take encouragement that I can do it too.

My wife said the same thing to me too - about the make-up, so I'm just trying bit by bit.

Thanks for sharing Claire,


K x.

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